#!/bin/csh # # $Id: download 647 2006-04-12 18:28:10Z cmisleh $ # $Log$ # Revision 1.2 2005/10/05 06:18:35 nadya # use full path for "rm". Asssume everybody has /bin/rm. # # Revision 2005/07/29 00:00:02 nadya # Importing from meme-3.0.14, and adding configure/make # # # 02-10-01 tlb; add -f switch # 10-17-00 tlb; handle soft links in ftp directories correctly set pgm = $0; set pgm = $pgm:t set args = ($*) if ($#argv < 2) then usage: more << USAGE USAGE: $pgm / [ []] [-f] [-i] / name of anonyous ftp site and file path there your email address for anonymous ftp [] scratch area for temporary copies of files [] new name for file in working directory [-f] file is FASTA so make names unique and remove ^A [-i] ignore the file dates, always download remote file Download a file from the remote system using anonymous ftp. Only downloads the remote file if it is newer than the local file unless -i is given, in which case the download is always done. Uncompresses and/or compresses/recompresses file depending on old and new names of file. Creates a file with name "newname.nseqs" that records the number of sequences in the FASTA file if -f given. Exits with status 0 if download succeeded. Exits with status 1 if download failed. Exits with status 2 if download skipped. USAGE exit 1 endif # defaults set maxfilesize = 2147000000 # # get arguments # set scratch = "." set i = 1 while ("$1" != "") switch ($1) case -h: more << usage breaksw case -f: set fasta = 1 breaksw case -i: set ignore_dates = 1 breaksw default: if ($i == 1) then set sp = $1 else if ($i == 2) then set user = $1 else if ($i == 3) then set scratch = $1 else if ($i == 4) then set newname = $1 else goto usage endif @ i++ endsw shift end # # get the ftp site and file path; split path into directory and file name # set fp = $sp:t set sp = $sp:h while ($sp != $sp:t) set tail = $sp:t set fp = $tail/$fp set sp = $sp:h end set site = $sp set dir = $fp:h set file = $fp:t if (! ($?newname) ) set newname = $file onintr cleanup set exit_status = 0 # # download the files # # create tmp names set ftp = $pgm.ftp.$$.tmp set local = $scratch/$pgm.local.$$.tmp set tmp = $scratch/$pgm.tmp.$$.tmp set ls = $pgm.$$.ls.tmp # # make ftp script to get file size and date # cat << END >! $ftp user anonymous $user cd $dir ls -l quit END # # get remote size and date # get size of actual file if it is soft link in SAME directory # ftp -n $site < $ftp | \ perl -e ' \ $file = $ARGV[0]; \ while () { \ @w=split; $name=$w[8]; $size=$w[4]; $size{$name}=$size; \ $date{$name} = "$w[5] $w[6] $w[7]"; \ if ($name eq $file && substr($w[0],0,1) eq "l") {$file = $w[10];} \ } \ $size{$file} += 0; # in case failed due to link \ $date{$file} = "Jan 1 99999" unless ($date{$file}); \ print "$size{$file} $date{$file}\n"; \ ' $file > $ls set exit_status = $status # # check that ftp succeeded # if ($exit_status != 0) then echo FAILED: Download of $site/$dir/$file failed. echo Something went wrong with ftp ls -l. set exit_status = 1 goto cleanup endif # # save remote file size and date # set x = (`cat $ls`); /bin/rm -f $ls set rsize = $x[1] set rdate = ($x[2] $x[3] $x[4]) # # quit if local file newer than remote file # if (!($?ignore_dates) && -e $newname) then set x = `ls -l $newname` # get date of local file set ldate = ($x[5] $x[6] $x[7]) compare_dates $rdate $ldate if ($status == 1) then # local file more recent echo UP TO DATE: $site/$dir/$file is up to date. echo Local file is newer: local $ldate remote $rdate set exit_status = 2 goto cleanup endif endif # # make ftp script to get file # cat << END >! $ftp user anonymous $user cd $dir binary get $file $local quit END # # get remote file # set ls = $pgm.$$.ls.tmp ftp -n $site < $ftp > /dev/null set exit_status = $status # # check that ftp succeeded # if ($exit_status != 0) then echo FAILED: Download of $site/$dir/$file failed. echo Something went wrong with ftp. set exit_status = 1 goto cleanup endif # # check that ftp file was created # if (! (-e $local) ) then echo FAILED: Download of $site/$dir/$file failed. echo The local file was not created. set exit_status = 1 goto cleanup endif # # check that local file has same size as remote file # set lsize = `ls -l $local | gawk '{print $5}'` if ($rsize != $lsize && $rsize) then echo FAILED: Download of $site/$dir/$file failed. echo The remote file has $rsize bytes but the local file has $lsize bytes. set exit_status = 1 goto cleanup endif # # get in and out file extensions # set old_ext = $file:e set new_ext = $newname:e # # create a pipeline of commands depending on what is to be done # set puncomp = 'cat' set pfasta = 'cat' set pcomp = 'cat' if ("$old_ext" == gz || "$old_ext" == Z) set puncomp = 'gunzip -c' if ($?fasta) set pfasta = 'fasta-unique-names' if ("$new_ext" == gz) set pcomp = 'gzip -c' if ("$new_ext" == Z) set pcomp = 'compress -c' # # uncompress, fasta, recompress as needed and then rename # making sure file is not too big for file system # if (!($?fasta) && "$file" == "$newname") then # do nothing; file is OK as is else # fasta or change in compression #$puncomp < $local | $pfasta | $pcomp | cat_max $maxfilesize >! $tmp $puncomp < $local | $pfasta | $pcomp >! $tmp set exit_status = $status if ($exit_status != 0) then echo FAILED: Download of $site/$dir/$file failed. echo Unable to create file $tmp set exit_status = 1 goto cleanup endif mv -f $tmp $local # mv tmp to local set exit_status = $status if ($exit_status != 0) then echo FAILED: Download of $site/$dir/$file failed. echo Unable to move $tmp to $local set exit_status = 1 goto cleanup endif endif # # move the file to replace existing file # mv -f $local $newname set exit_status = $status if ($exit_status != 0) then echo FAILED: Download of $site/$dir/$file failed. echo Unable to move $local to $newname set exit_status = 1 goto cleanup endif # # create .nseqs file recording number of sequences in db file # if ($?fasta) then set puncomp = "cat" set name = $newname if ("$new_ext" == gz || "$new_ext" == Z) then set puncomp = 'gunzip -c' set name = $newname:r endif $puncomp $newname | grep -c "^>" >! $tmp mv -f $tmp $name.nseqs endif # # list file and announce success ls -l $newname echo SUCCEEDED: Download of $site/$dir/$file succeeded. cleanup: if (-e $local) /bin/rm -f $local if (-e $ftp) /bin/rm -f $ftp if (-e $ls) /bin/rm -f $ls if (-e $tmp) /bin/rm -f $tmp echo download exit_status = $exit_status exit $exit_status