#!/usr/bin/perl # FILE: metameme # CREATE DATE: 6-7-97 # AUTHOR: William Stafford Noble # PROJECT: MHMM # COPYRIGHT: 2001, Columbia University # DESCRIPTION: Given a set of sequences and MEME motifs, build a # motif-based HMM, and use it to search the test set. # # INPUT: training set in FASTA format # MEME motifs # test set in FAST format (optional) # # OUTPUT: motif-based HMM # multiple alignment of training set # sorted scores for training set # sorted scores for test set use lib qw(.); use mhmm_globals; ######################################################################### # Parse the command line. ######################################################################### # Check the command line and complain if wrong number of arguments. if ($#ARGV < 1) { print stderr < -bin -web ###### FILE I/O ##### -meme (in) -train (in) -test (in) -hmm (out) -draw (out) -hmmt (out) -align (out) -scoretrain (out) -scoretest (out) ##### MODEL BUILDING ##### -motif (may be repeated) (default=all) -ethresh (default=none) -topology linear|complete (default=linear) -nspacer (default=1) ##### MODEL DRAWING ##### -format eps|png|gif (default=png) ##### HOMOLOGY DETECTION ##### -maxseqs -threshold (default=10) -bg nrdb| (default=nrdb) -pam (default=250) -sc -fancy ##### OUTPUT FORMAT ##### -statusto (default=stderr) -verbose [1|2|3|4|5] -noheader -noparams -notime -quiet -html End_of_usage exit(1); } # Set default parameter settings. $global_log = "$logdir/history.log"; $job_id = ""; # ID of this job. $log_file = ""; # Name of log file. $bindir = ""; # Directory where executables live. @stat = ("","","",""); # Sequence statistics to be printed to log. $html_out = ""; # Filename for HTML output. $webmaster = ""; # Email of webmaster. $URL = ""; # URL of Meta-MEME site. $meme_file = ""; # MEME motifs. $train_file = ""; # Sequences on which to train HMM. $test_file = ""; # Database for homology search. $hmm_file = ""; # Untrained HMM. $hmmt_file = ""; # Trained HMM. $drawing_file = ""; # Graphic of HMM. $trainscore_file = ""; # Motif occurences in training set. $testscore_file = ""; # Homology detection results. $align_file = ""; # Alignment of training set. $mhmm_parameters = ""; # Parameters for model building. $mhmms_parameters = "--fancy --motif-scoring "; # Parameters for database searching. $print_what = ""; # What format will the output be? $status_stream = stderr; # Where will status messages be sent? $html_open = "false"; # Whether to print html page or not # Get command line arguments. while ($#ARGV >= 0) { $next_arg = shift(@ARGV); if ($next_arg eq "-log") { $log_file = shift(@ARGV); } elsif ($next_arg eq "-bin") { $bindir = shift(@ARGV); # Ensure that the directory name ends in a slash. if (substr($bindir, length($bindir), 1) ne "/") { $bindir .= "/"; } } elsif ($next_arg eq "-web") { $job_id = shift(@ARGV); $html_out = shift(@ARGV); $webmaster = shift(@ARGV); $URL = shift(@ARGV); } ## File I/O ## If file option is used, we need to add $outputdir in front of ## the file name in order not to break the server. elsif ($next_arg eq "-meme") { $meme_file = shift(@ARGV); } elsif ($next_arg eq "-train") { $train_file = shift(@ARGV); } elsif ($next_arg eq "-test") { $test_file = shift(@ARGV); } elsif ($next_arg eq "-hmm") { $hmm_file = shift(@ARGV); } elsif ($next_arg eq "-hmmt") { $hmmt_file = shift(@ARGV); } elsif ($next_arg eq "-draw") { $drawing_file = shift(@ARGV); } elsif ($next_arg eq "-align") { $align_file = shift(@ARGV); } elsif ($next_arg eq "-scoretrain") { $trainscore_file = shift(@ARGV); } elsif ($next_arg eq "-scoretest") { $testscore_file = shift(@ARGV); } # Model building elsif ($next_arg eq "-motif") { $n = shift(@ARGV); $mhmm_parameters .= "--motif $n "; } elsif ($next_arg eq "-ethresh") { $evalue = shift(@ARGV); $mhmm_parameters .= "--ethresh $evalue "; } elsif ($next_arg eq "-topology") { $type = shift(@ARGV); $mhmm_parameters .= "--type $type "; } elsif ($next_arg eq "-nspacer") { $nspacer = shift(@ARGV); $mhmm_parameters .= "--nspacer $nspacer "; } elsif ($next_arg eq "-description"){ $description = shift(@ARGV); $mhmm_parameters .= "--description \"$description\" "; } # Homology detection. elsif ($next_arg eq "-threshold") { $threshold = shift(@ARGV); $mhmms_parameters .= "--ethresh $threshold "; } elsif ($next_arg eq "-bg") { $bg = shift(@ARGV); $mhmms_parameters .= "--bg $bg "; } elsif ($next_arg eq "-sc"){ $sc = shift(@ARGV); $mhmms_parameters .= "--score-file $sc "; } # Output format. elsif ($next_arg eq "-maxseqs") { $maxseqs = shift(@ARGV); } elsif ($next_arg eq "-statusto") { my $logfname = shift(@ARGV); open($status_stream, ">>$logfname"); } elsif ($next_arg eq "-verbose") { $verbosity = shift(@ARGV); $print_what .= "--verbosity $verbosity "; } elsif ($next_arg eq "-noheader") { $print_what .= "--noheader "; } elsif ($next_arg eq "-noparams") { $print_what .= "--noparams "; } elsif ($next_arg eq "-notime") { $print_what .= "--notime "; } elsif ($next_arg eq "-quiet") { $print_what = "--quiet "; } elsif ($next_arg eq "-html"){ $html_open = "true"; } elsif ($next_arg eq "-userinputmotif"){ $userinputmotif = shift(@ARGV); } elsif ($next_arg eq "-userinputseq"){ $userinputseq = shift(@ARGV); } else { die("Error: Unrecognized option ($next_arg)\n"); } } # Make sure we got the required files. if ($train_file eq "") { die("Error: No training set specified.\n"); exit(1); } elsif ($meme_file eq "") { die("Error: No MEME output filename specified.\n"); exit(1); } $hostname = `/usr/bin/hostname`; chomp($hostname); $ipaddress = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}; ($date,$time) = &date_and_time(); $submit_date_and_time = "$hostname $job_id submit: $date $time "; # Put the name of the output directory at the beginnning of all # non-empty output files. if ($job_id ne "") { foreach $file ($hmm_file, $hmmt_file, $align_file, $trainscore_file, $testscore_file, $drawing_file) { if ($file ne '') { $file = "$outputdir/$file"; } } } ######################################################################### # Global variables storing HTML content. ######################################################################### # The header of the HTML output page. $html_header = "\n\n" . "Meta-MEME submission results \#$job_id\n" . "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n" . "

\n". "

Meta-MEME job \#$job_id

\n". "
    \n"; # The links to output files. This global variable gets added to as the # run progresses. $html_links = ""; # The in-progress message. This message is included in the page until # the entire job is completed. $html_in_progress = "

    Your Meta-MEME job is running now. " . "This page will contain links to your results when they are ready. " . "You can bookmark this page and return to it later if you wish. " . "Initial results should appear within several minutes, " . "but searching a large database may require several hours. " . "If your initial results do not appear after a " . "minute or so, try pressing \"Reload\" or \"Refresh\" " . "on your browser.". # While it is in progress, refresh the screen "\n"; # When the job finished, let user know how long will the outpage exist $html_end = "

    The results on this page will be stored three days.

    "; # The footer of the HTML page. $html_footer = "

Return to the Meta-MEME home page.\n". "

\n". "Please send comments and questions to ". "$webmaster\n". "\n"; # A generic error message. $html_error = "

Meta-MEME is unable to process the submitted job because ". "it encountered an internal error or the server is temporarily down. ". "Please try again later or contact $webmaster for assistance. ". "Please provide the Job ID - $job_id when contacting $webmaster."; # Before the job start, write introduction to html output page &write_html_output($html_out, 0, "", "","",1); ######################################################################### # STEP 1: BUILD THE HMM ######################################################################### if ((-e $hmm_file) && !(-z $hmm_file)) { print($status_stream "Skipping model building: $hmm_file exists.\n"); } else { if ($job_id ne ""){ $start_date_and_time = &write_global(start); } # Build the model. $command = "mhmm "; $command .= "$mhmm_parameters $print_what"; $command .= " $meme_file "; $error_status = &run_command($command, $hmm_file, $job_id, $log_file); if ($error_status) { &html_error($html_out); exit($error_status); } } ######################################################################### # STEP 2: Generate MHMM's output file ######################################################################### if ($job_id ne ""){ $web_hmm_file = $hmm_file.".web"; $command = "changetoweb "; $command .= "$hmm_file \'$userinputmotif\' \'$userinputseq\'"; $error_status = &run_command($command,$web_hmm_file,$job_id,$log_file); } else{ $web_hmm_file = $hmm_file; } if ($error_status){ &html_error($html_out); exit($error_status); } $hmm_html = $hmm_file.".htm"; if ($html_open eq "true"){ $command = "mhmm2html $web_hmm_file"; $error_status = &run_command($command, $hmm_html,$job_id,$log_file); } ######################################################################### # STEP 2.75: DRAW HMM ######################################################################### if ($error_status){ &html_error($html_out); exit($error_status); } if ($drawing_file ne ""){ $command1 = "draw-mhmm"; $command2 = "dot"; $command = "$command1 $hmm_file | $bindir$command2 -Tps"; $hmm_pic_temp = $hmm_file.".ps"; $error_status = &run_command($command, $hmm_pic_temp, $job_id, $log_file); if (!$error_status) { $command = "convert $hmm_pic_temp $drawing_file "; $error_status = &run_command($command, "", $job_id, $log_file); $error_status = ""; unlink($hmm_pic_temp); } } if ($error_status){ &html_error($html_out); exit($error_status); } # Currently there is error while excuting convert # So use pic_temp instead of pic if ($html_open eq "true"){ &write_html_output($html_out, $error_status, "Motif-based hidden Markov model", $hmm_html, $drawing_file, 1); } $format = &proteinordna($hmm_file); ######################################################################### # STEP 3: SCORE AGAINST USER SEQUENCES ######################################################################### if ($trainscore_file ne '') { my($command); $command = "mhmms --fancy --motif-scoring $print_what "; if ($maxseqs ne '' and $maxseqs > 0) { $command .= " --maxseqs $maxseqs "; } $command .= "$hmm_file $train_file "; &run_command($command, $trainscore_file, $job_id, $log_file); if ($job_id ne ""){ $web_trainscore_file = $trainscore_file.".web"; $command = "changetoweb "; $command .= "$trainscore_file \'$userinputmotif\' \'$userinputseq\'"; $error_status = &run_command($command,$web_trainscore_file, $job_id,$log_file); } else{ $web_trainscore_file = $trainscore_file; } if ($error_status) { &html_error($html_out); exit($error_status); } if ($html_open eq "true"){ $trainscore_file_html = $trainscore_file.".htm"; $command = "mhmm2html -alphabet $format $web_trainscore_file"; $error_status = &run_command($command, $trainscore_file_html, $job_id,$log_file); # Create a link on the web page. &write_html_output($html_out, $error_status, "Motif occurrences in sequence file", $trainscore_file_html,"",1); } if ($error_status) { &html_error($html_out); exit($error_status); } } ######################################################################### # STEP 4: SCORE AGAINST DATABASE ######################################################################### if ($test_file ne "") { if ((-e $testscore_file) && !(-z $testscore_file)) { print($status_stream "Skipping test set scoring: $testscore_file exists.\n"); } else { my($command); $command = "mhmms $mhmms_parameters $print_what "; if ($maxseqs ne '' and $maxseqs > 0) { $command .= " --maxseqs $maxseqs "; } $command .= " $hmm_file $test_file "; &run_command($command, $testscore_file, $job_id, $log_file); if ($job_id ne ""){ $web_testscore_file = $testscore_file.".web"; $command = "changetoweb "; $command .= "$testscore_file \'$userinputmotif\' \'$userinputseq\'"; $error_status = &run_command( $command,$web_testscore_file, $job_id, $log_file ); } else{ $web_testscore_file = $testscore_file; } if ($error_status) { &html_error($html_out); exit($error_status); } if ($html_open eq "true"){ $testscore_file_html = $testscore_file.".htm"; $command = "mhmm2html -alphabet $format $web_testscore_file"; $error_status = &run_command( $command, $testscore_file_html, $job_id,$log_file ); # Create a link on the web page. &write_html_output( $html_out, $error_status, "Database search results", $testscore_file_html, "", 1 ); } if ($error_status) { &html_error($html_out); exit($error_status); } } } # Write the last version of the page. &write_html_output($html_out, 0, "", "", 0); # Record the job status. &record_status("", $job_id, $error_status, $log_file); ######################################################################### # Run a command with error checking. ######################################################################### sub run_command { my($command, $outfile, $job_id, $log_file) = @_; my(@start, @end, $stdout, $stderr, $hostname, $elapsed); print($status_stream "$command\n"); # If no output file was given, pipe stdout to stdout. if ($outfile eq "") { $outfile = "stdout.$$"; } # Run the command, saving stdout and stderr. @start = times(); $error_status = system("$bindir$command 1>$outfile 2>stderr.$$"); @end = times(); if ($outfile eq "stdout.$$") { $stdout = `/usr/bin/cat stdout.$$`; unlink("stdout.$$"); print(stdout "$stdout"); } # Send stderr to stdout. $stderr = `/usr/bin/cat stderr.$$`; unlink("stderr.$$"); print($status_stream "$stderr\nstatus=$error_status\n\n"); chmod(0664,$outfile); # Report elapsed time and CPU. $hostname = `/usr/bin/hostname`; chop($hostname); $elapsed = ($end[0] - $start[0]) + ($end[1] - $start[1]) + ($end[2] - $start[2]) + ($end[3] - $start[3]); $CPUtime += $elapsed; printf($status_stream "Elapsed time = %.2f CPU seconds (%s).\n", $elapsed, $hostname); &record_status($command, $job_id, $error_status, $log_file); if ($error_status != 0) { print(stderr "Error $error_status from metameme.\n"); print(stderr "$command\n"); } return($error_status); } ######################################################################### # Record the current job status in the log file. ######################################################################### sub record_status { my($command, $jobnum, $error_status, $log_file) = @_; my($date_and_time, $outfile, $errmsg, $paramtraining); # Don't bother if we don't have a history log. if ($log_file eq "") { return; } chop($date_and_time = `date`); if ($numtrain > 0) { foreach my $train_element (@training) { if ($train_element ne "") { $paramtraining .= " $train_element"; } } } else { $paramtraining = " none"; } open($log_file, ">>$log_file"); if ($error_status != 0) { $error_status = 2; } print($log_file "$date_and_time \t $jobnum \t <$error_status> \t"); print($log_file "[numseq=$stat[0]; shortest=$stat[1]; longest=$stat[2]; " . "average=$stat[3];] "); print($log_file "topology=$hmm_type; motifs=$mhmm_motifs; " . "nspacer=$nspacer; " . "training=$paramtraining; traingAlg=$viterbi_train; " . "online=$online_train; " . "maxiter=$maxiter; converge=$converge; mixing=$mixing; " . "transpseudo=$transpseudo; weights=$weighting; " . "alignformat=$align_format; non-motifs=$action; " . "scoring=$scoring; threshold=$threshold; "); print($log_file "\n\n"); close($log_file); chmod(0664, $log_file); # If there is an error, notify the site administrator. if ($error_status) { $errmsg = "error.$$"; open($errmsg, ">$errmsg"); print($errmsg " The Meta-MEME software was unable to finish processing ". "submitted job \#$jobnum\nbecause of an error occurred " . "when executing the command below.\n\n"); print($errmsg "$command\n\n"); close($errmsg); chmod(0664, $errmsg); `/usr/ucb/Mail -s 'Warning: Meta-MEME job $jobnum' $webmaster < $errmsg`; unlink("error>$$"); } return($error_status); } ######################################################################### # Write (or over-write) the HTML output page. ######################################################################### my $first_time = 0; sub write_html_output { my($html_page, $error_status, $new_link, $new_file1, $new_file2, $in_progress) = @_; if ($html_page eq "") { return; } else{ # Strip off "http://" and replace with webroot. @temp = split('/',$html_page); $html_page = pop(@temp); $html_page = "$outputdir/$html_page"; } # If it is the first time to write the html page, just print the # default contents if ($first_time == 0){ open($html_page, ">$html_page"); print($html_page $html_header); print($html_page $html_links); if ($in_progress == 1) { print($html_page $html_in_progress); } $first_time++; print($html_page $html_footer); close($html_page); chmod(0664, $html_page); } else{ # if the program is still in progress, print the intermediate results if ($in_progress == 1){ if ($error_status == 0) { if ($new_link ne "") { @temp = split('/',$new_file1); $new_file1 = $metasite."/output/".pop(@temp); $html_links = "

  • $new_link    \n"; # To add MHMM's model picture if ($new_file2 ne ""){ @temp = split('/',$new_file2); $new_file3 = $metasite."/output/".pop(@temp); $html_links = $html_links. "Graph\n"; } # @cache is used to record how many results we got by far $cache[$first_time] = $html_links; $first_time++; open($html_page,">$html_page"); print($html_page $html_header); print($html_page $html_in_progress); for ($i=1;$i<$first_time;$i++){ print ($html_page "$cache[$i]\n"); } print($html_page $html_footer); close($html_page); chmod(0664, $html_page); } } else { print($html_error); } } # print the final results else{ open($html_page,">$html_page"); print($html_page $html_header); print($html_page ""); for ($i=1;$i<$first_time;$i++){ print ($html_page "$cache[$i]\n"); } print($html_page "
    "); print($html_page $html_end); print($html_page $html_footer); #print($html_page $submit_date_and_time); #print($html_page $start_date_and_time); #$end = &write_global(end,0); print($html_page $end); close($html_page); chmod(0664, $html_page); if ($job_id ne ""){ $end_date_and_time = &write_global(end,0); &write_global(final,0); } } } } ########################################################## # Given a hmm file, decide whether it is protein or dna ########################################################## sub proteinordna{ my ($filename) = $_[0]; my ($line,@temp); open (IN,"<$filename") || die "Cannot open $filename"; while ($line = ){ if ($line =~ "alphabet: "){ @temp = split(' ',$line); if (length($temp[1]) >= 20){ return "protein"; } else{ return "dna"; } } } return "error"; } ############################################################### # Write the error info. ############################################################## sub html_error{ my ($html_page) = @_; @temp = split('/',$html_page); $html_page = pop(@temp); $html_page = "$webroot/output/$html_page"; open($html_page, ">$html_page"); print $html_page $html_header; print $html_page $html_error; print $html_page $html_footer; close($html_page); chmod(0664, $html_page); if ($job_id ne ""){ $end_date_and_time = &write_global(end,0); &write_global(final,2); } } ################################################################ # Write to global log file ################################################################ sub write_global{ # $mark is 0 - job finished correctly # 1 - input incorrect # 2 - server broken my ($start_or_end,$mark) = @_; my ($date,$time) = &date_and_time; #open($global_log, ">>$global_log"); if ($start_or_end eq "start"){ #print ($global_log "start: $date $time "); return "start: $date $time "; } elsif ($start_or_end eq "end"){ #print($global_log "end: $date $time "); #print($global_log "\n\n"); return "end: $date $time "; } elsif ($start_or_end eq "final"){ open($global_log, ">>$global_log") || die "Cannot open $global_log"; print($global_log "$submit_date_and_time$start_date_and_time$end_date_and_time<$mark> $ipaddress\n\n"); #print($global_log "$submit_date_and_time\n\n"); close($global_log); chmod(0664, $global_log); return(0); } } ############################################################################ # Return Current Date and Time # This is used to keep LOG the same format as MEME LOG file ############################################################################ sub date_and_time{ my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,@rest) = localtime(time); # I do not understand why we need to add 1 to month $date_now = sprintf "%02d/%02d/%02d",$mon+1,$mday,$year-100; $time_now = sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d", $hour,$min,$sec; return($date_now,$time_now); }