/******************************************************************** * FILE: array.c * AUTHOR: William Stafford Noble * PROJECT: shared * COPYRIGHT: 1999-2008, WSN * VERSION: $Revision: $ * DESCRIPTION: Some simple array-handling routines. ********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "array.h" /*********************************************************************** * Allocate one array. ***********************************************************************/ ARRAY_T* allocate_array (const int num_items) { ARRAY_T* new_array = (ARRAY_T*)mm_malloc(sizeof(ARRAY_T)); new_array->items = (ATYPE*)mm_calloc(num_items, sizeof(ATYPE)); new_array->num_items = num_items; return(new_array); } /*********************************************************************** * Resize an array. Allocates the array if it is null. ***********************************************************************/ ARRAY_T* resize_array (ARRAY_T* array, const int num_items) { ARRAY_T* new_array; if (array == NULL) { new_array = allocate_array(num_items); } else { new_array = array; mm_resize(new_array->items, num_items, ATYPE); new_array->num_items = num_items; } return(new_array); } /************************************************************************** * Error checking routine called by all access functions to avoid core * dump when attempting to access a null pointer. **************************************************************************/ static void check_null_array (const ARRAY_T* array) { #ifdef BOUNDS_CHECK if (array == NULL) { die("Attempted to access a null array.\n"); } #else /* Avoid compiler warning. */ array = NULL; #endif } /************************************************************************** * Implement bounds checking. **************************************************************************/ static void array_bounds_check (int index, ARRAY_T* array) { #ifdef BOUNDS_CHECK if (index < 0) { die("Invalid array index (%d).\n", index); } else if (index >= get_array_length(array)) { die("Array index out of bounds (%d >= %d).\n", index, get_array_length(array)); } #else /* Avoid compiler warning. */ array += index; #endif } /*********************************************************************** * Check to be sure that two arrays have the same length. ***********************************************************************/ static BOOLEAN_T check_array_dimensions (BOOLEAN_T die_on_mismatch, const ARRAY_T* array1, const ARRAY_T* array2) { /* Check to see that the two arrays are of the same length. */ if (get_array_length(array1) != get_array_length(array2)) { if (die_on_mismatch) { die("Arrays have differing lengths (%d != %d).\n", get_array_length(array1), get_array_length(array2)); } return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); } /*********************************************************************** * Basic access routines. ***********************************************************************/ int get_array_length (const ARRAY_T* array) { check_null_array(array); return(array->num_items); } /* The following two functions are only used when array bounds checking is turned on. Otherwise, they are replaced by macros in array.h. */ ATYPE get_array_item_defcheck (int index, ARRAY_T* array) { check_null_array(array); array_bounds_check(index, array); return(array->items[index]); } void set_array_item_defcheck (int index, ATYPE value, ARRAY_T* array) { check_null_array(array); array_bounds_check(index, array); array->items[index] = value; } void incr_array_item (int index, ATYPE value, ARRAY_T* array) { check_null_array(array); array_bounds_check(index, array); array->items[index] += value; } /*********************************************************************** * Get the minimum and maximum values in an array. ***********************************************************************/ ATYPE get_array_minimum (ARRAY_T* array) { check_null_array(array); int num_items = get_array_length(array); if (num_items == 0) { die("Attempted to retrieve minimum value from an empty array.\n"); } ATYPE return_value = get_array_item(0, array); int i_item; for (i_item = 1; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { ATYPE item = get_array_item(i_item, array); if (item < return_value) { return_value = item; } } return(return_value); } ATYPE get_array_maximum (ARRAY_T* array) { check_null_array(array); int num_items = get_array_length(array); if (num_items == 0) { die("Attempted to retrieve maximum value from an empty array.\n"); } ATYPE return_value = get_array_item(0, array); int i_item; for (i_item = 1; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { ATYPE item = get_array_item(i_item, array); if (item > return_value) { return_value = item; } } return(return_value); } /*********************************************************************** * Give out the innards of the array. This function is included only * to allow optimizations. It should be used sparingly. ***********************************************************************/ ATYPE* raw_array (ARRAY_T* array) { return(array->items); } /*********************************************************************** * Initialize a given array with a given value. ***********************************************************************/ void init_array (ATYPE value, ARRAY_T* array) { int i_item; int num_items; num_items = get_array_length(array); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { set_array_item(i_item, value, array); } } /*********************************************************************** * Remove one item from an array, shifting everything else left. ***********************************************************************/ void remove_array_item (int item_index, ARRAY_T* array) { int i_item; int num_items; // Shift everything left one position. num_items = get_array_length(array); for (i_item = item_index + 1; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { set_array_item(i_item - 1, get_array_item(i_item, array), array); } // Reallocate. if ((array->items = (ATYPE*)mm_realloc(array->items, sizeof(ATYPE) * (num_items - 1))) == NULL) { die("Error re-allocating array.\n"); } (array->num_items)--; } /*********************************************************************** * Fill an array with a given raw array of values. ***********************************************************************/ void fill_array (ATYPE* raw_array, ARRAY_T* array) { int i_item; int num_items; num_items = get_array_length(array); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { set_array_item(i_item, raw_array[i_item], array); } } /*********************************************************************** * Copy an array into another array of the same length. ***********************************************************************/ void copy_array (const ARRAY_T* source, ARRAY_T* dest) { int num_items; check_null_array(source); check_null_array(dest); check_array_dimensions(TRUE, source, dest); num_items = get_array_length(source); if (num_items != 0) { memcpy(dest->items, source->items, sizeof(ATYPE) * num_items); } } /*********************************************************************** * Determine whether two arrays are equal, within a given bound. ***********************************************************************/ BOOLEAN_T equal_arrays (ATYPE close_enough, ARRAY_T* array1, ARRAY_T* array2) { int i_item; int num_items; check_null_array(array1); check_null_array(array2); /* Verify that the arrays are of the same length. */ if (!check_array_dimensions(FALSE, array1, array2)) { return(FALSE); } /* Check to be sure that each value is the same. */ num_items = get_array_length(array1); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { if (!almost_equal(get_array_item(i_item, array1) - get_array_item(i_item, array2), 0.0, close_enough)) { return(FALSE); } } return(TRUE); } /*********************************************************************** * Add two arrays. ***********************************************************************/ void sum_array (ARRAY_T* array1, ARRAY_T* array2) { int i_item; int num_items; check_null_array(array1); check_null_array(array2); check_array_dimensions(TRUE, array1, array2); num_items = get_array_length(array1); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { incr_array_item(i_item, get_array_item(i_item, array1), array2); } } /*********************************************************************** * Compute the element-by-element product of two arrays. ***********************************************************************/ void element_product (ARRAY_T* array1, ARRAY_T* array2) { int i_item; int num_items; check_null_array(array1); check_null_array(array2); check_array_dimensions(TRUE, array1, array2); num_items = get_array_length(array1); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { set_array_item(i_item, get_array_item(i_item, array1) * get_array_item(i_item, array2), array2); } } /*********************************************************************** * Compute the dot product of two arrays. ***********************************************************************/ double dot_product (ARRAY_T* array1, ARRAY_T* array2) { int i_item; int num_items; double return_value; check_array_dimensions(TRUE, array1, array2); num_items = get_array_length(array1); return_value = 0.0; for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { return_value += get_array_item(i_item, array1) * get_array_item(i_item, array2); } return(return_value); } /*********************************************************************** * Add a scalar value to each element of an array. ***********************************************************************/ void scalar_add (ATYPE value, ARRAY_T* array) { int i_item; int num_items; num_items = get_array_length(array); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { incr_array_item(i_item, value, array); } } /*********************************************************************** * Multiply each element of an array by a scalar value. ***********************************************************************/ void scalar_mult (ATYPE value, ARRAY_T* array) { int i_item; int num_items; check_null_array(array); num_items = get_array_length(array); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { set_array_item(i_item, get_array_item(i_item, array) * value, array); } } /*********************************************************************** * Compute the sum of the elements in an array. ***********************************************************************/ ATYPE array_total (ARRAY_T* array) { int i_item; int num_items; ATYPE total = 0; check_null_array(array); num_items = get_array_length(array); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { total += get_array_item(i_item, array); } return(total); } /************************************************************************* * Test whether a given array is already sorted. *************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN_T is_sorted (BOOLEAN_T good_score_is_low, ARRAY_T* my_array) { ATYPE prev_value = get_array_item(0, my_array); int index = 0; int length = get_array_length(my_array); for (index = 1; index < length; index++) { ATYPE this_value = get_array_item(index, my_array); if (good_score_is_low) { if (this_value < prev_value) { return(FALSE); } } else { if (this_value > prev_value) { return(FALSE); } } prev_value = this_value; } return(TRUE); } /*********************************************************************** * Sort the elements in an array. ***********************************************************************/ static int sort_compare (const void* elem1, const void* elem2) { ATYPE num1 = *((ATYPE*)elem1); ATYPE num2 = *((ATYPE*)elem2); if (num1 < num2) { // less return(-1); } else if (num1 > num2) { // greater return(1); } else if (elem1 < elem2) { // break ties return(-1); } else if (elem1 > elem2) { // break ties return(1); } return(0); // identical } static int reverse_sort_compare (const void* elem1, const void* elem2) { ATYPE num1 = *((ATYPE*)elem1); ATYPE num2 = *((ATYPE*)elem2); if (num1 < num2) { // less return(1); } else if (num1 > num2) { // greater return(-1); } else if (elem1 < elem2) { // break ties return(1); } else if (elem1 > elem2) { // break ties return(-1); } return(0); //if (num1 > num2) { // return(-1); //} else if (num1 < num2) { // return(1); //} } void sort_array (BOOLEAN_T reverse_sort, ARRAY_T* array) { if (reverse_sort) { qsort(array->items, array->num_items, sizeof(ATYPE), reverse_sort_compare); } else { qsort(array->items, array->num_items, sizeof(ATYPE), sort_compare); } } /*********************************************************************** * Set and get the key used in sorting multiple arrays. ***********************************************************************/ void set_array_key (ATYPE key, ARRAY_T* array) { check_null_array(array); array->key = key; } ATYPE get_array_key (ARRAY_T* array) { check_null_array(array); return(array->key); } /*********************************************************************** * Compute the sum of the squares of the elements in an array. ***********************************************************************/ ATYPE sum_of_squares (ARRAY_T* array) { int i_item; int num_items; ATYPE value; /* One value from the array. */ ATYPE total = 0; /* The sum of the squares. */ check_null_array(array); num_items = get_array_length(array); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { value = get_array_item(i_item, array); total += value * value; } return(total); } /*********************************************************************** * Compute the sum of the squares of the differences between two arrays. ***********************************************************************/ ATYPE sum_of_square_diffs (ARRAY_T* array1, ARRAY_T* array2) { int i_item; int num_items; ATYPE diff; /* The difference between two corresponding array values. */ ATYPE total = 0; /* The sum of the squares. */ check_null_array(array1); check_null_array(array2); check_array_dimensions(TRUE, array1, array2); num_items = get_array_length(array1); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { diff = get_array_item(i_item, array1) - get_array_item(i_item, array2); total += diff * diff; } return(total); } /*********************************************************************** * Compute the Euclidean distance between two arrays. ***********************************************************************/ double euclidean_distance (ARRAY_T* array1, ARRAY_T* array2) { return(sqrt(sum_of_square_diffs(array1, array2))); } /*********************************************************************** * Compute the median value in an array. * * Sorts the array as a side effect. ***********************************************************************/ ATYPE compute_median (ARRAY_T* array) { int num_items; ATYPE return_value; /* Sort the array. */ sort_array(FALSE, array); /* If there are an odd number of elements, return the middle one. */ num_items = get_array_length(array); if (num_items % 2 == 1) { return_value = get_array_item(num_items / 2, array); } /* Otherwise, return the average of the two middle ones. */ else { return_value = get_array_item((num_items / 2) - 1, array); return_value += get_array_item(num_items / 2, array); return_value /= 2.0; } return(return_value); } /*********************************************************************** * Read an array of known length from a file. ***********************************************************************/ void read_array (FILE * infile, ARRAY_T* array) { int i_item; int num_items; ATYPE value; check_null_array(array); num_items = get_array_length(array); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { if (fscanf((FILE *)infile, ASCAN, &value) != 1) { die("Error reading array at position %d.\n", i_item); } set_array_item(i_item, value, array); } } /*********************************************************************** * Read an array of unknown length from a file. * Caller is resposbile for freeing array. ***********************************************************************/ ARRAY_T *read_array_from_file(const char* filename) { int array_size = 100; int i_item = 0; int num_read = 0; ATYPE value; FILE *array_file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (array_file == NULL) { die( "Unable to open file: %s.\nError message: %s.\n", filename, strerror(errno) ); } ARRAY_T *array = allocate_array(array_size); while ((num_read = fscanf(array_file, ASCAN, &value)) == 1) { set_array_item(i_item, value, array); ++i_item; if (i_item >= array_size) { resize_array(array, 2 * array_size); array_size = 2 *array_size; } } if (num_read == 0) { die("Error reading array at position %d.\n", i_item); } fclose(array_file); resize_array(array, i_item); return array; } /*********************************************************************** * Write an array to a file. ***********************************************************************/ void print_array (ARRAY_T* array, /* The array to be printed. */ int width, /* Width of each cell. */ int precision, /* Precision of each cell. */ BOOLEAN_T eol, /* Include an EOL char at the end? */ FILE* outfile) /* File to which to write. */ { int i_item; int num_items; ATYPE item; check_null_array(array); num_items = get_array_length(array); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { item = get_array_item(i_item, array); fprintf(outfile, APRINT, width, precision, item); } if (eol) { fprintf(outfile, "\n"); } } /*********************************************************************** * Write an array to a file. ***********************************************************************/ void print_sub_array (int start, // First position to print. int end, // Last position to print. ARRAY_T* array, /* The array to be printed. */ int width, /* Width of each cell. */ int precision, /* Precision of each cell. */ BOOLEAN_T eol, /* Include an EOL char at the end? */ FILE* outfile) /* File to which to write. */ { int i_item; int num_items; ATYPE item; check_null_array(array); num_items = get_array_length(array); for (i_item = start; (i_item < end) && (i_item < num_items); i_item++) { item = get_array_item(i_item, array); fprintf(outfile, APRINT, width, precision, item); } if (eol) { fprintf(outfile, "\n"); } } /*********************************************************************** * Free memory used by an array. ***********************************************************************/ void free_array (ARRAY_T* array) { if (array == NULL) { return; } myfree(array->items); myfree(array); } /*********************************************************************** * Create a bootstrapped copy of the given array. * * Allocates the bootstrap array; must be freed by caller. * Assumes that the random number generator is initialized. ***********************************************************************/ ARRAY_T* bootstrap_array (ARRAY_T* source_array, int num_items) { ARRAY_T* return_array; check_null_array(source_array); // Allocate the bootstrap array. return_array = allocate_array(num_items); // Fill up the bootstrap array. int i_item; int num_inputs = get_array_length(source_array); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { int random_index = (int)(my_drand() * (double)(num_inputs)); ATYPE random_item = get_array_item(random_index, source_array); set_array_item(i_item, random_item, return_array); } return(return_array); } /* The following functions require non-integral array values. */ #ifdef NOT_INT /*********************************************************************** * Divide corresponding elements in two arrays. ***********************************************************************/ void dot_divide (ARRAY_T* array1, ARRAY_T* array2) { int i_item; int num_items; check_null_array(array1); check_null_array(array2); check_array_dimensions(TRUE, array1, array2); num_items = get_array_length(array1); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { set_array_item(i_item, get_array_item(i_item, array1) / get_array_item(i_item, array2), array2); } } /*********************************************************************** * Compute the average of an array. ***********************************************************************/ ATYPE ave_array (ARRAY_T* array) { int num_items; check_null_array(array); /* Check for zero length. */ num_items = get_array_length(array); if (num_items == 0) { die("Attempting to average the elements of an empty array.\n"); } /* Compute the average. */ return(array_total(array) / (ATYPE)num_items); } /*********************************************************************** * Compute the variance of the elements in an array. ***********************************************************************/ ATYPE array_variance (ARRAY_T* array) { int num_items; int i_item; ATYPE average; ATYPE error; ATYPE total_error; /* Compute the average. */ average = ave_array(array); total_error = 0.0; num_items = get_array_length(array); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { error = get_array_item(i_item, array) - average; total_error += error * error; } return(total_error / (ATYPE)(num_items - 1)); } /*********************************************************************** * Make an array sum to zero by subtracting the mean from each element. ***********************************************************************/ void sum_to_zero (ARRAY_T* array) { int num_items; int i_item; ATYPE ave; ave = ave_array(array); num_items = get_array_length(array); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { incr_array_item(i_item, -ave, array); } } /*********************************************************************** * Make an array have variance one by dividing by the standard * deviation. ***********************************************************************/ void variance_one_array (ARRAY_T* array) { ATYPE variance; variance = array_variance(array); /* Avoid divide by zero. */ if (variance == 0.0) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: variance of zero.\n"); } else { scalar_mult(1.0 / sqrt(array_variance(array)), array); } } /*********************************************************************** * Normalize the elements of an array to sum to 1.0. ***********************************************************************/ void normalize (ATYPE close_enough, /* If the total is close to 1.0, don't bother. */ ARRAY_T* array) { ATYPE total; /* Compute the sum of the elements in the array. */ total = array_total(array); /* Only normalize if we're relatively far from 1.0. */ if (almost_equal(total, 1.0, close_enough)) { return; } /* If there's nothing in the array, then return a uniform distribution. */ if (total == 0.0) { init_array(1.0 / (ATYPE)get_array_length(array), array); return; } /* Divide by the total. */ scalar_mult(1.0 / total, array); } /*********************************************************************** * Compute the Pearson correlation coefficient of two vectors. * * r(X,Y) = \frac{\sum X_i Y_i - \frac{\sum X_i \sum Y_i}{n}} * {\sqrt{\left( \sum X_i^2 - \frac{(\sum X_i)^2}{n} \right) * \left( \sum Y_i^2 - \frac{(\sum Y_i)^2}{n}\right)}} ***********************************************************************/ ATYPE correlation (ARRAY_T* array1, ARRAY_T* array2) { ATYPE length; ATYPE sum1; ATYPE sum2; ATYPE dotproduct; ATYPE numerator; ATYPE variance1; ATYPE variance2; ATYPE denominator; ATYPE return_value; length = (ATYPE)get_array_length(array1); if (length != (ATYPE)get_array_length(array2)) { die("Computing correlation of vectors of different lengths."); } sum1 = array_total(array1); sum2 = array_total(array2); dotproduct = dot_product(array1, array2); numerator = dotproduct - ((sum1 * sum2) / length); variance1 = sum_of_squares(array1) - ((sum1 * sum1) / length); variance2 = sum_of_squares(array2) - ((sum2 * sum2) / length); denominator = sqrt(variance1 * variance2); return_value = numerator / denominator; /*fprintf(stderr, "return_value=%g\n", return_value);*/ assert(return_value <= 1.0); assert(return_value >= -1.0); return(return_value); } /*********************************************************************** * Convert an array to and from logs (base 2). ***********************************************************************/ void log_array (ARRAY_T* array) { int i_item; int num_items; check_null_array(array); num_items = get_array_length(array); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { set_array_item(i_item, my_log2(get_array_item(i_item, array)), array); } } void unlog_array (ARRAY_T* array) { int i_item; int num_items; check_null_array(array); num_items = get_array_length(array); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { set_array_item(i_item, EXP2(get_array_item(i_item, array)), array); } } /*********************************************************************** * Compute the sum of an array in log space. ***********************************************************************/ ATYPE log_array_total (ARRAY_T* array) { int i_item; int num_items; ATYPE total = LOG_ZERO; check_null_array(array); num_items = get_array_length(array); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { total = LOG_SUM(total, get_array_item(i_item, array)); } return(total); } /*********************************************************************** * Normalize an array in log space. ***********************************************************************/ void log_normalize (ATYPE close_enough, ARRAY_T* array) { int i_item; int num_items; ATYPE total; ATYPE this_value; /* Get the sum of the elements. */ total = log_array_total(array); /* If the array already sums to zero, don't bother. */ if (almost_equal(total, 0.0, close_enough)) { return; } /* If there's nothing in the array, then return all zeroes. */ if (total < LOG_SMALL) { init_array(LOG_ZERO, array); return; } num_items = get_array_length(array); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { this_value = get_array_item(i_item, array) - total; /* If this value is small enough, just make it zero. */ if (this_value < LOG_SMALL) { set_array_item(i_item, LOG_ZERO, array); } else { set_array_item(i_item, this_value, array); } } } /************************************************************************** * Convert a given array to or from logs. **************************************************************************/ void convert_to_from_log_array (BOOLEAN_T to_log, ARRAY_T* source_array, ARRAY_T* target_array) { int num_items; int i_item; ATYPE new_value; // If the source is null, just return. if (source_array == NULL) return; num_items = get_array_length(source_array); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { if (to_log) { new_value = my_log2(get_array_item(i_item, source_array)); } else { new_value = EXP2(get_array_item(i_item, source_array)); } set_array_item(i_item, new_value, target_array); } } /*********************************************************************** * Mix two arrays in log space. ***********************************************************************/ void mix_log_arrays (float mixing, /* Percent of array2 that will be retained. */ ARRAY_T* array1, ARRAY_T* array2) { int i_item; int num_items; ATYPE mixed_value; check_null_array(array1); check_null_array(array2); /* Verify that the arrays are of the same length. */ check_array_dimensions(TRUE, array1, array2); /* Verify that we've got a reasonable mixing parameter. */ if ((mixing > 1.0) || (mixing < 0.0)) { die("Invalid mixing parameter (%g).\n", mixing); } num_items = get_array_length(array1); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { mixed_value = LOG_SUM(my_log2(1.0 - mixing) + get_array_item(i_item, array1), my_log2(mixing) + get_array_item(i_item, array2)); set_array_item(i_item, mixed_value, array2); } } /*********************************************************************** * Fill an array with random values between 0 and a given maximum. * * Assumes that the random number generator is initialized. ***********************************************************************/ void randomize_array (ATYPE magnitude, ARRAY_T* array) { int num_items; int i_item; check_null_array(array); num_items = get_array_length(array); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { set_array_item(i_item, my_drand() * magnitude, array); } } /*********************************************************************** * Add random noise to an array. ***********************************************************************/ void add_noise (ATYPE magnitude, /* Magnitude of the noise. */ ARRAY_T* array) { int i_item; int num_items; ATYPE noise; check_null_array(array); num_items = get_array_length(array); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { noise = magnitude * (2 * my_drand() - 1); incr_array_item(i_item, noise, array); } } /*********************************************************************** * A helper function to normalize a subarray. ***********************************************************************/ void normalize_subarray( int start_index, int length, double tolerance, ARRAY_T* array ) { ATYPE total; int i; /* Compute the total. */ total = 0.0; for (i = start_index; i < start_index + length; i++) { total += get_array_item(i, array); } assert(total != 0.0); /* Don't bother if we're close enough. */ if (almost_equal(1.0, total, tolerance)) { return; } /* Divide each element by the total. */ for (i = start_index; i < start_index + length; i++) { set_array_item(i, get_array_item(i, array) / total, array); } } /*********************************************************************** * Make all the elements of an array positive by adding a constant to * each. ***********************************************************************/ void all_positive (ARRAY_T* array) { int i_item; int num_items; ATYPE min; check_null_array(array); /* Find the minimum value. */ min = get_array_item(0, array); num_items = get_array_length(array); for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { if (get_array_item(i_item, array) < min) { min = get_array_item(i_item, array); } } /* If there are negative elements ... */ if (min < 0.0) { /* ... then subtract the minimum from all elements. */ for (i_item = 0; i_item < num_items; i_item++) { incr_array_item(i_item, -min, array); } } } #endif /* NOT_INT */ /* * Local Variables: * mode: c * c-basic-offset: 2 * End: */