//$$ newmatex.cpp Exception handler // Copyright (C) 1992,3,4,7: R B Davies #define WANT_STREAM // include.h will get stream fns #include "include.h" // include standard files #include "newmat.h" #ifdef use_namespace namespace NEWMAT { #endif unsigned long OverflowException::Select; unsigned long SingularException::Select; unsigned long NPDException::Select; unsigned long ConvergenceException::Select; unsigned long ProgramException::Select; unsigned long IndexException::Select; unsigned long VectorException::Select; unsigned long NotSquareException::Select; unsigned long SubMatrixDimensionException::Select; unsigned long IncompatibleDimensionsException::Select; unsigned long NotDefinedException::Select; unsigned long CannotBuildException::Select; unsigned long InternalException::Select; static void MatrixDetails(const GeneralMatrix& A) // write matrix details to Exception buffer { MatrixBandWidth bw = A.BandWidth(); int ubw = bw.upper; int lbw = bw.lower; BaseException::AddMessage("MatrixType = "); BaseException::AddMessage(A.Type().Value()); BaseException::AddMessage(" # Rows = "); BaseException::AddInt(A.Nrows()); BaseException::AddMessage("; # Cols = "); BaseException::AddInt(A.Ncols()); if (lbw >=0) { BaseException::AddMessage("; lower BW = "); BaseException::AddInt(lbw); } if (ubw >=0) { BaseException::AddMessage("; upper BW = "); BaseException::AddInt(ubw); } BaseException::AddMessage("\n"); } NPDException::NPDException(const GeneralMatrix& A) : Runtime_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("detected by Newmat: matrix not positive definite\n\n"); MatrixDetails(A); Tracer::AddTrace(); } SingularException::SingularException(const GeneralMatrix& A) : Runtime_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("detected by Newmat: matrix is singular\n\n"); MatrixDetails(A); Tracer::AddTrace(); } ConvergenceException::ConvergenceException(const GeneralMatrix& A) : Runtime_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("detected by Newmat: process fails to converge\n\n"); MatrixDetails(A); Tracer::AddTrace(); } ConvergenceException::ConvergenceException(const char* c) : Runtime_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("detected by Newmat: "); AddMessage(c); AddMessage("\n\n"); if (c) Tracer::AddTrace(); } OverflowException::OverflowException(const char* c) : Runtime_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("detected by Newmat: "); AddMessage(c); AddMessage("\n\n"); if (c) Tracer::AddTrace(); } ProgramException::ProgramException(const char* c) : Logic_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("detected by Newmat: "); AddMessage(c); AddMessage("\n\n"); if (c) Tracer::AddTrace(); } ProgramException::ProgramException(const char* c, const GeneralMatrix& A) : Logic_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("detected by Newmat: "); AddMessage(c); AddMessage("\n\n"); MatrixDetails(A); if (c) Tracer::AddTrace(); } ProgramException::ProgramException(const char* c, const GeneralMatrix& A, const GeneralMatrix& B) : Logic_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("detected by Newmat: "); AddMessage(c); AddMessage("\n\n"); MatrixDetails(A); MatrixDetails(B); if (c) Tracer::AddTrace(); } ProgramException::ProgramException(const char* c, MatrixType a, MatrixType b) : Logic_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("detected by Newmat: "); AddMessage(c); AddMessage("\nMatrixTypes = "); AddMessage(a.Value()); AddMessage("; "); AddMessage(b.Value()); AddMessage("\n\n"); if (c) Tracer::AddTrace(); } VectorException::VectorException() : Logic_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("detected by Newmat: cannot convert matrix to vector\n\n"); Tracer::AddTrace(); } VectorException::VectorException(const GeneralMatrix& A) : Logic_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("detected by Newmat: cannot convert matrix to vector\n\n"); MatrixDetails(A); Tracer::AddTrace(); } NotSquareException::NotSquareException(const GeneralMatrix& A) : Logic_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("detected by Newmat: matrix is not square\n\n"); MatrixDetails(A); Tracer::AddTrace(); } SubMatrixDimensionException::SubMatrixDimensionException() : Logic_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("detected by Newmat: incompatible submatrix dimension\n\n"); Tracer::AddTrace(); } IncompatibleDimensionsException::IncompatibleDimensionsException() : Logic_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("detected by Newmat: incompatible dimensions\n\n"); Tracer::AddTrace(); } IncompatibleDimensionsException::IncompatibleDimensionsException (const GeneralMatrix& A, const GeneralMatrix& B) : Logic_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("detected by Newmat: incompatible dimensions\n\n"); MatrixDetails(A); MatrixDetails(B); Tracer::AddTrace(); } NotDefinedException::NotDefinedException(const char* op, const char* matrix) : Logic_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("detected by Newmat: "); AddMessage(op); AddMessage(" not defined for "); AddMessage(matrix); AddMessage("\n\n"); Tracer::AddTrace(); } CannotBuildException::CannotBuildException(const char* matrix) : Logic_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("detected by Newmat: cannot build matrix type "); AddMessage(matrix); AddMessage("\n\n"); Tracer::AddTrace(); } IndexException::IndexException(int i, const GeneralMatrix& A) : Logic_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("detected by Newmat: index error: requested index = "); AddInt(i); AddMessage("\n\n"); MatrixDetails(A); Tracer::AddTrace(); } IndexException::IndexException(int i, int j, const GeneralMatrix& A) : Logic_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("detected by Newmat: index error: requested indices = "); AddInt(i); AddMessage(", "); AddInt(j); AddMessage("\n\n"); MatrixDetails(A); Tracer::AddTrace(); } IndexException::IndexException(int i, const GeneralMatrix& A, bool) : Logic_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("detected by Newmat: element error: requested index (wrt 0) = "); AddInt(i); AddMessage("\n\n"); MatrixDetails(A); Tracer::AddTrace(); } IndexException::IndexException(int i, int j, const GeneralMatrix& A, bool) : Logic_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage( "detected by Newmat: element error: requested indices (wrt 0) = "); AddInt(i); AddMessage(", "); AddInt(j); AddMessage("\n\n"); MatrixDetails(A); Tracer::AddTrace(); } InternalException::InternalException(const char* c) : Logic_error() { Select = BaseException::Select; AddMessage("internal error detected by Newmat: please inform author\n"); AddMessage(c); AddMessage("\n\n"); Tracer::AddTrace(); } /************************* ExeCounter functions *****************************/ #ifdef DO_REPORT int ExeCounter::nreports; // will be set to zero ExeCounter::ExeCounter(int xl, int xf) : line(xl), fileid(xf), nexe(0) {} ExeCounter::~ExeCounter() { nreports++; // cout << "REPORT " << setw(6) << nreports << " " // << setw(6) << fileid << " " << setw(6) << line // << " " << setw(6) << nexe << "\n"; } #endif /**************************** error handler *******************************/ void MatrixErrorNoSpace(void* v) { if (!v) Throw(Bad_alloc()); } // throw exception if v is null /************************* miscellanous errors ***************************/ void CroutMatrix::GetRow(MatrixRowCol&) { Throw(NotDefinedException("GetRow","Crout")); } void CroutMatrix::GetCol(MatrixRowCol&) { Throw(NotDefinedException("GetCol","Crout")); } void CroutMatrix::operator=(const BaseMatrix&) { Throw(NotDefinedException("=","Crout")); } void BandLUMatrix::GetRow(MatrixRowCol&) { Throw(NotDefinedException("GetRow","BandLUMatrix")); } void BandLUMatrix::GetCol(MatrixRowCol&) { Throw(NotDefinedException("GetCol","BandLUMatrix")); } void BandLUMatrix::operator=(const BaseMatrix&) { Throw(NotDefinedException("=","BandLUMatrix")); } void BaseMatrix::IEQND() const { Throw(NotDefinedException("inequalities", "matrices")); } #ifdef TEMPS_DESTROYED_QUICKLY_R ReturnMatrixX::ReturnMatrixX(const ReturnMatrixX& tm) : gm(tm.gm) { Throw(ProgramException("ReturnMatrixX error")); } #endif #ifdef use_namespace } #endif