mhmm -- not currently supported

Usage: mhmm [options] <MEME file>


This program creates motif-based hidden Markov models (HMMs) of families of related biosequences. The program takes as input a set of DNA or protein motif models constructed by MEME and produces as output a single HMM containing the given motifs. mhmm can produce three types of models: linear models, in which the motifs are arranged like beads on a string, completely connected models, which allow for repetitions of motifs and for motifs to appear in any order, and star models. mhmm writes its output in a format readable by the other Meta-MEME programs, mhmms and mhmmscan.

Three types of models may be produced. A linear motif-based HMM consists of a sequence of motif models, each separated by one or more tied insert states that represent the spacer region between motifs. A completely connected model, on the other hand, includes transitions from the end of each motif to the beginning of every other motif in the model (with a spacer model along each transition). This more general topology allows for motifs that are repeated, deleted or shuffled. A star model is also available. By default, the program produces a linear model.

Transition probabilities among motifs are derived from the motif occurence information in the given MEME file. For the completely connected topology, this information is derived from all of the motif occurences. For the linear topology, the information is derived only from the best-scoring sequence. Alternatively, the order and spacing of motifs within a linear model may be specified via the "--order" option.



The Meta-MEME model file contains the following information:

HMM Global Information

The list of states in the Meta-MEME model begins with eight lines that specify the global characteristics of the model. These lines tell

HMM States

Following the global characteristics is a list of state descriptions. Each state description consists of six lines. These lines tell

The final item (the list of emission probabilities) is omitted from the start and end states, which do not emit letters.

Transition probability matrix

The Meta-MEME model file ends with a square matrix containing n rows and n columns, where n is the number of states in the model. The entry in row i, column j of this matrix is the probability of transitioning from state i to state j in the model. Consequently, each row in the matrix sums to 1.0.


The program allows five different ways of selecting motifs from the input file. The default method is to select all the motifs. The first four command-line options provide alternative means of selecting motifs. All of these four options are mutually exclusive.

Bugs: None known.

Author: William Stafford Noble.