\name{plot.forecast} \alias{plot.forecast} %\alias{plot.forecast.VAR} %\alias{plot.forecast.BVAR} %\alias{plot.forecast.BSVAR} \title{Plot function for forecasts} \description{ Generates simple plots of forecasts obtained from forecast.VAR / forecast.BVAR / forecast.B-SVAR} \usage{ \method{plot}{forecast}(x, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ Plots generated from forecast genrated through fitted VAR, BVAR, or B-SVAR model from \code{\link{forecast}}}. \item{...}{ Other graphics parameters} } \details{ Generates a plot in the current graphics device for the m time series in the respective (B)VAR model. } \value{ None. Generates a plot in the current graphics device.} %\references{} \author{ Patrick T. Brandt} \seealso{\code{\link{summary}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ plot(x) } } \keyword{ print} \keyword{ models} \keyword{ manip}