
Usage: chen2meme [options]


Read a CHEN matrix file and convert to MEME format. You may concatenate files for more than one motif.


Reads standard input.

Concatenated CHEN files describe one or more motifs. Each motif has a header line and a position-weight matrix.

A probability matrix and optionally a log-odds matrix are output for each motif. The probability matrix is computed using pseudo-counts consisting of the background frequency (see -bg, below) multiplied by the total pseudocounts (see -pseudo, below). The log-odds matrix uses the background frequencies in the denominator and is log base 2.


-skip <ID>
skip this ID (may be repeated)
-bg <background file>
file with background frequencies of letters; default: uniform background
-pseudo <total pseudocounts>
add <total pseudocounts> times letter background to each frequency; default: 0
print log-odds matrix, too; default: print frequency matrix only
-url <website>
website for the motif; The motif name is substituted for MOTIF_NAME;
print usage message


Writes MEME format to standard output.

Sample Input:

2       64      4       10
1       66      1       12
52      1       0       27
0       0       0       80
0       0       0       80
0       5       74      1
3       1       1       75
3       49      14      14
57      9       0       14
1       0       3       76
1       3       46      30
4       48      12      16
30      16      3       31
31      12      19      18
41      12      12      15
16      20      12      32
11      216     13      99
168     10      1       160
1       6       2       330
12      0       8       319
21      92      213     13
98      5       5       231
68      93      37      141
326     0       4       9
0       0       0       339
0       0       319     20
4       289     19      27
288     1       1       49
212     25      73      29
294     8       23      14
55      28      54      202