#!/usr/local/bin/perl $pgm = $0; # name of program $pgm =~ s#.*/##; # remove part up to last slash $status = 0; # exit status #$SIG{'INT'} = 'cleanup'; # interrupt handler $line_size = 50; # size of lines to print $off = 1; # first position of sequence to print $len = -1; # maximum length of sequence to print $usage = < [-f | []+] [-c] [-s ] [-off ] [-len ] name of FASTA sequence file [-f ] file containing list of sequence identifiers [] sequence identifier [-c] check that first word in fasta id matches [-s ] put each sequence in a file named "after" the sequence identifier with "." appended; pipes in file names are changed to underscores [-off ] print starting at position ; default: $off [-len ] print up to characters for each seq; default: print entire sequence Note: Assumes and index file has been made using fasta-make-index. Sequence identifiers must be same as made by fasta-make-index. Reads sequence identifiers from the command line, from a file and from standard input, in that order. Fetch sequences from a FASTA sequence file and write to standard output. USAGE if ($#ARGV+1 < 1) { # wrong number of arguments die $usage; } # get input arguments $fasta = shift; # file of FASTA sequences while ($#ARGV >= 0) { $_ = shift; if ($_ eq "-f") { # from file $filename = shift; } elsif ($_ eq "-c") { # check name match $check = 1; } elsif ($_ eq "-s") { # put in files $suffix = shift; $print_to_files = 1; } elsif ($_ eq "-off") { # offset $off = shift; } elsif ($_ eq "-len") { # maximum length $len = shift; } else { # file name push @target, $_; } } # get targets from file if ($filename) { open(IDFILE, "<$filename") || die("Can't open file $filename\n"); while () { next if (/^#/ || /^\s*$/); # skip comments an blank lines @words = split; push @target, @words; } close(IDFILE); } #while (<>) { # @words = split; # push @target, @words; #} # open the FASTA file open(FASTA, "<$fasta") || die "Can't open file $fasta\n"; # open the index file $index = "$fasta.index"; open(INDEX, "<$index") || die "Can't open $index\n"; # read in the index while () { @words = split; $id = $words[0]; # sequence id $addr = $words[1]; # start of sequence $index{$id} = "$index{$id} $addr"; } # use direct access to get each target foreach $id (@target) { $_ = $index{">$id"}; # address of sequence if ($_ eq undef) { print STDERR "Can't find target $id\n"; next; # go to next target } # open output file if requested if ($print_to_files) { $outfile = $id; $outfile =~ s/\|/_/g; $outfile .= ".$suffix" if ($suffix); open(OUTPUT, ">$outfile") || die("Can't open file $outfile : $!\n"); } else { # print to files open(OUTPUT, ">-"); } foreach $addr (split) { # one-to-many seek(FASTA, $addr, 0); # move to start of target $_ = ; $idline = $_; @words = split; if ($check && $words[0] ne ">$id") { $tmp = $words[0]; @words2 = split(/[>\|]/, $tmp); $tmp = $words2[$#words2]; if ($tmp ne $id) { $lower = $tmp; $lower =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if ($lower ne $id) { print STDERR "Bad index? target= >$id found= $words[0]\n"; next; # go to next target } } } print OUTPUT "$idline"; # print header $seq = ""; while () { # read sequence lines if (/^>/) {last} # start of next sequence # print sequence line chop; $seq .= $_; } # print sequence in lines of length $line_size # get portion of sequence to print if -off and/or -len given if ($off != 1 || $len != -1) { if ($len == -1) { $seq = substr($seq, $off-1); } else { $seq = substr($seq, $off-1, $len); } } for ($i=0; $i