#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w # AUTHOR: Haoyuan Zhu and William Stafford Noble and Timothy L. Bailey # CREATE DATE: 1/29/2002 # PROJECT: MHMM # DESCRIPTION: Convert Meta-MEME files to HTML format. use strict; # To do list: # o Automatically determine alphabet. # o Format header better. # o Handling of mhmma files is untested. # o Determine correct parameters for format_diagrams(). # o The block diagrams are too wide. # o Update explanation. (Done for mhmmscan.) ### GLOBAL VARIABLES. # Usage message. my $usage = "USAGE: mhmm2html [options] Options: -alphabet dna|protein (default=dna) -diagram-scale (default=1)\n"; # Use the FindBin module to locate the convert2html.pl source file. # convert2html.pl is a program written by Tim #require "$FindBin::Bin/convert2html"; #use FindBin; #use File::Basename; use lib qw(/home/rmott/meme/lib/perl); require "/home/rmott/meme/lib/perl/convert2html.pl"; # Get the documentation directory path by finding the my $docdir = "/home/rmott/meme/doc/"; # process_request.cgi is used to print plain text file #my $process_request = "http://metameme.sdsc.edu/cgi-bin/process_request.cgi"; my $process_request = "../cgi-bin/mhmm_process_request.cgi"; # Dimensions of motif occurrence diagrams. my $SCALE = 0.25; # sequence_positions/pixel my $MAX_DIAGRAM = 100000; # maximum number of pixels per diagram # Global list of motif widths my %WIDTHS; # Section header names. my @mhmm_sections = ("HMM STATES", "HMM TRANSITIONS", "EXPLANATION OF THE METAMEME MODEL FILE", "PROGRAM PARAMETERS"); my @mhmma_sections = ("MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT"); my @mhmms_sections = ("DATABASE SEARCH RESULTS", "ALIGNMENTS", "MOTIF DIAGRAMS", "EXPLANATION OF OUTPUT", "PROGRAM PARAMETERS"); my @colors = ("#DDDDFF", "#00FFFF", "#DDFFDD", "#FFFF00", "#DDAA00"); # Define buttons for navigation within document my %buttons = ( "top", "Go to top!#DDDDFF!#000000" ); my $text_diagram; my $num_seqs; ############################################################################## # Parse the command line. if (scalar(@ARGV) < 1){ print (STDERR $usage); exit(0); } my $alphabet = "dna"; my $diagram_scale = 1; my $mhmmscan; while (scalar(@ARGV) > 1) { my $next_arg = shift(@ARGV); if ($next_arg eq "-alphabet") { $alphabet = shift(@ARGV); } elsif ($next_arg eq "-diagram-scale") { $diagram_scale = shift(@ARGV); } elsif ($next_arg eq "-mhmmscan") { $mhmmscan = 1; } elsif ($next_arg eq "-test") { # This is an undocumented flag used by mhmmscan to locate this script. print("mhmm2html\n"); exit(0); } else { die("Illegal argument ($next_arg).\n$usage"); } } my($infile_name) = @ARGV; # Open the input file. open(INFILE, "<$infile_name") || die("Can't open $infile_name."); # Print the introductory section. my $input_type = &make_introduction(\*INFILE); # # Print the sections unique to each program. # if ($input_type eq "mhmm") { &make_mhmm(\*INFILE); } elsif ($input_type eq "mhmma") { &make_mhmma($alphabet, \*INFILE); } elsif (($input_type eq "mhmms") || ($input_type eq "mhmmscan")) { &make_mhmms($input_type, $alphabet, \*INFILE, $input_type); } else { die("Unrecognized program ($input_type).\n"); exit(1); } # Print the explanation of output section. &make_explanation($input_type); # Print the parameters section. &make_parameters(\*INFILE); # Print the whole file as a hidden field. &make_hidden_copy(\*INFILE); # Print the end of the HTML file. print(&make_end(\%buttons)); close(\*INFILE); ######################################################################## # Print out some introductory information. # # FIXME: This could be formatted better. ######################################################################## sub make_introduction { my($infile, @sections) = @_; my($program); # Read the first line. my $line = <$infile>; chomp($line); # Remove the hash. $line = substr($line, 2); # Make sure it says what it should. if ($line ne "The MEME Suite of motif-based sequence analysis tools.") { die("Cannot HTML-ize a file without a header.\n$line\n"); } # HTML-ize the first line. my $header = &format_subtitle($line); # Read the rest of the header. while ($line = <$infile>) { chomp($line); # Remove the hash. $line = substr($line, 2); # Get the program name. my @words = split(' ', $line); if (defined($words[0])) { if ($words[0] eq "Program:") { $program = $words[1]; $header .= "
      } elsif ($words[0] eq "For") {
	$header .= "
"; } } # We've reached the end of the header. if ($line eq "*****************************************************************************") { last; } if ($line eq "") { $header .= "

\n"; } else { $header .= "$line\n"; } } # Print the HTML header. print_header($program, "white"); # Get the appropriate list of section names. if ($program eq "mhmm") { @sections = @mhmm_sections; } elsif ($program eq "mhmma") { @sections = @mhmma_sections; } elsif (($program eq "mhmms") || ($program eq "mhmmscan")) { @sections = @mhmms_sections; } else { die("Unrecognized program ($program).\n"); } # Print the section cross-references. print "
\n"; print("\n"); foreach my $section (@sections) { # Replace spaces with underscores. my $new_section = $section; $new_section =~ s/ /_/g; # Print the link. my $color = shift(@colors); print("\n"); } print("
"); print("$section

\n"); # Print the header. print($header); # Add a "View plain text" button. #print("
#\n"); return($program); } #sub make_introduction ######################################################################### # Store the entire input file as a hidden field. ######################################################################### sub make_hidden_copy { my($infile) = @_; # Store the contents of the file as a single variable. my $text = ""; while (my $line = <$infile>){ $text .= $line; } print(&format_hidden("plain text", $text)); } # make_hidden_copy ######################################################################## # Print a subtitle to stdout, including a section reference. ######################################################################## sub print_subtitle { my ($line) = @_; my $new_line = $line; $new_line =~ s/ /_/g; print(""); print(&format_subtitle($line)); ""; # so you can use it like format_subtitle } #print_subtitle ######################################################################## # Generate html output for mhmm. ######################################################################## sub make_mhmm { my($infile) = @_; # Print the state table header. &print_subtitle("HMM STATES"); # Read and print the state information. my $text = ""; my $line = <$infile>; while (!($line =~ /Transition probability matrix/)){ $text .= $line; $line = <$infile>; } print(&format_pre($text)); # Print the transition table header. &print_subtitle("HMM TRANSITIONS"); # Add state indices to the transition table. $text = "state"; my $num_transition = &num_transition($line); for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_transition; $i++) { $text .= " $i"; } $text .= "\n"; # Add transitions to the transition table. my $num_lines = 0; $line = <$infile>; while (!($line =~ /End of MHMM/)){ $text .= "$num_lines $line"; $num_lines++; $line = <$infile>; } # Print the transition table. &format_table($text, 0); } # make_mhmm ################################################################### # num_transition # How many transition states in MHMM model file # # USAGE: $num = &num_transition($line) ################################################################### sub num_transition{ my ($line) = @_; my @temp1 = split("x",$line); my @temp2 = split(":",$temp1[$#temp1]); my $out = substr($temp2[0],0,length($temp2[0])-1); return($out); } # num_transition ################################################################# # make_mhmma # to generate html output page for mhmma ################################################################# sub make_mhmma { my($alphabet, $infile) = @_; my $text = ""; my $i_line = 0; my $num_space = 0; my $label = 0; while (my $line = <$infile>){ $i_line ++; #skip the first line if ($i_line == 1){ } elsif (!($line =~ /\/\//)){ $text = $text.$line; } elsif ($line =~ /\/\//){ $text = ""; $i_line = 0; $line = &format_subtitle("MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT"); print $line; while (!($line =~ /Program parameters/)){ $line = <$infile>; $i_line ++; if (!($line =~ /Program parameters/)){ # if meet "\n", the next line is label line # add these two lines to text if ($line eq "\n"){ $text = $text.$line; $line = <$infile>; $i_line ++; if ($i_line == 2){ $num_space = &cal_space($line); } if (!($line =~ /Program parameters/)){ $text = $text.$line; } } # # otherwise, add color the the upper case letter in sequence # else{ my $new_line = &add_color_uppercase($line, $alphabet); $text = $text.$new_line; } } } $line = &format_pre($text); print $line; last; } } } #make_mhmma ############################################################################# # Calculate how many white spaces before the first character of a line. # This function is called by make_mhmma. # # USAGE: $num_space = &cal_space($line); ############################################################################ sub cal_space{ my ($line) = @_; my ($num_space) = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < length($line); $i++) { if (substr($line,$i,1) eq " "){ $num_space++; } else{ last; } } return ($num_space); } #cal_space ############################################################################ # Generate HTML output from mhmms and mhmmscan input. ############################################################################ sub make_mhmms { my($program, $alphabet, $infile, $input_type) = @_; # Print the section header. &print_subtitle("DATABASE SEARCH RESULTS"); # Read, store and print the search results header line. my $line = <$infile>; chomp($line); my @titles = split(' ', $line); print("\n"); print("\n"); print(&add_table_delimiters($line)); print("\n"); # Skip the line of hyphens. $line = <$infile>; # Read the search results. print(STDERR "Reading sequence scores.\n"); $line = <$infile>; my $i_seq = 0; my @ids; while (!($line =~ /-------/)) { chomp($line); # Parse and print the line. print(""); my $i_word = 0; foreach my $word (split(' ', $line)) { if ($i_word == 0) { print(""); # Store the ID for use in parsing alignments later. $ids[$i_seq] = $word; } elsif ($i_word < scalar(@titles) - 1) { print(""); } elsif ($i_word == scalar(@titles) - 1) { print("\n"); $line = <$infile>; $i_seq++; } print("
"); print(&add_entrez_link($word, $alphabet)); print("$word$word"); } else { print(" $word"); } $i_word++; } print("

\n"); $num_seqs = $i_seq; $ids[$num_seqs] = ""; print(STDERR "Read $num_seqs sequence scores.\n"); # skip blank lines my $id_line = <$infile>; while ($id_line =~ /^\s*$/) {$id_line = <$infile>}; if ($id_line =~ /^$ids[0]/) { # alignments present? &print_pairwise_alignments($program, $alphabet, $infile, $id_line); &print_motif_diagrams($program, $alphabet, $infile, $id_line); } } #make_mhmms ############################################################################ # Print pairwise alignments from mhmms and mhmmscan input. # # Assumes that the first id line has been read and is in $id_line. # Uses globals: # @ids ############################################################################ sub print_pairwise_alignments { my($program, $alphabet, $infile, $id_line) = @_; my $got_scores = 0; &print_subtitle("ALIGNMENTS"); print("\n"); print("\n"); print(""); print("\n"); print("\n"); # Initialize the text diagram. $text_diagram = "SEQUENCE NAME\tE-VALUE\tMOTIF DIAGRAM\n"; $text_diagram .= "-------------\t-------\t-------------\n"; # Read the alignment for each sequence. print(STDERR "Reading alignments for $num_seqs sequences.\n"); for (my $id_seq = 0; $id_seq < $num_seqs; $id_seq++) { # Store the sequence information. my($id, $evalue, $score) = split(' ', $id_line); printf("", &add_entrez_link($id, $alphabet), $evalue, $score); # Read the entire alignment for this sequence. my $raw_alignment = ""; my $this_alignment = ""; my $colored_alignment = ""; my $line; $line = <$infile>; while (!&is_id_line($line) && !&is_divider_line($line)) { $raw_alignment .= $line; $line = <$infile>; } my(@lines) = split("\n", $raw_alignment); my($num_lines)= scalar(@lines); my($lines_per_block)= 0; # The number of lines in an alignment should be a multiple of 6 if # a score is provided and a multiple of 5 if no score provided if ($num_lines != 0 && $num_lines % 6 == 0) { $got_scores = 1; $lines_per_block = 6; } elsif ($num_lines != 0 && $num_lines % 5 == 0) { $got_scores = 0; $lines_per_block = 5; } else { print(STDERR "The alignment for sequence $id had an unexpected number of lines.\n"); print(STDERR "$num_lines were found. Expected a multiple of 5 or 6\n"); exit(1); } # Parse each block in the raw alignment for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_lines; $i += $lines_per_block) { my $pvalue_sequence; my $motif_sequence; my $model_sequence; my $match_sequence; my $sequence; if ($got_scores) { $pvalue_sequence = $lines[$i + 1]; $motif_sequence = $lines[$i + 2]; $model_sequence = $lines[$i + 3]; $match_sequence = $lines[$i + 4]; $sequence = $lines[$i + 5]; } else { $motif_sequence = $lines[$i + 1]; $model_sequence = $lines[$i + 2]; $match_sequence = $lines[$i + 3]; $sequence = $lines[$i + 4]; } # Test for valid sequence as a sanity check if (!($sequence =~ /^\s*\d+\s+[a-zA-Z]+\s+\d+\s*$/)) { die("File is not in proper format at sequence $id.\n"); } # Add color to the model sequence and the sequence. my($colored_model_sequence, $colored_sequence) = &add_color_in_parallel($model_sequence, $sequence, $alphabet); # Store everything in this alignment, with and without color. $this_alignment .= "\n"; if ($got_scores) { $this_alignment .= $pvalue_sequence . "\n"; } $this_alignment .= $motif_sequence . "\n"; $this_alignment .= $model_sequence . "\n"; $this_alignment .= $match_sequence . "\n"; $this_alignment .= $sequence . "\n"; $colored_alignment .= "\n"; if ($got_scores) { $colored_alignment .= $pvalue_sequence . "\n"; } $colored_alignment .= $motif_sequence . "\n"; $colored_alignment .= $colored_model_sequence . "\n"; $colored_alignment .= $match_sequence . "\n"; $colored_alignment .= $colored_sequence . "\n"; } # Format and print this alignment. printf("\n", &format_pre($colored_alignment)); print("\n"); # Store this alignment for later. $text_diagram .= &format_text_diagram($this_alignment, $id, $evalue, $program); if (&is_id_line($line)) { $id_line = $line; } } print("
\n"); } # print_pairwise_alignments ############################################################################ # Print motif diagrams from mhmms and mhmmscan input. ############################################################################ sub print_motif_diagrams { my($program, $alphabet, $infile) = @_; # Print the motif diagrams graphically. print(STDERR "Creating the motif occurrence diagram.\n"); #print(STDERR "text_diagram=$text_diagram\n"); &print_subtitle("MOTIF DIAGRAMS"); print(&format_diagrams($SCALE / $diagram_scale, # sequence positions/pixel $MAX_DIAGRAM * $diagram_scale, # maximum number of pixels per diagram $text_diagram, $alphabet, # Database $alphabet eq "dna" ? "c" : "p", # stype 0, # xlate (not translating DNA to protein) 0, # no buttons on left "E-value", 0, # leave gi names. '\t', # field delimiter undef, # skip list \%WIDTHS # width list )); print(&format_hidden("motif diagrams plain text", $text_diagram)); } # print_motif_diagrams ############################################################### # Add table delimiters to a white-space delimited line. ############################################################### sub add_table_delimiters { my ($line) = @_; chomp ($line); my @words = split(' ', $line); $line = join("", @words); return("$line"); } ############################################################## # Add color to a letter. ############################################################## sub colorize { my($letter, $alphabet) = @_; my($color); $color = &get_color($alphabet, $letter); if ($color eq "BLACK") { return($letter); } else { return("$letter"); } } ############################################################## # Add color to uppercase letters in a text string. ############################################################## sub add_color_uppercase { my($text, $lowercase, $alphabet) = @_; my($return_text, $num_letters, $i_letter, $this_char); $return_text = ""; $num_letters = length($text); for ($i_letter = 0; $i_letter < $num_letters; $i_letter++) { $this_char = substr($text, $i_letter, 1); if ($this_char =~ /[A-Z]/) { $return_text .= &colorize($this_char, $alphabet); } else { $return_text .= $this_char; } } return($return_text); } ############################################################## # Add color to two strings of equal length. Only add color in # positions where the first string has an alphabetic character. ############################################################## sub add_color_in_parallel { my($first_text, $second_text, $alphabet) = @_; my $return_first_text = ""; my $return_second_text = ""; my $num_letters = length($first_text); for (my $i_letter = 0; $i_letter < $num_letters; $i_letter++) { # Get the corresponding characters from each string. my $first_char = substr($first_text, $i_letter, 1); my $second_char = substr($second_text, $i_letter, 1); # Only add color to alphabetic characters. if ($first_char =~ /[A-Z]/) { $return_first_text .= &colorize($first_char, $alphabet); $return_second_text .= &colorize($second_char, $alphabet); } else { $return_first_text .= $first_char; $return_second_text .= $second_char; } } return($return_first_text, $return_second_text); } ##################################################################### # add hyperlink to the introduction part ##################################################################### sub add_hyperlink{ my($line) = @_; chomp($line); my(@temp) = split(': ',$line); if ($temp[0] =~ /HMM file/){ $line = $temp[0].": "; $temp[1] = "$temp[1]"; $line .= "$temp[1] "; $line .= "This file will be stored online for three days"; return $line; } else{ return $line; } } ############################################################################# # make_explanation # # USAGE: &make_explanation($program) ############################################################################# sub make_explanation(){ my ($program) = @_; my $subtitle; if ($program eq "mhmmscan" || $program eq "mhmms") { $subtitle = "EXPLANATION OF OUTPUT"; } elsif($program eq "mhmma") { $subtitle = "EXPLANATION OF MULTIPLE ALIGNMENT"; } elsif($program eq "mhmm") { $subtitle = "EXPLANATION OF THE METAMEME MODEL FILE"; } my $file = "$docdir/$program.html"; my $explanation = &print_subtitle($subtitle); # copy the html file contents minus the header and tailer $explanation .= ©_html_file($file, "START OUTPUT", "END OUTPUT"); print($explanation); } #make_explanation ############################################################################# # copy_html_file # # USAGE $text = ©_html_file($infile, $start, $stop) # # Returns all lines between the $start and $stop markers in an HTML file. # ############################################################################# sub copy_html_file(){ my ($infile_name, $start, $stop) = @_; my($infile); open($infile, "<$infile_name") || die("Can't open $infile_name."); my $out = ""; my $copying = 0; while (<$infile>) { last if (/$stop/); if (!$copying) {$copying = /$start/; next;} if ($copying) { $out .= $_; } } return($out); } #copy_html_file ####################################################################### # Format Text Diagram # # Convert a Meta-MEME alignment into a motif occurrence diagram. # Each diagram looks like this: [1]_5_[4]_43_[3], where numbers # in brackets are motif indices, and other numbers are spacer lengths. # # N.B. This function assumes that the motif occurences are complete. ####################################################################### sub format_text_diagram{ my($line, $id, $e_value, $program) = @_; my($white_space) = 8; my $new_line = ""; # Split the diagram into lines. my @lines = split("\n", $line); # If the number of lines is a multiple of 5 then there is no score line. # If the number of lines is a multiple of 6 then there is a score line. # If the number of lines is not a multiple of 5 or 6 something is wrong. my $numlines = scalar(@lines); my $numlines_per_group = 0; my $motifline; if ($numlines > 0 && (($numlines % 5) == 0)) { $motifline = 1; $numlines_per_group = 5; } elsif ($numlines > 0 && (($numlines % 6) == 0)) { $motifline = 2; $numlines_per_group = 6; } else { print(STDERR "The number of lines in the alignment $id is $numlines, expected a multiple of 5 or 6\n"); exit(1); } # Get the starting position of the alignment. my @words = split(' ', $lines[$numlines_per_group - 1]); my($start_point); if ($program eq "mhmmscan") { $start_point = 0; } # Otherwise, begin at the start of the sequence. else { $start_point = $words[0]; } # Read every fourth or fifth line of the alignment and remove # whitespace on ends. This concatenates the motif line from all the # alignment blocks my $label_line = ""; for (my $i_line = $motifline; $i_line < $numlines; $i_line += $numlines_per_group) { my $substring = $lines[$i_line]; $substring =~ s/^\s+//; $substring =~ s/\s+$//; $label_line .= $substring; } # Store the ID and E-value. $id = &add_entrez_link($id, $alphabet); my $return_value = "$id\t$e_value\t"; # Find all motifs in the line. # Motifs are marked by strings of the form "*----6----*" my $end_motif = 0; while ($label_line =~ /\*_*([+-]?\d+)_*\*/g) { my $start = index $label_line, $&, $end_motif; my $w = length($&); my $end = $start + $w; my $space = $start - $end_motif; my $name = $1; # save the width of the motif in a global for use in making diagrams $name =~ /[+-]?(\d+)/; my $motif_id = $1; $WIDTHS{$motif_id} = $w; $return_value .= "_" . $space . "_[" . $name . "]"; $end_motif = $end; } # Special case: no motifs. if ($end_motif == 0) { $return_value .= $start_point + length($label_line); } else { $return_value .= "_"; $return_value .= length($label_line) - $end_motif; } $return_value .= "\n"; #print(STDERR "return_value=$return_value\n"); return($return_value); } sub make_parameters { my($infile) = @_; &print_subtitle("PROGRAM PARAMETERS"); while (my $line = <$infile>) { print("$line
\n"); } #close($infile); } sub is_id_line() { my($line)= @_; my $result = 0; # N.B. This line needs a comment! if ($line =~ /^[\S]+.*$/) { #print(STDERR "ID line: $line"); $result = 1; } return($result); } sub is_divider_line() { my($line) = @_; my $result = 0; # N.B. This line needs a comment! if ($line =~ /^ -+$/) { #print(STDERR "Divider line: $line"); $result = 1; } return($result); }