# $Id: Log.txt,v 2004/10/07 19:44:13 cegrant Exp $ # Log.pm. # Paul Pavlidis # DESCRIPTION: Functions to use error and user logs. A log object can # be instantiated and passed around. The same log can be written to by # multiple processes. package Log; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(new log debug closelog reopen); use strict; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use File::Basename; use FileHandle; use lib qw(@MODULE_DIR@); use MetaGlobals; =head2 new instantiate a new log object =cut sub new { my ($class, $uid, $clobber) = @_; my $self = { }; bless($self, $class); $self->{_uid} = $uid; $self->_init($clobber); return($self); } =head2 _init Internal function to ready the object =cut sub _init { my $self = shift @_; my $clobber = shift @_; my $uid = $self->{_uid}; my $scriptName = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}; $scriptName =~ s/(.+)/$1/; # untaint it the script name if (! $scriptName) { # called from command line $scriptName = $0; } $scriptName = basename($scriptName); # remove path # print STDERR "Creating log object in $scriptName.\n"; my ($fh, $dbfh); #eval { if (-e "$LOG_DIR/${uid}.log" || !$clobber) { $clobber = ">>"; } else { $clobber = ">"; } $fh = new FileHandle; if (!($fh->open("$clobber$LOG_DIR/${uid}.log"))) { confess "Could not open log file $LOG_DIR/${uid}.log: $!\n"; } $dbfh = new FileHandle; if (!($dbfh->open(">>$DEBUG_LOG"))) { confess "Could not open debugging log file $DEBUG_LOG: $!\n"; } #}; if ($@) { # do something intelligent here. } $self->{_logfh} = $fh; $self->{_dbfh} = $dbfh; $self->{_uid} = $uid; $self->{_dblogfile} = $DEBUG_LOG; $self->{_scriptname} = $scriptName; # $self->log("Log initialized for $scriptName"); # $self->debug("Log initialized for $scriptName, $uid"); } =head2 DESTROY =cut sub DESTROY { my ($self) = @_; close($self->{_logfh}); close($self->{_dbfh}); } =head2 log Write to the regular log. =cut sub log { my ($self, $message) = @_; my $time = scalar localtime(); my $fh = $self->{_logfh}; # print STDERR "|$time|$message\n"; eval { flock($fh, LOCK_EX() ); print $fh ($self->{_scriptname}, "|$time|$message\n"); flock($fh, LOCK_UN() ); # this is okay in perl > 5.004 }; if ($@) { confess "Could not write to the log: $!"; } } =head2 debug Write to the debug log. =cut sub debug { my ($self, $message) = @_; my $time = scalar localtime(); my $fh = $self->{_dbfh}; my $uid = $self->{_uid}; # print STDERR "|$time|$message\n"; eval { flock($fh, LOCK_EX() ); print $fh ($self->{_scriptname}, "|$time|$uid|$message\n"); flock($fh, LOCK_UN() ); }; if ($@) { confess "Could not write to the debug log: $!"; } } =head2 close Close the main log. This is meant to be temporary. The debug log is left alone. =cut sub closelog { my ($self) = @_; my $fh = $self->{_logfh}; eval { close($fh); }; if($@) { confess "Could not closelog: $!\n"; } } =head2 reopen Reopen the log after having closed it. =cut sub reopen { my ($self) = @_; my $fh = new FileHandle; my $uid = $self->{_uid}; if (!$uid) { confess "Could not get a uid to reopen the log\n"; return 1; } else { if (!($fh->open(">>$LOG_DIR/${uid}.log"))) { confess "Could not open log file $LOG_DIR/${uid}.log: $!\n"; } $self->{_dbfh} = $fh; return 0; } }