/* data structure to hold command line arguments */ #ifndef GLAM2_ARGS_H #define GLAM2_ARGS_H #include typedef struct { int stop_after; int runs; char *out_dir; int clobber; /* allow files to be clobbered */ int two_strands; int min_width; int max_width; int min_seqs; /* minimum number of sequences in the alignment */ int init_width; /* initial width */ double delete_pseudo; double no_delete_pseudo; double insert_pseudo; double no_insert_pseudo; int profile; double column_sample_rate; int algorithm; /* 0 = fast, 1 = slow, 2 = FFT */ double temperature; double cool; double frozen; /* lowest allowed temperature, to avoid numerical problems */ const char *dirichlet_file; double bg_pseudo; /* "weight" of background pseudocounts */ unsigned seed; /* seed for random number generator */ const char *alph_name; /* "n" = nucleotide, "p" = protein */ const char *seq_file; int quiet; const char *embed; const char *address; char *description; } args; void printargs(FILE *fp, int argc, char **argv); void getargs(args *a, int argc, char **argv); #endif