MEME Suite Alphabets
- The two IUPAC alphabets are allowed.
- The protein alphabet contains twenty
characters for amino acids ("ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY"),
and is augmented by four more ambiguous characters ("BUXZ").
A alanine P proline B aspartate or asparagine Q glutamine C cystine R arginine D aspartate S serine E glutamate T threonine F phenylalanine U any G glycine V valine H histidine W tryptophan I isoleucine Y tyrosine K lysine Z glutamate or glutamine L leucine X any M methionine N asparagine
The four-character DNA alphabet ("ACGT") is augmented by eleven
ambiguous characters:
A --> adenosine M --> A C (amino) C --> cytidine S --> G C (strong) G --> guanine W --> A T (weak) T --> thymidine B --> G T C D --> G A T R --> G A (purine) H --> A C T Y --> T C (pyrimidine) V --> G C A K --> G T (keto) N --> A G C T (any)
- The protein alphabet contains twenty
characters for amino acids ("ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY"),
and is augmented by four more ambiguous characters ("BUXZ").
- Any other characters (digits, punctuation, etc.) are illegal.