beadstring -- not currently supported


beadstring [options] <motifs> <database>


Beadstring builds a linear hidden Markov model (HMM) from the motifs and motif occurences listed in the motif file, and uses that HMM to search a sequence database for a particular ordered series of motifs. A description of the algorithm is found in:

Grundy, Bailey, Elkan and Baker. "Meta-MEME: Motif-based Hidden Markov Models of Protein Families". Computer Applications in the Biosciences. 13(4):397-406, 1997.

By default, the order and spacing of motifs in the model is determined from the "Summary of Motifs" section of the MEME input file. Beadstring searches the summary for the sequence that contains the maximal number of distinct motif occurrences. If there is a tie, then beadstring selects the sequence with the smallest combined p-value. Beadstring then eliminates all but the most significant occurrence of each motif and uses the resulting order and spacing of motif occurrences to initialize the HMM. This procedure can be overridden by selecting the --motif, --motif-e-thresh, --motif-p-thresh or --order options.

The command line option --p-score activates an alternative scoring mode, called "p-value scoring." This scoring method is described in

Bailey and Noble. "Searching for statistically significant regulatory modules." Bioinformatics 19(Suppl 2):ii16-ii25, 2003.



Beadstring will create a directory, named beadstring_out by default. Any existing output files in the directory will be overwritten. The directory will contain:

The default output directory can be overridden using the --o or --oc options which are described below.


Options related to input and output:

Options related to selecting motifs for the model:

Options related to building the model:

Options related to scoring: