############ Tim's Database Helper Configuration File ############# # Settings for connecting to a relational database ### Default Settings ### # These are default settings that are shared by all databases. # The user and password keys are for authenticating to the database. # The adaptor key specifies the module driver for connecting to the relational # database containing the Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store database. Acceptable # values include DBI::mysql, DBI::Pg, or DBI::SQLite. # The dsn key defines the string for connecting to the database. For example, # to connect to a mysql database 'genome' on localhost through a socket # dbi:mysql:genome # to connect to a remote mysql database # dbi:mysql:host=;port=3306;database=genome # The dsn_prefix key simply drops the database name, allowing it to be used # with any database name. # See the documentation for Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store for syntax of # adaptor and dsn_prefix keys. # The reference_sequence_type key is to describe the GFF type for reference # sequences in the genome. Values could include chromosome, sequence, # scaffold, contig, etc. This is used by tim_db_helper::get_new_genome_list() # when getting the list of reference sequences. # The source_exclude key provides a list of common source tags that may be # excluded when using the tim_db_helper::get_dataset_list() function. This # is used to generate a list, for example, of microarray datasets stored in # the database for interactive choosing. Features which have one of these # sources would not be included in the list. It's nice sometimes not to see # every possible feature in the database. # The window is the size in bp when generating genomic window intervals. It # is used by the tim_db_helper::get_new_genome_list() function. [default_db] user = nobody pass = hello adaptor = DBI::mysql dsn_prefix = dbi:mysql: reference_sequence_type = chromosome source_exclude = SGD, GeneDB, Ensembl, UCSC, refSeq, ensGene, rmsk window = 500 # Multiple database sections may be included. Simply name the section after the # name of the database. Database specific keys may be included, and missing # keys will default to the default_db values. Here is an example for the # database named example [example] user = me pass = secret dsn = dbi:mysql:host=;port=3306;database=example ### Feature Alias Lists ### # These are aliases for one or more GFF feature types when searching # for these features in the database. # Specify as either the GFF "type" or "type:source". These represent GFF # columns 3 and 2:3, respectively. [features] gene = gene, ORF, ncRNA, snRNA, snoRNA rna = ncRNA, snRNA, snoRNA, tRNA orf = gene, ORF repeat = repeat_region, long_terminal_repeat, transposable_element_gene, LTR_retrotransposon ### Exclude Tags ### # Some features in the database you simply don't want in your list. For # example, in the cerevisiaie GFF3 annotation, dubious genes are included # as gene features, but have the GFF "orf_classification" tag value of # "Dubious". I don't want these features. Ever. These tags are checked # using the tim_db_helper::get_new_feature_list() function. # Specify the tag key and the tag value(s) to be excluded [exclude_tags] orf_classification = Dubious ### Applications ### # Some biotoolbox scripts require helper programs. Enter the name of the # helper program and the full path of its location. Executable programs # may also be automatically found in the system path. [applications] wigToBigWig = /usr/local/bin/wigToBigWig java = /usr/bin/java Bar2Gr = /Applications/USeq/Apps/Bar2Gr