/* * $Id: message.c 3244 2008-09-16 00:43:14Z tbailey $ * * $Log$ * Revision 2006/01/31 08:34:53 tbailey * Put FIXMEs where we branching search is messing up parallel MEME. * * Revision 2005/07/29 17:23:03 nadya * Importing from meme-3.0.14, and adding configure/make * */ /*********************************************************************** * * * MEME++ * * Copyright 1996, The Regents of the University of California * * Author: Tim Bailey & Bill Grundy * * * ***********************************************************************/ #ifdef PARALLEL #include "macros.h" #include #include "mp.h" #include "message.h" /********************************************************************** * * void balance_loop1 * * This function does load-balancing on the search for starting * points. It divides the dataset by the number of processors at the * character level. The work assigned to each processor is stored in a * global struct. * * IN: SAMPLE **samples the dataset * int n_samples size of the dataset * OUT: SEQ_PARAMS *start_n_end (global) start and end points for this node * * This function is called in 'init.c'. **********************************************************************/ void balance_loop1(SAMPLE **samples, int n_samples) { int n_residues; float residues_per_node, target; int iseq, inode, seq_start, seq_end; /* Allocate storage for the sequence parameters. */ start_n_end = (SEQ_PARAMS *)mymalloc(sizeof(SEQ_PARAMS)); /* First count how many residues we have. */ for (iseq = 0, n_residues = 0; iseq < n_samples; iseq++) n_residues += samples[iseq]->length; /* Calculate the number of residues per node. */ residues_per_node = MAX(1, n_residues / mpNodes()); /* fprintf(stderr, "n_residues=%d residues_per_node=%g\n", n_residues, residues_per_node); */ /* Set the starting points for node 0. */ if (mpMyID() == 0) { start_n_end->start_seq = 0; start_n_end->start_off = 0; } /* Calculate per-node starting and ending points. */ for (iseq = 0, seq_start = 0, seq_end = samples[0]->length - 1, inode = 0, target = residues_per_node; (target < n_residues) || (iseq < n_samples); /* Incrementing is done in the loop */) { /* See whether we've moved past the target. */ if (seq_end >= target) { if (mpMyID() == inode) { start_n_end->end_seq = iseq; start_n_end->end_off = (int)target - seq_start - 1; } if (mpMyID() == inode + 1) { start_n_end->start_seq = iseq; start_n_end->start_off = (int)target - seq_start; } /* fprintf(stderr, "end %d %d\nnode %d start %d %d ", iseq, (int)target-seq_start-1, inode+1, iseq, (int)target-seq_start); */ /* Move to a new node. */ inode++; /* Calculate the target for this node. */ target = residues_per_node * (inode+1); } else { /* Move to a new sequence. */ if (++iseq < n_samples) { /* Calculate the starting and ending points of this sequence. */ seq_start = seq_end; seq_end += samples[iseq]->length; /* 1 more than the index. */ } } } /* Set the ending points for the last node. */ if (mpMyID() == mpNodes() - 1) { start_n_end->end_seq = n_samples - 1; start_n_end->end_off = samples[n_samples - 1]->length - 1; } /* Search for (and correct) fencepost problems. */ if (start_n_end->start_off >= samples[start_n_end->start_seq]->length) { start_n_end->start_seq++; start_n_end->start_off = 0; } else if (start_n_end->start_off <= -1) { start_n_end->start_seq--; start_n_end->start_off = samples[start_n_end->start_seq]->length - 1; } if (start_n_end->end_off >= samples[start_n_end->end_seq]->length) { start_n_end->end_seq++; start_n_end->end_off = 0; } else if (start_n_end->end_off <= -1) { start_n_end->end_seq--; start_n_end->end_off = samples[start_n_end->end_seq]->length - 1; } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "%d: (%d,%d) -> (%d,%d)\n", mpMyID(), start_n_end->start_seq, start_n_end->start_off, start_n_end->end_seq, start_n_end->end_off); #endif /* DEBUG */ /* Do some error checking. */ /* if (inode != mpNodes()) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning! inode(%d) != mpNodes(%d)\n", inode, mpNodes()); } */ if (iseq != n_samples) fprintf(stderr, "Warning! iseq(%d) != n_samples(%d)\n", iseq, n_samples); } /********************************************************************** * * void store_consensus * * Because the reduction across models does not include the * candidates, we must transfer the human-readable consensus string * into the model so that it can be printed later. * * This function is called by 'meme.c'. **********************************************************************/ void store_consensus(MODEL *model, CANDIDATE *candidates) { int w = model->w; /* width of motif */ S_POINT *s_point = candidates[w].s_point; /* starting point for model */ /* Make sure we have at least one candidate. */ if (s_point == NULL) { /* Guarantee that this model won't get chosen. */ model->logev = log(BIG); } else { /*fprintf(stderr, "%d: BEFORE consensus=%s\n", mpMyID(), s_point->cons0);*/ strcpy(model->cons0, s_point->cons0); } } /* store_consensus */ /********************************************************************** * * void save_theta_ptrs * * When we broadcast the winning model, the array of pointers in that * model gets sent to everyone. Since those pointers are nonsense to * other nodes, those nodes have to store their own pointers and then * restore them after the broadcast. * * The maxima array is also saved and restored here. * **********************************************************************/ void save_theta_ptrs(MODEL *model, int save_or_restore) { static THETA saved_theta; static THETA saved_logtheta; static THETA saved_logtheta_rc; static THETA saved_obs; static P_PROB saved_maxima; if (save_or_restore == 1) { /* Save the theta matrix pointer */ saved_theta = model->theta; saved_logtheta = model->logtheta; saved_logtheta_rc = model->logtheta_rc; saved_obs = model->obs; saved_maxima = model->maxima; } else { model->theta = saved_theta; model->logtheta = saved_logtheta; model->logtheta_rc = saved_logtheta_rc; model->obs = saved_obs; model->maxima = saved_maxima; Resize(model->maxima, model->nsites_dis, p_prob); } } /* save_theta_ptrs */ /********************************************************************** * * void theta_packer * * This function packs (or unpacks) the 2-D theta matrix into a 1-D * array so that it can be sent in a single broadcast. * **********************************************************************/ void theta_packer( MODEL *model, double *theta_matrix, double *obs_matrix, int pack_or_unpack, int alength ) { THETA theta, obs; int width, i, j; /* An index for stepping through the linear theta matrix. */ int i_theta = 0; /* Get the theta matrix for this component. */ theta = model->theta; obs = model->obs; /* Find the width of motif. */ width = model->w; /* fprintf(stderr, "%d: alength=%d width=%d\n", mpMyID(), alength, width); */ /* Iterate across positions. */ for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { /* Iterate through the letters in the dataset. */ for (j = 0; j < alength; j++) { /* Copy from theta into the theta matrix or vice versa. */ if (pack_or_unpack == 1) { theta_matrix[i_theta] = theta(i, j); obs_matrix[i_theta++] = obs[i][j]; } else { theta(i, j) = theta_matrix[i_theta]; obs[i][j] = obs_matrix[i_theta++]; } } } } /* void theta_packer */ /********************************************************************** * * void max_packets * * Given two packets, select the best logev. * Ties are resolved in favor of: * 1) lowest start width * 2) lowest start nsites * This function is used in the reduction across models. * **********************************************************************/ void max_packets (void *f_data, void *f_result, int *f_length, MPI_Datatype *datatype) { double rd = ((REDUCE_PACKET *)f_result)->data; double dd = ((REDUCE_PACKET *)f_data)->data; double rw = ((REDUCE_PACKET *)f_result)->s_width; double dw = ((REDUCE_PACKET *)f_data)->s_width; double rn = ((REDUCE_PACKET *)f_result)->s_nsites; double dn = ((REDUCE_PACKET *)f_data)->s_nsites; /* Compare the data in the two packets. */ if ( dd < rd || (dd == rd && dw < rw) || (dd == rd && dw == rw && dn < rn) ) { /* Put the data into the result position. */ ((REDUCE_PACKET *)f_result)->data = dd; ((REDUCE_PACKET *)f_result)->s_width = dw; ((REDUCE_PACKET *)f_result)->s_nsites = dn; ((REDUCE_PACKET *)f_result)->ID = ((REDUCE_PACKET *)f_data)->ID; } } /********************************************************************** * * void reduce_across_models * * Do a reduction across an entire model. The model with the lowest * score in the 'logev' field gets propagated to every node. * Ties are resolved in favor of: * 1) lowest start width * 2) lowest start nsites * * This function is called by 'meme.c'. **********************************************************************/ void reduce_across_models( MODEL *model, int alength ) { static int init; static MPI_Datatype reduction_packet_type; static MPI_Op max_packets_op; REDUCE_PACKET a_packet, best_packet; double theta_matrix[MAXALPH * (MAXSITE + 1)]; double obs_matrix[MAXALPH * (MAXSITE + 1)]; /* Add up the number of EM iterations from each node. */ mpReduceAdd(&(model->iter)); /* Package the best model's sig together with the processor ID. */ a_packet.data = model->logev; a_packet.s_width = model->pw; a_packet.s_nsites = model->psites; a_packet.ID = (double)mpMyID(); /*fprintf(stdout, "%d: Prior score=%g\n", mpMyID(), a_packet.data);*/ /* Reduce across all the sig-ID pairs. */ /* Make sure we have a handle for the reduction function. */ if (init == 0) { init = 1; MPI_Type_contiguous(4, MPI_DOUBLE, &reduction_packet_type); MPI_Type_commit(&reduction_packet_type); MPI_Op_create(max_packets, TRUE, &max_packets_op); } /* Do the reduction. */ MPI_Allreduce((void *)&a_packet, (void *)&best_packet, 1, reduction_packet_type, max_packets_op, MPI_COMM_WORLD); /*fprintf(stdout, "%d: Winner=%d score=%g\n", mpMyID(), (int)best_packet.ID, best_packet.data);*/ /* The losers store their theta matrix and maxima pointers so they don't get overwritten in the upcoming broadcast. */ if (mpMyID() != (int)best_packet.ID) save_theta_ptrs(model, 1); /* Broadcast the best model from the winning ID. */ mpBroadcast((void *)model, sizeof(MODEL), (int)best_packet.ID); /*fprintf(stderr, "%d: Past model broadcast.\n", mpMyID()); fflush(stderr);*/ /* After the broadcast, the losers restore their original pointers. */ if (mpMyID() != (int)best_packet.ID) save_theta_ptrs(model, 0); /* The winner packages the theta matrix up into a linear array. */ if (mpMyID() == (int)best_packet.ID) theta_packer(model, theta_matrix, obs_matrix, 1, alength); /* Broadcast the theta and obs matrix arrays and discrete maxima. */ mpBroadcast((void *)theta_matrix, sizeof(double) * alength * model->w, (int)best_packet.ID); mpBroadcast((void *)obs_matrix, sizeof(double) * alength * model->w, (int)best_packet.ID); mpBroadcast((void *)model->maxima, sizeof(p_prob) * model->nsites_dis, (int)best_packet.ID); /*fprintf(stderr, "%d: Past theta broadcast.\n", mpMyID()); fflush(stderr);*/ /* Everyone else unpacks the theta matrix. */ if (mpMyID() != (int)best_packet.ID) theta_packer(model, theta_matrix, obs_matrix, 0, alength); } /********************************************************************** * * void max_s_packets * * Find the maximum from two s_point packets. * This function is used in the reduction across starting points. * * Ties are broken by taking first starting point in dataset. * **********************************************************************/ void max_s_packets(void *f_data, void *f_result, int *f_length, MPI_Datatype *datatype) { int i_nsites0; double rs, ds, ri, di, rj, dj; /* Compare each s_point in the array. */ for (i_nsites0 = 0; i_nsites0 < *f_length; i_nsites0++) { /* Get the two scores. */ rs = ((S_POINT_PACKET *)f_result + i_nsites0)->score; ri = ((S_POINT_PACKET *)f_result + i_nsites0)->iseq; rj = ((S_POINT_PACKET *)f_result + i_nsites0)->ioff; ds = ((S_POINT_PACKET *)f_data + i_nsites0)->score; di = ((S_POINT_PACKET *)f_data + i_nsites0)->iseq; dj = ((S_POINT_PACKET *)f_data + i_nsites0)->ioff; /* Compare the two scores. */ if (ds > rs || (ds == rs && di < ri) || (ds == rs && di == ri && dj < rj)) { /* Copy the new data into the result location. */ ((S_POINT_PACKET *)f_result + i_nsites0)->score = ds; ((S_POINT_PACKET *)f_result + i_nsites0)->iseq = di; ((S_POINT_PACKET *)f_result + i_nsites0)->ioff = dj; } } } /********************************************************************** * * void reduce_across_s_points * * Do a reduction across an array of starting points. For each * position in the array, the starting point with the lowest value in * the 'score' field gets propagated to every node. * * This function is called by subseq7.c. **********************************************************************/ void reduce_across_s_points( S_POINT *s_points, SAMPLE **samples, int n_nsites0, int n_starts ) { static int init; static MPI_Datatype s_point_packet_type; static MPI_Op max_s_packets_op; int i_packet; S_POINT_PACKET packets[1000], best_packets[1000]; /* NOTE: sizeof(S_POINT) = 344 bytes sizeof(S_POINT_PACKET) = 16 bytes */ /* Package the scores into an array of packets. */ /* Don't need w0 & nsites0 because they're invariant across processors.*/ /* Don't want e_cons0 & cons0 because they are pointers (We recalculate e_cons0 and contents of cons0 later). */ for (i_packet = 0; i_packet < n_nsites0; i_packet++) { packets[i_packet].score = s_points[i_packet].score; packets[i_packet].iseq = (double)s_points[i_packet].iseq; packets[i_packet].ioff = (double)s_points[i_packet].ioff; } /* printf("BEFORE\n"); for (i_packet = 0; i_packet < n_nsites0; i_packet++) fprintf(stdout, "node %d, packet %d: score=%g iseq=%d ioff=%d\n", mpMyID(), i_packet, packets[i_packet].score, (int)packets[i_packet].iseq, (int)packets[i_packet].ioff); fflush(stdout); */ /* MPI */ /* Reduce across the list of packets. */ if (init == 0) { init = 1; MPI_Type_contiguous(3, MPI_DOUBLE, &s_point_packet_type); MPI_Type_commit(&s_point_packet_type); MPI_Op_create(max_s_packets, TRUE, &max_s_packets_op); } /* Do the reduction. */ MPI_Allreduce((void *)&packets, (void *)&best_packets, n_nsites0, s_point_packet_type, max_s_packets_op, MPI_COMM_WORLD); /* printf("AFTER\n"); for (i_packet = 0; i_packet < n_nsites0; i_packet++) fprintf(stdout, "node %d, packet %d: score=%g iseq=%d ioff=%d\n", mpMyID(), i_packet, best_packets[i_packet].score, (int)best_packets[i_packet].iseq, (int)best_packets[i_packet].ioff); fflush(stdout); */ /* Unpack the data. */ for (i_packet = 0; i_packet < n_nsites0; i_packet++) { s_points[i_packet].score = best_packets[i_packet].score; s_points[i_packet].iseq = (int)best_packets[i_packet].iseq; s_points[i_packet].ioff = (int)best_packets[i_packet].ioff; /* Set the e_cons0 fields to the proper memory locations. */ s_points[i_packet].e_cons0 = samples[s_points[i_packet].iseq]->res + s_points[i_packet].ioff; } /* Add up all of the values of n_starts. */ mpReduceAdd(&n_starts); } /**********************************************************************/ /* get_start_n_end Get the precalculated astarting and ending sequences and offsets. */ /**********************************************************************/ extern void get_start_n_end ( int *start_seq, /* starting sequence number */ int *start_off, /* offset in starting sequence */ int *end_seq, /* ending sequence number */ int *end_off /* offset in ending sequence */ ) { *start_seq = start_n_end->start_seq; *start_off = start_n_end->start_off; *end_seq = start_n_end->end_seq; *end_off = start_n_end->end_off; } /* get_start_n_end */ /********************************************************************** * void print_model * * Print some of the contents of a model. * (Debugging only.) **********************************************************************/ extern void print_model( char *label, MODEL *model ) { fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s -- sig=%1.2e", mpMyID(), label, model->logev); fflush(stdout); } #endif /* PARALLEL */