
motiph [options] <alignment file> <tree file> <motif file>


Scan a DNA multiple sequence alignment for occurrences of given motifs, taking into account the phylogenetic tree relating the sequences. Note: any sequences containing nothing but gaps are removed from the alignment.

The algorithm is as follows:

      A = a multiple alignment
      T = a phylogenetic tree
      M = a motif frequency matrix
      B = the background frequencies of the four bases in A
      U = a background evolutionary model with equilibrium frequencies B

      // Build evolutionary models.
      for j in positions of M {
        E[j] = an evolutionary model with equilibrium frequencies 
          from the jth position of M

      // Build matrix of all possible scores
      for i in all possible alignment columns {
        for j in positions of M {
          foreground = site_likelihood(E[j], A[:][i], T)
          background = site_likelihood(U, A[:][i] T)
          score_matrix[i][j] = log_2(foreground / background)
      // Calculate p-values of all possible scores for motif sized windows
      // windows in the alignment.
      pvalues = get_pv_lookup(score_matrix, B)

      // Calculate score for each motif sized window in the alignment.
      for i in columns of A {
        score = 0
        for j in positions of M {
          index = calculate the index of A[:][i + j] in the array
            of all possible alignment columns
          score = score + score_matrix[index][j]
        print pvalues[score]

The core of the algorithm is a routine (site_likelihood) for scoring a particular column of the multiple alignment using a given evolutionary model and a given phylogenetic tree. The alignment site provides the observed nucleotides at the base of the tree, and we sum over the unobserved nucleotides in the rest of the tree, conditioning on the equilibrium distribution from the evolutionary model at the root of the tree (Felsenstein Pruning Algorithm). The tree must be a maximum likelihood tree, of the kind generated by DNAml from Phylip or by FastDNAml. Branch lengths in the tree are converted to conditional probabilities using the specified evolutionary model.

Input: Output:

The output is in GFF format with the forward and reverse scores listed as separate features. The scores are the p-values for the observed alignment columns in the motif sized windows.

Options: Warning messages: None Bugs: