\name{IsraelPalestineConflict} \docType{data} \alias{IsraelPalestineConflict} \title{Weekly Goldstein Scaled Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Data, 1979-2003} \description{ This data set gives Goldstein scaled totals that summarize the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from April 1979 - December 2003. These are dyadic or directed actions from one party towards the other. Data are weekly starting April 15, 1979. Positive values indicate cooperation, negative values indicate aggression. These are a subset of the Levant dataset from the Kansas / Penn State Event Data System Levant dataset. The data are from Reuters and AFP news sources and encoded into the World Event Interaction Survey (WEIS) coding system and Goldstein scalings using the Penn State Event Data System TABARI program. Source data can be found on the KEDS site below. } \usage{data(IsraelPalestineConflict)} \format{A matrix containing 1278 observations. Column one, "i2p", is the Israeli actions towards the Palestinians and column two, "p2i" is the Palestinian actions towards the Israelis.} \source{Brandt, Patrick T. and John R. Freeman. 2006. "Advances in Bayesian Time Series Modeling and the Study of Politics: Theory Testing, Forecasting, and Policy Analysis" \emph{Political Analysis} 14(1):1-36. } \references{ Brandt, Patrick T. and John R. Freeman. 2006. "Advances in Bayesian Time Series Modeling and the Study of Politics: Theory Testing, Forecasting, and Policy Analysis" \emph{Political Analysis} 14(1):1-36. Goldstein, Joshua. S. 1992. "A Conflict-Cooperation Scale for WEIS Event Data" \emph{Journal of Conflict Resolution}. 36:369-385. Penn State Event Data Project \url{http://eventdata.psu.edu} } \keyword{datasets}