# File: MemeWebUtils.pm # Project: Website CGI # Description: MemeWebUtils.pm made from MemeWebUtils.pm.in by make. Helper functions for CGI pages. package MemeWebUtils; use strict; use warnings; require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(get_safe_name get_safe_file_name getnum is_numeric get_alph valid_address valid_meme_version add_status_msg update_status loggable_date write_invocation_log); use Cwd; use Fcntl qw(O_APPEND O_CREAT O_WRONLY O_TRUNC SEEK_SET); use File::Basename qw(fileparse); use File::Copy qw(copy); use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile splitdir tmpdir); use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use HTTP::Request::Common qw(GET); use XML::Simple; use HTML::PullParser; use HTML::Template; use Scalar::Util qw(openhandle); use Sys::Hostname; use lib qw(@PERLLIBDIR@); use CatList qw(load_categories load_entry); use ExecUtils qw(invoke); # Setup logging my $logger = undef; eval { require Log::Log4perl; Log::Log4perl->import(); }; unless ($@) { Log::Log4perl::init('@APPCONFIGDIR@/logging.conf'); $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger('meme.cgi.utils'); } my $template_dir = '@WEB_DIR@/cgi-bin'; my $service_invocation_log_dir = '@MEMELOGS@'; my $tmpdir = '@TMP_DIR@'; # use the perl default if none is supplied or the replace fails $tmpdir = &tmpdir() if ($tmpdir eq '' || $tmpdir =~ m/^\@TMP[_]DIR\@$/); ############################################################################## # Functions ############################################################################## # Removes characters from a string that could cause problems in the shell # Note that it is possible that the name is reduced to nothing so you can # specify an alternate name and the length that the safe name must # exceed to avoid using the alternate name. my $SAFE_NAME_CHARACTERS = 'a-zA-Z0-9:_\.\-'; sub get_safe_name { my ($name, $alt, $len) = shift; return $alt unless $name; $len = 0 unless defined($len); $name =~ tr/ /_/; $name =~ s/[^$SAFE_NAME_CHARACTERS]//g; #remove leading dashes $name =~ s/^-+//g; #this is primarily for satisfying taint mode if ($name =~ /^([$SAFE_NAME_CHARACTERS]*)$/) { $name = $1; } else { #should never be executed die("Name contains invalid characters"); } if (length($name) > $len) { return $name; } else { return $alt; } } # Removes any path and calls get_safe_name sub get_safe_file_name { my ($file_name, $alt, $len) = shift; return $alt unless $file_name; $file_name = fileparse($file_name); # remove directory component return get_safe_name($file_name, $alt, $len); } # # Use POSIX strtod to convert a variable to a number. # # Used in # Utils # sub getnum { use POSIX qw(strtod); my $str = shift; $str =~ s/^\s+//; $str =~ s/\s+$//; $! = 0; my($num, $unparsed) = strtod($str); if (($str eq '') || ($unparsed != 0) || $!) { return undef; } else { return $num; } } # # Test whether a variable is a number. # # Used in # Utils # sub is_numeric { defined &getnum($_[0]) } # # Output large integers with commas # # sub commify { my $input = shift; $input = reverse $input; $input =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g; return reverse $input; } # # get the alphabet of a string: DNA or PROTEIN # # Used in # Utils # sub get_alph { my ($letters) = @_; # get arguments my ($old, $new, $x); $old = length($letters); # check against allowed nucleotide letters $x = $letters; $x =~ tr/ABCDGHKMNRSTUVWY//cd; # delete all letters that aren't a nucleotide letter $new = length($x); if ($old == $new) { # if nothing was deleted then it has only dna letters return("DNA", ""); } else { # check against allowed protein letters $x = $letters; $x =~ tr/ABCDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ//cd; # delete all non-protein letters $new = length($x); if ($old == $new) { # if nothing was deleted then it has only protein letters return("PROTEIN", ""); } else { # get the unknown letters $x = $letters; $x =~ tr/ABCDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ//d; # delete all known letters return("UNRECOGNIZED", $x); } } } # get_alph # # valid_address # # Checks email address syntax and host validity. # Returns 0 if the address is invalid, 1 on success. # # Merged from Validation.txt # # Used in # Utils # sub valid_address { my($addr) = @_; my($domain, $valid); return(0) unless ($addr =~ /^[^@]+@([-\w]+\.)+[A-Za-z]{2,4}$/); $domain = (split(/@/, $addr))[1]; $valid = 0; open(DNS, "nslookup -q=mx $domain |") || return(-1); while () { #my $line = (/^$domain.*mail exchanger/); $valid = 1 if (/^$domain.*\s(mail exchanger|internet address)\s=/); } return($valid); } # # valid_meme_version # # Checks a version string to ensure that it should be parsable. # Return 0 if the version is unknown or unparsable, 1 on success. # sub valid_meme_version { my ($ver_str) = @_; my @ver_strs = split(/\./, $ver_str); #check that there is a version number at all return 0 unless scalar(@ver_strs) > 0; #check that each part of a version number is actually a number my @ver_nums = (); foreach my $ver_part (@ver_strs) { my $ver_num = getnum($ver_part); return 0 unless defined $ver_num; push(@ver_nums, $ver_num); } # check the major version number if ($ver_nums[0] < 3) { return 0; # prior to version 3 is too old } # get the current version numbers my $cur_str = "@S_VERSION@"; my @cur_nums = split(/\./, $cur_str); # compare the current version to the specified while (@ver_nums && @cur_nums) { my $ver_num = shift(@ver_nums); my $cur_num = shift(@cur_nums); if ($ver_num > $cur_num) { # it's newer, hence unknown return 0; } elsif ($ver_num < $cur_num) { # older last; } } #seems to be valid return 1; } # # add_status_msg # # Adds a message to the message list # and returns the list. For use with # update_status. # sub add_status_msg { my ($msg, $msg_list) = @_; push(@$msg_list, {msg => $msg}); return $msg_list; } # # update_status # # Creates or updates the specified status file to contain the # file list only showing each of the files if they exist and # the message list. # sub update_status { my ($output_file, $program, $refresh, $files_list, $msg_list, $status) = @_; my @found_files = (); foreach my $entry (@$files_list) { my $file = $entry->{'file'}; push(@found_files, $entry) if (defined($file) && -e $file && -s $file); } my $fh; sysopen($fh, $output_file, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC) or die("Failed to open \"$output_file\"."); my $template = HTML::Template->new(filename => "$template_dir/job_status.tmpl"); $template->param(program => $program, refresh => $refresh, files => \@found_files, msgs => $msg_list, status => $status); print $fh $template->output; close($fh) or die("Failed to close \"$output_file\"."); } # # loggable_date # # Creates a date string that is suitable for putting in the service invocation log. # sub loggable_date { my $timestamp = shift; $timestamp = time() unless defined($timestamp); # old method # return `date -u '+%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'`; # new method that doesn't require forking a new process my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime($timestamp); return sprintf('%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d', $mday, $mon + 1, $year % 100, $hour, $min, $sec); } # # # write_invocation_log # # Writes the date and time of a service's invocation to a log file # sub write_invocation_log { my ($file, $start_time, $args) = @_; # the host my $host = hostname(); # the current directory without path my $jobid = (splitdir(getcwd()))[-1]; # the submission time if it is avaliable but use the start time as a default my $submit_time = $start_time; if (-e 'submit_time_file') { $submit_time = `cat submit_time_file`; unlink 'submit_time_file'; } # the end time (now) my $end_time = loggable_date(); # the email if it is avaliable but use our support address as a default my $email = 'meme@nbcr.net'; if (-e 'address_file') { $email = `cat address_file`; unlink 'address_file'; } my $logfile = catfile($service_invocation_log_dir, $file); my $logfh; sysopen($logfh, $logfile, O_CREAT | O_APPEND | O_WRONLY) or die("Unable to open invocation log for appending."); print $logfh "$host $jobid submit: $submit_time start: $start_time end: $end_time $args $email\n"; close($logfh); } # # Private Function # # Provide basic escaping of xml characters in a string. # Note that does not detect existing escaped characters # and so they would be re-escaped. # sub _fix_xml { my $text = shift; $text =~ s/&/&/g; $text =~ s//>/g; $text =~ s/"/"/g; return $text; } ############################################################################## # Object Methods ############################################################################## # # new # # Constructor. # # Used in # meme.pl # fimo.pl # glam2.pl # glam2scan.pl # gomo.pl # mast.pl # mcast.pl # sub new { my $classname = shift; my $self = {}; bless($self, $classname); $self->_init(@_); return $self; } # # Private Method # # _init # # Sets the program to the passed value. # sub _init { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my ($program, $bin_dir) = @_; $program = "" unless defined $program; $self->{PROGRAM} = $program; $self->{BIN_DIR} = $bin_dir; $self->{NERRORS} = 0; } # # get_program # # Gets the program name as passed to the constructor. # sub get_program { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; return $self->{PROGRAM}; } # # has_errors # # Returns the number of errors that have been detected. # # Used in # meme.pl # fimo.pl # glam2.pl # glam2scan.pl # gomo.pl # mast.pl # mcast.pl # sub has_errors { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; return $self->{NERRORS}; } # # Check to see whether the email address is valid. # # Used in # meme.pl # fimo.pl # glam2.pl # glam2scan.pl # gomo.pl # mast.pl # mcast.pl # sub check_address { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my ($address, $email_contact) = @_; my ($status); if (!$address) { $self->whine( "You must include a return e-mail address to receive your results.
", "Please go back and include one." ); } else { $status = valid_address($address); if ($status == 0) { $self->whine( "There is an error in your return email address:
", "     $address
", "It is possible that your email address is correct, in which case", "the problem may be that your host is behind a firewall and", "is consequently not found by the nslookup routines. Consult with", "your systems people to see if you have an nslookup-visible email", "address. If none is available, please send email to
", "     $email_contact
", "mentioning this problem." ); } } } # check_address # # Check to see whether the p-value threshold is valid. # # Used in # fimo.pl # sub check_pvalue { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my ($pvalue) = @_; if (! is_numeric($pvalue) || $pvalue < 0 || $pvalue > 1.0) { $self->whine( "You must use a number between 0 and 1 in the output threshold p-value field." ); } } # check_pvalue # # Check whether a DNA-only option is valid # # Used in # fimo.pl # sub check_dna_only { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my ($alphabet, $option, $text) = @_; if ($alphabet ne "DNA") { $self->whine("You may only use the '$option' $text."); } } # check_dna_only # # Check to see whether the description is valid. # # Used in # meme.pl # fimo.pl # glam2.pl # glam2scan.pl # gomo.pl # mast.pl # mcast.pl # sub check_description { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my ($description) = @_; $description = "" unless defined $description; if ($description =~ /[^\w _\-\(\)]/) { $self->whine( "You may only use letters, numbers, underlines, dashes, blanks and parentheses", "in the description field." ); } } # check_description # # I wanted to use the unlink1 used by File::Temp # but for some reason they don't allow it to be # exported. It shouldn't matter that I don't # get the stat compare before the delete though # as there shouldn't be any doubt that they # refer to the same file. # sub unlink1 { $logger->trace("sub unlink1") if $logger; my ($fh, $filename) = @_; close($fh); unlink($filename); } # # get sequence data # # Object method. # # Get data from a textbox or uploaded file and convert # it to FASTA format. # # Accepts optional parameters: # MAX integer the maximum count of characters in the sequences # SHUFFLE boolean should the sequences be shuffled # PURGE number when set run purge with this score # DUST number when set run dust with this cutoff # NAME string the name of the dataset to be reported in messages # ALPHA DNA|PROTEIN test the alphabet of the dataset # PASTE boolean when set select the pasted if true # # Returns fasta_data, alphabet, nseqs, min, max, ave, total # Uses object global $self->{PROGRAM} and $self->{BIN_DIR}. # # Used by # Utils # meme.pl # glam2.pl # dreme.pl # sub get_sequence_data { $logger->trace("sub get_sequence_data") if $logger; my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my $PROGRAM = $self->{PROGRAM}; my $BIN_DIR = $self->{BIN_DIR}; my ( $data, # data from textbox, if defined $file, # open filehandle from CGI.pm, if defined %options ) = @_; my $dataset_name = (defined($options{NAME}) ? $options{NAME} : 'input dataset'); my $use_pasted = $options{PASTE}; my $is_actual_seqs = 0; # return values my $fasta_data = ""; # sequence data in FASTA format my $alphabet = "UNRECOGNIZED"; # sequence alphabet DNA/PROTEIN my $nseqs = 0; # number of sequences my $min = 0; # minimum length my $max = 0; # maximum length my $ave = 0; # average length my $total = 0; # total length # temporary files my ($raw_tmp, $raw_nam); my ($cooked_tmp, $cooked_nam); my ($shuffled_tmp, $shuffled_nam); my ($purged_tmp, $purged_nam); my ($dusted_tmp, $dusted_nam); # fasta seqs (reference to one of the above) my ($fasta_tmp, $fasta_nam); # other vars my ($status, $errors, $size, $has_problems); if (defined($use_pasted)) { if ($use_pasted) { if (!$data) { $self->whine( "No actual sequences were entered for the $dataset_name but $PROGRAM ", "requires the $dataset_name to run.
", "If you still wish to submit a query, please go back and either select ", "a sequence file to upload or paste the actual sequences for the ", "$dataset_name." ); goto DONE; } } else { if (!$file) { $self->whine( "No sequence file was entered for the $dataset_name but $PROGRAM ", "requires the $dataset_name to run.
", "If you still wish to submit a query, please go back and either select ", "a sequence file to upload or paste the actual sequences for the ", "$dataset_name." ); goto DONE; } if ($file && (-s $file) == 0) { $self->whine( "The sequence file entered for the $dataset_name is empty ", "but $PROGRAM requires at least 1 sequence to run.
", "If you still wish to submit a query, please go back and select ", "a non-empty sequence file to upload or paste actual sequences for ", "the $dataset_name." ); goto DONE; } } $is_actual_seqs = $use_pasted; } else { # check that sequence data was provided if (!$file && !$data) { $self->whine( "No data was entered for the $dataset_name but $PROGRAM requires the ", "$dataset_name to run.
", "If you still wish to submit a query, please go back and either select ", "a sequence file to upload or paste the actual sequences for the ", "$dataset_name." ); goto DONE; } # don't allow both datafile and data if ($file && $data) { $self->whine( "Both the sequence file and actual sequences were entered for the ", "$dataset_name.
", "If you still wish to submit a query, please go back and either clear", "the file selection or erase the content of the actual sequences field." ); goto DONE; } # don't allow empty sequence files if ($file && (-s $file) == 0) { $self->whine( "The sequence file entered for the $dataset_name is empty ", "but $PROGRAM requires at least 1 sequence to run.
", "If you still wish to submit a query, please go back and select ", "a non-empty sequence file to upload or paste actual sequences for ", "the $dataset_name." ); goto DONE; } $is_actual_seqs = !$file; } # print raw sequences to a file ($raw_tmp, $raw_nam) = tempfile('raw_seqs_XXXXXXXXXX', DIR => $tmpdir, UNLINK => 1); $logger->debug('get_sequence_data - $raw_tmp: ' . $raw_nam) if $logger; if ($is_actual_seqs) { # convert to UNIX EOL $data =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; # Windows -> UNIX eol $data =~ s/\r/\n/g; # MacOS -> UNIX eol # print to file print $raw_tmp $data; } else { # copy the file changing to UNIX EOL my $line; while ($line = <$file>) { chomp($line); print $raw_tmp $line, "\n"; } } # run GETSIZE on the raw sequences and see if it reports any errors $status = &invoke(BIN => $BIN_DIR, PROG => 'getsize', ARGS => [$raw_nam], OUT_VAR => \$size, ERR_VAR => \$errors, LOGGER => $logger); $logger->debug('get_sequence_data - GETSIZE on raw seqs: ' . $size) if $logger; if ($errors || $status) { # maybe the file is not FASTA format? Attempt to convert it using READSEQ ($cooked_tmp, $cooked_nam) = tempfile('cooked_seqs_XXXXXXXXXX', DIR => $tmpdir, UNLINK => 1); $status = &invoke(BIN => $BIN_DIR, PROG => 'readseq', ARGS => ['-a', '-f=8', $raw_nam], OUT_FILE => $cooked_nam, ERR_VAR => \$errors); # check for errors if ($status) { $self->whine( "The sequences submitted for the $dataset_name could not be read as ", "FASTA format and automatic conversion using the READSEQ program ", "failed.
", "READSEQ returned:

", "If you still wish to submit a query, please go back and select ", "a FASTA formatted sequence file to upload or paste actual ", "sequences in FASTA format for the $dataset_name." ); goto DONE; } #run GETSIZE on the converted sequences #(note -nd means do not print warnings about duplicate sequences) $status = &invoke(BIN => $BIN_DIR, PROG => 'getsize', ARGS => ['-nd', $cooked_nam], OUT_VAR => \$size, ERR_VAR => \$errors); $logger->debug('get_sequence_data - GETSIZE on cooked seqs: ' . $size) if $logger; # check for errors if ($errors || $status) { $self->whine( "The sequences submitted for the $dataset_name were converted to ", "FASTA format but in the process of detecting the alphabet and size ", "the following errors in your dataset were detected:
", "
Make sure all your sequences are in the same format since READSEQ", "assumes that all sequences are in the same format as the first sequence." ); goto DONE; } # use converted dataset ($fasta_tmp, $fasta_nam) = ($cooked_tmp, $cooked_nam); &unlink1($raw_tmp, $raw_nam); # this should be done when perl exits as well } else { # use original dataset ($fasta_tmp, $fasta_nam) = ($raw_tmp, $raw_nam); } # just so we don't close a file twice later $raw_tmp = undef; $raw_nam = undef; $cooked_tmp = undef; $cooked_nam = undef; # extract out the sequence stats from getsize's response my $letters; ($nseqs, $min, $max, $ave, $total, $letters) = split (' ', $size); $has_problems = 0; # check for problem reading the dataset if ($nseqs <= 0) { $self->whine( "The sequences submitted for the $dataset_name appear to be ", "in a format that $PROGRAM does not recognize.
", "Please check to be sure that your data is ", "formatted properly." ); $has_problems = 1; } # check for bad sequences if ($nseqs > 0 && $min == 0) { $self->whine( "The sequences submitted for the $dataset_name appear to ", "contain one or more zero-length sequences.
", "Please check to be sure that your data is ", " formatted properly." ); $has_problems = 1; } # Make sure there isn't too much data. if (defined($options{MAX}) && $total > $options{MAX}) { $self->whine( "The sequences submitted for the $dataset_name contain ", &commify($total) . " characters but $PROGRAM can only accept ", &commify($options{MAX}) . " characters.
", "Please submit a smaller dataset." ); $has_problems = 1; } # prepare sequences and alphabet and do filtering if requested # calculate the alphabet my $bad_symbols; ($alphabet, $bad_symbols) = get_alph($letters); # here alphabet is "DNA" or "PROTEIN" unless error in input # check the alphabet if ($bad_symbols) { # load in the fasta sequences $data = do {local $/; <$fasta_tmp>}; my @bad_lines = $self->find_bad_sequence_data($bad_symbols, $data); $self->whine( "The sequences submitted for the $dataset_name contained the ", "following unrecognized letters: $bad_symbols.
", "The unrecognized letters occurred in the following locations:", @bad_lines, "
", "Please convert your sequences to one of the recognized sequence", "alphabets." ); $has_problems = 1; } if (defined($options{ALPHA}) && $alphabet ne $options{ALPHA}) { $self->whine( "The sequences submitted for the $dataset_name used the $alphabet ", "alphabet but $PROGRAM expected the " . $options{ALPHA} . " alphabet." ); $has_problems = 1; } goto DONE if $has_problems; # shuffle sequences if requested if ($options{SHUFFLE}) { ($shuffled_tmp, $shuffled_nam) = tempfile('shuffled_seqs_XXXXXXXXXX', DIR => $tmpdir, UNLINK => 1); $status = &invoke(BIN => $BIN_DIR, PROG => 'fasta-shuffle-letters', ARGS => ['-tod'], IN_FILE => $fasta_nam, OUT_FILE => $shuffled_nam, ERR_VAR => \$errors); if ($errors || $status) { $self->whine( "When shuffling the $dataset_name, the following errors ", "resulted:
", "
Please check your sequences." ); goto DONE; } &unlink1($fasta_tmp, $fasta_nam); # this should be done when perl exits as well ($fasta_tmp, $fasta_nam) = ($shuffled_tmp, $shuffled_nam); $shuffled_tmp = undef; $shuffled_nam = undef; } # purge: remove overly similar sequences if (defined($options{PURGE})) { my @purge_args = ($fasta_nam, $options{PURGE}); push(@purge_args, '-n') if ($alphabet eq "DNA"); # purge is annoying... I can not direct it to write to a temporary file, # instead it always writes to a file called . my $purge_out = $fasta_nam . '.' . $options{PURGE}; die("Purge output file already exists!") if (-e $purge_out); $status = &invoke(BIN => $BIN_DIR, PROG => 'purge', ARGS => \@purge_args, ERR_VAR => \$errors); # check for errors if ($errors || $status) { $self->whine("When calling purge on the $dataset_name, the following ", "errors resulted:
"); unlink($purge_out) if (-e $purge_out); goto DONE; } # make things neater by copying the file created by purge # to a temporary file and deleteing the original ($purged_tmp, $purged_nam) = tempfile('purged_seqs_XXXXXXXXXX', DIR => $tmpdir, UNLINK => 1); ©($purge_out, $purged_tmp); unlink($purge_out); &unlink1($fasta_tmp, $fasta_nam); # this should be done when perl exits as well ($fasta_tmp, $fasta_nam) = ($purged_tmp, $purged_nam); $purged_tmp = undef; $purged_nam = undef; } # dust: removes low information content regions if (defined($options{DUST})) { unless ($alphabet eq "DNA") { $self->whine ("Could not call dust on the $dataset_name, ", "dust is only good for DNA"); goto DONE; } # make a temp output file ($dusted_tmp, $dusted_nam) = tempfile('dusted_seqs_XXXXXXXXXX', DIR => $tmpdir, UNLINK => 1); # run dust $status = &invoke(BIN => $BIN_DIR, PROG => 'dust', ARGS => [$fasta_nam, $options{DUST}], OUT_FILE => $dusted_nam, ERR_VAR => \$errors); # check for errors if ($errors || $status) { $self->whine("When calling dust on the $dataset_name, the following ", "errors resulted:
"); goto DONE; } &unlink1($fasta_tmp, $fasta_nam); # this should be done when perl exits as well ($fasta_tmp, $fasta_nam) = ($dusted_tmp, $dusted_nam); $dusted_tmp = undef; $dusted_nam = undef; } seek($fasta_tmp, SEEK_SET, 0); # I'm not sure if this is needed $fasta_data = do {local $/; <$fasta_tmp>}; DONE: # clean up &unlink1($raw_tmp, $raw_nam) if $raw_tmp; &unlink1($cooked_tmp, $cooked_nam) if $cooked_tmp; &unlink1($shuffled_tmp, $shuffled_nam) if $shuffled_tmp; &unlink1($purged_tmp, $purged_nam) if $purged_tmp; &unlink1($dusted_tmp, $dusted_nam) if $dusted_tmp; &unlink1($fasta_tmp, $fasta_nam) if $fasta_tmp; # return sequences and attributes return($fasta_data, $alphabet, $nseqs, $min, $max, $ave, $total); } # get sequence data # # get fasta data # # Object method. # # Get data from a textbox or uploaded file in FASTA format # # Returns: data, undef, nseqs, min, max, ave, total # Uses object globals $self->{PROGRAM}, $self->{BIN_DIR}. # # meme-seq.pl # sub get_fasta_data { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my $PROGRAM = $self->{PROGRAM}; my $BIN_DIR = $self->{BIN_DIR}; my ( $data, # data from textbox, if defined $file, # open filehandle from CGI.pm, if defined $expected_alphabet, # if defined, string of only accepted sequence letters $expected_alphabet_name # if defined name of alphabet ) = @_; # set default $expected_alphabet_name = "expected" unless $expected_alphabet_name; # return values my $nseqs = 0; # number of sequences my $min = 0; # minimum length my $max = 0; # maximum length my $ave = 0; # average length my $total = 0; # total length # check that sequence data was provided if (!$file && !$data) { $self->whine( "You haven't entered any sequence data.
", "If you still wish to submit a query, please go back and enter the", "name of a sequence file or the actual sequences." ); goto DONE; } # don't allow both datafile and data if ($file && $data) { $self->whine( "You may not enter both the name of a sequence file and sequences.
", "If you still wish to submit a query, please go back and erase either", "what you have written in the name of a file field or", "in the actual sequences field." ); goto DONE; } if ($file && (-s $file) == 0) { $self->whine("Your sequence file is empty."); goto DONE; } # # get information on sequences # my($status, $getsize_out, $getsize_err, $letters); # slurp the uploaded file into a scalar if there was no textbox data $data = do {local $/; <$file>} unless ($data); # convert to UNIX EOL $data =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; # Windows -> UNIX eol $data =~ s/\r/\n/g; # MacOS -> UNIX eol # write the data to a temp file my ($seq_tmp, $seq_nam) = tempfile('raw_seqs_XXXXXXXXXX', DIR => $tmpdir, UNLINK => 1); print $seq_tmp $data; # Run the 'getsize' program to get information on the raw sequence data. $status = &invoke(BIN => $BIN_DIR, PROG => 'getsize', ARGS => [$seq_nam], OUT_VAR => \$getsize_out, ERR_VAR => \$getsize_err); # close and remove the temp file &unlink1($seq_tmp, $seq_nam); # handle errors if ($getsize_err || $status) { $self->whine( "Check your FASTA sequences. ", "The following errors in your dataset were detected:
", '
', map($_ . '
', split(/\n/, $getsize_err)), "
" ); goto DONE; } # extract the information returned by getsize ($nseqs, $min, $max, $ave, $total, $letters) = split (' ', $getsize_out); # # check the information we gathered # # if we have an expected alphabet, whine if a letter isn't in it # in any sequence (case independent) if ($expected_alphabet && $letters !~ m/^[$expected_alphabet]+$/i) { $self->whine( "Check your FASTA sequences: they contain at least one
". "character not in the $expected_alphabet_name alphabet
". "(allowed characters: `$expected_alphabet')." ); goto DONE; } # check for bad sequences if ($nseqs > 0 && $min == 0) { $self->whine( "Your dataset appears to contain one or more zero-length sequences.", "
Please check to be sure that your data is", "formatted properly." ); goto DONE; } # Make sure the data was in FASTA format or got converted correctly. if ($self->{NERRORS} == 0 && $nseqs == 0 ) { $self->whine( "$PROGRAM was unable to read your sequence data.
", "Please check to be sure that your sequence data is in correct", 'FASTA format.
', "If you are still having trouble, you can try to convert your data to", '', "FASTA format using the", '', "ReadSeq program and then resubmit it." ); } DONE: my $alphabet = undef; # apparently not used! return($data, $alphabet, $nseqs, $min, $max, $ave, $total); } # get fasta data # # Get actual name of the database to search along with # other information about it. # # Uses global $PROGRAM # # Used by # fimo.pl # glam2scan.pl # gomo.pl # mast.pl # mcast.pl # sub get_db_name { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my $PROGRAM = $self->{PROGRAM}; my ( $motif_alphabet, # motif alphabet $upload_db_name, # name of uploaded db file $max_upload_size, # maximum size of the uploaded file $translate_dna, # scan DNA with protein motifs $short_dna_only, # don't allow DNA search of long sequences $database_index, # index of databases $database_id # id of database ) = @_; my ( $db, # full name of db file $uploaded_data, # contents of uploaded file $db_alphabet, # local/PROTEIN/DNA $target_alphabet, # alphabet of db $db_root, # db file name w/o extension $prot_db, # protein version exists $nuc_db, # DNA version exists $short_seqs, # sequences are all "short" $db_menu_name, # db name for menus $db_long_name, # db name for documentation $db_descr, # text for verification message $prom_start, # start of promoter (gomo) $prom_end, # end of promoter (gomo) @extra_dbs # extra databases (gomo) ); # return values # get available versions of database if ($upload_db_name eq "") { # local database $db_alphabet = "local"; #attempt to load the entry eval { ($db_root, $prot_db, $nuc_db, $short_seqs, $db_menu_name, $db_long_name, $prom_start, $prom_end, @extra_dbs) = load_entry($database_index, $database_id); }; if ($@) { #loading most likely failed because they didn't select a database $self->whine( "You must specify a supported database or a database to upload.
", "Please go back and specify one." ); } $db_descr = ""; } else { # uploaded database $db_root = $upload_db_name; # check that name doesn't contain quotes if ($db_root =~ /['`"]/) { $self->whine("Uploaded database file name may not contain quote characters."); } my ($nseqs, $min, $max, $ave, $total); ($uploaded_data, $db_alphabet, $nseqs, $min, $max, $ave, $total) = $self->get_sequence_data("", $upload_db_name, $max_upload_size, 0); $prot_db = ($db_alphabet eq "PROTEIN") ? 1 : 0; $nuc_db = ($db_alphabet eq "DNA") ? 1 : 0; $short_seqs = 1; # allow search $db_descr = "
  • Database type: $db_alphabet
  • \n". "
  • Database sequences: $nseqs
  • \n". "
  • Database size: $total
  • "; #does this mean there are no extra dbs? because the user uploaded this db? I'm not certain @extra_dbs = (); } my $i; my @extra_files = (); while (@extra_dbs) { push(@extra_files, shift(@extra_dbs) . ".na"); shift(@extra_dbs); #skip description } # get desired sequence alphabet $target_alphabet = ($motif_alphabet eq "PROTEIN" && !$translate_dna) ? "PROTEIN" : "DNA"; # set actual name of database to search if ($db_alphabet eq "local") { $db = $db_root; if ($target_alphabet eq "DNA" && $nuc_db) { if ($short_dna_only && !($short_seqs)) { $self->whine("The DNA sequences in database '$db_menu_name' are too long for searching by $PROGRAM."); } else { $db .= ".na"; } } elsif ($target_alphabet eq "PROTEIN" && $prot_db) { $db .= ".aa"; } elsif (defined $db_root) { $self->whine("There is no $target_alphabet version of database '$db_menu_name'."); } } else { if ($target_alphabet eq $db_alphabet) { $db = "uploaded_db"; } else { $self->whine("The uploaded database '$db_root' seems to be $db_alphabet but should be $target_alphabet."); } } return($db, $uploaded_data, $db_alphabet, $target_alphabet, $db_root, $prot_db, $nuc_db, $short_seqs, $db_menu_name, $db_long_name, $db_descr, \@extra_files); } # get_db_name # # Upload the file containing motifs and return data in a scalar. # Converts to UNIX EOL. Checks that the file is not empty. # # Returns $motif_data. # # Used by # fimo.pl # glam2scan.pl # gomo.pl # mast.pl # mcast.pl # sub upload_motif_file { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my ( $motif_dualval_file, # (raw) uploaded motif file and filename in a dualval $inline_motifs, # contains inline motifs if defined (input) $choose_inline # force choice of one if other is avaliable ) = @_; my $motif_file = openhandle($motif_dualval_file); my $motif_data = $inline_motifs; if (defined $choose_inline) { if ($choose_inline) { unless ($inline_motifs) { $self->whine("The inline motifs/alignment were not provided so you ". "can not choose them. This shouldn't happen when the form is ". "designed properly so unless you're using a non-standard form ". "this is probably a bug."); } } else { unless ($motif_file) { $self->whine("No motif/alignment file was uploaded."); } $motif_data = ""; } } # slurp the uploaded file into a scalar if there was no inline data $motif_data = do {local $/; <$motif_file>} unless ($motif_data); # convert to UNIX EOL $motif_data =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; # Windows -> UNIX eol $motif_data =~ s/\r/\n/g; # MacOS -> UNIX eol # # check that motif file was found and not empty # unless (defined $motif_data && $motif_data =~ /\W+/) { $self->whine("Your motif/alignment file ". "was empty. Please check it and retry."); $motif_data = ""; } return($motif_data); } # upload_motif_file # # Check the validity of a MEME file. # # Returns $motifs_found, $motif_alphabet, $nmatrices and $total_cols # # Accepts options: # ALPHA DNA|PROTEIN Alphabet required by motifs. # NAME string Name of the dataset for error messages. # # Used by # fimo.pl # gomo.pl # mast.pl # mcast.pl # tomtom.pl # sub check_meme_motifs { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my $PROGRAM = $self->{PROGRAM}; my $BIN_DIR = $self->{BIN_DIR}; my ( $motif_data, # string containing motifs %options ) = @_; my ($motifs_found, $motif_alphabet, $total_cols, $nmatrices, $version); my ($alphabet); my $version_hdr_re = 'MEME\s+version\s+(\S+)'; my $alph_hdr_re = 'ALPHABET=\s*(\S+)'; my $strand_hdr_re = 'strands:'; my $motif_hdr_re = 'letter-probability\s+matrix:\s.*\sw\s*=\s+(\d+)'; my $dataset_name = (defined($options{NAME}) ? $options{NAME} : 'input motifs'); # process meme-io type file # first try parsing as XML ($motifs_found, $motif_alphabet, $nmatrices, $total_cols) = $self->check_meme_motifs_as_xml($motif_data); if (!$motifs_found) { # second try parsing as HTML ($motifs_found, $motif_alphabet, $nmatrices, $total_cols) = $self->check_meme_motifs_as_html($motif_data); } # otherwise, try parsing as HTML or text if (!$motifs_found) { my @widths; # check that MEME version given ($version) = ($motif_data =~ /$version_hdr_re/); $self->whine("Can't find MEME version in $dataset_name file.") unless ($version); # get the alphabet ($alphabet) = ($motif_data =~ /$alph_hdr_re/); chop($_ = `$BIN_DIR/alphtype $alphabet 2>&1`); $motif_alphabet = $_; # DNA/PROTEIN # check if strands given for DNA if ($motif_alphabet eq 'DNA') { my ($strands) = ($motif_data =~ /$strand_hdr_re/); $self->whine("Can't find 'strands:' in $dataset_name file.") unless ($strands); } # get the number of motifs, total columns $nmatrices = @widths = ($motif_data =~ /$motif_hdr_re/g); $total_cols = eval(join "+", @widths); $motifs_found = ($nmatrices > 0); } if (defined($options{ALPHA}) && $motif_alphabet ne $options{ALPHA}) { $self->whine( "The motifs submitted for the $dataset_name used the $motif_alphabet ", "alphabet but $PROGRAM expected the " . $options{ALPHA} . " alphabet." ); $motifs_found = 0; } elsif ($motif_alphabet ne "PROTEIN" and $motif_alphabet ne "DNA") { $self->whine( "The motifs submitted for the $dataset_name used the $motif_alphabet ", "alphabet but that is not a legal alphabet." ); $motifs_found = 0; } return($motifs_found, $motif_alphabet, $nmatrices, $total_cols); } # check_meme_motifs # # Private Method # # Check the validity of a MEME XML file. # # Returns $motifs_found, $motif_alphabet, $num_motifs and $total_motif_columns # # Used by # Utils # sub check_meme_motifs_as_xml { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my $BIN_DIR = $self->{BIN_DIR}; my $motif_data = pop @_; my ($motifs_found, $motif_alphabet, $num_motifs, $total_motif_columns); my $ref = eval { XMLin($motif_data, KeepRoot => 1) }; # Try parsing as XML if ($@) { # Parsing as XML failed. $motifs_found = 0; } else { # Parsing as XML succeded. if ($ref->{MEME}->{training_set}->{alphabet}) { # Probably a MEME XML file my $alphabet = $ref->{'MEME'}->{'training_set'}->{'alphabet'}; $motifs_found = 1; my $letters = $alphabet->{'letter'}; my @letters; while (my ($key, $letter) = each %$letters) { push @letters, "$letter->{'symbol'}"; } @letters = sort @letters; my $alphabet_string = join '', @letters; chop($motif_alphabet = `$BIN_DIR/alphtype $alphabet_string 2>&1`); if ($motif_alphabet ne "PROTEIN" and $motif_alphabet ne "DNA") { $self->whine("Untranslatable alphabet string in XML: $alphabet_string"); } my $model = $ref->{'MEME'}->{'model'}; $num_motifs = $model->{'nmotifs'}; my $motifs = $ref->{'MEME'}->{'motifs'}->{'motif'}; $total_motif_columns = 0; while (my ($key, $motif) = each %$motifs) { $total_motif_columns += $motif->{'width'}; } } elsif ($ref->{dreme}->{motifs}) { # Probably a DREME XML file $motifs_found = 1; my $type = $ref->{dreme}->{model}->{background}->{type}; if ($type ne 'dna') { $self->whine("Unhandled alphabet type in DREME XML: $type"); } $motif_alphabet = 'DNA'; my $motifs = $ref->{dreme}->{motifs}->{motif}; $total_motif_columns = 0; $num_motifs = 0; while (my ($key, $motif) = each %$motifs) { $total_motif_columns += $motif->{length}; $num_motifs++; } } else { # Unknown XML file $motifs_found = 0; } } return($motifs_found, $motif_alphabet, $num_motifs, $total_motif_columns); } # check_meme_motifs_as_xml # # Private Method # # Check the validity of a MEME HTML file. # # Returns $motifs_found, $motif_alphabet, $num_motifs and $total_motif_columns # # Used by # Utils # sub check_meme_motifs_as_html { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my $BIN_DIR = $self->{BIN_DIR}; my $motif_data = pop @_; my ($motifs_found, $motif_alphabet, $num_motifs, $total_motif_columns); my $motif_hdr_re = 'letter-probability matrix:\s+alength=\s+\d+\s+w=\s+(\d+)'; my $p = HTML::PullParser->new(doc => \$motif_data, start => 'attr', report_tags => qw(input)); my $token = $p->get_token; while ($token) { my $hashref = @$token[0]; my %attrs = %$hashref; if (exists($attrs{"type"}) && $attrs{"type"} =~ m/^hidden$/i && exists($attrs{"name"}) && exists($attrs{"value"})) { my $name = $attrs{"name"}; my $value = $attrs{"value"}; if ($name =~ m/^nmotifs$/i) { $num_motifs = int($value); if ($num_motifs <= 0) { $self->whine("The number of motifs was smaller than expected: $value"); } } elsif ($name =~ m/^alphabet$/i) { chop($motif_alphabet = `$BIN_DIR/alphtype $value 2>&1`); if ($motif_alphabet ne "PROTEIN" and $motif_alphabet ne "DNA") { $self->whine("Untranslatable alphabet string in HTML: $value"); } } elsif ($name =~ m/^pspm\d+$/i) { my $width = int($value =~ m/letter-probability matrix:\s+alength=\s+\d+\s+w=\s+(\d+)/i); if (defined $total_motif_columns) { if ($width != $total_motif_columns) { $self->whine("$name has a different width ($width) to the expected ($total_motif_columns)"); } } else { $total_motif_columns = $width; } } } $token = $p->get_token; } if (defined $num_motifs && defined $motif_alphabet && defined $total_motif_columns) { $motifs_found = 1; } else { $motifs_found = 0; } return($motifs_found, $motif_alphabet, $num_motifs, $total_motif_columns); } # check_meme_motifs_as_html # # Private Method # # send a verification message # # Uses global $PROGRAM # # Used by # Utils # sub send_verification { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my $PROGRAM = $self->{PROGRAM}; my ( $address, # to $from, # to $jobid, # from opal $message # message ) = @_; my $sendmail = "@sendmail@ -t"; my $content = "To: " . $address . "\n"; $content .= "From: $from\n"; $content .= "Reply-to: $from\n"; $content .= "Subject: $PROGRAM Submission Information (job $jobid)\n"; $content .= "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; $content .= "
    This is an auto-generated response to your job submission.
    \n\n"; $content .= $message; open(SENDMAIL, "|$sendmail") or $self->whine("Can't open sendmail.
    "); print SENDMAIL $content; close SENDMAIL; } # send_verification # # make form header # # Used by # meme.pl # fimo.pl # glam2.pl # glam2scan.pl # gomo.pl # mast.pl # mcast.pl # sub make_form_header { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my $PROGRAM = $self->{PROGRAM}; my ($program, $form_type, $optional_css, $indent_lvl, $tab) = @_; $indent_lvl = 0 unless $indent_lvl; $tab = "\t" unless $tab; my $indent = $tab x $indent_lvl; my $content = $indent."\n". $indent."\n". $indent.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab."$program - $form_type \n". $indent.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab."" . $indent.$tab.$tab."" . $indent.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab."\n"; if ($optional_css) { $content .= $indent.$tab.$tab."\n"; } $content .= $indent.$tab."\n"; return($content); } # make_form_header # # make submission form tailer # # Used by # meme.pl # fimo.pl # glam2.pl # glam2scan.pl # gomo.pl # mast.pl # mcast.pl # sub make_submission_form_tailer { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my $PROGRAM = $self->{PROGRAM}; my ($indent_lvl, $tab) = @_; $indent_lvl = 0 unless $indent_lvl; $tab = "\t" unless $tab; my $indent = $tab x $indent_lvl; my $content = $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab. "\n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab. "\n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab."\n". $indent."\n"; return($content); } # make_submission_form_tailer # # make submissiom form top: program name, logo, description # # Used by # meme.pl # fimo.pl # glam2.pl # glam2scan.pl # gomo.pl # mast.pl # mcast.pl # sub make_submission_form_top { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my $PROGRAM = $self->{PROGRAM}; my ($action, $logo, $alt, $description, $indent_lvl, $tab) = @_; my ($content); $indent_lvl = 0 unless $indent_lvl; $tab = "\t" unless $tab; my $indent = $tab x $indent_lvl; $content = $indent."\n". $indent.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab."
    \n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab."
    \n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab. "\n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab. "\n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab."
    \n". $indent.$tab.$tab."
    \n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab."
    \n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab."
    \n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab."
    \n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab."\"$alt\"
    \n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab."
    \n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab."Version @S_VERSION@\n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab."
    \n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab."
    \n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab."

    \n". $description. $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab."

    \n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab.$tab."
    \n"; return($content); } # make_submission_form_top # # make submission form bottom # # Used by # meme.pl # fimo.pl # glam2.pl # glam2scan.pl # gomo.pl # mast.pl # mcast.pl # sub make_submission_form_bottom { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my $PROGRAM = $self->{PROGRAM}; my ($indent_lvl, $tab) = @_; $indent_lvl = 0 unless $indent_lvl; $tab = "\t" unless $tab; my $indent = $tab x $indent_lvl; my $content = $indent."
    \n"; return($content); } # make_submission_form_bottom # make input table # # Used by # meme.pl # fimo.pl # glam2.pl # glam2scan.pl # gomo.pl # mast.pl # mcast.pl # # used to make sure we have a unique label each time we use the showhide feature my $label_number; sub make_input_table { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my $PROGRAM = $self->{PROGRAM}; my ($name, $left, $right, $indent_lvl, $tab, $showhide) = @_; $indent_lvl = 0 unless $indent_lvl; $tab = "\t" unless $tab; my $indent = $tab x $indent_lvl; my $content = ""; # open and close the showhide feature if needed my $open = ""; my $close = ""; # make sure we have a unique label each time we use the showhide feature if ($showhide) { # always do showhide if requested even if named undefined $name = "" unless defined($name); if (! defined($label_number)) { $label_number = 0; } else { $label_number++; } my $label = "option_".$label_number; $open = qq{ "; } else { $open = qq(
    ) if $name; $close = ""; } $content .= $indent."\n". "$open"; $content .= $indent."\n". $indent.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab."\n". $indent."
    \n". $left. $indent.$tab.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab. "\n". $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab."
    \n". $right. $indent.$tab.$tab.$tab."
    \n". $indent.$tab.$tab."
    \n"; $content .= # if we are using the show_hide feature, close it off $close; } # make_input_table # # make a description field # # Used by # meme.pl # fimo.pl # glam2.pl # glam2scan.pl # gomo.pl # mast.pl # mcast.pl # sub make_description_field { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my $PROGRAM = $self->{PROGRAM}; my ($subject, $value, $indent_lvl, $tab) = @_; $value = "" unless defined $value; $indent_lvl = 0 unless $indent_lvl; $tab = "\t" unless $tab; my $indent = $tab x $indent_lvl; my $content = $indent."\n". $indent."Description of your $subject:
    \n". $indent."\n"; return($content); } # make_description_field # # make address field # # Used by # meme.pl # fimo.pl # glam2.pl # glam2scan.pl # gomo.pl # mast.pl # mcast.pl # sub make_address_field { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my $PROGRAM = $self->{PROGRAM}; my ($address, $address_verify, $indent_lvl, $tab) = @_; $address = "" unless defined $address; $address_verify = "" unless defined $address_verify; $indent_lvl = 0 unless $indent_lvl; $tab = "\t" unless $tab; my $indent = $tab x $indent_lvl; my $content = $indent."\n". $indent."Your e-mail address:
    \n". $indent."
    \n". $indent."Re-enter e-mail address:
    \n". $indent."
    \n". $indent."
    \n"; return($content); } # make_address_field # # make a motif file field # # Used by # fimo.pl # glam2scan.pl # gomo.pl # mast.pl # mcast.pl # sub make_motif_field { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my $PROGRAM = $self->{PROGRAM}; my ($program, $name, $inline_data, $alphabet, $doc1, $doc2, $doc3, $doc4, $indent_lvl, $tab) = @_; $indent_lvl = 0 unless $indent_lvl; $tab = "\t" unless $tab; my $indent = $tab x $indent_lvl; my $content; # print the input fields for the motif file unless already input if (! $inline_data) { $content = $indent . "Your motif file:". "
    \n". $indent . "Sample $doc4.
    \n"; } else { my $hidden_value = $doc3; #$hidden_value =~ s/\s+/_/g; # replace white space with underline $hidden_value =~ s/\'//g; # remove single quotes $hidden_value =~ s///g; # remove $hidden_value =~ s/<\/tt>//g; $content = $indent."

    \n". $indent.$tab."

    \n". $indent.$tab.$tab."$PROGRAM will search using your previously provided motif(s):\n". $indent.$tab.$tab."$doc3\n". $indent.$tab."

    \n". $indent.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab."\n". $indent.$tab."\n"; } # no inline return($content); } # make_motif_field # # make a list of supported databases field # # Used by # fimo.pl # glam2scan.pl # gomo.pl # mast.pl # mcast.pl # sub make_supported_databases_field { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; #get params my ( $name, # name to give field $desc, # brief db description, eg "Sequence" $index, # path to the index file $query, # url used to query the databases by substituting "~category~" with the category index. $docs, # url for documentation on the database $indent_lvl, # number of tabs to indent, zero if undefined $tab # tab character, "\t" if undefined ) = @_; # set defaults for the indent $indent_lvl = 0 unless $indent_lvl; $tab = "\t" unless $tab; my $indent = $tab x $indent_lvl; # get a list of categories from the index my @categories = load_categories($index); # my $content = $indent."
    $desc database to search--select one of the following:
    \n". $indent."
    \n". $indent."\n". $indent."A supported database:
    \n". $indent."\n". $indent."Category:
    \n". $indent."
    \n". $indent."Database:\n
    ". $indent."
    \n". $indent."\n". $indent."\n"; return $content; } # make_supported_databases_field # # make upload FASTA field # # Used by # fimo.pl # glam2scan.pl # mast.pl # mcast.pl # sub make_upload_fasta_field { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my $PROGRAM = $self->{PROGRAM}; my ($name, $maxsize) = @_; my $content = qq { Your FASTA sequence file ($maxsize sequence characters maximum):

    Sample DNA database. }; # end quote return($content); } # make_upload_fasta_field # # make upload sequences field # # Used by # meme.pl # glam2.pl # for MEME-seq we no longer enforce maxsize but insist on # DNA sequences: signal this by $maxsize == undef sub make_upload_sequences_field { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my $PROGRAM = $self->{PROGRAM}; my ($name1, $name2, $maxsize, $seq_doc, $alpha_doc, $format_doc, $filename_doc, $paste_doc, $sample_file, $sample_alphabet, $target ) = @_; # Allow target to be optional so define the default as if there was no target $target = "_self" unless defined $target; my $sizeinfo = defined($maxsize)? qq {The sequences may contain no more than $maxsize characters
    total total in any of a large number of formats.} : qq {The DNA sequences must be in FASTA format.}; my $content = qq {
    Please enter the } . (defined($maxsize)?"":"DNA ") . qq{ sequences which you believe share one or more
    motifs. $sizeinfo

    Enter the name of a file containing the sequences here:

    the actual sequences here (Sample $sample_alphabet Input Sequences):
    }; # end quote } # make_upload_sequences_field # # make radio buttons # # Values may be comma-separated "v1,v2"; v1 is printed. # # Used by # meme.pl # gomo.pl # sub make_radio_field { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my $PROGRAM = $self->{PROGRAM}; my ($text, $name, $checked, $values, $indent_lvl, $tab) = @_; $indent_lvl = 0 unless $indent_lvl; $tab = "\t" unless $tab; my $indent = $tab x $indent_lvl; my $content = $indent.$text."\n"; foreach my $value (@$values) { my ($v1, $v2) = split(/,/, $value); if ($v2 eq $checked) { $content .= $indent." $v1\n"; } else { $content .= $indent." $v1\n"; } } return($content); } # make_radio_field # # make option value list # # Values may be comma-separated "v1,v2"; v2 is printed, # and "v1,v2" is the value of the field selected. # If there is no ",v2", then v1 is used as the printed text. # # Used by # fimo.pl # glam2scan.pl # mast.pl # mcast.pl # sub make_select_field { my $self = shift; die("Expected Utils object") unless ref($self) eq 'MemeWebUtils'; my $PROGRAM = $self->{PROGRAM}; my ($text, $name, $selected, @values) = @_; my $options = ""; foreach my $value (@values) { my ($v1, $v2) = split(/,/, $value); $v2 = $v1 unless $v2; if ($value eq $selected) { $options .= "