Meta-MEME is a software toolkit for building and using motif-based hidden Markov models of DNA and proteins. The input to Meta-MEME is a set of similar protein sequences, as well as a set of motif models discovered by MEME. Meta-MEME combines these models into a single, motif-based hidden Markov model and uses this model to search a sequence database for homologs.

Meta-MEME was developed by William Stafford Noble in the Department of Genome Sciences at the University of Washington and by Timothy Bailey in the Institute for Molecular Bioscience at the University of Queensland, with input from Charles Elkan and Michael Gribskov.

Maintenance and development of Meta-MEME is funded by the National Center for Research Resources grant NIH/NCRR R01 RR021692. The Meta-MEME web server is funded by the National Biomedical Computation Resource.

Copyright information. Please send comments and questions to Charles Grant at .