#!/usr/bin/perl # FILE: mhmm_globals.pm # AUTHOR: William Stafford Noble, Phan Lu # PROJECT: MHMM # DESCRIPTION: Set up site-specific variables for Meta-MEME web server. # Name of the person to complain to if something goes wrong. $webmaster = '@METAMEME_SITE_CONTACT@'; # Website root and output HTML results file. $webroot = '@METAMEME_WEB_DIR@'; $metasite = '@METAMEME_SITE_URL@'; # Directory where log files will be stored. $logdir = "$webroot/logs"; # Directory where temporary files will be stored. $inputdir = "$webroot/user-files"; # Directory where output files will be stored. $outputdir = "$webroot/output"; # Web URL where output will be available $metasite_output = "$metasite/output"; # Binaries directory. $bindir = "@BIN_DIR@"; # MAST database directory. $datadir = "$bindir/mast_databases"; # Location of dirichlet mixture priors file. $dirichlets = "$webroot/bin/prior30.plib"; # The maximum number of training sequences. $maxdataset = 200000; # Log file for all jobs (only used by submit-verify.cgi). $global_log_filename = "$logdir/history.log";