package tim_db_helper::bam; # modules require Exporter; use strict; use Carp; use Statistics::Lite qw(mean); use Bio::DB::Sam; # Exported names our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw( collect_bam_scores collect_bam_position_scores ); # Hashes of opened file objects our %OPENED_BAMFILES; # opened bam file objects # in empirical testing, this doesn't really seem to speed things up # like I thought it would # oh well, keep it anyway???? # The true statement 1; ### Modules ### ### Collect Bam scores only sub collect_bam_scores { # we will collect positioned values but # only return the values # grab the method from the passed arguments my $method = $_[3]; # collect the raw data my %bam_data = _collect_bam_data(@_); # combine multiple datapoints at the same position my @values; if ($method eq 'length') { # each hash value is an array of one or more datapoints foreach my $position (keys %bam_data) { push @values, mean( @{ $bam_data{$position} } ); } } else { # score (coverage) or count # each value is a count @values = values %bam_data; } # return collected data return @values; } ### Collect positioned Bam scores sub collect_bam_position_scores { # grab the method from the passed arguments my $method = $_[3]; # collect the raw data my %bam_data = _collect_bam_data(@_); # combine multiple datapoints at the same position if ($method eq 'length') { # each value is an array of one or more datapoints # we will take the simple mean foreach my $position (keys %bam_data) { $bam_data{$position} = mean( @{$bam_data{$position}} ); } } # return collected data return %bam_data; } ### Actual collection of scores sub _collect_bam_data { # pass the required information unless (scalar @_ >= 5) { croak " At least five arguments must be passed to collect Bam data!\n"; } my ($region, $region_strand, $stranded, $method, @bam_features) = @_; # method can be score, count, or length # set up hash, either position => count or position => [scores] my %bam_data; # look at each bamfile # usually there is only one, but there may be more than one foreach my $feature (@bam_features) { ## Get the name of the bigbed file my $bamfile; if ($feature =~ /^file:(.+)$/) { # the passed feature appears to specify a file $bamfile = $1; # check file unless (-e $bamfile) { croak " Bam file '$bamfile' does not exist!\n"; return; } } elsif ($feature =~ /^http|ftp/i) { # a remote file # this should be supported by Bio::DB::Sam $bamfile = $feature; } else { # otherwise we assume the passed feature is a database object # get bedfile name ($bamfile) = $feature->get_tag_values('bamfile'); } croak " no bamfile specified!\n" unless $bamfile; ## Open the Bam File my $bam; if (exists $OPENED_BAMFILES{$bamfile} ) { # this file is already opened, use it $bam = $OPENED_BAMFILES{$bamfile}; } else { # this file has not been opened yet, open it $bam = Bio::DB::Sam->new(-bam => $bamfile) or croak " unable to open Bam file '$bamfile'"; # store the opened object for later use $OPENED_BAMFILES{$bamfile} = $bam; } # Set the code to filter alignments based on strand my $filter; if ($stranded eq 'sense' and $region_strand == 1) { $filter = sub { my $a = shift; return $a->strand == 1 ? 1 : 0; }; } elsif ($stranded eq 'sense' and $region_strand == -1) { $filter = sub { my $a = shift; return $a->strand == -1 ? 1 : 0; }; } elsif ($stranded eq 'antisense' and $region_strand == 1) { $filter = sub { my $a = shift; return $a->strand == -1 ? 1 : 0; }; } elsif ($stranded eq 'antisense' and $region_strand == -1) { $filter = sub { my $a = shift; return $a->strand == 1 ? 1 : 0; }; } else { # no strand requested, take all $filter = sub { return 1; }; } ## Collect the data according to the requested method if ($method eq 'score') { # collecting scores, or in this case, basepair coverage of # alignments over the requested region my $coverage; if ($stranded eq 'sense' or $stranded eq 'antisense') { # Cannot currently collect stranded data with the coverage # method. I will keep the filter in here anyway to future-proof # in case Lincoln ever adds this support (don't hold your # breath!) ($coverage) = $bam->features( -type => 'coverage', -seq_id => $region->seq_id, -start => $region->start, -end => $region->end, -filter => $filter, ); } else { # no stranded data wanted ($coverage) = $bam->features( -type => 'coverage', -seq_id => $region->seq_id, -start => $region->start, -end => $region->end, ); } # convert the coverage data # by default, this should return the coverage at 1 bp resolution if ($coverage) { my @scores = $coverage->coverage; for (my $i = $region->start; $i <= $region->end; $i++) { $bam_data{$i} += shift @scores; } } } else { # either collecting counts or length # working with actual alignments my @alignments; if ($stranded eq 'sense' or $stranded eq 'antisense') { @alignments = $bam->features( -type => 'match', -seq_id => $region->seq_id, -start => $region->start, -end => $region->end, -filter => $filter, ); } else { # no stranded data wanted @alignments = $bam->features( -type => 'match', -seq_id => $region->seq_id, -start => $region->start, -end => $region->end, ); } # process the alignments if ($method eq 'count') { foreach my $a (@alignments) { # enumerate at the alignment's midpoint my $position = int( ( ($a->start + $a->end) / 2) + 0.5); $bam_data{$position} += 1; } } elsif ($method eq 'length') { foreach my $a (@alignments) { # record length at the alignment's midpoint my $position = int( ( ($a->start + $a->end) / 2) + 0.5); push @{ $bam_data{$position} }, ($a->end - $a->start + 1); } } } } # return collected data return %bam_data; } __END__ =head1 NAME tim_db_helper::bam =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is used to collect the dataset scores from a binary bam file (.bam). The file may be identified in one of two ways. First, it may be referenced in the database. Typically, a single feature representing the dataset is present across each chromosome. The feature should contain an attribute ('bamfile') that references the location of the binary file representing the alignments. Second, the local location of the file may be directly passed to the subroutine. In either case, the file is read using the Bio::DB::Sam module, and the values extracted from the region of interest. Collected data values may be restricted to strand by specifying the desired strandedness, depending on the method of data collection. Collecting scores, or basepair coverage of alignments over the region of interest, does not currently support stranded data collection (as of this writing). However, enumerating alignments (count method) and collecting alignment lengths do support stranded data collection. If stranded coverage is desired, the best solution is to split the bam file into two files according to alignment strand using the biotoolbox script ''. Currently, paired-end bam files are treated as single-end files. If paired-end alignments are to be analyzed, they should be processed into another format (BigWig or BigBed). For loading bam files into a Bio::DB database, see the biotoolbox perl script ''. To speed up the program and avoid repetitive opening and closing of the files, the opened bam file object is stored in a global hash in case it is needed again. =head1 USAGE The module requires Lincoln Stein's Bio::DB::Sam to be installed. Load the module at the beginning of your program. use tim_db_helper::bam; It will automatically export the name of the subroutines. =over =item collect_bam_scores This subroutine will collect only the data values from a binary bam file for the specified database region. The positional information of the scores is not retained, and the values are best further processed through some statistical method (mean, median, etc.). The subroutine is passed five or more arguments in the following order: 1) The database object representing the genomic region of interest. This should be a Bio::DB::SeqFeature object that supports the start, end, and strand methods. 2) The strand of the original feature (or region), -1, 0, or 1. 3) A scalar value representing the desired strandedness of the data to be collected. Acceptable values include "sense", "antisense", "none" or "no". Only those scores which match the indicated strandedness are collected. 4) The method or type of data collected. Acceptable values include 'score' (returns the basepair coverage of alignments over the region of interest), 'count' (returns the number of alignments found at each base position in the region, recorded at the alignment's midpoint), or 'length' (returns the mean lengths of the alignments found at each base position in the region, recorded at the alignment's midpoint). 5) One or more database feature objects that contain the reference to the .bam file. They should contain the attribute 'bamfile' which has the path to the Bam file. Alternatively, pass one or more filenames of .bam files. Each filename should be prefixed with 'file:' to indicate that it is a direct file reference, and not a database object. The subroutine returns an array of the defined dataset values found within the region of interest. =item collect_bam_position_scores This subroutine will collect the score values from a binary bam file for the specified database region keyed by position. The subroutine is passed five or more arguments in the following order: 1) The database object representing the genomic region of interest. This should be a Bio::DB::SeqFeature object that supports the start, end, and strand methods. 2) The strand of the original feature (or region), -1, 0, or 1. 3) A scalar value representing the desired strandedness of the data to be collected. Acceptable values include "sense", "antisense", "none" or "no". Only those scores which match the indicated strandedness are collected. 4) The method or type of data collected. Acceptable values include 'score' (returns the basepair coverage of alignments over the region of interest), 'count' (returns the number of alignments found at each base position in the region, recorded at the alignment's midpoint), or 'length' (returns the mean lengths of the alignments found at each base position in the region, recorded at the alignment's midpoint). 5) One or more database feature objects that contain the reference to the .bam file. They should contain the attribute 'bamfile' which has the path to the Bam file. Alternatively, pass one or more filenames of .bam files. Each filename should be prefixed with 'file:' to indicate that it is a direct file reference, and not a database object. The subroutine returns a hash of the defined dataset values found within the region of interest keyed by position. The feature midpoint is used as the key position. When multiple features are found at the same position, a simple mean (for length data methods) or sum (for count methods) is returned. =back =head1 AUTHOR Timothy J. Parnell, PhD Howard Hughes Medical Institute Dept of Oncological Sciences Huntsman Cancer Institute University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT, 84112 This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL (either version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic License 2.0.