nohup: ignoring input 51502924# pairs of reads have been compiled stats for each library libary_name lowest Q1 median Q3 highest mad can_PII 406.5 462 483 499 554.5 25.2042 can_phaseI 148 178 188 198 228 14.826 54834135# pairs of reads have been compiled stats for each library libary_name lowest Q1 median Q3 highest mad ct_PII 360.5 407 422 438 484.5 22.239 ct_phaseI 164.5 196 206 217 248.5 16.3086 39415794# pairs of reads have been compiled stats for each library libary_name lowest Q1 median Q3 highest mad sf2_PII 352.5 375 383 390 412.5 11.8608 sf2_phaseI 160.5 174 179 183 196.5 5.9304 44964904# pairs of reads have been compiled stats for each library libary_name lowest Q1 median Q3 highest mad hi_amplified 308.5 358 375 391 440.5 25.2042 hi_nonamp 341 380 393 406 445 19.2738 hi_phaseI 168 198 208 218 248 14.826 36233337# pairs of reads have been compiled stats for each library libary_name lowest Q1 median Q3 highest mad ws_PII 195 210 215 220 235 7.413 ws_phaseI 311.5 382 407 429 499.5 35.5824 55817556# pairs of reads have been compiled stats for each library libary_name lowest Q1 median Q3 highest mad edi_PII 379 409 420 429 459 14.826 edi_phaseI 125.5 160 171 183 217.5 16.3086 18540846# pairs of reads have been compiled stats for each library libary_name lowest Q1 median Q3 highest mad bur_PII 338.5 385 406 416 462.5 17.7912 26024503# pairs of reads have been compiled stats for each library libary_name lowest Q1 median Q3 highest mad ler_PII 382 403 410 417 438 10.3782 ler_phaseI 159 213 230 249 303 26.6868 40390219# pairs of reads have been compiled stats for each library libary_name lowest Q1 median Q3 highest mad mt_PII 1065.5 1394 1504 1613 1941.5 163.086 mt_phaseI 68.5 154 181 211 296.5 42.9954 59558472# pairs of reads have been compiled stats for each library libary_name lowest Q1 median Q3 highest mad oy_PII 390 420 431 440 470 14.826 oy_phaseI 160.5 186 194 203 228.5 13.3434 3725529# pairs of reads have been compiled stats for each library libary_name lowest Q1 median Q3 highest mad NOLIBNAME 266 380 418 456 570 56.3388 28386108# pairs of reads have been compiled stats for each library libary_name lowest Q1 median Q3 highest mad wu_PII 354 393 410 419 458 16.3086 wu_phaseI 153.5 191 204 216 253.5 17.7912 43756008# pairs of reads have been compiled stats for each library libary_name lowest Q1 median Q3 highest mad po_PII 368.5 400 413 421 452.5 13.3434 po_phaseI 146 164 170 176 194 8.8956 34688973# pairs of reads have been compiled stats for each library libary_name lowest Q1 median Q3 highest mad rsch_PII 368 398 409 418 448 13.3434 rsch_phaseI 130 187 205 225 282 28.1694 42095662# pairs of reads have been compiled stats for each library libary_name lowest Q1 median Q3 highest mad wil2_PII 429.5 452 460 467 489.5 10.3782 wil2_phaseI 151.5 165 170 174 187.5 7.413 38368547# pairs of reads have been compiled stats for each library libary_name lowest Q1 median Q3 highest mad zu_PII 233.5 346 411 421 533.5 20.7564 zu_phaseI 138.5 191 207 226 278.5 26.6868 55290798# pairs of reads have been compiled stats for each library libary_name lowest Q1 median Q3 highest mad tsu_PII 336 390 416 426 480 19.2738 tsu_phaseI 146.5 178 189 199 230.5 14.826 31373113# pairs of reads have been compiled stats for each library libary_name lowest Q1 median Q3 highest mad kn_PII 307.5 354 370 385 431.5 22.239 kn_phaseI 164 209 224 239 284 22.239 35438686# pairs of reads have been compiled stats for each library libary_name lowest Q1 median Q3 highest mad no_PII 269.5 304 315 327 361.5 16.3086 no_phaseI 151 178 187 196 223 13.3434