/* * $Id: readseq.c 5642 2011-05-23 02:48:47Z james_johnson $ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2005/07/29 17:18:51 nadya * Initial revision * */ /* File: readseq.c * main() program for ureadseq.c, ureadseq.h * * Reads and writes nucleic/protein sequence in various * formats. Data files may have multiple sequences. * * Copyright 1990 by d.g.gilbert * biology dept., indiana university, bloomington, in 47405 * e-mail: gilbertd@bio.indiana.edu * * This program may be freely copied and used by anyone. * Developers are encourged to incorporate parts in their * programs, rather than devise their own private sequence * format. * * This should compile and run with any ANSI C compiler. * Please advise me of any bugs, additions or corrections. * */ const char *title = "readSeq (1Feb93), multi-format molbio sequence reader.\n"; /* History 27 Feb 90. 1st release to public. 4 Mar 90. + Gary Olsen format + case change * minor corrections to NBRF,EMBL,others * output 1 file per sequence for gcg, unknown * define -DNOSTR for c-libraries w/o strstr - readseq.p, pascal version, becomes out-of-date 24 May 90. + Phylip 3.2 output format (no input) 20 Jul 90. + Phylip 3.3 output (no input yet) + interactive output re-direction + verbose progress info * interactive help output * dropped line no.s on NBRF output * patched in HyperGCG XCMD corrections, - except for seq. documentation handling * dropped the IG special nuc codes, as IG has adopted the standard IUB codes (now if only everyone would adopt a standard format !) 11 Oct 90. * corrected bug in reading/writing of EMBL format 17 Oct 91. * corrected bug in reading Olsen format (serious-deletion) 10 Nov 91. * corrected bug in reading some GCG format files (serious-last line duplicated) + add format name parsing (-fgb, -ffasta, ...) + Phylip v3.4 output format (== v3.2, sequential) + add checksum output to all forms that have document + skip mail headers in seq file + add pipe for standard input == seq file (with -p) * fold in parts of MacApp Seq object * strengthen format detection * clarify program structure * remove fixed sequence size limit (now dynamic, sizeof memory) * check and fold in accumulated bug reports: * Now ANSI-C fopen(..,"w") & check open failure * Define -DFIXTOUPPER for nonANSI C libraries that mess up toupper/tolower = No command-line changes; callers of readseq main() should be okay - ureadseq.h functions have changed; client programs need to note. + added Unix and VMS Make scripts, including validation tests 4 May 92. + added 32 bit CRC checksum as alternative to GCG 6.5bit checksum (-DBIGCHECKSUM) Aug 92 = fixed Olsen format input to handle files w/ more sequences, not to mess up when more than one seq has same identifier, and to convert number masks to symbols. = IG format fix to understand ^L 25-30 Dec 92 * revised command-line & interactive interface. Suggested form is now readseq infile -format=genbank -output=outfile -item=1,3,4 ... but remains compatible with prior commandlines: readseq infile -f2 -ooutfile -i3 ... + added GCG MSF multi sequence file format + added PIR/CODATA format + added NCBI ASN.1 sequence file format + added Pretty, multi sequence pretty output (only) + added PAUP multi seq format + added degap option + added Gary Williams (GWW, G.Williams@CRC.AC.UK) reverse-complement option. + added support for reading Phylip formats (interleave & sequential) * string fixes, dropped need for compiler flags NOSTR, FIXTOUPPER, NEEDSTRCASECMP * changed 32bit checksum to default, -DSMALLCHECKSUM for GCG version 1Feb93 = revert GenBank output to a fixed left number width which other software depends on. = fix for MSF input to handle symbols in names = fix bug for possible memory overrun when truncating seqs for Phylip or Paup formats (thanks Anthony Persechini) */ /* Readseq has been tested with: Macintosh MPW C GNU gcc SGI cc VAX-VMS cc Any ANSI C compiler should be able to handle this. Old-style C compilers barf all over the source. How do I build the readseq program if I have an Ansi C compiler? #-------------------- # Unix ANSI C # Use the supplied Makefile this way: % make CC=name-of-c-compiler # OR do this... % gcc readseq.c ureadseq.c -o readseq #-------------------- $!VAX-VMS cc $! Use the supplied Make.Com this way: $ @make $! OR, do this: $ cc readseq, ureadseq $ link readseq, ureadseq, sys$library:vaxcrtl/lib $ readseq :== $ MyDisk:[myacct]readseq #-------------------- # Macintosh Simple Input/Output Window application # requires MPW-C and SIOW library (from APDA) # also uses files macinit.c, macinit.r, readseqSIOW.make # Buildprogram readseqSIOW #-------------------- #MPW-C v3 tool C ureadseq.c C readseq.c link -w -o readseq -t MPST -c 'MPS ' ¶ readseq.c.o Ureadseq.c.o ¶ "{Libraries}"Interface.o ¶ "{Libraries}"ToolLibs.o ¶ "{Libraries}"Runtime.o ¶ "{CLibraries}"StdClib.o readseq -i1 ig.seq # MPW-C with NCBI tools set NCBI "{Boot}@molbio:ncbi:"; EXPORT NCBI set NCBILIB1 "{NCBI}"lib:libncbi.o; export NCBILIB1 set NCBILIB2 "{NCBI}"lib:libncbiobj.o; export NCBILIB2 set NCBILIB3 "{NCBI}"lib:libncbicdr.o; export NCBILIB3 set NCBILIB4 "{NCBI}"lib:libvibrant.o; export NCBILIB4 C ureadseq.c C -d NCBI -i "{NCBI}"include: ureadasn.c C -d NCBI -i "{NCBI}"include: readseq.c link -w -o readseq -t MPST -c 'MPS ' ¶ ureadseq.c.o ureadasn.c.o readseq.c.o ¶ {NCBILIB4} {NCBILIB2} {NCBILIB1} ¶ "{Libraries}"Interface.o ¶ "{Libraries}"ToolLibs.o ¶ "{Libraries}"Runtime.o ¶ "{CLibraries}"CSANELib.o ¶ "{CLibraries}"Math.o ¶ "{CLibraries}"StdClib.o ===========================================================*/ #include "ureadseq.h" /*#pragma segment readseq*/ static char inputfilestore[256], *inputfile = inputfilestore; /*const*/ char *formats[kMaxFormat+1] = { " 1. IG/Stanford", " 2. GenBank/GB", " 3. NBRF", " 4. EMBL", " 5. GCG", " 6. DNAStrider", " 7. Fitch", " 8. Pearson/Fasta", " 9. Zuker (in-only)", "10. Olsen (in-only)", "11. Phylip3.2", "12. Phylip", "13. Plain/Raw", "14. PIR/CODATA", "15. MSF", "16. ASN.1", "17. PAUP/NEXUS", "18. Pretty (out-only)", "" }; #define kFormCount 30 #define kMaxFormName 15 const struct formatTable { char *name; short num; } formname[] = { {"ig", kIG}, {"stanford", kIG}, {"genbank", kGenBank}, {"gb", kGenBank}, {"nbrf", kNBRF}, {"embl", kEMBL}, {"gcg", kGCG}, {"uwgcg", kGCG}, {"dnastrider", kStrider}, {"strider", kStrider}, {"fitch", kFitch}, {"pearson", kPearson}, {"fasta", kPearson}, {"zuker", kZuker}, {"olsen", kOlsen}, {"phylip", kPhylip}, {"phylip3.2", kPhylip2}, {"phylip3.3", kPhylip3}, {"phylip3.4", kPhylip4}, {"phylip-interleaved", kPhylip4}, {"phylip-sequential", kPhylip2}, {"plain", kPlain}, {"raw", kPlain}, {"pir", kPIR}, {"codata", kPIR}, {"asn.1", kASN1}, {"msf", kMSF}, {"paup", kPAUP}, {"nexus", kPAUP}, {"pretty", kPretty}, }; const char *kASN1headline = "Bioseq-set ::= {\nseq-set {\n"; /* GWW table for getting the complement of a nucleotide (IUB codes) */ /* ! "#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[ \]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ */ const char compl[] = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@TVGHNNCDNNMNKNNYRYSAABWNRN[\\]^_`tvghnncdnnmnknnyrysaabwnrn{|}~"; char *formatstr( short format) { if (format < 1 || format > kMaxFormat) { switch (format) { case kASNseqentry : case kASNseqset : return formats[kASN1-1]; case kPhylipInterleave: case kPhylipSequential: return formats[kPhylip-1]; default: return "(unknown)"; } } else return formats[format-1]; } int parseformat( char *name) { #define kDupmatch -2 int namelen, maxlen, i, match, matchat; char lname[kMaxFormName+1]; skipwhitespace(name); namelen = strlen(name); if (namelen == 0) return kNoformat; else if (isdigit((int) *name)) { i = atol( name); /*if (i < kMinFormat | i > kMaxFormat) return kNoformat;*/ if (i < kMinFormat || i > kMaxFormat) return kNoformat; else return i; } /* else match character name */ maxlen = min( kMaxFormName, namelen); for (i=0; i out.seq\n"); fprintf(stderr," options\n"); /* ? add -d[igits] to allow digits in sequence data, &/or option to specify seq charset !? */ fprintf(stderr, " -a[ll] select All sequences\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -c[aselower] change to lower case\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -C[ASEUPPER] change to UPPER CASE\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -degap[=-] remove gap symbols\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -i[tem=2,3,4] select Item number(s) from several\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -l[ist] List sequences only\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -o[utput=]out.seq redirect Output\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -p[ipe] Pipe (command line, stdout)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -r[everse] change to Reverse-complement\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -v[erbose] Verbose progress\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -f[ormat=]# Format number for output, or\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -f[ormat=]Name Format name for output:\n"); midi = (kMaxFormat+1) / 2; for (i = kMinFormat-1; i < midi; i++) fprintf( stderr, " %-20s %-20s\n", formats[i], formats[midi+i]); /* new output format options, esp. for pretty format: */ fprintf(stderr, " \n"); fprintf(stderr, " Pretty format options: \n"); fprintf(stderr, " -wid[th]=# sequence line width\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -tab=# left indent\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -col[space]=# column space within sequence line on output\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -gap[count] count gap chars in sequence numbers\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -nameleft, -nameright[=#] name on left/right side [=max width]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -nametop name at top/bottom\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -numleft, -numright seq index on left/right side\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -numtop, -numbot index on top/bottom\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -match[=.] use match base for 2..n species\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -inter[line=#] blank line(s) between sequence blocks\n"); /****** not ready yet fprintf(stderr, " -code=none,rtf,postscript,ps code syntax\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -namefont=, -numfont=, -seqfont=font font choice\n"); fprintf(stderr, " font suggestions include times,courier,helvetica\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -namefontsize=, -numfontsize=, -seqfontsize=#\n"); fprintf(stderr, " fontsize suggestions include 9,10,12,14\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -namefontstyle=, -numfontstyle=, -seqfontstyle= style fontstyle for names\n"); fprintf(stderr, " fontstyle options are plain,italic,bold,bold-italic\n"); ******/ } void erralert(short err) { switch (err) { case 0 : break; case eFileNotFound: fprintf(stderr, "File not found: %s\n", inputfile); break; case eFileCreate: fprintf(stderr, "Can't open output file.\n"); break; case eASNerr: fprintf(stderr, "Error in ASN.1 sequence routines.\n"); break; case eNoData: fprintf(stderr, "No data in file.\n"); break; case eItemNotFound: fprintf(stderr, "Specified item not in file.\n"); break; case eUnequalSize: fprintf(stderr, "This format requires equal length sequences.\nSequence truncated or padded to fit.\n"); break; case eUnknownFormat: fprintf(stderr, "Error: this format is unknown to me.\n"); break; case eOneFormat: fprintf(stderr, "Warning: This format permits only 1 sequence per file.\n"); break; case eMemFull: fprintf(stderr, "Out of storage memory. Sequence truncated.\n"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "readSeq error = %d\n", err); break; } } /* erralert */ int chooseFormat( boolean quietly) { char sform[128]; int midi, i, outform; if (quietly) return kPearson; /* default */ else { midi = (kMaxFormat+1) / 2; for (i = kMinFormat-1; i < midi; i++) fprintf( stderr, " %-20s %-20s\n", formats[i], formats[midi+i]); fprintf(stderr,"\nChoose an output format (name or #): \n"); fgets(sform, 128, stdin); outform = parseformat(sform); if (outform == kNoformat) outform = kPearson; return outform; } } /* read paramater(s) */ boolean checkopt( boolean casesense, char *sopt, const char *smatch, short minword) { long lenopt, lenmatch; boolean result; short minmaxw; lenopt = strlen(sopt); lenmatch= strlen(smatch); minmaxw= max(minword, min(lenopt, lenmatch)); if (casesense) result= (!strncmp( sopt, smatch, minmaxw)); else result= (!Strncasecmp( sopt, smatch, minmaxw )); /* if (result) { */ /* fprintf(stderr,"true checkopt(opt=%s,match=%s,param=%s)\n", sopt, smatch, *sparam); */ /* } */ return result; } #define kMaxwhichlist 50 /* global for readopt(), main() */ boolean chooseall = false, quietly = false, gotinputfile = false, listonly = false, closeout = false, verbose = false, manyout = false, dolower = false, doupper = false, doreverse= false, askout = true, dopipe= false, interleaved = false; short nfile = 0, iwhichlist=0, nwhichlist = 0; long whichlist[kMaxwhichlist+1]; /* changed short to long - James J */ long whichSeq = 0, outform = kNoformat; char onamestore[128], *oname = onamestore; FILE *foo = NULL; void resetGlobals() /* need this when used from SIOW, as these globals are not reinited automatically between calls to local main() */ { chooseall = false; quietly = false; gotinputfile = false; listonly = false; closeout = false; verbose = false; manyout = false; dolower = false; doupper = false; doreverse= false; askout = true; dopipe= false; interleaved = false; nfile = 0; iwhichlist=0; nwhichlist = 0; whichSeq = 0; outform = kNoformat; oname = onamestore; foo = NULL; gPrettyInit(gPretty); } #define kOptOkay 1 #define kOptNone 0 int readopt( char *sopt) { char sparamstore[256], *sparam= sparamstore; long n=0; /* changed from short to long - James J (UQ) */ /* fprintf(stderr,"readopt( %s) == ", sopt); */ if (*sopt == '?') { usage(); return kOptNone; /*? eOptionBad or kOptNone */ } else if (*sopt == '-') { char *cp= strchr(sopt,'='); *sparam= '\0'; if (cp) { strcpy(sparam, cp+1); *cp= 0; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-help", 2)) { usage(); return kOptNone; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-all", 2)) { whichSeq= 1; chooseall= true; return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-colspace", 4)) { /* test before -c[ase] */ n= atoi( sparam); gPretty.spacer = n; return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( true, sopt, "-caselower", 2)) { dolower= true; return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( true, sopt, "-CASEUPPER", 2)) { doupper= true; return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-pipe", 2)) { dopipe= true; askout= false; return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-list", 2)) { listonly = true; askout = false; return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-reverse", 2)) { doreverse = true; return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-verbose", 2)) { verbose = true; return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-match", 5)) { gPretty.domatch= true; if (*sparam >= ' ') gPretty.matchchar= *sparam; return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-degap", 4)) { gPretty.degap= true; if (*sparam >= ' ') gPretty.gapchar= *sparam; return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-interline", 4)) { gPretty.interline= atoi( sparam); return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-item", 2)) { char *cp = sparam; nwhichlist= 0; whichlist[0]= 0; if (*cp == 0) cp= sopt+2; /* compatible w/ old way */ do { while (*cp!=0 && !isdigit((int) *cp)) cp++; if (*cp!=0) { n = atol( cp); /* changed from atoi to atol - James J (UQ) */ whichlist[nwhichlist++]= n; while (*cp!=0 && isdigit((int) *cp)) cp++; } } while (*cp!=0 && n>0 && nwhichlist0) gPretty.seqwidth = n; return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-tab", 4)) { if (*sparam==0) { for (sparam= sopt+2; !isdigit((int) *sparam) && *sparam!=0; sparam++) ; } n= atoi( sparam); gPretty.tab = n; return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-gapcount", 4)) { gPretty.baseonlynum = false; /* if (*sparam >= ' ') gPretty.gapchar= *sparam; */ return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-nointerleave", 8)) { gPretty.noleaves = true; return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-nameleft", 7)) { if (*sparam==0) { for (sparam= sopt+2; !isdigit((int) *sparam) && *sparam!=0; sparam++) ; } n= atoi( sparam); if (n>0 && n<50) gPretty.namewidth = n; gPretty.nameleft= true; return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-nameright", 7)) { if (*sparam==0) { for (sparam= sopt+2; !isdigit((int) *sparam) && *sparam!=0; sparam++) ; } n= atoi( sparam); if (n>0 && n<50) gPretty.namewidth = n; gPretty.nameright= true; return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-nametop", 6)) { gPretty.nametop= true; return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-numleft", 6)) { if (*sparam==0) { for (sparam= sopt+2; !isdigit((int) *sparam) && *sparam!=0; sparam++) ; } n= atoi( sparam); if (n>0 && n<50) gPretty.numwidth = n; gPretty.numleft= true; return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-numright", 6)) { if (*sparam==0) { for (sparam= sopt+2; !isdigit((int) *sparam) && *sparam!=0; sparam++) ; } n= atoi( sparam); if (n>0 && n<50) gPretty.numwidth = n; gPretty.numright= true; return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-numtop", 6)) { gPretty.numtop= true; return kOptOkay; } if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-numbottom", 6)) { gPretty.numbot= true; return kOptOkay; } else { usage(); return eOptionBad; } } else { strcpy( inputfile, sopt); gotinputfile = (*inputfile != 0); nfile++; return kOptOkay; } /* return kOptNone; -- never here */ } /* this program suffers some as it tries to be a quiet translator pipe _and_ a noisy user interactor */ /* return is best for SIOW, okay for others */ #ifdef SIOW #define Exit(a) return(a) siow_main( int argc, char *argv[]) #else #define Exit(a) exit(a) extern int main( int argc, char *argv[]) #endif { boolean closein = false; short ifile, format, err = 0, seqtype = kDNA, nlines=0, seqout = 0, phylvers = 2; long atseq, nseq, i, skiplines, seqlen, seqlen0=0; /* changed atseq and nseq from short to long - James J (UQ) */ unsigned long checksum= 0, checkall= 0; char *seq=NULL, *cp=NULL, *firstseq = NULL, *seqlist=NULL, *progname; /*char tempname[] = "readseqXXXXXX";*/ char *tempname = NULL; char seqid[MAXLINE], *seqidptr = seqid; char stempstore[256], *stemp = stempstore; FILE *ftmp=NULL, *fin=NULL, *fout=NULL; long outindexmax= 0, noutindex= 0, *outindex = NULL; #define exit_main(err) { \ if (closeout) fclose(fout); \ if (closein) fclose(fin); \ if (tempname != NULL) remove(tempname); \ Exit(err); } #define indexout() if (interleaved) {\ if (noutindex>=outindexmax) {\ outindexmax= noutindex + 20;\ outindex= (long*) realloc(outindex, sizeof(long)*outindexmax);\ if (outindex==NULL) { err= eMemFull; erralert(err); exit_main(err); }\ }\ outindex[noutindex++]= ftell(fout);\ } resetGlobals(); foo = stdout; progname = argv[0]; *oname = 0; /* initialize gPretty ?? -- done in header */ for (i=1; i < argc; i++) { err= readopt( argv[i]); if (err <= 0) exit_main(err); } /* pipe input from stdin !? */ if (dopipe && !gotinputfile) { int c; int fd; /* tmpnam(tempname); inputfile = tempname; ftmp = fopen( inputfile, "w"); */ tempname = strdup("readseqXXXXXX"); fd = mkstemp(tempname); if (fd == -1) { erralert(eFileCreate); exit_main(eFileCreate); } strcpy(inputfile, tempname); while ((c = getc(stdin)) != EOF) write(fd, &c, 1); close(fd); gotinputfile= true; } quietly = (dopipe || (gotinputfile && (listonly || whichSeq != 0))); if (verbose || (!quietly && !gotinputfile)) fprintf( stderr, "%s", title); ifile = 1; /* UI: Choose output */ if (askout && !closeout && !quietly) { askout = false; fprintf(stderr,"\nName of output file (?=help, defaults to display): \n"); fgets(oname= onamestore, 128, stdin); skipwhitespace(oname); if (*oname == '?') { usage(); exit_main(0); } else if (*oname != 0) { closeout = true; foo = fopen( oname, "w"); if (!foo) { erralert(eFileCreate); exit_main(eFileCreate); } } } fout = foo; if (outform == kNoformat) outform = chooseFormat(quietly); /* set up formats ... */ switch ((int) outform) { case kPhylip2: interleaved= false; phylvers = 2; outform = kPhylip; break; case kPhylip4: interleaved= true; phylvers = 4; outform = kPhylip; break; case kMSF: case kPAUP: interleaved= true; break; case kPretty: gPretty.isactive= true; interleaved= true; break; } if (gPretty.isactive && gPretty.noleaves) interleaved= false; if (interleaved) { fout = ftmp = tmpfile(); outindexmax= 30; noutindex= 0; outindex = (long*) malloc(outindexmax*sizeof(long)); if (outindex==NULL) { err= eMemFull; erralert(err); exit_main(err); } } /* big loop over all input files */ do { /* select next input file */ /*gotinputfile = (*tempname != 0);*/ gotinputfile = (tempname != NULL); while ((ifile < argc) && (!gotinputfile)) { if (*argv[ifile] != '-') { strcpy( inputfile, argv[ifile]); gotinputfile = (*inputfile != 0); --nfile; } ifile++; } while (!gotinputfile) { fprintf(stderr,"\nName an input sequence or -option: \n"); inputfile= inputfilestore; fgets(stemp= stempstore, 256, stdin); if (*stemp==0) goto fini; /* !! need this to finish work during interactive use */ stemp= strtok(stempstore, " \n\r\t"); while (stemp) { err= readopt( stemp); /* will read inputfile if it exists */ if (err<0) exit_main(err); stemp= strtok( NULL, " \n\r\t"); } } /* thanks to AJB@UK.AC.DARESBURY.DLVH for this PHYLIP3 fix: */ /* head for end (interleave if needed) */ if (*inputfile == 0) break; format = seqFileFormat( inputfile, &skiplines, &err); if (err == 0) { #ifdef NCBI if (format == kASNseqentry || format == kASNseqset) seqlist = listASNSeqs( inputfile, skiplines, format, &nseq, &err); else #endif seqlist = listSeqs( inputfile, skiplines, format, &nseq, &err); } if (err != 0) erralert(err); else if (listonly) { dumpSeqList(seqlist,format); free( seqlist); } else { /* choose whichSeq if needed */ if (nseq == 1 || chooseall || (quietly && whichSeq == 0)) { chooseall= true; whichSeq = 1; quietly = true; /* no loop */ } else if (whichSeq > nseq && quietly) { erralert(eItemNotFound); err= eItemNotFound; } else if (whichSeq > nseq || !quietly) { dumpSeqList(seqlist, format); fprintf(stderr,"\nChoose a sequence (# or All): \n"); fgets(stemp= stempstore, 256, stdin); skipwhitespace(stemp); if (to_lower(*stemp) == 'a') { chooseall= true; whichSeq = 1; quietly = true; /* !? this means we don't ask for another file as well as no more whichSeqs... */ } else if (isdigit((int) *stemp)) whichSeq= atol(stemp); else whichSeq= 1; /* default */ } free( seqlist); if (false /*chooseall*/) { /* this isn't debugged yet...*/ fin = fopen(inputfile, "r"); closein= true; } while (whichSeq > 0 && whichSeq <= nseq) { /* need to open multiple output files ? */ manyout = ((chooseall || nwhichlist>1) && nseq > 1 && (outform == kPlain || outform == kGCG)); if (manyout) { if ( whichSeq == 1 ) erralert(eOneFormat); else if (closeout) { sprintf( stemp,"%s_%ld", oname, whichSeq); freopen( stemp, "w", fout); fprintf( stderr,"Writing sequence %ld to file %s\n", whichSeq, stemp); } } if (closein) { /* !! this fails... skips most seqs... */ /* !! in sequential read, must count seqs already read from whichSeq ... */ /* need major revision of ureadseq before we can do this */ atseq= whichSeq-1; seqidptr= seqid; seq = readSeqFp( whichSeq, fin, skiplines, format, &seqlen, &atseq, &err, seqidptr); skiplines= 0; } else { atseq= 0; seqidptr= seqid; #ifdef NCBI if (format == kASNseqentry || format == kASNseqset) { seqidptr= NULL; seq = readASNSeq( whichSeq, inputfile, skiplines, format, &seqlen, &atseq, &err, &seqidptr); } else #endif seq = readSeq( whichSeq, inputfile, skiplines, format, &seqlen, &atseq, &err, seqidptr); } if (gPretty.degap) { char *newseq; long newlen; newseq= compressSeq( gPretty.gapchar, seq, seqlen, &newlen); if (newseq) { free(seq); seq= newseq; seqlen= newlen; } } if (outform == kMSF) checksum= GCGchecksum(seq, seqlen, &checkall); else if (verbose) checksum= seqchecksum(seq, seqlen, &checkall); if (verbose) fprintf( stderr, "Sequence %ld, length= %ld, checksum= %X, format= %s, id= %s\n", whichSeq, seqlen, (int)checksum, formatstr(format), seqidptr); if (err != 0) erralert(err); else { /* format fixes that writeseq doesn't do */ switch ((int) outform) { case kPIR: if (seqout == 0) fprintf( foo,"\\\\\\\n"); break; case kASN1: if (seqout == 0) fprintf( foo, "%s", kASN1headline); break; case kPhylip: if (seqout == 0) { if (!interleaved) { /* bug, nseq is for 1st infile only */ if (chooseall) i= nseq; else i=1; if (phylvers >= 4) fprintf(foo," %ld %ld\n", i, seqlen); else fprintf(foo," %ld %ld YF\n", i, seqlen); } seqlen0 = seqlen; } else if (seqlen != seqlen0) { erralert(eUnequalSize); if (seqlen < seqlen0) seq = (char *)realloc(seq, seqlen0); for (i=seqlen; i 0 || !quietly); fini: if (firstseq) { free(firstseq); firstseq= NULL; } if (err || listonly) exit_main(err); if (gPretty.isactive && gPretty.numbot) { gPretty.numline = 2; indexout(); (void) writeSeq( fout, seq, seqlen, outform, seqidptr); gPretty.numline = 1; indexout(); (void) writeSeq( fout, seq, seqlen, outform, seqidptr); gPretty.numline = 0; } if (outform == kMSF) { if (*oname) cp= oname; else cp= inputfile; fprintf(foo, "\n %s MSF: %ld Type: N January 01, 1776 12:00 Check: %ld ..\n\n", cp, seqlen, checkall); } if (outform == kPAUP) { fprintf(foo,"#NEXUS\n"); if (*oname) cp= oname; else cp= inputfile; fprintf(foo,"[%s -- data title]\n\n", cp); /* ! now have header lines for each sequence... put them before "begin data;... */ } if (outform==kPhylip && interleaved) { if (phylvers >= 4) fprintf(foo," %d %ld\n", seqout, seqlen); else fprintf(foo," %d %ld YF\n", seqout, seqlen); } if (interleaved) { /* interleave species lines in true output */ /* nlines is # lines / sequence */ short iline, j, leaf, iseq; char *s = stempstore; indexout(); noutindex--; /* mark eof */ for (leaf=0; leaf