Installation instructions

Basic Installation

Unzip and de-tar the distribution file as follows:
        tar xzf metameme-3.3.arch.tar.gz
        gunzip metameme-3.3.arch.tar.gz
        tar xf metameme-3.3.arch.tar

This will expand the Meta-MEME files into a directory named 'metameme_3.3'. If you have downloaded a binary distribution you will find the compiled components of Meta-MEME in the bin subdirectory.

You will need to add the Meta-MEME bin directory to your path. If you use 'csh' add the following lines to your .cshrc or .login file

        set path = ($path install-path/bin)
If you use 'sh' or 'bash' add the following lines to your .profile or .bash_profile file:
        export PATH
In both cases 'install-path' is the path to the directory where you installed Meta-MEME).

If you have downloaded a source only distribution you will need to configure and build the program. Configure the installation using the commands:

cd metameme_3.3
./configure --enable-metameme --prefix=<directory>
where <directory> is the path to where you want Meta-MEME to be installed. If you omit the --prefix argument Meta-MEME will be installed to /usr/local.

Once you have configured the installation you can build and install Meta-MEME using the commands:

make test
make install
'make' compiles the Meta-MEME software, 'make check' tests basic Meta-MEME functionality to see if the build was successful, and 'make install' copies the Meta-MEME components to the directory specified in the configuration step. The command 'make uninstall' will remove the Meta-MEME components from the installation directory and the command 'make clean' will remove compiled files from the build directory.

Advanced Installation Options

Using An Alternate Compiler

Meta-MEME prefers the 'gcc' compiler. If this compiler is not available on your system, you can specify that a different compiler should be used by passing a CC argument to 'configure'. For example:
./configure CC=c89 --enable-metameme --prefix=/opt/meta-meme

Supporting Multiple Architectures

If you wish to support Meta-MEME on multiple processor architectures from a single directory tree you can use the --exec-prefix option of configure. Processor architecture specific files will be put in the directory specified by the --exec-prefix. For example, if you were building Meta-MEME for Linux on a 686 processor, you would used the command:
./configure --enable-metameme --prefix=/opt/meta-meme --exec-prefix=/opt/meta-meme/Linux686
This would place common files in the directory /opt/meta-meme while the processor dependent files would be installed to /opt/meta-meme/Linux686.

Installing the Meta-MEME Web Application

The Meta-MEME distribution includes an optional Perl CGI web application. These files are not built or installed by default. To install the web components configure the build with the command:
./configure --enable-metameme --prefix=<directory> --enable-web[=<web directory>] \
           [--with-url=<url>] \
           [--with-contact=<contact>] \
           [--with-perl-shebang=<perl path>]
The --enable-web argument turns on building of the web application. The optional web directory argument specifies where the web application should be installed to. The default is the web subdirectory of the Meta-MEME directory. The optional --with-url argument specifies the root URL of the web application. This defaults to http://localhost/meta-meme. The optional --contact arugment specifies the email address of the administrator for the web appications. This defaults to webmaster@`hostname`. The optional --with-perl-shebang argument allows you to specify the path to the version of Perl the application should use. This defaults to /usr/bin/perl

Once you have run the configure command make and make install will include the web applications components in the build and installation. After the web application is installed you will need to configure your web server to serve the web pages in the htdocs subdirectory, and to enable CGI in the htdocs/cgi-bin subdirectory.

Meta-MEME has been tested on SunOS, Solaris, DEC Alpha and SGI Irix systems. All Meta-MEME code is written in ANSI C and should easily port to other systems. If you have any problems installing or using Meta-MEME, please don't hesitate to send email to

Author: William Stafford Noble.