#!/usr/local/bin/perl # AUTHOR: Timothy L. Bailey # CREATE DATE: 14/11/2008 #use strict; use File::Basename; $PGM = $0; # name of program $PGM =~ s#.*/##; # remove part up to last slash #@args = @ARGV; # arguments to program $| = 1; # flush after all prints $SIG{'INT'} = \&cleanup; # interrupt handler # Note: so that interrupts work, always use for system calls: # if ($status = system("$command")) {&cleanup($status)} # requires push(@INC, split(":", $ENV{'PATH'})); # look in entire path # defaults my $usage = <= 0) { $_ = shift; if ($_ eq "-h") { # help &print_usage("$usage", 0); } else { &print_usage("$usage", 1); } } # Get tuples for up to order 5 $tuple[0] = 'a'; $tuple[1] = 'c'; $tuple[2] = 'g'; $tuple[3] = 't'; $start = 0; $end = 3; $n = $end - $start + 1; for ($order=1; $order<=5; $order++) { $next = $end + 1; for ($i=$start; $i<=$end; $i++) { for ($j=0; $j<=3; $j++) { $new_tuple = $tuple[$i] . $tuple[$j]; $tuple[$next++] = $new_tuple; } } $n *= 4; $start = $end+1; $end = $start + $n - 1; } # read the Hartemink style conditional probabilities $i = 0; while () { next if (/^#/ || /^\s*$/); # skip comment, blank lines $p{$tuple[$i++]} = $_; # save conditional with tuple name }; $n = $i; # print the MEME style joint probabilities for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) { $t = $tuple[$i]; if ($i>3) { $y = substr $t, 0, -1; # tuple = p(X|Y) $p{$t} *= $p{$y}; # p(X,Y) = P(X|Y) * P(Y) } printf "%s %.5f\n", $t, $p{$t}; } $status = 1; # cleanup files &cleanup($status, ""); ################################################################################ # Subroutines # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # print_usage # # Print the usage message and exit. # ################################################################################ sub print_usage { my($usage, $status) = @_; if (-c STDOUT) { # standard output is a terminal open(C, "| more"); print C $usage; close C; } else { # standard output not a terminal print STDERR $usage; } exit $status; } ################################################################################ # cleanup # # cleanup stuff # ################################################################################ sub cleanup { my($status, $msg) = @_; if ($status && "$msg") {print STDERR "$msg: $status\n";} exit($status); }