
Usage: transfac2meme [options] <matrix file>


Extract motifs from a TRANSFAC 'matrix.dat' file and print them in MEME Version 4 format.

Counts are converted to frequencies using pseudo-counts determined by the backgoround frequencies and the total pseudocounts (see -bg and -pseudo, below). The log-odds matrix uses the background frequencies in the denominator and is log base 2.

N.B. Dollar signs in TRANSFAC IDs are converted to underscores.


A file in TRANSFAC matrix format


use numbers instead of strings as motif names
use accession names instead of IDs
-ids <idfile>
keep any motifs listed in the file
-species <name>
keep only motifs for this species
-skip <ID>
skip this ID (may be repeated)
-bg <background file>
file with background frequencies of letters;default: uniform background
-pseudo <total pseudocounts>
add <total pseudocounts> times letter background to each frequency; default: 0
print log-odds matrix, too; default: print frequency matrix only
-url <website>
website for the motif; The ID (or accession) is substituted for MOTIF_NAME; default: no url


Writes MEME format to standard output.

Sample Input

TRANSFAC file format