/* * $Id: prior.c 2120 2007-10-11 01:36:51Z cegrant $ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.3 2005/10/25 19:06:39 nadya * rm old macro for Header, all info is taken care of by Id and Log. * * Revision 1.2 2005/10/06 22:51:02 nadya * SUN compiler can't reduce expression inside define. * redefine array size to be an int from start. * * Revision 2005/07/29 17:24:18 nadya * Importing from meme-3.0.14, and adding configure/make * */ #include "meme.h" #define MAXS 200 static BOOLEAN first_time = TRUE; #define LogAddLog(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? LogAddLog1((x),(y)) : LogAddLog1((y),(x))) #define LogAddLog1(x,y) ((x)-(y) > BITS ? (x) : (x) + log(1+exp((y)-(x)))) /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ PriorLib *alloc_PriorLib(int l, int Alpha) /* L Number of distributions Alpha Number of alphabet characters */ { PriorLib *temp; int i; temp = (PriorLib *)mymalloc(sizeof(PriorLib)); temp->L = l; temp->AlphaChar = Alpha; temp->Mix = (Real *)mymalloc(sizeof(Real)*l); temp->B = (Real *)mymalloc(sizeof(Real)*l); temp->FullUpdate = (int *)mymalloc(sizeof(int)*l); temp->QUpdate = (int *)mymalloc(sizeof(int)*l); temp->StructID = (char **)mymalloc(sizeof(char *)*l); temp->Comment = (char **)mymalloc(sizeof(char *)*l); temp->Distr = (Real **)mymalloc(sizeof(Real *)*l); for (i=0; iDistr[i] = (Real *)mymalloc(sizeof(Real)*(Alpha+1)); temp->StructID[i] = (char *)mymalloc(sizeof(char)*MAXS); temp->Comment[i] = (char *)mymalloc(sizeof(char)*MAXS); } /* endfor */ return(temp); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ PriorLib *read_PriorLib(char *plib_name, double desired_beta) /* plib_name name of prior library file desired_beta >0, scale \beta_{i,j} so \sum_{i=0}^L \lambda_i \sum_{j=1}^20 \beta_{i,j} has this value =, don't scale prior < 0, just get alphabet */ { int i,j, line=0; int Alpha, l; PriorLib *temp; char input[MAXS], foo[MAXS], alphabet[MAXALPH+1], checkstr[81], *token; Real x; FILE *fp; /* tlb */ fp = fopen(plib_name, "r"); if (!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't find prior library %s\n", plib_name); exit(1); } token = "Alphabet="; line++; fscanf(fp,"%s %s\n", checkstr, alphabet); if (strcmp(checkstr, token)) { fprintf(stderr, "Line %d of prior library file \n %s \n" "should start with \"%s\" " "but it starts with \"%s\".\n", line, plib_name, token, checkstr); exit(1); } Alpha = strlen(alphabet); token = "NumDistr="; line++; fscanf(fp,"%s %d\n", checkstr, &l); if (strcmp(checkstr, token)) { fprintf(stderr, "Line %d of prior library file \n %s \n" "should start with \"%s\" " "but it starts with \"%s\"\n.", line, plib_name, token, checkstr); exit(1); } temp = alloc_PriorLib(l,Alpha); if (Alpha > MAXALPH) { fprintf(stderr, "Alphabet size specified in prior library %s too big.\n" "Change MAXALPH in user.h and remake meme.\n", plib_name); exit(1); } strcpy(temp->alphabet, alphabet); temp->AlphaChar = Alpha; temp->L = l; if (desired_beta < 0) { fclose(fp); return(temp); } for (i=0; i < temp->L; i++) { /* Get rid of number= */ fscanf(fp,"%*s %*s\n"); /* Mixture */ fscanf(fp,"%*s"); fscanf(fp,"%lf\n", &x); temp->Mix[i] = x; /* B (strength) */ fscanf(fp,"%*s"); fscanf(fp,"%lf\n", &x); temp->B[i] = x; /* Alpha */ temp->Distr[i][0] = temp->B[i]; fscanf(fp,"%*s"); for (j=1; j <= temp->AlphaChar; j++) { fscanf(fp,"%lg", &x); temp->Distr[i][j] = x * temp->B[i]; } /* FullUpdate */ fscanf(fp,"%*s"); fscanf(fp,"%d\n", &(temp->FullUpdate[i])); /* QUpdate */ fscanf(fp,"%*s"); fscanf(fp,"%d\n", &(temp->QUpdate[i])); /* StructID */ fgets(input, MAXS, fp); sscanf(input,"%s",foo); input[strlen(input)-1] = '\0'; strcpy( (temp->StructID[i]), (input + strlen(foo)) ); /* Comments */ fgets(input, MAXS, fp); sscanf(input,"%s",foo); strcpy( (temp->Comment[i]), (input + strlen(foo)) ); } /* tlb; scale beta to desired value */ if (desired_beta > 0) { int i, j; double beta = 0; double scale; for (i=0; iL; i++) { beta += temp->Mix[i] * temp->B[i]; } /*printf("beta = %10.6f\n", beta);*/ scale = desired_beta/beta; for (i=0; iL; i++) { for (j=0; j<=temp->AlphaChar; j++) { temp->Distr[i][j] *= scale; } } } fclose(fp); return(temp); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ extern void mixture_regularizer( double *freq, /* obs freq */ PriorLib *Lib, /* priors */ double *reg /* pseudo-counts */ ) { Real f[MAXALPH+1], sum, tmp; int i,j; /*Real logpajgy();*/ /* Put frequencies into array with f[0] = sum f_i */ sum=0.0; for (i=0; i< Lib->AlphaChar; i++) { sum += freq[i]; f[i+1]=freq[i]; } f[0]=sum; /* Calculate probs */ logpajgy(f, Lib, 0, 1); /* Calculate new regularizer */ for (i=0; i< Lib->AlphaChar; i++) { reg[i]=0.0; for (j=0; j< Lib->L; j++) { tmp = (exp(logpajgy(f, Lib, j, 0)))* ((Lib->Distr[j])[i+1]); /* skip A0 */ reg[i] += tmp; } } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* This function computes log(p(a^j|y)) used in the calculation of theta. It is defined to be \log(\frac{q_j p(y given \alpha^j)}{\sum_k q_k p(y given \alpha^k}) */ Real logpajgy( Real *y, /* observed frequencies */ PriorLib *Library, /* Library of priors */ int j, /* j'th prior to examine */ int Calc /* if ==1 calculate probs */ ) { int i; RealPrec tmp; static RealPrec logprob[MAXS], logdenom;/* Holders for probabilities */ /* Calculate log probs if not already done */ if (Calc) { tmp = log(Library->Mix[0]) + logpygaj(y,Library->Distr[0], Library->AlphaChar); logdenom = tmp; logprob[0] = tmp; /* Do remaining terms */ for (i=1; i < Library->L; i++) { tmp = (log(Library->Mix[i]) + logpygaj(y, Library->Distr[i], Library->AlphaChar)); logdenom = LogAddLog(logdenom, tmp); logprob[i] = tmp; } } return(logprob[j] - logdenom); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* This function computes log(p(y|a^j)) used in the calculation of theta. It is defined to be \log(\frac{\Gamma(n+1)\Gamma(\alpha_0)}{\Gamma(n+\alpha_0)} \prod_{i=1}^{20}\frac{\Gamma(y_i+\alpha_i)}{\Gamma(y_i+1)\Gamma(\alpha_i)}) */ #define MAXX1 100 #define DELTA1 .001 #define MAXX2 100000 #define DELTA2 1.0 #ifdef SunOS /* some SUN compilers can't reduce expression, hence this modification. Change if MAXX/DELTA constants change */ #define SIZE1 100000 #define SIZE2 100000 #else #define SIZE1 (int)(MAXX1/DELTA1) #define SIZE2 (int)(MAXX2/DELTA2) #endif static double lgam_array1[SIZE1 + 2]; static double lgam_array2[SIZE2 + 2]; static double lgam(double x); RealPrec logpygaj( Real *y, /* observed frequencies */ Real *a, /* distribution parameters */ int AlphLength /* length of alphabet */ ) { int i; RealPrec temp; /* set up array of values of lgamma to save time */ if (first_time) { double x; for (i=1, x=0; i<=MAXX1/DELTA1 + 1; i++) { x += DELTA1; lgam_array1[i] = lgamma(x); lgam_array1[i] = lgam_array1[i]; } for (i=1, x=0; i<=MAXX2/DELTA2 + 1; i++) { x += DELTA2; lgam_array2[i] = lgamma(x); lgam_array2[i] = lgam_array2[i]; } first_time = FALSE; } temp=0.0; temp+= lgamma(y[0]+1.0); temp+= lgamma(a[0]); temp+= -lgamma(y[0]+a[0]); for (i=1; i<=AlphLength; i++) { temp+= lgamma(y[i]+a[i]); temp+= -lgamma(y[i]+1.0); temp+= -lgamma(a[i]); } return(temp); } static double lgam(double x) { if (x >= DELTA1 && x <= MAXX1) { int i = (int) (x/DELTA1); return(lgam_array1[i] + (lgam_array1[i+1] - lgam_array1[i])/2); } else if (x > MAXX1 && x <= MAXX2) { int i = (int) (x/DELTA2); return(lgam_array2[i] + (lgam_array2[i+1] - lgam_array2[i])/2); } else { return(lgamma(x)); } } /* lgam */