This is ../../info/calc, produced by makeinfo version 4.11 from calc.texi. This file documents Calc, the GNU Emacs calculator. Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant Sections being just "GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE", with the Front-Cover texts being "A GNU Manual," and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License." (a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: "You have the freedom to copy and modify this GNU manual. Buying copies from the FSF supports it in developing GNU and promoting software freedom." INFO-DIR-SECTION Emacs START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Calc: (calc). Advanced desk calculator and mathematical tool. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File: calc, Node: Logical Operations, Next: Rewrite Rules, Prev: Summations, Up: Algebra 12.10 Logical Operations ======================== The following commands and algebraic functions return true/false values, where 1 represents "true" and 0 represents "false." In cases where a truth value is required (such as for the condition part of a rewrite rule, or as the condition for a `Z [ Z ]' control structure), any nonzero value is accepted to mean "true." (Specifically, anything for which `dnonzero' returns 1 is "true," and anything for which `dnonzero' returns 0 or cannot decide is assumed "false." Note that this means that `Z [ Z ]' will execute the "then" portion if its condition is provably true, but it will execute the "else" portion for any condition like `a = b' that is not provably true, even if it might be true. Algebraic functions that have conditions as arguments, like `? :' and `&&', remain unevaluated if the condition is neither provably true nor provably false. *Note Declarations::.) The `a =' (`calc-equal-to') command, or `eq(a,b)' function (which can also be written `a = b' or `a == b' in an algebraic formula) is true if `a' and `b' are equal, either because they are identical expressions, or because they are numbers which are numerically equal. (Thus the integer 1 is considered equal to the float 1.0.) If the equality of `a' and `b' cannot be determined, the comparison is left in symbolic form. Note that as a command, this operation pops two values from the stack and pushes back either a 1 or a 0, or a formula `a = b' if the values' equality cannot be determined. Many Calc commands use `=' formulas to represent "equations". For example, the `a S' (`calc-solve-for') command rearranges an equation to solve for a given variable. The `a M' (`calc-map-equation') command can be used to apply any function to both sides of an equation; for example, `2 a M *' multiplies both sides of the equation by two. Note that just `2 *' would not do the same thing; it would produce the formula `2 (a = b)' which represents 2 if the equality is true or zero if not. The `eq' function with more than two arguments (e.g., `C-u 3 a =' or `a = b = c') tests if all of its arguments are equal. In algebraic notation, the `=' operator is unusual in that it is neither left- nor right-associative: `a = b = c' is not the same as `(a = b) = c' or `a = (b = c)' (which each compare one variable with the 1 or 0 that results from comparing two other variables). The `a #' (`calc-not-equal-to') command, or `neq(a,b)' or `a != b' function, is true if `a' and `b' are not equal. This also works with more than two arguments; `a != b != c != d' tests that all four of `a', `b', `c', and `d' are distinct numbers. The `a <' (`calc-less-than') [`lt(a,b)' or `a < b'] operation is true if `a' is less than `b'. Similar functions are `a >' (`calc-greater-than') [`gt(a,b)' or `a > b'], `a [' (`calc-less-equal') [`leq(a,b)' or `a <= b'], and `a ]' (`calc-greater-equal') [`geq(a,b)' or `a >= b']. While the inequality functions like `lt' do not accept more than two arguments, the syntax `a <= b < c' is translated to an equivalent expression involving intervals: `b in [a .. c)'. (See the description of `in' below.) All four combinations of `<' and `<=' are allowed, or any of the four combinations of `>' and `>='. Four-argument constructions like `a < b < c < d', and mixtures like `a < b = c' that involve both equalities and inequalities, are not allowed. The `a .' (`calc-remove-equal') [`rmeq'] command extracts the righthand side of the equation or inequality on the top of the stack. It also works elementwise on vectors. For example, if `[x = 2.34, y = z / 2]' is on the stack, then `a .' produces `[2.34, z / 2]'. As a special case, if the righthand side is a variable and the lefthand side is a number (as in `2.34 = x'), then Calc keeps the lefthand side instead. Finally, this command works with assignments `x := 2.34' as well as equations, always taking the righthand side, and for `=>' (evaluates-to) operators, always taking the lefthand side. The `a &' (`calc-logical-and') [`land(a,b)' or `a && b'] function is true if both of its arguments are true, i.e., are non-zero numbers. In this case, the result will be either `a' or `b', chosen arbitrarily. If either argument is zero, the result is zero. Otherwise, the formula is left in symbolic form. The `a |' (`calc-logical-or') [`lor(a,b)' or `a || b'] function is true if either or both of its arguments are true (nonzero). The result is whichever argument was nonzero, choosing arbitrarily if both are nonzero. If both `a' and `b' are zero, the result is zero. The `a !' (`calc-logical-not') [`lnot(a)' or `! a'] function is true if `a' is false (zero), or false if `a' is true (nonzero). It is left in symbolic form if `a' is not a number. The `a :' (`calc-logical-if') [`if(a,b,c)' or `a ? b : c'] function is equal to either `b' or `c' if `a' is a nonzero number or zero, respectively. If `a' is not a number, the test is left in symbolic form and neither `b' nor `c' is evaluated in any way. In algebraic formulas, this is one of the few Calc functions whose arguments are not automatically evaluated when the function itself is evaluated. The others are `lambda', `quote', and `condition'. One minor surprise to watch out for is that the formula `a?3:4' will not work because the `3:4' is parsed as a fraction instead of as three separate symbols. Type something like `a ? 3 : 4' or `a?(3):4' instead. As a special case, if `a' evaluates to a vector, then both `b' and `c' are evaluated; the result is a vector of the same length as `a' whose elements are chosen from corresponding elements of `b' and `c' according to whether each element of `a' is zero or nonzero. Each of `b' and `c' must be either a vector of the same length as `a', or a non-vector which is matched with all elements of `a'. The `a {' (`calc-in-set') [`in(a,b)'] function is true if the number `a' is in the set of numbers represented by `b'. If `b' is an interval form, `a' must be one of the values encompassed by the interval. If `b' is a vector, `a' must be equal to one of the elements of the vector. (If any vector elements are intervals, `a' must be in any of the intervals.) If `b' is a plain number, `a' must be numerically equal to `b'. *Note Set Operations::, for a group of commands that manipulate sets of this sort. The `typeof(a)' function produces an integer or variable which characterizes `a'. If `a' is a number, vector, or variable, the result will be one of the following numbers: 1 Integer 2 Fraction 3 Floating-point number 4 HMS form 5 Rectangular complex number 6 Polar complex number 7 Error form 8 Interval form 9 Modulo form 10 Date-only form 11 Date/time form 12 Infinity (inf, uinf, or nan) 100 Variable 101 Vector (but not a matrix) 102 Matrix Otherwise, `a' is a formula, and the result is a variable which represents the name of the top-level function call. The `integer(a)' function returns true if `a' is an integer. The `real(a)' function is true if `a' is a real number, either integer, fraction, or float. The `constant(a)' function returns true if `a' is any of the objects for which `typeof' would produce an integer code result except for variables, and provided that the components of an object like a vector or error form are themselves constant. Note that infinities do not satisfy any of these tests, nor do special constants like `pi' and `e'. *Note Declarations::, for a set of similar functions that recognize formulas as well as actual numbers. For example, `dint(floor(x))' is true because `floor(x)' is provably integer-valued, but `integer(floor(x))' does not because `floor(x)' is not literally an integer constant. The `refers(a,b)' function is true if the variable (or sub-expression) `b' appears in `a', or false otherwise. Unlike the other tests described here, this function returns a definite "no" answer even if its arguments are still in symbolic form. The only case where `refers' will be left unevaluated is if `a' is a plain variable (different from `b'). The `negative(a)' function returns true if `a' "looks" negative, because it is a negative number, because it is of the form `-x', or because it is a product or quotient with a term that looks negative. This is most useful in rewrite rules. Beware that `negative(a)' evaluates to 1 or 0 for _any_ argument `a', so it can only be stored in a formula if the default simplifications are turned off first with `m O' (or if it appears in an unevaluated context such as a rewrite rule condition). The `variable(a)' function is true if `a' is a variable, or false if not. If `a' is a function call, this test is left in symbolic form. Built-in variables like `pi' and `inf' are considered variables like any others by this test. The `nonvar(a)' function is true if `a' is a non-variable. If its argument is a variable it is left unsimplified; it never actually returns zero. However, since Calc's condition-testing commands consider "false" anything not provably true, this is often good enough. The functions `lin', `linnt', `islin', and `islinnt' check if an expression is "linear," i.e., can be written in the form `a + b x' for some constants `a' and `b', and some variable or subformula `x'. The function `islin(f,x)' checks if formula `f' is linear in `x', returning 1 if so. For example, `islin(x,x)', `islin(-x,x)', `islin(3,x)', and `islin(x y / 3 - 2, x)' all return 1. The `lin(f,x)' function is similar, except that instead of returning 1 it returns the vector `[a, b, x]'. For the above examples, this vector would be `[0, 1, x]', `[0, -1, x]', `[3, 0, x]', and `[-2, y/3, x]', respectively. Both `lin' and `islin' generally remain unevaluated for expressions which are not linear, e.g., `lin(2 x^2, x)' and `lin(sin(x), x)'. The second argument can also be a formula; `islin(2 + 3 sin(x), sin(x))' returns true. The `linnt' and `islinnt' functions perform a similar check, but require a "non-trivial" linear form, which means that the `b' coefficient must be non-zero. For example, `lin(2,x)' returns `[2, 0, x]' and `lin(y,x)' returns `[y, 0, x]', but `linnt(2,x)' and `linnt(y,x)' are left unevaluated (in other words, these formulas are considered to be only "trivially" linear in `x'). All four linearity-testing functions allow you to omit the second argument, in which case the input may be linear in any non-constant formula. Here, the `a=0', `b=1' case is also considered trivial, and only constant values for `a' and `b' are recognized. Thus, `lin(2 x y)' returns `[0, 2, x y]', `lin(2 - x y)' returns `[2, -1, x y]', and `lin(x y)' returns `[0, 1, x y]'. The `linnt' function would allow the first two cases but not the third. Also, neither `lin' nor `linnt' accept plain constants as linear in the one-argument case: `islin(2,x)' is true, but `islin(2)' is false. The `istrue(a)' function returns 1 if `a' is a nonzero number or provably nonzero formula, or 0 if `a' is anything else. Calls to `istrue' can only be manipulated if `m O' mode is used to make sure they are not evaluated prematurely. (Note that declarations are used when deciding whether a formula is true; `istrue' returns 1 when `dnonzero' would return 1, and it returns 0 when `dnonzero' would return 0 or leave itself in symbolic form.)  File: calc, Node: Rewrite Rules, Prev: Logical Operations, Up: Algebra 12.11 Rewrite Rules =================== The `a r' (`calc-rewrite') [`rewrite'] command makes substitutions in a formula according to a specified pattern or patterns known as "rewrite rules". Whereas `a b' (`calc-substitute') matches literally, so that substituting `sin(x)' with `cos(x)' matches only the `sin' function applied to the variable `x', rewrite rules match general kinds of formulas; rewriting using the rule `sin(x) := cos(x)' matches `sin' of any argument and replaces it with `cos' of that same argument. The only significance of the name `x' is that the same name is used on both sides of the rule. Rewrite rules rearrange formulas already in Calc's memory. *Note Syntax Tables::, to read about "syntax rules", which are similar to algebraic rewrite rules but operate when new algebraic entries are being parsed, converting strings of characters into Calc formulas. * Menu: * Entering Rewrite Rules:: * Basic Rewrite Rules:: * Conditional Rewrite Rules:: * Algebraic Properties of Rewrite Rules:: * Other Features of Rewrite Rules:: * Composing Patterns in Rewrite Rules:: * Nested Formulas with Rewrite Rules:: * Multi-Phase Rewrite Rules:: * Selections with Rewrite Rules:: * Matching Commands:: * Automatic Rewrites:: * Debugging Rewrites:: * Examples of Rewrite Rules::  File: calc, Node: Entering Rewrite Rules, Next: Basic Rewrite Rules, Prev: Rewrite Rules, Up: Rewrite Rules 12.11.1 Entering Rewrite Rules ------------------------------ Rewrite rules normally use the "assignment" operator `OLD := NEW'. This operator is equivalent to the function call `assign(old, new)'. The `assign' function is undefined by itself in Calc, so an assignment formula such as a rewrite rule will be left alone by ordinary Calc commands. But certain commands, like the rewrite system, interpret assignments in special ways. For example, the rule `sin(x)^2 := 1-cos(x)^2' says to replace every occurrence of the sine of something, squared, with one minus the square of the cosine of that same thing. All by itself as a formula on the stack it does nothing, but when given to the `a r' command it turns that command into a sine-squared-to-cosine-squared converter. To specify a set of rules to be applied all at once, make a vector of rules. When `a r' prompts you to enter the rewrite rules, you can answer in several ways: 1. With a rule: `f(x) := g(x) '. 2. With a vector of rules: `[f1(x) := g1(x), f2(x) := g2(x)] '. (You can omit the enclosing square brackets if you wish.) 3. With the name of a variable that contains the rule or rules vector: `myrules '. 4. With any formula except a rule, a vector, or a variable name; this will be interpreted as the OLD half of a rewrite rule, and you will be prompted a second time for the NEW half: `f(x) g(x) '. 5. With a blank line, in which case the rule, rules vector, or variable will be taken from the top of the stack (and the formula to be rewritten will come from the second-to-top position). If you enter the rules directly (as opposed to using rules stored in a variable), those rules will be put into the Trail so that you can retrieve them later. *Note Trail Commands::. It is most convenient to store rules you use often in a variable and invoke them by giving the variable name. The `s e' (`calc-edit-variable') command is an easy way to create or edit a rule set stored in a variable. You may also wish to use `s p' (`calc-permanent-variable') to save your rules permanently; *note Operations on Variables::. Rewrite rules are compiled into a special internal form for faster matching. If you enter a rule set directly it must be recompiled every time. If you store the rules in a variable and refer to them through that variable, they will be compiled once and saved away along with the variable for later reference. This is another good reason to store your rules in a variable. Calc also accepts an obsolete notation for rules, as vectors `[OLD, NEW]'. But because it is easily confused with a vector of two rules, the use of this notation is no longer recommended.  File: calc, Node: Basic Rewrite Rules, Next: Conditional Rewrite Rules, Prev: Entering Rewrite Rules, Up: Rewrite Rules 12.11.2 Basic Rewrite Rules --------------------------- To match a particular formula `x' with a particular rewrite rule `OLD := NEW', Calc compares the structure of `x' with the structure of OLD. Variables that appear in OLD are treated as "meta-variables"; the corresponding positions in `x' may contain any sub-formulas. For example, the pattern `f(x,y)' would match the expression `f(12, a+1)' with the meta-variable `x' corresponding to 12 and with `y' corresponding to `a+1'. However, this pattern would not match `f(12)' or `g(12, a+1)', since there is no assignment of the meta-variables that will make the pattern match these expressions. Notice that if the pattern is a single meta-variable, it will match any expression. If a given meta-variable appears more than once in OLD, the corresponding sub-formulas of `x' must be identical. Thus the pattern `f(x,x)' would match `f(12, 12)' and `f(a+1, a+1)' but not `f(12, a+1)' or `f(a+b, b+a)'. (*Note Conditional Rewrite Rules::, for a way to match the latter.) Things other than variables must match exactly between the pattern and the target formula. To match a particular variable exactly, use the pseudo-function `quote(v)' in the pattern. For example, the pattern `x+quote(y)' matches `x+y', `2+y', or `sin(a)+y'. The special variable names `e', `pi', `i', `phi', `gamma', `inf', `uinf', and `nan' always match literally. Thus the pattern `sin(d + e + f)' acts exactly like `sin(d + quote(e) + f)'. If the OLD pattern is found to match a given formula, that formula is replaced by NEW, where any occurrences in NEW of meta-variables from the pattern are replaced with the sub-formulas that they matched. Thus, applying the rule `f(x,y) := g(y+x,x)' to `f(12, a+1)' would produce `g(a+13, 12)'. The normal `a r' command applies rewrite rules over and over throughout the target formula until no further changes are possible (up to a limit of 100 times). Use `C-u 1 a r' to make only one change at a time.  File: calc, Node: Conditional Rewrite Rules, Next: Algebraic Properties of Rewrite Rules, Prev: Basic Rewrite Rules, Up: Rewrite Rules 12.11.3 Conditional Rewrite Rules --------------------------------- A rewrite rule can also be "conditional", written in the form `OLD := NEW :: COND'. (There is also the obsolete form `[OLD, NEW, COND]'.) If a COND part is present in the rule, this is an additional condition that must be satisfied before the rule is accepted. Once OLD has been successfully matched to the target expression, COND is evaluated (with all the meta-variables substituted for the values they matched) and simplified with `a s' (`calc-simplify'). If the result is a nonzero number or any other object known to be nonzero (*note Declarations::), the rule is accepted. If the result is zero or if it is a symbolic formula that is not known to be nonzero, the rule is rejected. *Note Logical Operations::, for a number of functions that return 1 or 0 according to the results of various tests. For example, the formula `n > 0' simplifies to 1 or 0 if `n' is replaced by a positive or nonpositive number, respectively (or if `n' has been declared to be positive or nonpositive). Thus, the rule `f(x,y) := g(y+x,x) :: x+y > 0' would apply to `f(0, 4)' but not to `f(-3, 2)' or `f(12, a+1)' (assuming no outstanding declarations for `a'). In the case of `f(-3, 2)', the condition can be shown not to be satisfied; in the case of `f(12, a+1)', the condition merely cannot be shown to be satisfied, but that is enough to reject the rule. While Calc will use declarations to reason about variables in the formula being rewritten, declarations do not apply to meta-variables. For example, the rule `f(a) := g(a+1)' will match for any values of `a', such as complex numbers, vectors, or formulas, even if `a' has been declared to be real or scalar. If you want the meta-variable `a' to match only literal real numbers, use `f(a) := g(a+1) :: real(a)'. If you want `a' to match only reals and formulas which are provably real, use `dreal(a)' as the condition. The `::' operator is a shorthand for the `condition' function; `OLD := NEW :: COND' is equivalent to the formula `condition(assign(OLD, NEW), COND)'. If you have several conditions, you can use `... :: c1 :: c2 :: c3' or `... :: c1 && c2 && c3'. The two are entirely equivalent. It is also possible to embed conditions inside the pattern: `f(x :: x>0, y) := g(y+x, x)'. This is purely a notational convenience, though; where a condition appears in a rule has no effect on when it is tested. The rewrite-rule compiler automatically decides when it is best to test each condition while a rule is being matched. Certain conditions are handled as special cases by the rewrite rule system and are tested very efficiently: Where `x' is any meta-variable, these conditions are `integer(x)', `real(x)', `constant(x)', `negative(x)', `x >= y' where `y' is either a constant or another meta-variable and `>=' may be replaced by any of the six relational operators, and `x % a = b' where `a' and `b' are constants. Other conditions, like `x >= y+1' or `dreal(x)', will be less efficient to check since Calc must bring the whole evaluator and simplifier into play. An interesting property of `::' is that neither of its arguments will be touched by Calc's default simplifications. This is important because conditions often are expressions that cannot safely be evaluated early. For example, the `typeof' function never remains in symbolic form; entering `typeof(a)' will put the number 100 (the type code for variables like `a') on the stack. But putting the condition `... :: typeof(a) = 6' on the stack is safe since `::' prevents the `typeof' from being evaluated until the condition is actually used by the rewrite system. Since `::' protects its lefthand side, too, you can use a dummy condition to protect a rule that must itself not evaluate early. For example, it's not safe to put `a(f,x) := apply(f, [x])' on the stack because it will immediately evaluate to `a(f,x) := f(x)', where the meta-variable-ness of `f' on the righthand side has been lost. But `a(f,x) := apply(f, [x]) :: 1' is safe, and of course the condition `1' is always true (nonzero) so it has no effect on the functioning of the rule. (The rewrite compiler will ensure that it doesn't even impact the speed of matching the rule.)  File: calc, Node: Algebraic Properties of Rewrite Rules, Next: Other Features of Rewrite Rules, Prev: Conditional Rewrite Rules, Up: Rewrite Rules 12.11.4 Algebraic Properties of Rewrite Rules --------------------------------------------- The rewrite mechanism understands the algebraic properties of functions like `+' and `*'. In particular, pattern matching takes the associativity and commutativity of the following functions into account: + - * = != && || and or xor vint vunion vxor gcd lcm max min beta For example, the rewrite rule: a x + b x := (a + b) x will match formulas of the form, a x + b x, x a + x b, a x + x b, x a + b x Rewrites also understand the relationship between the `+' and `-' operators. The above rewrite rule will also match the formulas, a x - b x, x a - x b, a x - x b, x a - b x by matching `b' in the pattern to `-b' from the formula. Applied to a sum of many terms like `r + a x + s + b x + t', this pattern will check all pairs of terms for possible matches. The rewrite will take whichever suitable pair it discovers first. In general, a pattern using an associative operator like `a + b' will try 2 N different ways to match a sum of N terms like `x + y + z - w'. First, `a' is matched against each of `x', `y', `z', and `-w' in turn, with `b' being matched to the remainders `y + z - w', `x + z - w', etc. If none of these succeed, then `b' is matched against each of the four terms with `a' matching the remainder. Half-and-half matches, like `(x + y) + (z - w)', are not tried. Note that `*' is not commutative when applied to matrices, but rewrite rules pretend that it is. If you type `m v' to enable Matrix mode (*note Matrix Mode::), rewrite rules will match `*' literally, ignoring its usual commutativity property. (In the current implementation, the associativity also vanishes--it is as if the pattern had been enclosed in a `plain' marker; see below.) If you are applying rewrites to formulas with matrices, it's best to enable Matrix mode first to prevent algebraically incorrect rewrites from occurring. The pattern `-x' will actually match any expression. For example, the rule f(-x) := -f(x) will rewrite `f(a)' to `-f(-a)'. To avoid this, either use a `plain' marker as described below, or add a `negative(x)' condition. The `negative' function is true if its argument "looks" negative, for example, because it is a negative number or because it is a formula like `-x'. The new rule using this condition is: f(x) := -f(-x) :: negative(x) or, equivalently, f(-x) := -f(x) :: negative(-x) In the same way, the pattern `x - y' will match the sum `a + b' by matching `y' to `-b'. The pattern `a b' will also match the formula `x/y' if `y' is a number. Thus the rule `a x + b x := (a+b) x' will also convert `a x + x / 2' to `(a + 0.5) x' (or `(a + 1:2) x', depending on the current fraction mode). Calc will _not_ take other liberties with `*', `/', and `^'. For example, the pattern `f(a b)' will not match `f(x^2)', and `f(a + b)' will not match `f(2 x)', even though conceivably these patterns could match with `a = b = x'. Nor will `f(a b)' match `f(x / y)' if `y' is not a constant, even though it could be considered to match with `a = x' and `b = 1/y'. The reasons are partly for efficiency, and partly because while few mathematical operations are substantively different for addition and subtraction, often it is preferable to treat the cases of multiplication, division, and integer powers separately. Even more subtle is the rule set [ f(a) + f(b) := f(a + b), -f(a) := f(-a) ] attempting to match `f(x) - f(y)'. You might think that Calc will view this subtraction as `f(x) + (-f(y))' and then apply the above two rules in turn, but actually this will not work because Calc only does this when considering rules for `+' (like the first rule in this set). So it will see first that `f(x) + (-f(y))' does not match `f(a) + f(b)' for any assignments of the meta-variables, and then it will see that `f(x) - f(y)' does not match `-f(a)' for any assignment of `a'. Because Calc tries only one rule at a time, it will not be able to rewrite `f(x) - f(y)' with this rule set. An explicit `f(a) - f(b)' rule will have to be added. Another thing patterns will _not_ do is break up complex numbers. The pattern `myconj(a + b i) := a - b i' will work for formulas involving the special constant `i' (such as `3 - 4 i'), but it will not match actual complex numbers like `(3, -4)'. A version of the above rule for complex numbers would be myconj(a) := re(a) - im(a) (0,1) :: im(a) != 0 (Because the `re' and `im' functions understand the properties of the special constant `i', this rule will also work for `3 - 4 i'. In fact, this particular rule would probably be better without the `im(a) != 0' condition, since if `im(a) = 0' the righthand side of the rule will still give the correct answer for the conjugate of a real number.) It is also possible to specify optional arguments in patterns. The rule opt(a) x + opt(b) (x^opt(c) + opt(d)) := f(a, b, c, d) will match the formula 5 (x^2 - 4) + 3 x in a fairly straightforward manner, but it will also match reduced formulas like x + x^2, 2(x + 1) - x, x + x producing, respectively, f(1, 1, 2, 0), f(-1, 2, 1, 1), f(1, 1, 1, 0) (The latter two formulas can be entered only if default simplifications have been turned off with `m O'.) The default value for a term of a sum is zero. The default value for a part of a product, for a power, or for the denominator of a quotient, is one. Also, `-x' matches the pattern `opt(a) b' with `a = -1'. In particular, the distributive-law rule can be refined to opt(a) x + opt(b) x := (a + b) x so that it will convert, e.g., `a x - x', to `(a - 1) x'. The pattern `opt(a) + opt(b) x' matches almost any formulas which are linear in `x'. You can also use the `lin' and `islin' functions with rewrite conditions to test for this; *note Logical Operations::. These functions are not as convenient to use in rewrite rules, but they recognize more kinds of formulas as linear: `x/z' is considered linear with `b = 1/z' by `lin', but it will not match the above pattern because that pattern calls for a multiplication, not a division. As another example, the obvious rule to replace `sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2' by 1, sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2 := 1 misses many cases because the sine and cosine may both be multiplied by an equal factor. Here's a more successful rule: opt(a) sin(x)^2 + opt(a) cos(x)^2 := a Note that this rule will _not_ match `sin(x)^2 + 6 cos(x)^2' because one `a' would have "matched" 1 while the other matched 6. Calc automatically converts a rule like f(x-1, x) := g(x) into the form f(temp, x) := g(x) :: temp = x-1 (where `temp' stands for a new, invented meta-variable that doesn't actually have a name). This modified rule will successfully match `f(6, 7)', binding `temp' and `x' to 6 and 7, respectively, then verifying that they differ by one even though `6' does not superficially look like `x-1'. However, Calc does not solve equations to interpret a rule. The following rule, f(x-1, x+1) := g(x) will not work. That is, it will match `f(a - 1 + b, a + 1 + b)' but not `f(6, 8)'. Calc always interprets at least one occurrence of a variable by literal matching. If the variable appears "isolated" then Calc is smart enough to use it for literal matching. But in this last example, Calc is forced to rewrite the rule to `f(x-1, temp) := g(x) :: temp = x+1' where the `x-1' term must correspond to an actual "something-minus-one" in the target formula. A successful way to write this would be `f(x, x+2) := g(x+1)'. You could make this resemble the original form more closely by using `let' notation, which is described in the next section: f(xm1, x+1) := g(x) :: let(x := xm1+1) Calc does this rewriting or "conditionalizing" for any sub-pattern which involves only the functions in the following list, operating only on constants and meta-variables which have already been matched elsewhere in the pattern. When matching a function call, Calc is careful to match arguments which are plain variables before arguments which are calls to any of the functions below, so that a pattern like `f(x-1, x)' can be conditionalized even though the isolated `x' comes after the `x-1'. + - * / \ % ^ abs sign round rounde roundu trunc floor ceil max min re im conj arg You can suppress all of the special treatments described in this section by surrounding a function call with a `plain' marker. This marker causes the function call which is its argument to be matched literally, without regard to commutativity, associativity, negation, or conditionalization. When you use `plain', the "deep structure" of the formula being matched can show through. For example, plain(a - a b) := f(a, b) will match only literal subtractions. However, the `plain' marker does not affect its arguments' arguments. In this case, commutativity and associativity is still considered while matching the `a b' sub-pattern, so the whole pattern will match `x - y x' as well as `x - x y'. We could go still further and use plain(a - plain(a b)) := f(a, b) which would do a completely strict match for the pattern. By contrast, the `quote' marker means that not only the function name but also the arguments must be literally the same. The above pattern will match `x - x y' but quote(a - a b) := f(a, b) will match only the single formula `a - a b'. Also, quote(a - quote(a b)) := f(a, b) will match only `a - quote(a b)'--probably not the desired effect! A certain amount of algebra is also done when substituting the meta-variables on the righthand side of a rule. For example, in the rule a + f(b) := f(a + b) matching `f(x) - y' would produce `f((-y) + x)' if taken literally, but the rewrite mechanism will simplify the righthand side to `f(x - y)' automatically. (Of course, the default simplifications would do this anyway, so this special simplification is only noticeable if you have turned the default simplifications off.) This rewriting is done only when a meta-variable expands to a "negative-looking" expression. If this simplification is not desirable, you can use a `plain' marker on the righthand side: a + f(b) := f(plain(a + b)) In this example, we are still allowing the pattern-matcher to use all the algebra it can muster, but the righthand side will always simplify to a literal addition like `f((-y) + x)'.  File: calc, Node: Other Features of Rewrite Rules, Next: Composing Patterns in Rewrite Rules, Prev: Algebraic Properties of Rewrite Rules, Up: Rewrite Rules 12.11.5 Other Features of Rewrite Rules --------------------------------------- Certain "function names" serve as markers in rewrite rules. Here is a complete list of these markers. First are listed the markers that work inside a pattern; then come the markers that work in the righthand side of a rule. One kind of marker, `import(x)', takes the place of a whole rule. Here `x' is the name of a variable containing another rule set; those rules are "spliced into" the rule set that imports them. For example, if `[f(a+b) := f(a) + f(b), f(a b) := a f(b) :: real(a)]' is stored in variable `linearF', then the rule set `[f(0) := 0, import(linearF)]' will apply all three rules. It is possible to modify the imported rules slightly: `import(x, v1, x1, v2, x2, ...)' imports the rule set `x' with all occurrences of `v1', as either a variable name or a function name, replaced with `x1' and so on. (If `v1' is used as a function name, then `x1' must be either a function name itself or a `< >' nameless function; *note Specifying Operators::.) For example, `[g(0) := 0, import(linearF, f, g)]' applies the linearity rules to the function `g' instead of `f'. Imports can be nested, but the import-with-renaming feature may fail to rename sub-imports properly. The special functions allowed in patterns are: `quote(x)' This pattern matches exactly `x'; variable names in `x' are not interpreted as meta-variables. The only flexibility is that numbers are compared for numeric equality, so that the pattern `f(quote(12))' will match both `f(12)' and `f(12.0)'. (Numbers are always treated this way by the rewrite mechanism: The rule `f(x,x) := g(x)' will match `f(12, 12.0)'. The rewrite may produce either `g(12)' or `g(12.0)' as a result in this case.) `plain(x)' Here `x' must be a function call `f(x1,x2,...)'. This pattern matches a call to function `f' with the specified argument patterns. No special knowledge of the properties of the function `f' is used in this case; `+' is not commutative or associative. Unlike `quote', the arguments `x1,x2,...' are treated as patterns. If you wish them to be treated "plainly" as well, you must enclose them with more `plain' markers: `plain(plain(-a) + plain(b c))'. `opt(x,def)' Here `x' must be a variable name. This must appear as an argument to a function or an element of a vector; it specifies that the argument or element is optional. As an argument to `+', `-', `*', `&&', or `||', or as the second argument to `/' or `^', the value DEF may be omitted. The pattern `x + opt(y)' matches a sum by binding one summand to `x' and the other to `y', and it matches anything else by binding the whole expression to `x' and zero to `y'. The other operators above work similarly. For general miscellaneous functions, the default value `def' must be specified. Optional arguments are dropped starting with the rightmost one during matching. For example, the pattern `f(opt(a,0), b, opt(c,b))' will match `f(b)', `f(a,b)', or `f(a,b,c)'. Default values of zero and `b' are supplied in this example for the omitted arguments. Note that the literal variable `b' will be the default in the latter case, _not_ the value that matched the meta-variable `b'. In other words, the default DEF is effectively quoted. `condition(x,c)' This matches the pattern `x', with the attached condition `c'. It is the same as `x :: c'. `pand(x,y)' This matches anything that matches both pattern `x' and pattern `y'. It is the same as `x &&& y'. *note Composing Patterns in Rewrite Rules::. `por(x,y)' This matches anything that matches either pattern `x' or pattern `y'. It is the same as `x ||| y'. `pnot(x)' This matches anything that does not match pattern `x'. It is the same as `!!! x'. `cons(h,t)' This matches any vector of one or more elements. The first element is matched to `h'; a vector of the remaining elements is matched to `t'. Note that vectors of fixed length can also be matched as actual vectors: The rule `cons(a,cons(b,[])) := cons(a+b,[])' is equivalent to the rule `[a,b] := [a+b]'. `rcons(t,h)' This is like `cons', except that the _last_ element is matched to `h', with the remaining elements matched to `t'. `apply(f,args)' This matches any function call. The name of the function, in the form of a variable, is matched to `f'. The arguments of the function, as a vector of zero or more objects, are matched to `args'. Constants, variables, and vectors do _not_ match an `apply' pattern. For example, `apply(f,x)' matches any function call, `apply(quote(f),x)' matches any call to the function `f', `apply(f,[a,b])' matches any function call with exactly two arguments, and `apply(quote(f), cons(a,cons(b,x)))' matches any call to the function `f' with two or more arguments. Another way to implement the latter, if the rest of the rule does not need to refer to the first two arguments of `f' by name, would be `apply(quote(f), x :: vlen(x) >= 2)'. Here's a more interesting sample use of `apply': apply(f,[x+n]) := n + apply(f,[x]) :: in(f, [floor,ceil,round,trunc]) :: integer(n) Note, however, that this will be slower to match than a rule set with four separate rules. The reason is that Calc sorts the rules of a rule set according to top-level function name; if the top-level function is `apply', Calc must try the rule for every single formula and sub-formula. If the top-level function in the pattern is, say, `floor', then Calc invokes the rule only for sub-formulas which are calls to `floor'. Formulas normally written with operators like `+' are still considered function calls: `apply(f,x)' matches `a+b' with `f = add', `x = [a,b]'. You must use `apply' for meta-variables with function names on both sides of a rewrite rule: `apply(f, [x]) := f(x+1)' is _not_ correct, because it rewrites `spam(6)' into `f(7)'. The righthand side should be `apply(f, [x+1])'. Also note that you will have to use No-Simplify mode (`m O') when entering this rule so that the `apply' isn't evaluated immediately to get the new rule `f(x) := f(x+1)'. Or, use `s e' to enter the rule without going through the stack, or enter the rule as `apply(f, [x]) := apply(f, [x+1]) :: 1'. *Note Conditional Rewrite Rules::. `select(x)' This is used for applying rules to formulas with selections; *note Selections with Rewrite Rules::. Special functions for the righthand sides of rules are: `quote(x)' The notation `quote(x)' is changed to `x' when the righthand side is used. As far as the rewrite rule is concerned, `quote' is invisible. However, `quote' has the special property in Calc that its argument is not evaluated. Thus, while it will not work to put the rule `t(a) := typeof(a)' on the stack because `typeof(a)' is evaluated immediately to produce `t(a) := 100', you can use `quote' to protect the righthand side: `t(a) := quote(typeof(a))'. (*Note Conditional Rewrite Rules::, for another trick for protecting rules from evaluation.) `plain(x)' Special properties of and simplifications for the function call `x' are not used. One interesting case where `plain' is useful is the rule, `q(x) := quote(x)', trying to expand a shorthand notation for the `quote' function. This rule will not work as shown; instead of replacing `q(foo)' with `quote(foo)', it will replace it with `foo'! The correct rule would be `q(x) := plain(quote(x))'. `cons(h,t)' Where `t' is a vector, this is converted into an expanded vector during rewrite processing. Note that `cons' is a regular Calc function which normally does this anyway; the only way `cons' is treated specially by rewrites is that `cons' on the righthand side of a rule will be evaluated even if default simplifications have been turned off. `rcons(t,h)' Analogous to `cons' except putting `h' at the _end_ of the vector `t'. `apply(f,args)' Where `f' is a variable and ARGS is a vector, this is converted to a function call. Once again, note that `apply' is also a regular Calc function. `eval(x)' The formula `x' is handled in the usual way, then the default simplifications are applied to it even if they have been turned off normally. This allows you to treat any function similarly to the way `cons' and `apply' are always treated. However, there is a slight difference: `cons(2+3, [])' with default simplifications off will be converted to `[2+3]', whereas `eval(cons(2+3, []))' will be converted to `[5]'. `evalsimp(x)' The formula `x' has meta-variables substituted in the usual way, then algebraically simplified as if by the `a s' command. `evalextsimp(x)' The formula `x' has meta-variables substituted in the normal way, then "extendedly" simplified as if by the `a e' command. `select(x)' *Note Selections with Rewrite Rules::. There are also some special functions you can use in conditions. `let(v := x)' The expression `x' is evaluated with meta-variables substituted. The `a s' command's simplifications are _not_ applied by default, but `x' can include calls to `evalsimp' or `evalextsimp' as described above to invoke higher levels of simplification. The result of `x' is then bound to the meta-variable `v'. As usual, if this meta-variable has already been matched to something else the two values must be equal; if the meta-variable is new then it is bound to the result of the expression. This variable can then appear in later conditions, and on the righthand side of the rule. In fact, `v' may be any pattern in which case the result of evaluating `x' is matched to that pattern, binding any meta-variables that appear in that pattern. Note that `let' can only appear by itself as a condition, or as one term of an `&&' which is a whole condition: It cannot be inside an `||' term or otherwise buried. The alternate, equivalent form `let(v, x)' is also recognized. Note that the use of `:=' by `let', while still being assignment-like in character, is unrelated to the use of `:=' in the main part of a rewrite rule. As an example, `f(a) := g(ia) :: let(ia := 1/a) :: constant(ia)' replaces `f(a)' with `g' of the inverse of `a', if that inverse exists and is constant. For example, if `a' is a singular matrix the operation `1/a' is left unsimplified and `constant(ia)' fails, but if `a' is an invertible matrix then the rule succeeds. Without `let' there would be no way to express this rule that didn't have to invert the matrix twice. Note that, because the meta-variable `ia' is otherwise unbound in this rule, the `let' condition itself always "succeeds" because no matter what `1/a' evaluates to, it can successfully be bound to `ia'. Here's another example, for integrating cosines of linear terms: `myint(cos(y),x) := sin(y)/b :: let([a,b,x] := lin(y,x))'. The `lin' function returns a 3-vector if its argument is linear, or leaves itself unevaluated if not. But an unevaluated `lin' call will not match the 3-vector on the lefthand side of the `let', so this `let' both verifies that `y' is linear, and binds the coefficients `a' and `b' for use elsewhere in the rule. (It would have been possible to use `sin(a x + b)/b' for the righthand side instead, but using `sin(y)/b' avoids gratuitous rearrangement of the argument of the sine.) Similarly, here is a rule that implements an inverse-`erf' function. It uses `root' to search for a solution. If `root' succeeds, it will return a vector of two numbers where the first number is the desired solution. If no solution is found, `root' remains in symbolic form. So we use `let' to check that the result was indeed a vector. ierf(x) := y :: let([y,z] := root(erf(a) = x, a, .5)) `matches(v,p)' The meta-variable V, which must already have been matched to something elsewhere in the rule, is compared against pattern P. Since `matches' is a standard Calc function, it can appear anywhere in a condition. But if it appears alone or as a term of a top-level `&&', then you get the special extra feature that meta-variables which are bound to things inside P can be used elsewhere in the surrounding rewrite rule. The only real difference between `let(p := v)' and `matches(v, p)' is that the former evaluates `v' using the default simplifications, while the latter does not. `remember' This is actually a variable, not a function. If `remember' appears as a condition in a rule, then when that rule succeeds the original expression and rewritten expression are added to the front of the rule set that contained the rule. If the rule set was not stored in a variable, `remember' is ignored. The lefthand side is enclosed in `quote' in the added rule if it contains any variables. For example, the rule `f(n) := n f(n-1) :: remember' applied to `f(7)' will add the rule `f(7) := 7 f(6)' to the front of the rule set. The rule set `EvalRules' works slightly differently: There, the evaluation of `f(6)' will complete before the result is added to the rule set, in this case as `f(7) := 5040'. Thus `remember' is most useful inside `EvalRules'. It is up to you to ensure that the optimization performed by `remember' is safe. For example, the rule `foo(n) := n :: evalv(eatfoo) > 0 :: remember' is a bad idea (`evalv' is the function equivalent of the `=' command); if the variable `eatfoo' ever contains 1, rules like `foo(7) := 7' will be added to the rule set and will continue to operate even if `eatfoo' is later changed to 0. `remember(c)' Remember the match as described above, but only if condition `c' is true. For example, `remember(n % 4 = 0)' in the above factorial rule remembers only every fourth result. Note that `remember(1)' is equivalent to `remember', and `remember(0)' has no effect.  File: calc, Node: Composing Patterns in Rewrite Rules, Next: Nested Formulas with Rewrite Rules, Prev: Other Features of Rewrite Rules, Up: Rewrite Rules 12.11.6 Composing Patterns in Rewrite Rules ------------------------------------------- There are three operators, `&&&', `|||', and `!!!', that combine rewrite patterns to make larger patterns. The combinations are "and," "or," and "not," respectively, and these operators are the pattern equivalents of `&&', `||' and `!' (which operate on zero-or-nonzero logical values). Note that `&&&', `|||', and `!!!' are left in symbolic form by all regular Calc features; they have special meaning only in the context of rewrite rule patterns. The pattern `P1 &&& P2' matches anything that matches both P1 and P2. One especially useful case is when one of P1 or P2 is a meta-variable. For example, here is a rule that operates on error forms: f(x &&& a +/- b, x) := g(x) This does the same thing, but is arguably simpler than, the rule f(a +/- b, a +/- b) := g(a +/- b) Here's another interesting example: ends(cons(a, x) &&& rcons(y, b)) := [a, b] which effectively clips out the middle of a vector leaving just the first and last elements. This rule will change a one-element vector `[a]' to `[a, a]'. The similar rule ends(cons(a, rcons(y, b))) := [a, b] would do the same thing except that it would fail to match a one-element vector. The pattern `P1 ||| P2' matches anything that matches either P1 or P2. Calc first tries matching against P1; if that fails, it goes on to try P2. A simple example of `|||' is curve(inf ||| -inf) := 0 which converts both `curve(inf)' and `curve(-inf)' to zero. Here is a larger example: log(a, b) ||| (ln(a) :: let(b := e)) := mylog(a, b) This matches both generalized and natural logarithms in a single rule. Note that the `::' term must be enclosed in parentheses because that operator has lower precedence than `|||' or `:='. (In practice this rule would probably include a third alternative, omitted here for brevity, to take care of `log10'.) While Calc generally treats interior conditions exactly the same as conditions on the outside of a rule, it does guarantee that if all the variables in the condition are special names like `e', or already bound in the pattern to which the condition is attached (say, if `a' had appeared in this condition), then Calc will process this condition right after matching the pattern to the left of the `::'. Thus, we know that `b' will be bound to `e' only if the `ln' branch of the `|||' was taken. Note that this rule was careful to bind the same set of meta-variables on both sides of the `|||'. Calc does not check this, but if you bind a certain meta-variable only in one branch and then use that meta-variable elsewhere in the rule, results are unpredictable: f(a,b) ||| g(b) := h(a,b) Here if the pattern matches `g(17)', Calc makes no promises about the value that will be substituted for `a' on the righthand side. The pattern `!!! PAT' matches anything that does not match PAT. Any meta-variables that are bound while matching PAT remain unbound outside of PAT. For example, f(x &&& !!! a +/- b, !!![]) := g(x) converts `f' whose first argument is anything _except_ an error form, and whose second argument is not the empty vector, into a similar call to `g' (but without the second argument). If we know that the second argument will be a vector (empty or not), then an equivalent rule would be: f(x, y) := g(x) :: typeof(x) != 7 :: vlen(y) > 0 where of course 7 is the `typeof' code for error forms. Another final condition, that works for any kind of `y', would be `!istrue(y == [])'. (The `istrue' function returns an explicit 0 if its argument was left in symbolic form; plain `!(y == [])' or `y != []' would not work to replace `!!![]' since these would be left unsimplified, and thus cause the rule to fail, if `y' was something like a variable name.) It is possible for a `!!!' to refer to meta-variables bound elsewhere in the pattern. For example, f(a, !!!a) := g(a) matches any call to `f' with different arguments, changing this to `g' with only the first argument. If a function call is to be matched and one of the argument patterns contains a `!!!' somewhere inside it, that argument will be matched last. Thus f(!!!a, a) := g(a) will be careful to bind `a' to the second argument of `f' before testing the first argument. If Calc had tried to match the first argument of `f' first, the results would have been disastrous: since `a' was unbound so far, the pattern `a' would have matched anything at all, and the pattern `!!!a' therefore would _not_ have matched anything at all!  File: calc, Node: Nested Formulas with Rewrite Rules, Next: Multi-Phase Rewrite Rules, Prev: Composing Patterns in Rewrite Rules, Up: Rewrite Rules 12.11.7 Nested Formulas with Rewrite Rules ------------------------------------------ When `a r' (`calc-rewrite') is used, it takes an expression from the top of the stack and attempts to match any of the specified rules to any part of the expression, starting with the whole expression and then, if that fails, trying deeper and deeper sub-expressions. For each part of the expression, the rules are tried in the order they appear in the rules vector. The first rule to match the first sub-expression wins; it replaces the matched sub-expression according to the NEW part of the rule. Often, the rule set will match and change the formula several times. The top-level formula is first matched and substituted repeatedly until it no longer matches the pattern; then, sub-formulas are tried, and so on. Once every part of the formula has gotten its chance, the rewrite mechanism starts over again with the top-level formula (in case a substitution of one of its arguments has caused it again to match). This continues until no further matches can be made anywhere in the formula. It is possible for a rule set to get into an infinite loop. The most obvious case, replacing a formula with itself, is not a problem because a rule is not considered to "succeed" unless the righthand side actually comes out to something different than the original formula or sub-formula that was matched. But if you accidentally had both `ln(a b) := ln(a) + ln(b)' and the reverse `ln(a) + ln(b) := ln(a b)' in your rule set, Calc would run forever switching a formula back and forth between the two forms. To avoid disaster, Calc normally stops after 100 changes have been made to the formula. This will be enough for most multiple rewrites, but it will keep an endless loop of rewrites from locking up the computer forever. (On most systems, you can also type `C-g' to halt any Emacs command prematurely.) To change this limit, give a positive numeric prefix argument. In particular, `M-1 a r' applies only one rewrite at a time, useful when you are first testing your rule (or just if repeated rewriting is not what is called for by your application). You can also put a "function call" `iterations(N)' in place of a rule anywhere in your rules vector (but usually at the top). Then, N will be used instead of 100 as the default number of iterations for this rule set. You can use `iterations(inf)' if you want no iteration limit by default. A prefix argument will override the `iterations' limit in the rule set. [ iterations(1), f(x) := f(x+1) ] More precisely, the limit controls the number of "iterations," where each iteration is a successful matching of a rule pattern whose righthand side, after substituting meta-variables and applying the default simplifications, is different from the original sub-formula that was matched. A prefix argument of zero sets the limit to infinity. Use with caution! Given a negative numeric prefix argument, `a r' will match and substitute the top-level expression up to that many times, but will not attempt to match the rules to any sub-expressions. In a formula, `rewrite(EXPR, RULES, N)' does a rewriting operation. Here EXPR is the expression being rewritten, RULES is the rule, vector of rules, or variable containing the rules, and N is the optional iteration limit, which may be a positive integer, a negative integer, or `inf' or `-inf'. If N is omitted the `iterations' value from the rule set is used; if both are omitted, 100 is used.  File: calc, Node: Multi-Phase Rewrite Rules, Next: Selections with Rewrite Rules, Prev: Nested Formulas with Rewrite Rules, Up: Rewrite Rules 12.11.8 Multi-Phase Rewrite Rules --------------------------------- It is possible to separate a rewrite rule set into several "phases". During each phase, certain rules will be enabled while certain others will be disabled. A "phase schedule" controls the order in which phases occur during the rewriting process. If a call to the marker function `phase' appears in the rules vector in place of a rule, all rules following that point will be members of the phase(s) identified in the arguments to `phase'. Phases are given integer numbers. The markers `phase()' and `phase(all)' both mean the following rules belong to all phases; this is the default at the start of the rule set. If you do not explicitly schedule the phases, Calc sorts all phase numbers that appear in the rule set and executes the phases in ascending order. For example, the rule set [ f0(x) := g0(x), phase(1), f1(x) := g1(x), phase(2), f2(x) := g2(x), phase(3), f3(x) := g3(x), phase(1,2), f4(x) := g4(x) ] has three phases, 1 through 3. Phase 1 consists of the `f0', `f1', and `f4' rules (in that order). Phase 2 consists of `f0', `f2', and `f4'. Phase 3 consists of `f0' and `f3'. When Calc rewrites a formula using this rule set, it first rewrites the formula using only the phase 1 rules until no further changes are possible. Then it switches to the phase 2 rule set and continues until no further changes occur, then finally rewrites with phase 3. When no more phase 3 rules apply, rewriting finishes. (This is assuming `a r' with a large enough prefix argument to allow the rewriting to run to completion; the sequence just described stops early if the number of iterations specified in the prefix argument, 100 by default, is reached.) During each phase, Calc descends through the nested levels of the formula as described previously. (*Note Nested Formulas with Rewrite Rules::.) Rewriting starts at the top of the formula, then works its way down to the parts, then goes back to the top and works down again. The phase 2 rules do not begin until no phase 1 rules apply anywhere in the formula. A `schedule' marker appearing in the rule set (anywhere, but conventionally at the top) changes the default schedule of phases. In the simplest case, `schedule' has a sequence of phase numbers for arguments; each phase number is invoked in turn until the arguments to `schedule' are exhausted. Thus adding `schedule(3,2,1)' at the top of the above rule set would reverse the order of the phases; `schedule(1,2,3)' would have no effect since this is the default schedule; and `schedule(1,2,1,3)' would give phase 1 a second chance after phase 2 has completed, before moving on to phase 3. Any argument to `schedule' can instead be a vector of phase numbers (or even of sub-vectors). Then the sub-sequence of phases described by the vector are tried repeatedly until no change occurs in any phase in the sequence. For example, `schedule([1, 2], 3)' tries phase 1, then phase 2, then, if either phase made any changes to the formula, repeats these two phases until they can make no further progress. Finally, it goes on to phase 3 for finishing touches. Also, items in `schedule' can be variable names as well as numbers. A variable name is interpreted as the name of a function to call on the whole formula. For example, `schedule(1, simplify)' says to apply the phase-1 rules (presumably, all of them), then to call `simplify' which is the function name equivalent of `a s'. Likewise, `schedule([1, simplify])' says to alternate between phase 1 and `a s' until no further changes occur. Phases can be used purely to improve efficiency; if it is known that a certain group of rules will apply only at the beginning of rewriting, and a certain other group will apply only at the end, then rewriting will be faster if these groups are identified as separate phases. Once the phase 1 rules are done, Calc can put them aside and no longer spend any time on them while it works on phase 2. There are also some problems that can only be solved with several rewrite phases. For a real-world example of a multi-phase rule set, examine the set `FitRules', which is used by the curve-fitting command to convert a model expression to linear form. *Note Curve Fitting Details::. This set is divided into four phases. The first phase rewrites certain kinds of expressions to be more easily linearizable, but less computationally efficient. After the linear components have been picked out, the final phase includes the opposite rewrites to put each component back into an efficient form. If both sets of rules were included in one big phase, Calc could get into an infinite loop going back and forth between the two forms. Elsewhere in `FitRules', the components are first isolated, then recombined where possible to reduce the complexity of the linear fit, then finally packaged one component at a time into vectors. If the packaging rules were allowed to begin before the recombining rules were finished, some components might be put away into vectors before they had a chance to recombine. By putting these rules in two separate phases, this problem is neatly avoided.  File: calc, Node: Selections with Rewrite Rules, Next: Matching Commands, Prev: Multi-Phase Rewrite Rules, Up: Rewrite Rules 12.11.9 Selections with Rewrite Rules ------------------------------------- If a sub-formula of the current formula is selected (as by `j s'; *note Selecting Subformulas::), the `a r' (`calc-rewrite') command applies only to that sub-formula. Together with a negative prefix argument, you can use this fact to apply a rewrite to one specific part of a formula without affecting any other parts. The `j r' (`calc-rewrite-selection') command allows more sophisticated operations on selections. This command prompts for the rules in the same way as `a r', but it then applies those rules to the whole formula in question even though a sub-formula of it has been selected. However, the selected sub-formula will first have been surrounded by a `select( )' function call. (Calc's evaluator does not understand the function name `select'; this is only a tag used by the `j r' command.) For example, suppose the formula on the stack is `2 (a + b)^2' and the sub-formula `a + b' is selected. This formula will be rewritten to `2 select(a + b)^2' and then the rewrite rules will be applied in the usual way. The rewrite rules can include references to `select' to tell where in the pattern the selected sub-formula should appear. If there is still exactly one `select( )' function call in the formula after rewriting is done, it indicates which part of the formula should be selected afterwards. Otherwise, the formula will be unselected. You can make `j r' act much like `a r' by enclosing both parts of the rewrite rule with `select()'. However, `j r' allows you to use the current selection in more flexible ways. Suppose you wished to make a rule which removed the exponent from the selected term; the rule `select(a)^x := select(a)' would work. In the above example, it would rewrite `2 select(a + b)^2' to `2 select(a + b)'. This would then be returned to the stack as `2 (a + b)' with the `a + b' selected. The `j r' command uses one iteration by default, unlike `a r' which defaults to 100 iterations. A numeric prefix argument affects `j r' in the same way as `a r'. *Note Nested Formulas with Rewrite Rules::. As with other selection commands, `j r' operates on the stack entry that contains the cursor. (If the cursor is on the top-of-stack `.' marker, it works as if the cursor were on the formula at stack level 1.) If you don't specify a set of rules, the rules are taken from the top of the stack, just as with `a r'. In this case, the cursor must indicate stack entry 2 or above as the formula to be rewritten (otherwise the same formula would be used as both the target and the rewrite rules). If the indicated formula has no selection, the cursor position within the formula temporarily selects a sub-formula for the purposes of this command. If the cursor is not on any sub-formula (e.g., it is in the line-number area to the left of the formula), the `select( )' markers are ignored by the rewrite mechanism and the rules are allowed to apply anywhere in the formula. As a special feature, the normal `a r' command also ignores `select( )' calls in rewrite rules. For example, if you used the above rule `select(a)^x := select(a)' with `a r', it would apply the rule as if it were `a^x := a'. Thus, you can write general purpose rules with `select( )' hints inside them so that they will "do the right thing" in both `a r' and `j r', both with and without selections.  File: calc, Node: Matching Commands, Next: Automatic Rewrites, Prev: Selections with Rewrite Rules, Up: Rewrite Rules 12.11.10 Matching Commands -------------------------- The `a m' (`calc-match') [`match'] function takes a vector of formulas and a rewrite-rule-style pattern, and produces a vector of all formulas which match the pattern. The command prompts you to enter the pattern; as for `a r', you can enter a single pattern (i.e., a formula with meta-variables), or a vector of patterns, or a variable which contains patterns, or you can give a blank response in which case the patterns are taken from the top of the stack. The pattern set will be compiled once and saved if it is stored in a variable. If there are several patterns in the set, vector elements are kept if they match any of the patterns. For example, `match(a+b, [x, x+y, x-y, 7, x+y+z])' will return `[x+y, x-y, x+y+z]'. The `import' mechanism is not available for pattern sets. The `a m' command can also be used to extract all vector elements which satisfy any condition: The pattern `x :: x>0' will select all the positive vector elements. With the Inverse flag [`matchnot'], this command extracts all vector elements which do _not_ match the given pattern. There is also a function `matches(X, P)' which evaluates to 1 if expression X matches pattern P, or to 0 otherwise. This is sometimes useful for including into the conditional clauses of other rewrite rules. The function `vmatches' is just like `matches', except that if the match succeeds it returns a vector of assignments to the meta-variables instead of the number 1. For example, `vmatches(f(1,2), f(a,b))' returns `[a := 1, b := 2]'. If the match fails, the function returns the number 0.  File: calc, Node: Automatic Rewrites, Next: Debugging Rewrites, Prev: Matching Commands, Up: Rewrite Rules 12.11.11 Automatic Rewrites --------------------------- It is possible to get Calc to apply a set of rewrite rules on all results, effectively adding to the built-in set of default simplifications. To do this, simply store your rule set in the variable `EvalRules'. There is a convenient `s E' command for editing `EvalRules'; *note Operations on Variables::. For example, suppose you want `sin(a + b)' to be expanded out to `sin(b) cos(a) + cos(b) sin(a)' wherever it appears, and similarly for `cos(a + b)'. The corresponding rewrite rule set would be, [ sin(a + b) := cos(a) sin(b) + sin(a) cos(b), cos(a + b) := cos(a) cos(b) - sin(a) sin(b) ] To apply these manually, you could put them in a variable called `trigexp' and then use `a r trigexp' every time you wanted to expand trig functions. But if instead you store them in the variable `EvalRules', they will automatically be applied to all sines and cosines of sums. Then, with `2 x' and `45' on the stack, typing `+ S' will (assuming Degrees mode) result in `0.7071 sin(2 x) + 0.7071 cos(2 x)' automatically. As each level of a formula is evaluated, the rules from `EvalRules' are applied before the default simplifications. Rewriting continues until no further `EvalRules' apply. Note that this is different from the usual order of application of rewrite rules: `EvalRules' works from the bottom up, simplifying the arguments to a function before the function itself, while `a r' applies rules from the top down. Because the `EvalRules' are tried first, you can use them to override the normal behavior of any built-in Calc function. It is important not to write a rule that will get into an infinite loop. For example, the rule set `[f(0) := 1, f(n) := n f(n-1)]' appears to be a good definition of a factorial function, but it is unsafe. Imagine what happens if `f(2.5)' is simplified. Calc will continue to subtract 1 from this argument forever without reaching zero. A safer second rule would be `f(n) := n f(n-1) :: n>0'. Another dangerous rule is `g(x, y) := g(y, x)'. Rewriting `g(2, 4)', this would bounce back and forth between that and `g(4, 2)' forever. If an infinite loop in `EvalRules' occurs, Emacs will eventually stop with a "Computation got stuck or ran too long" message. Another subtle difference between `EvalRules' and regular rewrites concerns rules that rewrite a formula into an identical formula. For example, `f(n) := f(floor(n))' "fails to match" when `n' is already an integer. But in `EvalRules' this case is detected only if the righthand side literally becomes the original formula before any further simplification. This means that `f(n) := f(floor(n))' will get into an infinite loop if it occurs in `EvalRules'. Calc will replace `f(6)' with `f(floor(6))', which is different from `f(6)', so it will consider the rule to have matched and will continue simplifying that formula; first the argument is simplified to get `f(6)', then the rule matches again to get `f(floor(6))' again, ad infinitum. A much safer rule would check its argument first, say, with `f(n) := f(floor(n)) :: !dint(n)'. (What really happens is that the rewrite mechanism substitutes the meta-variables in the righthand side of a rule, compares to see if the result is the same as the original formula and fails if so, then uses the default simplifications to simplify the result and compares again (and again fails if the formula has simplified back to its original form). The only special wrinkle for the `EvalRules' is that the same rules will come back into play when the default simplifications are used. What Calc wants to do is build `f(floor(6))', see that this is different from the original formula, simplify to `f(6)', see that this is the same as the original formula, and thus halt the rewriting. But while simplifying, `f(6)' will again trigger the same `EvalRules' rule and Calc will get into a loop inside the rewrite mechanism itself.) The `phase', `schedule', and `iterations' markers do not work in `EvalRules'. If the rule set is divided into phases, only the phase 1 rules are applied, and the schedule is ignored. The rules are always repeated as many times as possible. The `EvalRules' are applied to all function calls in a formula, but not to numbers (and other number-like objects like error forms), nor to vectors or individual variable names. (Though they will apply to _components_ of vectors and error forms when appropriate.) You might try to make a variable `phihat' which automatically expands to its definition without the need to press `=' by writing the rule `quote(phihat) := (1-sqrt(5))/2', but unfortunately this rule will not work as part of `EvalRules'. Finally, another limitation is that Calc sometimes calls its built-in functions directly rather than going through the default simplifications. When it does this, `EvalRules' will not be able to override those functions. For example, when you take the absolute value of the complex number `(2, 3)', Calc computes `sqrt(2*2 + 3*3)' by calling the multiplication, addition, and square root functions directly rather than applying the default simplifications to this formula. So an `EvalRules' rule that (perversely) rewrites `sqrt(13) := 6' would not apply. (However, if you put Calc into Symbolic mode so that `sqrt(13)' will be left in symbolic form by the built-in square root function, your rule will be able to apply. But if the complex number were `(3,4)', so that `sqrt(25)' must be calculated, then Symbolic mode will not help because `sqrt(25)' can be evaluated exactly to 5.) One subtle restriction that normally only manifests itself with `EvalRules' is that while a given rewrite rule is in the process of being checked, that same rule cannot be recursively applied. Calc effectively removes the rule from its rule set while checking the rule, then puts it back once the match succeeds or fails. (The technical reason for this is that compiled pattern programs are not reentrant.) For example, consider the rule `foo(x) := x :: foo(x/2) > 0' attempting to match `foo(8)'. This rule will be inactive while the condition `foo(4) > 0' is checked, even though it might be an integral part of evaluating that condition. Note that this is not a problem for the more usual recursive type of rule, such as `foo(x) := foo(x/2)', because there the rule has succeeded and been reactivated by the time the righthand side is evaluated. If `EvalRules' has no stored value (its default state), or if anything but a vector is stored in it, then it is ignored. Even though Calc's rewrite mechanism is designed to compare rewrite rules to formulas as quickly as possible, storing rules in `EvalRules' may make Calc run substantially slower. This is particularly true of rules where the top-level call is a commonly used function, or is not fixed. The rule `f(n) := n f(n-1) :: n>0' will only activate the rewrite mechanism for calls to the function `f', but `lg(n) + lg(m) := lg(n m)' will check every `+' operator. apply(f, [a*b]) := apply(f, [a]) + apply(f, [b]) :: in(f, [ln, log10]) may seem more "efficient" than two separate rules for `ln' and `log10', but actually it is vastly less efficient because rules with `apply' as the top-level pattern must be tested against _every_ function call that is simplified. Suppose you want `sin(a + b)' to be expanded out not all the time, but only when `a s' is used to simplify the formula. The variable `AlgSimpRules' holds rules for this purpose. The `a s' command will apply `EvalRules' and `AlgSimpRules' to the formula, as well as all of its built-in simplifications. Most of the special limitations for `EvalRules' don't apply to `AlgSimpRules'. Calc simply does an `a r AlgSimpRules' command with an infinite repeat count as the first step of `a s'. It then applies its own built-in simplifications throughout the formula, and then repeats these two steps (along with applying the default simplifications) until no further changes are possible. There are also `ExtSimpRules' and `UnitSimpRules' variables that are used by `a e' and `u s', respectively; these commands also apply `EvalRules' and `AlgSimpRules'. The variable `IntegSimpRules' contains simplification rules that are used only during integration by `a i'.  File: calc, Node: Debugging Rewrites, Next: Examples of Rewrite Rules, Prev: Automatic Rewrites, Up: Rewrite Rules 12.11.12 Debugging Rewrites --------------------------- If a buffer named `*Trace*' exists, the rewrite mechanism will record some useful information there as it operates. The original formula is written there, as is the result of each successful rewrite, and the final result of the rewriting. All phase changes are also noted. Calc always appends to `*Trace*'. You must empty this buffer yourself periodically if it is in danger of growing unwieldy. Note that the rewriting mechanism is substantially slower when the `*Trace*' buffer exists, even if the buffer is not visible on the screen. Once you are done, you will probably want to kill this buffer (with `C-x k *Trace* '). If you leave it in existence and forget about it, all your future rewrite commands will be needlessly slow.  File: calc, Node: Examples of Rewrite Rules, Prev: Debugging Rewrites, Up: Rewrite Rules 12.11.13 Examples of Rewrite Rules ---------------------------------- Returning to the example of substituting the pattern `sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2' with 1, we saw that the rule `opt(a) sin(x)^2 + opt(a) cos(x)^2 := a' does a good job of finding suitable cases. Another solution would be to use the rule `cos(x)^2 := 1 - sin(x)^2', followed by algebraic simplification if necessary. This rule will be the most effective way to do the job, but at the expense of making some changes that you might not desire. Another algebraic rewrite rule is `exp(x+y) := exp(x) exp(y)'. To make this work with the `j r' command so that it can be easily targeted to a particular exponential in a large formula, you might wish to write the rule as `select(exp(x+y)) := select(exp(x) exp(y))'. The `select' markers will be ignored by the regular `a r' command (*note Selections with Rewrite Rules::). A surprisingly useful rewrite rule is `a/(b-c) := a*(b+c)/(b^2-c^2)'. This will simplify the formula whenever `b' and/or `c' can be made simpler by squaring. For example, applying this rule to `2 / (sqrt(2) + 3)' yields `6:7 - 2:7 sqrt(2)' (assuming Symbolic mode has been enabled to keep the square root from being evaluated to a floating-point approximation). This rule is also useful when working with symbolic complex numbers, e.g., `(a + b i) / (c + d i)'. As another example, we could define our own "triangular numbers" function with the rules `[tri(0) := 0, tri(n) := n + tri(n-1) :: n>0]'. Enter this vector and store it in a variable: `s t trirules'. Now, given a suitable formula like `tri(5)' on the stack, type `a r trirules' to apply these rules repeatedly. After six applications, `a r' will stop with 15 on the stack. Once these rules are debugged, it would probably be most useful to add them to `EvalRules' so that Calc will evaluate the new `tri' function automatically. We could then use `Z K' on the keyboard macro `' tri($) ' to make a command that applies `tri' to the value on the top of the stack. *Note Programming::. The following rule set, contributed by Francois Pinard, implements "quaternions", a generalization of the concept of complex numbers. Quaternions have four components, and are here represented by function calls `quat(W, [X, Y, Z])' with "real part" W and the three "imaginary" parts collected into a vector. Various arithmetical operations on quaternions are supported. To use these rules, either add them to `EvalRules', or create a command based on `a r' for simplifying quaternion formulas. A convenient way to enter quaternions would be a command defined by a keyboard macro containing: `' quat($$$$, [$$$, $$, $]) '. [ quat(w, x, y, z) := quat(w, [x, y, z]), quat(w, [0, 0, 0]) := w, abs(quat(w, v)) := hypot(w, v), -quat(w, v) := quat(-w, -v), r + quat(w, v) := quat(r + w, v) :: real(r), r - quat(w, v) := quat(r - w, -v) :: real(r), quat(w1, v1) + quat(w2, v2) := quat(w1 + w2, v1 + v2), r * quat(w, v) := quat(r * w, r * v) :: real(r), plain(quat(w1, v1) * quat(w2, v2)) := quat(w1 * w2 - v1 * v2, w1 * v2 + w2 * v1 + cross(v1, v2)), quat(w1, v1) / r := quat(w1 / r, v1 / r) :: real(r), z / quat(w, v) := z * quatinv(quat(w, v)), quatinv(quat(w, v)) := quat(w, -v) / (w^2 + v^2), quatsqr(quat(w, v)) := quat(w^2 - v^2, 2 * w * v), quat(w, v)^k := quatsqr(quat(w, v)^(k / 2)) :: integer(k) :: k > 0 :: k % 2 = 0, quat(w, v)^k := quatsqr(quat(w, v)^((k - 1) / 2)) * quat(w, v) :: integer(k) :: k > 2, quat(w, v)^-k := quatinv(quat(w, v)^k) :: integer(k) :: k > 0 ] Quaternions, like matrices, have non-commutative multiplication. In other words, `q1 * q2 = q2 * q1' is not necessarily true if `q1' and `q2' are `quat' forms. The `quat*quat' rule above uses `plain' to prevent Calc from rearranging the product. It may also be wise to add the line `[quat(), matrix]' to the `Decls' matrix, to ensure that Calc's other algebraic operations will not rearrange a quaternion product. *Note Declarations::. These rules also accept a four-argument `quat' form, converting it to the preferred form in the first rule. If you would rather see results in the four-argument form, just append the two items `phase(2), quat(w, [x, y, z]) := quat(w, x, y, z)' to the end of the rule set. (But remember that multi-phase rule sets don't work in `EvalRules'.)  File: calc, Node: Units, Next: Store and Recall, Prev: Algebra, Up: Top 13 Operating on Units ********************* One special interpretation of algebraic formulas is as numbers with units. For example, the formula `5 m / s^2' can be read "five meters per second squared." The commands in this chapter help you manipulate units expressions in this form. Units-related commands begin with the `u' prefix key. * Menu: * Basic Operations on Units:: * The Units Table:: * Predefined Units:: * User-Defined Units::  File: calc, Node: Basic Operations on Units, Next: The Units Table, Prev: Units, Up: Units 13.1 Basic Operations on Units ============================== A "units expression" is a formula which is basically a number multiplied and/or divided by one or more "unit names", which may optionally be raised to integer powers. Actually, the value part need not be a number; any product or quotient involving unit names is a units expression. Many of the units commands will also accept any formula, where the command applies to all units expressions which appear in the formula. A unit name is a variable whose name appears in the "unit table", or a variable whose name is a prefix character like `k' (for "kilo") or `u' (for "micro") followed by a name in the unit table. A substantial table of built-in units is provided with Calc; *note Predefined Units::. You can also define your own unit names; *note User-Defined Units::. Note that if the value part of a units expression is exactly `1', it will be removed by the Calculator's automatic algebra routines: The formula `1 mm' is "simplified" to `mm'. This is only a display anomaly, however; `mm' will work just fine as a representation of one millimeter. You may find that Algebraic mode (*note Algebraic Entry::) makes working with units expressions easier. Otherwise, you will have to remember to hit the apostrophe key every time you wish to enter units. The `u s' (`calc-simplify-units') [`usimplify'] command simplifies a units expression. It uses `a s' (`calc-simplify') to simplify the expression first as a regular algebraic formula; it then looks for features that can be further simplified by converting one object's units to be compatible with another's. For example, `5 m + 23 mm' will simplify to `5.023 m'. When different but compatible units are added, the righthand term's units are converted to match those of the lefthand term. *Note Simplification Modes::, for a way to have this done automatically at all times. Units simplification also handles quotients of two units with the same dimensionality, as in `2 in s/L cm' to `5.08 s/L'; fractional powers of unit expressions, as in `sqrt(9 mm^2)' to `3 mm' and `sqrt(9 acre)' to a quantity in meters; and `floor', `ceil', `round', `rounde', `roundu', `trunc', `float', `frac', `abs', and `clean' applied to units expressions, in which case the operation in question is applied only to the numeric part of the expression. Finally, trigonometric functions of quantities with units of angle are evaluated, regardless of the current angular mode. The `u c' (`calc-convert-units') command converts a units expression to new, compatible units. For example, given the units expression `55 mph', typing `u c m/s ' produces `24.5872 m/s'. If you have previously converted a units expression with the same type of units (in this case, distance over time), you will be offered the previous choice of new units as a default. Continuing the above example, entering the units expression `100 km/hr' and typing `u c ' (without specifying new units) produces `27.7777777778 m/s'. While many of Calc's conversion factors are exact, some are necessarily approximate. If Calc is in fraction mode (*note Fraction Mode::), then unit conversions will try to give exact, rational conversions, but it isn't always possible. Given `55 mph' in fraction mode, typing `u c m/s ' produces `15367:625 m/s', for example, while typing `u c au/yr ' produces `5.18665819999e-3 au/yr'. If the units you request are inconsistent with the original units, the number will be converted into your units times whatever "remainder" units are left over. For example, converting `55 mph' into acres produces `6.08e-3 acre / m s'. (Recall that multiplication binds more strongly than division in Calc formulas, so the units here are acres per meter-second.) Remainder units are expressed in terms of "fundamental" units like `m' and `s', regardless of the input units. One special exception is that if you specify a single unit name, and a compatible unit appears somewhere in the units expression, then that compatible unit will be converted to the new unit and the remaining units in the expression will be left alone. For example, given the input `980 cm/s^2', the command `u c ms' will change the `s' to `ms' to get `9.8e-4 cm/ms^2'. The "remainder unit" `cm' is left alone rather than being changed to the base unit `m'. You can use explicit unit conversion instead of the `u s' command to gain more control over the units of the result of an expression. For example, given `5 m + 23 mm', you can type `u c m' or `u c mm' to express the result in either meters or millimeters. (For that matter, you could type `u c fath' to express the result in fathoms, if you preferred!) In place of a specific set of units, you can also enter one of the units system names `si', `mks' (equivalent), or `cgs'. For example, `u c si ' converts the expression into International System of Units (SI) base units. Also, `u c base' converts to Calc's base units, which are the same as `si' units except that `base' uses `g' as the fundamental unit of mass whereas `si' uses `kg'. The `u c' command also accepts "composite units", which are expressed as the sum of several compatible unit names. For example, converting `30.5 in' to units `mi+ft+in' (miles, feet, and inches) produces `2 ft + 6.5 in'. Calc first sorts the unit names into order of decreasing relative size. It then accounts for as much of the input quantity as it can using an integer number times the largest unit, then moves on to the next smaller unit, and so on. Only the smallest unit may have a non-integer amount attached in the result. A few standard unit names exist for common combinations, such as `mfi' for `mi+ft+in', and `tpo' for `ton+lb+oz'. Composite units are expanded as if by `a x', so that `(ft+in)/hr' is first converted to `ft/hr+in/hr'. If the value on the stack does not contain any units, `u c' will prompt first for the old units which this value should be considered to have, then for the new units. Assuming the old and new units you give are consistent with each other, the result also will not contain any units. For example, `u c cm in ' converts the number 2 on the stack to 5.08. The `u b' (`calc-base-units') command is shorthand for `u c base'; it converts the units expression on the top of the stack into `base' units. If `u s' does not simplify a units expression as far as you would like, try `u b'. The `u c' and `u b' commands treat temperature units (like `degC' and `K') as relative temperatures. For example, `u c' converts `10 degC' to `18 degF': A change of 10 degrees Celsius corresponds to a change of 18 degrees Fahrenheit. The `u t' (`calc-convert-temperature') command converts absolute temperatures. The value on the stack must be a simple units expression with units of temperature only. This command would convert `10 degC' to `50 degF', the equivalent temperature on the Fahrenheit scale. The `u r' (`calc-remove-units') command removes units from the formula at the top of the stack. The `u x' (`calc-extract-units') command extracts only the units portion of a formula. These commands essentially replace every term of the formula that does or doesn't (respectively) look like a unit name by the constant 1, then resimplify the formula. The `u a' (`calc-autorange-units') command turns on and off a mode in which unit prefixes like `k' ("kilo") are automatically applied to keep the numeric part of a units expression in a reasonable range. This mode affects `u s' and all units conversion commands except `u b'. For example, with autoranging on, `12345 Hz' will be simplified to `12.345 kHz'. Autoranging is useful for some kinds of units (like `Hz' and `m'), but is probably undesirable for non-metric units like `ft' and `tbsp'. (Composite units are more appropriate for those; see above.) Autoranging always applies the prefix to the leftmost unit name. Calc chooses the largest prefix that causes the number to be greater than or equal to 1.0. Thus an increasing sequence of adjusted times would be `1 ms, 10 ms, 100 ms, 1 s, 10 s, 100 s, 1 ks'. Generally the rule of thumb is that the number will be adjusted to be in the interval `[1 .. 1000)', although there are several exceptions to this rule. First, if the unit has a power then this is not possible; `0.1 s^2' simplifies to `100000 ms^2'. Second, the "centi-" prefix is allowed to form `cm' (centimeters), but will not apply to other units. The "deci-," "deka-," and "hecto-" prefixes are never used. Thus the allowable interval is `[1 .. 10)' for millimeters and `[1 .. 100)' for centimeters. Finally, a prefix will not be added to a unit if the resulting name is also the actual name of another unit; `1e-15 t' would normally be considered a "femto-ton," but it is written as `1000 at' (1000 atto-tons) instead because `ft' would be confused with feet.  File: calc, Node: The Units Table, Next: Predefined Units, Prev: Basic Operations on Units, Up: Units 13.2 The Units Table ==================== The `u v' (`calc-enter-units-table') command displays the units table in another buffer called `*Units Table*'. Each entry in this table gives the unit name as it would appear in an expression, the definition of the unit in terms of simpler units, and a full name or description of the unit. Fundamental units are defined as themselves; these are the units produced by the `u b' command. The fundamental units are meters, seconds, grams, kelvins, amperes, candelas, moles, radians, and steradians. The Units Table buffer also displays the Unit Prefix Table. Note that two prefixes, "kilo" and "hecto," accept either upper- or lower-case prefix letters. `Meg' is also accepted as a synonym for the `M' prefix. Whenever a unit name can be interpreted as either a built-in name or a prefix followed by another built-in name, the former interpretation wins. For example, `2 pt' means two pints, not two pico-tons. The Units Table buffer, once created, is not rebuilt unless you define new units. To force the buffer to be rebuilt, give any numeric prefix argument to `u v'. The `u V' (`calc-view-units-table') command is like `u v' except that the cursor is not moved into the Units Table buffer. You can type `u V' again to remove the Units Table from the display. To return from the Units Table buffer after a `u v', type `C-x * c' again or use the regular Emacs `C-x o' (`other-window') command. You can also kill the buffer with `C-x k' if you wish; the actual units table is safely stored inside the Calculator. The `u g' (`calc-get-unit-definition') command retrieves a unit's defining expression and pushes it onto the Calculator stack. For example, `u g in' will produce the expression `2.54 cm'. This is the same definition for the unit that would appear in the Units Table buffer. Note that this command works only for actual unit names; `u g km' will report that no such unit exists, for example, because `km' is really the unit `m' with a `k' ("kilo") prefix. To see a definition of a unit in terms of base units, it is easier to push the unit name on the stack and then reduce it to base units with `u b'. The `u e' (`calc-explain-units') command displays an English description of the units of the expression on the stack. For example, for the expression `62 km^2 g / s^2 mol K', the description is "Square-Kilometer Gram per (Second-squared Mole Degree-Kelvin)." This command uses the English descriptions that appear in the righthand column of the Units Table.  File: calc, Node: Predefined Units, Next: User-Defined Units, Prev: The Units Table, Up: Units 13.3 Predefined Units ===================== The definitions of many units have changed over the years. For example, the meter was originally defined in 1791 as one ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to the north pole. In order to be more precise, the definition was adjusted several times, and now a meter is defined as the distance that light will travel in a vacuum in 1/299792458 of a second; consequently, the speed of light in a vacuum is exactly 299792458 m/s. Many other units have been redefined in terms of fundamental physical processes; a second, for example, is currently defined as 9192631770 periods of a certain radiation related to the cesium-133 atom. The only SI unit that is not based on a fundamental physical process (although there are efforts to change this) is the kilogram, which was originally defined as the mass of one liter of water, but is now defined as the mass of the International Prototype Kilogram (IPK), a cylinder of platinum-iridium kept at the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures in Se`vres, France. (There are several copies of the IPK throughout the world.) The British imperial units, once defined in terms of physical objects, were redefined in 1963 in terms of SI units. The US customary units, which were the same as British units until the British imperial system was created in 1824, were also defined in terms of the SI units in 1893. Because of these redefinitions, conversions between metric, British Imperial, and US customary units can often be done precisely. Since the exact definitions of many kinds of units have evolved over the years, and since certain countries sometimes have local differences in their definitions, it is a good idea to examine Calc's definition of a unit before depending on its exact value. For example, there are three different units for gallons, corresponding to the US (`gal'), Canadian (`galC'), and British (`galUK') definitions. Also, note that `oz' is a standard ounce of mass, `ozt' is a Troy ounce, and `ozfl' is a fluid ounce. The temperature units corresponding to degrees Kelvin and Centigrade (Celsius) are the same in this table, since most units commands treat temperatures as being relative. The `calc-convert-temperature' command has special rules for handling the different absolute magnitudes of the various temperature scales. The unit of volume "liters" can be referred to by either the lower-case `l' or the upper-case `L'. The unit `A' stands for Amperes; the name `Ang' is used for Angstroms. The unit `pt' stands for pints; the name `point' stands for a typographical point, defined by `72 point = 1 in'. This is slightly different than the point defined by the American Typefounder's Association in 1886, but the point used by Calc has become standard largely due to its use by the PostScript page description language. There is also `texpt', which stands for a printer's point as defined by the TeX typesetting system: `72.27 texpt = 1 in'. Other units used by TeX are available; they are `texpc' (a pica), `texbp' (a "big point", equal to a standard point which is larger than the point used by TeX), `texdd' (a Didot point), `texcc' (a Cicero) and `texsp' (a scaled TeX point, all dimensions representable in TeX are multiples of this value). The unit `e' stands for the elementary (electron) unit of charge; because algebra command could mistake this for the special constant `e', Calc provides the alternate unit name `ech' which is preferable to `e'. The name `g' stands for one gram of mass; there is also `gf', one gram of force. (Likewise for `lb', pounds, and `lbf'.) Meanwhile, one "`g'" of acceleration is denoted `ga'. The unit `ton' is a U.S. ton of `2000 lb', and `t' is a metric ton of `1000 kg'. The names `s' (or `sec') and `min' refer to units of time; `arcsec' and `arcmin' are units of angle. Some "units" are really physical constants; for example, `c' represents the speed of light, and `h' represents Planck's constant. You can use these just like other units: converting `.5 c' to `m/s' expresses one-half the speed of light in meters per second. You can also use this merely as a handy reference; the `u g' command gets the definition of one of these constants in its normal terms, and `u b' expresses the definition in base units. Two units, `pi' and `alpha' (the fine structure constant, approximately 1/137) are dimensionless. The units simplification commands simply treat these names as equivalent to their corresponding values. However you can, for example, use `u c' to convert a pure number into multiples of the fine structure constant, or `u b' to convert this back into a pure number. (When `u c' prompts for the "old units," just enter a blank line to signify that the value really is unitless.)  File: calc, Node: User-Defined Units, Prev: Predefined Units, Up: Units 13.4 User-Defined Units ======================= Calc provides ways to get quick access to your selected "favorite" units, as well as ways to define your own new units. To select your favorite units, store a vector of unit names or expressions in the Calc variable `Units'. The `u 1' through `u 9' commands (`calc-quick-units') provide access to these units. If the value on the top of the stack is a plain number (with no units attached), then `u 1' gives it the specified units. (Basically, it multiplies the number by the first item in the `Units' vector.) If the number on the stack _does_ have units, then `u 1' converts that number to the new units. For example, suppose the vector `[in, ft]' is stored in `Units'. Then `30 u 1' will create the expression `30 in', and `u 2' will convert that expression to `2.5 ft'. The `u 0' command accesses the tenth element of `Units'. Only ten quick units may be defined at a time. If the `Units' variable has no stored value (the default), or if its value is not a vector, then the quick-units commands will not function. The `s U' command is a convenient way to edit the `Units' variable; *note Operations on Variables::. The `u d' (`calc-define-unit') command records the units expression on the top of the stack as the definition for a new, user-defined unit. For example, putting `16.5 ft' on the stack and typing `u d rod' defines the new unit `rod' to be equivalent to 16.5 feet. The unit conversion and simplification commands will now treat `rod' just like any other unit of length. You will also be prompted for an optional English description of the unit, which will appear in the Units Table. If you wish the definition of this unit to be displayed in a special way in the Units Table buffer (such as with an asterisk to indicate an approximate value), then you can call this command with an argument, `C-u u d'; you will then also be prompted for a string that will be used to display the definition. The `u u' (`calc-undefine-unit') command removes a user-defined unit. It is not possible to remove one of the predefined units, however. If you define a unit with an existing unit name, your new definition will replace the original definition of that unit. If the unit was a predefined unit, the old definition will not be replaced, only "shadowed." The built-in definition will reappear if you later use `u u' to remove the shadowing definition. To create a new fundamental unit, use either 1 or the unit name itself as the defining expression. Otherwise the expression can involve any other units that you like (except for composite units like `mfi'). You can create a new composite unit with a sum of other units as the defining expression. The next unit operation like `u c' or `u v' will rebuild the internal unit table incorporating your modifications. Note that erroneous definitions (such as two units defined in terms of each other) will not be detected until the unit table is next rebuilt; `u v' is a convenient way to force this to happen. Temperature units are treated specially inside the Calculator; it is not possible to create user-defined temperature units. The `u p' (`calc-permanent-units') command stores the user-defined units in your Calc init file (the file given by the variable `calc-settings-file', typically `~/.calc.el'), so that the units will still be available in subsequent Emacs sessions. If there was already a set of user-defined units in your Calc init file, it is replaced by the new set. (*Note General Mode Commands::, for a way to tell Calc to use a different file for the Calc init file.)  File: calc, Node: Store and Recall, Next: Graphics, Prev: Units, Up: Top 14 Storing and Recalling ************************ Calculator variables are really just Lisp variables that contain numbers or formulas in a form that Calc can understand. The commands in this section allow you to manipulate variables conveniently. Commands related to variables use the `s' prefix key. * Menu: * Storing Variables:: * Recalling Variables:: * Operations on Variables:: * Let Command:: * Evaluates-To Operator::  File: calc, Node: Storing Variables, Next: Recalling Variables, Prev: Store and Recall, Up: Store and Recall 14.1 Storing Variables ====================== The `s s' (`calc-store') command stores the value at the top of the stack into a specified variable. It prompts you to enter the name of the variable. If you press a single digit, the value is stored immediately in one of the "quick" variables `q0' through `q9'. Or you can enter any variable name. The `s s' command leaves the stored value on the stack. There is also an `s t' (`calc-store-into') command, which removes a value from the stack and stores it in a variable. If the top of stack value is an equation `a = 7' or assignment `a := 7' with a variable on the lefthand side, then Calc will assign that variable with that value by default, i.e., if you type `s s ' or `s t '. In this example, the value 7 would be stored in the variable `a'. (If you do type a variable name at the prompt, the top-of-stack value is stored in its entirety, even if it is an equation: `s s b ' with `a := 7' on the stack stores `a := 7' in `b'.) In fact, the top of stack value can be a vector of equations or assignments with different variables on their lefthand sides; the default will be to store all the variables with their corresponding righthand sides simultaneously. It is also possible to type an equation or assignment directly at the prompt for the `s s' or `s t' command: `s s foo = 7'. In this case the expression to the right of the `=' or `:=' symbol is evaluated as if by the `=' command, and that value is stored in the variable. No value is taken from the stack; `s s' and `s t' are equivalent when used in this way. The prefix keys `s' and `t' may be followed immediately by a digit; `s 9' is equivalent to `s s 9', and `t 9' is equivalent to `s t 9'. (The `t' prefix is otherwise used for trail and time/date commands.) There are also several "arithmetic store" commands. For example, `s +' removes a value from the stack and adds it to the specified variable. The other arithmetic stores are `s -', `s *', `s /', `s ^', and `s |' (vector concatenation), plus `s n' and `s &' which negate or invert the value in a variable, and `s [' and `s ]' which decrease or increase a variable by one. All the arithmetic stores accept the Inverse prefix to reverse the order of the operands. If `v' represents the contents of the variable, and `a' is the value drawn from the stack, then regular `s -' assigns `v := v - a', but `I s -' assigns `v := a - v'. While `I s *' might seem pointless, it is useful if matrix multiplication is involved. Actually, all the arithmetic stores use formulas designed to behave usefully both forwards and backwards: s + v := v + a v := a + v s - v := v - a v := a - v s * v := v * a v := a * v s / v := v / a v := a / v s ^ v := v ^ a v := a ^ v s | v := v | a v := a | v s n v := v / (-1) v := (-1) / v s & v := v ^ (-1) v := (-1) ^ v s [ v := v - 1 v := 1 - v s ] v := v - (-1) v := (-1) - v In the last four cases, a numeric prefix argument will be used in place of the number one. (For example, `M-2 s ]' increases a variable by 2, and `M-2 I s ]' replaces a variable by minus-two minus the variable. The first six arithmetic stores can also be typed `s t +', `s t -', etc. The commands `s s +', `s s -', and so on are analogous arithmetic stores that don't remove the value `a' from the stack. All arithmetic stores report the new value of the variable in the Trail for your information. They signal an error if the variable previously had no stored value. If default simplifications have been turned off, the arithmetic stores temporarily turn them on for numeric arguments only (i.e., they temporarily do an `m N' command). *Note Simplification Modes::. Large vectors put in the trail by these commands always use abbreviated (`t .') mode. The `s m' command is a general way to adjust a variable's value using any Calc function. It is a "mapping" command analogous to `V M', `V R', etc. *Note Reducing and Mapping::, to see how to specify a function for a mapping command. Basically, all you do is type the Calc command key that would invoke that function normally. For example, `s m n' applies the `n' key to negate the contents of the variable, so `s m n' is equivalent to `s n'. Also, `s m Q' takes the square root of the value stored in a variable, `s m v v' uses `v v' to reverse the vector stored in the variable, and `s m H I S' takes the hyperbolic arcsine of the variable contents. If the mapping function takes two or more arguments, the additional arguments are taken from the stack; the old value of the variable is provided as the first argument. Thus `s m -' with `a' on the stack computes `v - a', just like `s -'. With the Inverse prefix, the variable's original value becomes the _last_ argument instead of the first. Thus `I s m -' is also equivalent to `I s -'. The `s x' (`calc-store-exchange') command exchanges the value of a variable with the value on the top of the stack. Naturally, the variable must already have a stored value for this to work. You can type an equation or assignment at the `s x' prompt. The command `s x a=6' takes no values from the stack; instead, it pushes the old value of `a' on the stack and stores `a = 6'. Until you store something in them, most variables are "void," that is, they contain no value at all. If they appear in an algebraic formula they will be left alone even if you press `=' (`calc-evaluate'). The `s u' (`calc-unstore') command returns a variable to the void state. The `s c' (`calc-copy-variable') command copies the stored value of one variable to another. One way it differs from a simple `s r' followed by an `s t' (aside from saving keystrokes) is that the value never goes on the stack and thus is never rounded, evaluated, or simplified in any way; it is not even rounded down to the current precision. The only variables with predefined values are the "special constants" `pi', `e', `i', `phi', and `gamma'. You are free to unstore these variables or to store new values into them if you like, although some of the algebraic-manipulation functions may assume these variables represent their standard values. Calc displays a warning if you change the value of one of these variables, or of one of the other special variables `inf', `uinf', and `nan' (which are normally void). Note that `pi' doesn't actually have 3.14159265359 stored in it, but rather a special magic value that evaluates to `pi' at the current precision. Likewise `e', `i', and `phi' evaluate according to the current precision or polar mode. If you recall a value from `pi' and store it back, this magic property will be lost. The magic property is preserved, however, when a variable is copied with `s c'. If one of the "special constants" is redefined (or undefined) so that it no longer has its magic property, the property can be restored with `s k' (`calc-copy-special-constant'). This command will prompt for a special constant and a variable to store it in, and so a special constant can be stored in any variable. Here, the special constant that you enter doesn't depend on the value of the corresponding variable; `pi' will represent 3.14159... regardless of what is currently stored in the Calc variable `pi'. If one of the other special variables, `inf', `uinf' or `nan', is given a value, its original behavior can be restored by voiding it with `s u'.  File: calc, Node: Recalling Variables, Next: Operations on Variables, Prev: Storing Variables, Up: Store and Recall 14.2 Recalling Variables ======================== The most straightforward way to extract the stored value from a variable is to use the `s r' (`calc-recall') command. This command prompts for a variable name (similarly to `calc-store'), looks up the value of the specified variable, and pushes that value onto the stack. It is an error to try to recall a void variable. It is also possible to recall the value from a variable by evaluating a formula containing that variable. For example, `' a =' is the same as `s r a ' except that if the variable is void, the former will simply leave the formula `a' on the stack whereas the latter will produce an error message. The `r' prefix may be followed by a digit, so that `r 9' is equivalent to `s r 9'.  File: calc, Node: Operations on Variables, Next: Let Command, Prev: Recalling Variables, Up: Store and Recall 14.3 Other Operations on Variables ================================== The `s e' (`calc-edit-variable') command edits the stored value of a variable without ever putting that value on the stack or simplifying or evaluating the value. It prompts for the name of the variable to edit. If the variable has no stored value, the editing buffer will start out empty. If the editing buffer is empty when you press `C-c C-c' to finish, the variable will be made void. *Note Editing Stack Entries::, for a general description of editing. The `s e' command is especially useful for creating and editing rewrite rules which are stored in variables. Sometimes these rules contain formulas which must not be evaluated until the rules are actually used. (For example, they may refer to `deriv(x,y)', where `x' will someday become some expression involving `y'; if you let Calc evaluate the rule while you are defining it, Calc will replace `deriv(x,y)' with 0 because the formula `x' does not itself refer to `y'.) By contrast, recalling the variable, editing with ``', and storing will evaluate the variable's value as a side effect of putting the value on the stack. There are several special-purpose variable-editing commands that use the `s' prefix followed by a shifted letter: `s A' Edit `AlgSimpRules'. *Note Algebraic Simplifications::. `s D' Edit `Decls'. *Note Declarations::. `s E' Edit `EvalRules'. *Note Default Simplifications::. `s F' Edit `FitRules'. *Note Curve Fitting::. `s G' Edit `GenCount'. *Note Solving Equations::. `s H' Edit `Holidays'. *Note Business Days::. `s I' Edit `IntegLimit'. *Note Calculus::. `s L' Edit `LineStyles'. *Note Graphics::. `s P' Edit `PointStyles'. *Note Graphics::. `s R' Edit `PlotRejects'. *Note Graphics::. `s T' Edit `TimeZone'. *Note Time Zones::. `s U' Edit `Units'. *Note User-Defined Units::. `s X' Edit `ExtSimpRules'. *Note Unsafe Simplifications::. These commands are just versions of `s e' that use fixed variable names rather than prompting for the variable name. The `s p' (`calc-permanent-variable') command saves a variable's value permanently in your Calc init file (the file given by the variable `calc-settings-file', typically `~/.calc.el'), so that its value will still be available in future Emacs sessions. You can re-execute `s p' later on to update the saved value, but the only way to remove a saved variable is to edit your calc init file by hand. (*Note General Mode Commands::, for a way to tell Calc to use a different file for the Calc init file.) If you do not specify the name of a variable to save (i.e., `s p '), all Calc variables with defined values are saved except for the special constants `pi', `e', `i', `phi', and `gamma'; the variables `TimeZone' and `PlotRejects'; `FitRules', `DistribRules', and other built-in rewrite rules; and `PlotDataN' variables generated by the graphics commands. (You can still save these variables by explicitly naming them in an `s p' command.) The `s i' (`calc-insert-variables') command writes the values of all Calc variables into a specified buffer. The variables are written with the prefix `var-' in the form of Lisp `setq' commands which store the values in string form. You can place these commands in your Calc init file (or `.emacs') if you wish, though in this case it would be easier to use `s p '. (Note that `s i' omits the same set of variables as `s p '; the difference is that `s i' will store the variables in any buffer, and it also stores in a more human-readable format.)  File: calc, Node: Let Command, Next: Evaluates-To Operator, Prev: Operations on Variables, Up: Store and Recall 14.4 The Let Command ==================== If you have an expression like `a+b^2' on the stack and you wish to compute its value where `b=3', you can simply store 3 in `b' and then press `=' to reevaluate the formula. This has the side-effect of leaving the stored value of 3 in `b' for future operations. The `s l' (`calc-let') command evaluates a formula under a _temporary_ assignment of a variable. It stores the value on the top of the stack into the specified variable, then evaluates the second-to-top stack entry, then restores the original value (or lack of one) in the variable. Thus after `' a+b^2 3 s l b ', the stack will contain the formula `a + 9'. The subsequent command `5 s l a ' will replace this formula with the number 14. The variables `a' and `b' are not permanently affected in any way by these commands. The value on the top of the stack may be an equation or assignment, or a vector of equations or assignments, in which case the default will be analogous to the case of `s t '. *Note Storing Variables::. Also, you can answer the variable-name prompt with an equation or assignment: `s l b=3 ' is the same as storing 3 on the stack and typing `s l b '. The `a b' (`calc-substitute') command is another way to substitute a variable with a value in a formula. It does an actual substitution rather than temporarily assigning the variable and evaluating. For example, letting `n=2' in `f(n pi)' with `a b' will produce `f(2 pi)', whereas `s l' would give `f(6.28)' since the evaluation step will also evaluate `pi'.  File: calc, Node: Evaluates-To Operator, Prev: Let Command, Up: Store and Recall 14.5 The Evaluates-To Operator ============================== The special algebraic symbol `=>' is known as the "evaluates-to operator". (It will show up as an `evalto' function call in other language modes like Pascal and LaTeX.) This is a binary operator, that is, it has a lefthand and a righthand argument, although it can be entered with the righthand argument omitted. A formula like `A => B' is evaluated by Calc as follows: First, A is not simplified or modified in any way. The previous value of argument B is thrown away; the formula A is then copied and evaluated as if by the `=' command according to all current modes and stored variable values, and the result is installed as the new value of B. For example, suppose you enter the algebraic formula `2 + 3 => 17'. The number 17 is ignored, and the lefthand argument is left in its unevaluated form; the result is the formula `2 + 3 => 5'. You can enter an `=>' formula either directly using algebraic entry (in which case the righthand side may be omitted since it is going to be replaced right away anyhow), or by using the `s =' (`calc-evalto') command, which takes A from the stack and replaces it with `A => B'. Calc keeps track of all `=>' operators on the stack, and recomputes them whenever anything changes that might affect their values, i.e., a mode setting or variable value. This occurs only if the `=>' operator is at the top level of the formula, or if it is part of a top-level vector. In other words, pushing `2 + (a => 17)' will change the 17 to the actual value of `a' when you enter the formula, but the result will not be dynamically updated when `a' is changed later because the `=>' operator is buried inside a sum. However, a vector of `=>' operators will be recomputed, since it is convenient to push a vector like `[a =>, b =>, c =>]' on the stack to make a concise display of all the variables in your problem. (Another way to do this would be to use `[a, b, c] =>', which provides a slightly different format of display. You can use whichever you find easiest to read.) The `m C' (`calc-auto-recompute') command allows you to turn this automatic recomputation on or off. If you turn recomputation off, you must explicitly recompute an `=>' operator on the stack in one of the usual ways, such as by pressing `='. Turning recomputation off temporarily can save a lot of time if you will be changing several modes or variables before you look at the `=>' entries again. Most commands are not especially useful with `=>' operators as arguments. For example, given `x + 2 => 17', it won't work to type `1 +' to get `x + 3 => 18'. If you want to operate on the lefthand side of the `=>' operator on the top of the stack, type `j 1' (that's the digit "one") to select the lefthand side, execute your commands, then type `j u' to unselect. All current modes apply when an `=>' operator is computed, including the current simplification mode. Recall that the formula `x + y + x' is not handled by Calc's default simplifications, but the `a s' command will reduce it to the simpler form `y + 2 x'. You can also type `m A' to enable an Algebraic Simplification mode in which the equivalent of `a s' is used on all of Calc's results. If you enter `x + y + x =>' normally, the result will be `x + y + x => x + y + x'. If you change to Algebraic Simplification mode, the result will be `x + y + x => y + 2 x'. However, just pressing `a s' once will have no effect on `x + y + x => x + y + x', because the righthand side depends only on the lefthand side and the current mode settings, and the lefthand side is not affected by commands like `a s'. The "let" command (`s l') has an interesting interaction with the `=>' operator. The `s l' command evaluates the second-to-top stack entry with the top stack entry supplying a temporary value for a given variable. As you might expect, if that stack entry is an `=>' operator its righthand side will temporarily show this value for the variable. In fact, all `=>'s on the stack will be updated if they refer to that variable. But this change is temporary in the sense that the next command that causes Calc to look at those stack entries will make them revert to the old variable value. 2: a => a 2: a => 17 2: a => a 1: a + 1 => a + 1 1: a + 1 => 18 1: a + 1 => a + 1 . . . 17 s l a p 8 Here the `p 8' command changes the current precision, thus causing the `=>' forms to be recomputed after the influence of the "let" is gone. The `d ' command (`calc-refresh') is a handy way to force the `=>' operators on the stack to be recomputed without any other side effects. Embedded mode also uses `=>' operators. In Embedded mode, the lefthand side of an `=>' operator can refer to variables assigned elsewhere in the file by `:=' operators. The assignment operator `a := 17' does not actually do anything by itself. But Embedded mode recognizes it and marks it as a sort of file-local definition of the variable. You can enter `:=' operators in Algebraic mode, or by using the `s :' (`calc-assign') [`assign'] command which takes a variable and value from the stack and replaces them with an assignment. *Note TeX and LaTeX Language Modes::, for the way `=>' appears in TeX language output. The "eqn" mode gives similar treatment to `=>'.  File: calc, Node: Graphics, Next: Kill and Yank, Prev: Store and Recall, Up: Top 15 Graphics *********** The commands for graphing data begin with the `g' prefix key. Calc uses GNUPLOT 2.0 or later to do graphics. These commands will only work if GNUPLOT is available on your system. (While GNUPLOT sounds like a relative of GNU Emacs, it is actually completely unrelated. However, it is free software. It can be obtained from `'.) If you have GNUPLOT installed on your system but Calc is unable to find it, you may need to set the `calc-gnuplot-name' variable in your Calc init file or `.emacs'. You may also need to set some Lisp variables to show Calc how to run GNUPLOT on your system; these are described under `g D' and `g O' below. If you are using the X window system or MS-Windows, Calc will configure GNUPLOT for you automatically. If you have GNUPLOT 3.0 or later and you are using a Unix or GNU system without X, Calc will configure GNUPLOT to display graphs using simple character graphics that will work on any Posix-compatible terminal. * Menu: * Basic Graphics:: * Three Dimensional Graphics:: * Managing Curves:: * Graphics Options:: * Devices::  File: calc, Node: Basic Graphics, Next: Three Dimensional Graphics, Prev: Graphics, Up: Graphics 15.1 Basic Graphics =================== The easiest graphics command is `g f' (`calc-graph-fast'). This command takes two vectors of equal length from the stack. The vector at the top of the stack represents the "y" values of the various data points. The vector in the second-to-top position represents the corresponding "x" values. This command runs GNUPLOT (if it has not already been started by previous graphing commands) and displays the set of data points. The points will be connected by lines, and there will also be some kind of symbol to indicate the points themselves. The "x" entry may instead be an interval form, in which case suitable "x" values are interpolated between the minimum and maximum values of the interval (whether the interval is open or closed is ignored). The "x" entry may also be a number, in which case Calc uses the sequence of "x" values `x', `x+1', `x+2', etc. (Generally the number 0 or 1 would be used for `x' in this case.) The "y" entry may be any formula instead of a vector. Calc effectively uses `N' (`calc-eval-num') to evaluate variables in the formula; the result of this must be a formula in a single (unassigned) variable. The formula is plotted with this variable taking on the various "x" values. Graphs of formulas by default use lines without symbols at the computed data points. Note that if neither "x" nor "y" is a vector, Calc guesses at a reasonable number of data points to use. See the `g N' command below. (The "x" values must be either a vector or an interval if "y" is a formula.) If "y" is (or evaluates to) a formula of the form `xy(X, Y)' then the result is a parametric plot. The two arguments of the fictitious `xy' function are used as the "x" and "y" coordinates of the curve, respectively. In this case the "x" vector or interval you specified is not directly visible in the graph. For example, if "x" is the interval `[0..360]' and "y" is the formula `xy(sin(t), cos(t))', the resulting graph will be a circle. Also, "x" and "y" may each be variable names, in which case Calc looks for suitable vectors, intervals, or formulas stored in those variables. The "x" and "y" values for the data points (as pulled from the vectors, calculated from the formulas, or interpolated from the intervals) should be real numbers (integers, fractions, or floats). One exception to this is that the "y" entry can consist of a vector of numbers combined with error forms, in which case the points will be plotted with the appropriate error bars. Other than this, if either the "x" value or the "y" value of a given data point is not a real number, that data point will be omitted from the graph. The points on either side of the invalid point will _not_ be connected by a line. See the documentation for `g a' below for a description of the way numeric prefix arguments affect `g f'. If you store an empty vector in the variable `PlotRejects' (i.e., `[ ] s t PlotRejects'), Calc will append information to this vector for every data point which was rejected because its "x" or "y" values were not real numbers. The result will be a matrix where each row holds the curve number, data point number, "x" value, and "y" value for a rejected data point. *Note Evaluates-To Operator::, for a handy way to keep tabs on the current value of `PlotRejects'. *Note Operations on Variables::, for the `s R' command which is another easy way to examine `PlotRejects'. To clear the graphics display, type `g c' (`calc-graph-clear'). If the GNUPLOT output device is an X window, the window will go away. Effects on other kinds of output devices will vary. You don't need to use `g c' if you don't want to--if you give another `g f' or `g p' command later on, it will reuse the existing graphics window if there is one.  File: calc, Node: Three Dimensional Graphics, Next: Managing Curves, Prev: Basic Graphics, Up: Graphics 15.2 Three-Dimensional Graphics =============================== The `g F' (`calc-graph-fast-3d') command makes a three-dimensional graph. It works only if you have GNUPLOT 3.0 or later; with GNUPLOT 2.0, you will see a GNUPLOT error message if you try this command. The `g F' command takes three values from the stack, called "x", "y", and "z", respectively. As was the case for 2D graphs, there are several options for these values. In the first case, "x" and "y" are each vectors (not necessarily of the same length); either or both may instead be interval forms. The "z" value must be a matrix with the same number of rows as elements in "x", and the same number of columns as elements in "y". The result is a surface plot where `z_ij' is the height of the point at coordinate `(x_i, y_j)' on the surface. The 3D graph will be displayed from a certain default viewpoint; you can change this viewpoint by adding a `set view' to the `*Gnuplot Commands*' buffer as described later. See the GNUPLOT documentation for a description of the `set view' command. Each point in the matrix will be displayed as a dot in the graph, and these points will be connected by a grid of lines ("isolines"). In the second case, "x", "y", and "z" are all vectors of equal length. The resulting graph displays a 3D line instead of a surface, where the coordinates of points along the line are successive triplets of values from the input vectors. In the third case, "x" and "y" are vectors or interval forms, and "z" is any formula involving two variables (not counting variables with assigned values). These variables are sorted into alphabetical order; the first takes on values from "x" and the second takes on values from "y" to form a matrix of results that are graphed as a 3D surface. If the "z" formula evaluates to a call to the fictitious function `xyz(X, Y, Z)', then the result is a "parametric surface." In this case, the axes of the graph are taken from the X and Y values in these calls, and the "x" and "y" values from the input vectors or intervals are used only to specify the range of inputs to the formula. For example, plotting `[0..360], [0..180], xyz(sin(x)*sin(y), cos(x)*sin(y), cos(y))' will draw a sphere. (Since the default resolution for 3D plots is 5 steps in each of "x" and "y", this will draw a very crude sphere. You could use the `g N' command, described below, to increase this resolution, or specify the "x" and "y" values as vectors with more than 5 elements. It is also possible to have a function in a regular `g f' plot evaluate to an `xyz' call. Since `g f' plots a line, not a surface, the result will be a 3D parametric line. For example, `[[0..720], xyz(sin(x), cos(x), x)]' will plot two turns of a helix (a three-dimensional spiral). As for `g f', each of "x", "y", and "z" may instead be variables containing the relevant data.  File: calc, Node: Managing Curves, Next: Graphics Options, Prev: Three Dimensional Graphics, Up: Graphics 15.3 Managing Curves ==================== The `g f' command is really shorthand for the following commands: `C-u g d g a g p'. Likewise, `g F' is shorthand for `C-u g d g A g p'. You can gain more control over your graph by using these commands directly. The `g a' (`calc-graph-add') command adds the "curve" represented by the two values on the top of the stack to the current graph. You can have any number of curves in the same graph. When you give the `g p' command, all the curves will be drawn superimposed on the same axes. The `g a' command (and many others that affect the current graph) will cause a special buffer, `*Gnuplot Commands*', to be displayed in another window. This buffer is a template of the commands that will be sent to GNUPLOT when it is time to draw the graph. The first `g a' command adds a `plot' command to this buffer. Succeeding `g a' commands add extra curves onto that `plot' command. Other graph-related commands put other GNUPLOT commands into this buffer. In normal usage you never need to work with this buffer directly, but you can if you wish. The only constraint is that there must be only one `plot' command, and it must be the last command in the buffer. If you want to save and later restore a complete graph configuration, you can use regular Emacs commands to save and restore the contents of the `*Gnuplot Commands*' buffer. If the values on the stack are not variable names, `g a' will invent variable names for them (of the form `PlotDataN') and store the values in those variables. The "x" and "y" variables are what go into the `plot' command in the template. If you add a curve that uses a certain variable and then later change that variable, you can replot the graph without having to delete and re-add the curve. That's because the variable name, not the vector, interval or formula itself, is what was added by `g a'. A numeric prefix argument on `g a' or `g f' changes the way stack entries are interpreted as curves. With a positive prefix argument `n', the top `n' stack entries are "y" values for `n' different curves which share a common "x" value in the `n+1'st stack entry. (Thus `g a' with no prefix argument is equivalent to `C-u 1 g a'.) A prefix of zero or plain `C-u' means to take two stack entries, "x" and "y" as usual, but to interpret "y" as a vector of "y" values for several curves that share a common "x". A negative prefix argument tells Calc to read `n' vectors from the stack; each vector `[x, y]' describes an independent curve. This is the only form of `g a' that creates several curves at once that don't have common "x" values. (Of course, the range of "x" values covered by all the curves ought to be roughly the same if they are to look nice on the same graph.) For example, to plot `sin(n x)' for integers `n' from 1 to 5, you could use `v x' to create a vector of integers (`n'), then `V M '' or `V M $' to map `sin(n x)' across this vector. The resulting vector of formulas is suitable for use as the "y" argument to a `C-u g a' or `C-u g f' command. The `g A' (`calc-graph-add-3d') command adds a 3D curve to the graph. It is not valid to intermix 2D and 3D curves in a single graph. This command takes three arguments, "x", "y", and "z", from the stack. With a positive prefix `n', it takes `n+2' arguments (common "x" and "y", plus `n' separate "z"s). With a zero prefix, it takes three stack entries but the "z" entry is a vector of curve values. With a negative prefix `-n', it takes `n' vectors of the form `[x, y, z]'. The `g A' command works by adding a `splot' (surface-plot) command to the `*Gnuplot Commands*' buffer. (Although `g a' adds a 2D `plot' command to the `*Gnuplot Commands*' buffer, Calc changes this to `splot' before sending it to GNUPLOT if it notices that the data points are evaluating to `xyz' calls. It will not work to mix 2D and 3D `g a' curves in a single graph, although Calc does not currently check for this.) The `g d' (`calc-graph-delete') command deletes the most recently added curve from the graph. It has no effect if there are no curves in the graph. With a numeric prefix argument of any kind, it deletes all of the curves from the graph. The `g H' (`calc-graph-hide') command "hides" or "unhides" the most recently added curve. A hidden curve will not appear in the actual plot, but information about it such as its name and line and point styles will be retained. The `g j' (`calc-graph-juggle') command moves the curve at the end of the list (the "most recently added curve") to the front of the list. The next-most-recent curve is thus exposed for `g d' or similar commands to use. With `g j' you can work with any curve in the graph even though curve-related commands only affect the last curve in the list. The `g p' (`calc-graph-plot') command uses GNUPLOT to draw the graph described in the `*Gnuplot Commands*' buffer. Any GNUPLOT parameters which are not defined by commands in this buffer are reset to their default values. The variables named in the `plot' command are written to a temporary data file and the variable names are then replaced by the file name in the template. The resulting plotting commands are fed to the GNUPLOT program. See the documentation for the GNUPLOT program for more specific information. All temporary files are removed when Emacs or GNUPLOT exits. If you give a formula for "y", Calc will remember all the values that it calculates for the formula so that later plots can reuse these values. Calc throws out these saved values when you change any circumstances that may affect the data, such as switching from Degrees to Radians mode, or changing the value of a parameter in the formula. You can force Calc to recompute the data from scratch by giving a negative numeric prefix argument to `g p'. Calc uses a fairly rough step size when graphing formulas over intervals. This is to ensure quick response. You can "refine" a plot by giving a positive numeric prefix argument to `g p'. Calc goes through the data points it has computed and saved from previous plots of the function, and computes and inserts a new data point midway between each of the existing points. You can refine a plot any number of times, but beware that the amount of calculation involved doubles each time. Calc does not remember computed values for 3D graphs. This means the numerix prefix argument, if any, to `g p' is effectively ignored if the current graph is three-dimensional. The `g P' (`calc-graph-print') command is like `g p', except that it sends the output to a printer instead of to the screen. More precisely, `g p' looks for `set terminal' or `set output' commands in the `*Gnuplot Commands*' buffer; lacking these it uses the default settings. However, `g P' ignores `set terminal' and `set output' commands and uses a different set of default values. All of these values are controlled by the `g D' and `g O' commands discussed below. Provided everything is set up properly, `g p' will plot to the screen unless you have specified otherwise and `g P' will always plot to the printer.  File: calc, Node: Graphics Options, Next: Devices, Prev: Managing Curves, Up: Graphics 15.4 Graphics Options ===================== The `g g' (`calc-graph-grid') command turns the "grid" on and off. It is off by default; tick marks appear only at the edges of the graph. With the grid turned on, dotted lines appear across the graph at each tick mark. Note that this command only changes the setting in `*Gnuplot Commands*'; to see the effects of the change you must give another `g p' command. The `g b' (`calc-graph-border') command turns the border (the box that surrounds the graph) on and off. It is on by default. This command will only work with GNUPLOT 3.0 and later versions. The `g k' (`calc-graph-key') command turns the "key" on and off. The key is a chart in the corner of the graph that shows the correspondence between curves and line styles. It is off by default, and is only really useful if you have several curves on the same graph. The `g N' (`calc-graph-num-points') command allows you to select the number of data points in the graph. This only affects curves where neither "x" nor "y" is specified as a vector. Enter a blank line to revert to the default value (initially 15). With no prefix argument, this command affects only the current graph. With a positive prefix argument this command changes or, if you enter a blank line, displays the default number of points used for all graphs created by `g a' that don't specify the resolution explicitly. With a negative prefix argument, this command changes or displays the default value (initially 5) used for 3D graphs created by `g A'. Note that a 3D setting of 5 means that a total of `5^2 = 25' points will be computed for the surface. Data values in the graph of a function are normally computed to a precision of five digits, regardless of the current precision at the time. This is usually more than adequate, but there are cases where it will not be. For example, plotting `1 + x' with `x' in the interval `[0 .. 1e-6]' will round all the data points down to 1.0! Putting the command `set precision N' in the `*Gnuplot Commands*' buffer will cause the data to be computed at precision N instead of 5. Since this is such a rare case, there is no keystroke-based command to set the precision. The `g h' (`calc-graph-header') command sets the title for the graph. This will show up centered above the graph. The default title is blank (no title). The `g n' (`calc-graph-name') command sets the title of an individual curve. Like the other curve-manipulating commands, it affects the most recently added curve, i.e., the last curve on the list in the `*Gnuplot Commands*' buffer. To set the title of the other curves you must first juggle them to the end of the list with `g j', or edit the `*Gnuplot Commands*' buffer by hand. Curve titles appear in the key; if the key is turned off they are not used. The `g t' (`calc-graph-title-x') and `g T' (`calc-graph-title-y') commands set the titles on the "x" and "y" axes, respectively. These titles appear next to the tick marks on the left and bottom edges of the graph, respectively. Calc does not have commands to control the tick marks themselves, but you can edit them into the `*Gnuplot Commands*' buffer if you wish. See the GNUPLOT documentation for details. The `g r' (`calc-graph-range-x') and `g R' (`calc-graph-range-y') commands set the range of values on the "x" and "y" axes, respectively. You are prompted to enter a suitable range. This should be either a pair of numbers of the form, `MIN:MAX', or a blank line to revert to the default behavior of setting the range based on the range of values in the data, or `$' to take the range from the top of the stack. Ranges on the stack can be represented as either interval forms or vectors: `[MIN .. MAX]' or `[MIN, MAX]'. The `g l' (`calc-graph-log-x') and `g L' (`calc-graph-log-y') commands allow you to set either or both of the axes of the graph to be logarithmic instead of linear. For 3D plots, `g C-t', `g C-r', and `g C-l' (those are letters with the Control key held down) are the corresponding commands for the "z" axis. The `g z' (`calc-graph-zero-x') and `g Z' (`calc-graph-zero-y') commands control whether a dotted line is drawn to indicate the "x" and/or "y" zero axes. (These are the same dotted lines that would be drawn there anyway if you used `g g' to turn the "grid" feature on.) Zero-axis lines are on by default, and may be turned off only in GNUPLOT 3.0 and later versions. They are not available for 3D plots. The `g s' (`calc-graph-line-style') command turns the connecting lines on or off for the most recently added curve, and optionally selects the style of lines to be used for that curve. Plain `g s' simply toggles the lines on and off. With a numeric prefix argument, `g s' turns lines on and sets a particular line style. Line style numbers start at one and their meanings vary depending on the output device. GNUPLOT guarantees that there will be at least six different line styles available for any device. The `g S' (`calc-graph-point-style') command similarly turns the symbols at the data points on or off, or sets the point style. If you turn both lines and points off, the data points will show as tiny dots. If the "y" values being plotted contain error forms and the connecting lines are turned off, then this command will also turn the error bars on or off. Another way to specify curve styles is with the `LineStyles' and `PointStyles' variables. These variables initially have no stored values, but if you store a vector of integers in one of these variables, the `g a' and `g f' commands will use those style numbers instead of the defaults for new curves that are added to the graph. An entry should be a positive integer for a specific style, or 0 to let the style be chosen automatically, or -1 to turn off lines or points altogether. If there are more curves than elements in the vector, the last few curves will continue to have the default styles. Of course, you can later use `g s' and `g S' to change any of these styles. For example, `'[2 -1 3] s t LineStyles' causes the first curve to have lines in style number 2, the second curve to have no connecting lines, and the third curve to have lines in style 3. Point styles will still be assigned automatically, but you could store another vector in `PointStyles' to define them, too.  File: calc, Node: Devices, Prev: Graphics Options, Up: Graphics 15.5 Graphical Devices ====================== The `g D' (`calc-graph-device') command sets the device name (or "terminal name" in GNUPLOT lingo) to be used by `g p' commands on this graph. It does not affect the permanent default device name. If you enter a blank name, the device name reverts to the default. Enter `?' to see a list of supported devices. With a positive numeric prefix argument, `g D' instead sets the default device name, used by all plots in the future which do not override it with a plain `g D' command. If you enter a blank line this command shows you the current default. The special name `default' signifies that Calc should choose `x11' if the X window system is in use (as indicated by the presence of a `DISPLAY' environment variable), `windows' on MS-Windows, or otherwise `dumb' under GNUPLOT 3.0 and later, or `postscript' under GNUPLOT 2.0. This is the initial default value. The `dumb' device is an interface to "dumb terminals," i.e., terminals with no special graphics facilities. It writes a crude picture of the graph composed of characters like `-' and `|' to a buffer called `*Gnuplot Trail*', which Calc then displays. The graph is made the same size as the Emacs screen, which on most dumb terminals will be 80x24 characters. The graph is displayed in an Emacs "recursive edit"; type `q' or `C-c C-c' to exit the recursive edit and return to Calc. Note that the `dumb' device is present only in GNUPLOT 3.0 and later versions. The word `dumb' may be followed by two numbers separated by spaces. These are the desired width and height of the graph in characters. Also, the device name `big' is like `dumb' but creates a graph four times the width and height of the Emacs screen. You will then have to scroll around to view the entire graph. In the `*Gnuplot Trail*' buffer, , , `<', and `>' are defined to scroll by one screenful in each of the four directions. With a negative numeric prefix argument, `g D' sets or displays the device name used by `g P' (`calc-graph-print'). This is initially `postscript'. If you don't have a PostScript printer, you may decide once again to use `dumb' to create a plot on any text-only printer. The `g O' (`calc-graph-output') command sets the name of the output file used by GNUPLOT. For some devices, notably `x11' and `windows', there is no output file and this information is not used. Many other "devices" are really file formats like `postscript'; in these cases the output in the desired format goes into the file you name with `g O'. Type `g O stdout ' to set GNUPLOT to write to its standard output stream, i.e., to `*Gnuplot Trail*'. This is the default setting. Another special output name is `tty', which means that GNUPLOT is going to write graphics commands directly to its standard output, which you wish Emacs to pass through to your terminal. Tektronix graphics terminals, among other devices, operate this way. Calc does this by telling GNUPLOT to write to a temporary file, then running a sub-shell executing the command `cat tempfile >/dev/tty'. On typical Unix systems, this will copy the temporary file directly to the terminal, bypassing Emacs entirely. You will have to type `C-l' to Emacs afterwards to refresh the screen. Once again, `g O' with a positive or negative prefix argument sets the default or printer output file names, respectively. In each case you can specify `auto', which causes Calc to invent a temporary file name for each `g p' (or `g P') command. This temporary file will be deleted once it has been displayed or printed. If the output file name is not `auto', the file is not automatically deleted. The default and printer devices and output files can be saved permanently by the `m m' (`calc-save-modes') command. The default number of data points (see `g N') and the X geometry (see `g X') are also saved. Other graph information is _not_ saved; you can save a graph's configuration simply by saving the contents of the `*Gnuplot Commands*' buffer. You may wish to configure the default and printer devices and output files for the whole system. The relevant Lisp variables are `calc-gnuplot-default-device' and `-output', and `calc-gnuplot-print-device' and `-output'. The output file names must be either strings as described above, or Lisp expressions which are evaluated on the fly to get the output file names. Other important Lisp variables are `calc-gnuplot-plot-command' and `calc-gnuplot-print-command', which give the system commands to display or print the output of GNUPLOT, respectively. These may be `nil' if no command is necessary, or strings which can include `%s' to signify the name of the file to be displayed or printed. Or, these variables may contain Lisp expressions which are evaluated to display or print the output. These variables are customizable (*note Customizing Calc::). The `g x' (`calc-graph-display') command lets you specify on which X window system display your graphs should be drawn. Enter a blank line to see the current display name. This command has no effect unless the current device is `x11'. The `g X' (`calc-graph-geometry') command is a similar command for specifying the position and size of the X window. The normal value is `default', which generally means your window manager will let you place the window interactively. Entering `800x500+0+0' would create an 800-by-500 pixel window in the upper-left corner of the screen. This command has no effect if the current device is `windows'. The buffer called `*Gnuplot Trail*' holds a transcript of the session with GNUPLOT. This shows the commands Calc has "typed" to GNUPLOT and the responses it has received. Calc tries to notice when an error message has appeared here and display the buffer for you when this happens. You can check this buffer yourself if you suspect something has gone wrong(1). The `g C' (`calc-graph-command') command prompts you to enter any line of text, then simply sends that line to the current GNUPLOT process. The `*Gnuplot Trail*' buffer looks deceptively like a Shell buffer but you can't type commands in it yourself. Instead, you must use `g C' for this purpose. The `g v' (`calc-graph-view-commands') and `g V' (`calc-graph-view-trail') commands display the `*Gnuplot Commands*' and `*Gnuplot Trail*' buffers, respectively, in another window. This happens automatically when Calc thinks there is something you will want to see in either of these buffers. If you type `g v' or `g V' when the relevant buffer is already displayed, the buffer is hidden again. (Note that on MS-Windows, the `*Gnuplot Trail*' buffer will usually show nothing of interest, because GNUPLOT's responses are not communicated back to Calc.) One reason to use `g v' is to add your own commands to the `*Gnuplot Commands*' buffer. Press `g v', then use `C-x o' to switch into that window. For example, GNUPLOT has `set label' and `set arrow' commands that allow you to annotate your plots. Since Calc doesn't understand these commands, you have to add them to the `*Gnuplot Commands*' buffer yourself, then use `g p' to replot using these new commands. Note that your commands must appear _before_ the `plot' command. To get help on any GNUPLOT feature, type, e.g., `g C help set label'. You may have to type `g C ' a few times to clear the "press return for more" or "subtopic of ..." requests. Note that Calc always sends commands (like `set nolabel') to reset all plotting parameters to the defaults before each plot, so to delete a label all you need to do is delete the `set label' line you added (or comment it out with `#') and then replot with `g p'. You can use `g q' (`calc-graph-quit') to kill the GNUPLOT process that is running. The next graphing command you give will start a fresh GNUPLOT process. The word `Graph' appears in the Calc window's mode line whenever a GNUPLOT process is currently running. The GNUPLOT process is automatically killed when you exit Emacs if you haven't killed it manually by then. The `g K' (`calc-graph-kill') command is like `g q' except that it also views the `*Gnuplot Trail*' buffer so that you can see the process being killed. This is better if you are killing GNUPLOT because you think it has gotten stuck. ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) On MS-Windows, due to the peculiarities of how the Windows version of GNUPLOT (called `wgnuplot') works, the GNUPLOT responses are not communicated back to Calc. Instead, you need to look them up in the GNUPLOT command window that is displayed as in normal interactive usage of GNUPLOT.  File: calc, Node: Kill and Yank, Next: Keypad Mode, Prev: Graphics, Up: Top 16 Kill and Yank Functions ************************** The commands in this chapter move information between the Calculator and other Emacs editing buffers. In many cases Embedded mode is an easier and more natural way to work with Calc from a regular editing buffer. *Note Embedded Mode::. * Menu: * Killing From Stack:: * Yanking Into Stack:: * Saving Into Registers:: * Inserting From Registers:: * Grabbing From Buffers:: * Yanking Into Buffers:: * X Cut and Paste::  File: calc, Node: Killing From Stack, Next: Yanking Into Stack, Prev: Kill and Yank, Up: Kill and Yank 16.1 Killing from the Stack =========================== "Kill" commands are Emacs commands that insert text into the "kill ring," from which it can later be "yanked" by a `C-y' command. Three common kill commands in normal Emacs are `C-k', which kills one line, `C-w', which kills the region between mark and point, and `M-w', which puts the region into the kill ring without actually deleting it. All of these commands work in the Calculator, too, although in the Calculator they operate on whole stack entries, so they "round up" the specified region to encompass full lines. (To copy only parts of lines, the `M-C-w' command in the Calculator will copy the region to the kill ring without any "rounding up", just like the `M-w' command in normal Emacs.) Also, `M-k' has been provided to complete the set; it puts the current line into the kill ring without deleting anything. The kill commands are unusual in that they pay attention to the location of the cursor in the Calculator buffer. If the cursor is on or below the bottom line, the kill commands operate on the top of the stack. Otherwise, they operate on whatever stack element the cursor is on. The text is copied into the kill ring exactly as it appears on the screen, including line numbers if they are enabled. A numeric prefix argument to `C-k' or `M-k' affects the number of lines killed. A positive argument kills the current line and `n-1' lines below it. A negative argument kills the `-n' lines above the current line. Again this mirrors the behavior of the standard Emacs `C-k' command. Although a whole line is always deleted, `C-k' with no argument copies only the number itself into the kill ring, whereas `C-k' with a prefix argument of 1 copies the number with its trailing newline.  File: calc, Node: Yanking Into Stack, Next: Saving Into Registers, Prev: Killing From Stack, Up: Kill and Yank 16.2 Yanking into the Stack =========================== The `C-y' command yanks the most recently killed text back into the Calculator. It pushes this value onto the top of the stack regardless of the cursor position. In general it re-parses the killed text as a number or formula (or a list of these separated by commas or newlines). However if the thing being yanked is something that was just killed from the Calculator itself, its full internal structure is yanked. For example, if you have set the floating-point display mode to show only four significant digits, then killing and re-yanking 3.14159 (which displays as 3.142) will yank the full 3.14159, even though yanking it into any other buffer would yank the number in its displayed form, 3.142. (Since the default display modes show all objects to their full precision, this feature normally makes no difference.)  File: calc, Node: Saving Into Registers, Next: Inserting From Registers, Prev: Yanking Into Stack, Up: Kill and Yank 16.3 Saving into Registers ========================== An alternative to killing and yanking stack entries is using registers in Calc. Saving stack entries in registers is like saving text in normal Emacs registers; although, like Calc's kill commands, register commands always operate on whole stack entries. Registers in Calc are places to store stack entries for later use; each register is indexed by a single character. To store the current region (rounded up, of course, to include full stack entries) into a register, use the command `r s' (`calc-copy-to-register'). You will then be prompted for a register to use, the next character you type will be the index for the register. To store the region in register R, the full command will be `r s R'. With an argument, `C-u r s R', the region being copied to the register will be deleted from the Calc buffer. It is possible to add additional stack entries to a register. The command `M-x calc-append-to-register' will prompt for a register, then add the stack entries in the region to the end of the register contents. The command `M-x calc-prepend-to-register' will similarly prompt for a register and add the stack entries in the region to the beginning of the register contents. Both commands take `C-u' arguments, which will cause the region to be deleted after being added to the register.  File: calc, Node: Inserting From Registers, Next: Grabbing From Buffers, Prev: Saving Into Registers, Up: Kill and Yank 16.4 Inserting from Registers ============================= The command `r i' (`calc-insert-register') will prompt for a register, then insert the contents of that register into the Calculator. If the contents of the register were placed there from within Calc, then the full internal structure of the contents will be inserted into the Calculator, otherwise whatever text is in the register is reparsed and then inserted into the Calculator.  File: calc, Node: Grabbing From Buffers, Next: Yanking Into Buffers, Prev: Inserting From Registers, Up: Kill and Yank 16.5 Grabbing from Other Buffers ================================ The `C-x * g' (`calc-grab-region') command takes the text between point and mark in the current buffer and attempts to parse it as a vector of values. Basically, it wraps the text in vector brackets `[ ]' unless the text already is enclosed in vector brackets, then reads the text as if it were an algebraic entry. The contents of the vector may be numbers, formulas, or any other Calc objects. If the `C-x * g' command works successfully, it does an automatic `C-x * c' to enter the Calculator buffer. A numeric prefix argument grabs the specified number of lines around point, ignoring the mark. A positive prefix grabs from point to the `n'th following newline (so that `M-1 C-x * g' grabs from point to the end of the current line); a negative prefix grabs from point back to the `n+1'st preceding newline. In these cases the text that is grabbed is exactly the same as the text that `C-k' would delete given that prefix argument. A prefix of zero grabs the current line; point may be anywhere on the line. A plain `C-u' prefix interprets the region between point and mark as a single number or formula rather than a vector. For example, `C-x * g' on the text `2 a b' produces the vector of three values `[2, a, b]', but `C-u C-x * g' on the same region reads a formula which is a product of three things: `2 a b'. (The text `a + b', on the other hand, will be grabbed as a vector of one element by plain `C-x * g' because the interpretation `[a, +, b]' would be a syntax error.) If a different language has been specified (*note Language Modes::), the grabbed text will be interpreted according to that language. The `C-x * r' (`calc-grab-rectangle') command takes the text between point and mark and attempts to parse it as a matrix. If point and mark are both in the leftmost column, the lines in between are parsed in their entirety. Otherwise, point and mark define the corners of a rectangle whose contents are parsed. Each line of the grabbed area becomes a row of the matrix. The result will actually be a vector of vectors, which Calc will treat as a matrix only if every row contains the same number of values. If a line contains a portion surrounded by square brackets (or curly braces), that portion is interpreted as a vector which becomes a row of the matrix. Any text surrounding the bracketed portion on the line is ignored. Otherwise, the entire line is interpreted as a row vector as if it were surrounded by square brackets. Leading line numbers (in the format used in the Calc stack buffer) are ignored. If you wish to force this interpretation (even if the line contains bracketed portions), give a negative numeric prefix argument to the `C-x * r' command. If you give a numeric prefix argument of zero or plain `C-u', each line is instead interpreted as a single formula which is converted into a one-element vector. Thus the result of `C-u C-x * r' will be a one-column matrix. For example, suppose one line of the data is the expression `2 a'. A plain `C-x * r' will interpret this as `[2 a]', which in turn is read as a two-element vector that forms one row of the matrix. But a `C-u C-x * r' will interpret this row as `[2*a]'. If you give a positive numeric prefix argument N, then each line will be split up into columns of width N; each column is parsed separately as a matrix element. If a line contained `2 +/- 3 4 +/- 5', then grabbing with a prefix argument of 8 would correctly split the line into two error forms. *Note Matrix Functions::, to see how to pull the matrix apart into its constituent rows and columns. (If it is a 1x1 matrix, just hit `v u' (`calc-unpack') twice.) The `C-x * :' (`calc-grab-sum-down') command is a handy way to grab a rectangle of data and sum its columns. It is equivalent to typing `C-x * r', followed by `V R : +' (the vector reduction command that sums the columns of a matrix; *note Reducing::). The result of the command will be a vector of numbers, one for each column in the input data. The `C-x * _' (`calc-grab-sum-across') command similarly grabs a rectangle and sums its rows by executing `V R _ +'. As well as being more convenient, `C-x * :' and `C-x * _' are also much faster because they don't actually place the grabbed vector on the stack. In a `C-x * r V R : +' sequence, formatting the vector for display on the stack takes a large fraction of the total time (unless you have planned ahead and used `v .' and `t .' modes). For example, suppose we have a column of numbers in a file which we wish to sum. Go to one corner of the column and press `C-@' to set the mark; go to the other corner and type `C-x * :'. Since there is only one column, the result will be a vector of one number, the sum. (You can type `v u' to unpack this vector into a plain number if you want to do further arithmetic with it.) To compute the product of the column of numbers, we would have to do it "by hand" since there's no special grab-and-multiply command. Use `C-x * r' to grab the column of numbers into the calculator in the form of a column matrix. The statistics command `u *' is a handy way to find the product of a vector or matrix of numbers. *Note Statistical Operations::. Another approach would be to use an explicit column reduction command, `V R : *'.  File: calc, Node: Yanking Into Buffers, Next: X Cut and Paste, Prev: Grabbing From Buffers, Up: Kill and Yank 16.6 Yanking into Other Buffers =============================== The plain `y' (`calc-copy-to-buffer') command inserts the number at the top of the stack into the most recently used normal editing buffer. (More specifically, this is the most recently used buffer which is displayed in a window and whose name does not begin with `*'. If there is no such buffer, this is the most recently used buffer except for Calculator and Calc Trail buffers.) The number is inserted exactly as it appears and without a newline. (If line-numbering is enabled, the line number is normally not included.) The number is _not_ removed from the stack. With a prefix argument, `y' inserts several numbers, one per line. A positive argument inserts the specified number of values from the top of the stack. A negative argument inserts the `n'th value from the top of the stack. An argument of zero inserts the entire stack. Note that `y' with an argument of 1 is slightly different from `y' with no argument; the former always copies full lines, whereas the latter strips off the trailing newline. With a lone `C-u' as a prefix argument, `y' _replaces_ the region in the other buffer with the yanked text, then quits the Calculator, leaving you in that buffer. A typical use would be to use `C-x * g' to read a region of data into the Calculator, operate on the data to produce a new matrix, then type `C-u y' to replace the original data with the new data. One might wish to alter the matrix display style (*note Vector and Matrix Formats::) or change the current display language (*note Language Modes::) before doing this. Also, note that this command replaces a linear region of text (as grabbed by `C-x * g'), not a rectangle (as grabbed by `C-x * r'). If the editing buffer is in overwrite (as opposed to insert) mode, and the `C-u' prefix was not used, then the yanked number will overwrite the characters following point rather than being inserted before those characters. The usual conventions of overwrite mode are observed; for example, characters will be inserted at the end of a line rather than overflowing onto the next line. Yanking a multi-line object such as a matrix in overwrite mode overwrites the next N lines in the buffer, lengthening or shortening each line as necessary. Finally, if the thing being yanked is a simple integer or floating-point number (like `-1.2345e-3') and the characters following point also make up such a number, then Calc will replace that number with the new number, lengthening or shortening as necessary. The concept of "overwrite mode" has thus been generalized from overwriting characters to overwriting one complete number with another. The `C-x * y' key sequence is equivalent to `y' except that it can be typed anywhere, not just in Calc. This provides an easy way to guarantee that Calc knows which editing buffer you want to use!  File: calc, Node: X Cut and Paste, Prev: Yanking Into Buffers, Up: Kill and Yank 16.7 X Cut and Paste ==================== If you are using Emacs with the X window system, there is an easier way to move small amounts of data into and out of the calculator: Use the mouse-oriented cut and paste facilities of X. The default bindings for a three-button mouse cause the left button to move the Emacs cursor to the given place, the right button to select the text between the cursor and the clicked location, and the middle button to yank the selection into the buffer at the clicked location. So, if you have a Calc window and an editing window on your Emacs screen, you can use left-click/right-click to select a number, vector, or formula from one window, then middle-click to paste that value into the other window. When you paste text into the Calc window, Calc interprets it as an algebraic entry. It doesn't matter where you click in the Calc window; the new value is always pushed onto the top of the stack. The `xterm' program that is typically used for general-purpose shell windows in X interprets the mouse buttons in the same way. So you can use the mouse to move data between Calc and any other Unix program. One nice feature of `xterm' is that a double left-click selects one word, and a triple left-click selects a whole line. So you can usually transfer a single number into Calc just by double-clicking on it in the shell, then middle-clicking in the Calc window.  File: calc, Node: Keypad Mode, Next: Embedded Mode, Prev: Kill and Yank, Up: Top 17 Keypad Mode ************** The `C-x * k' (`calc-keypad') command starts the Calculator and displays a picture of a calculator-style keypad. If you are using the X window system, you can click on any of the "keys" in the keypad using the left mouse button to operate the calculator. The original window remains the selected window; in Keypad mode you can type in your file while simultaneously performing calculations with the mouse. If you have used `C-x * b' first, `C-x * k' instead invokes the `full-calc-keypad' command, which takes over the whole Emacs screen and displays the keypad, the Calc stack, and the Calc trail all at once. This mode would normally be used when running Calc standalone (*note Standalone Operation::). If you aren't using the X window system, you must switch into the `*Calc Keypad*' window, place the cursor on the desired "key," and type or . If you think this is easier than using Calc normally, go right ahead. Calc commands are more or less the same in Keypad mode. Certain keypad keys differ slightly from the corresponding normal Calc keystrokes; all such deviations are described below. Keypad mode includes many more commands than will fit on the keypad at once. Click the right mouse button [`calc-keypad-menu'] to switch to the next menu. The bottom five rows of the keypad stay the same; the top three rows change to a new set of commands. To return to earlier menus, click the middle mouse button [`calc-keypad-menu-back'] or simply advance through the menus until you wrap around. Typing inside the keypad window is equivalent to clicking the right mouse button there. You can always click the button and type any normal Calc key sequence. This is equivalent to switching into the Calc buffer, typing the keys, then switching back to your original buffer. * Menu: * Keypad Main Menu:: * Keypad Functions Menu:: * Keypad Binary Menu:: * Keypad Vectors Menu:: * Keypad Modes Menu::  File: calc, Node: Keypad Main Menu, Next: Keypad Functions Menu, Prev: Keypad Mode, Up: Keypad Mode 17.1 Main Menu ============== |----+----+--Calc---+----+----1 |FLR |CEIL|RND |TRNC|CLN2|FLT | |----+----+----+----+----+----| | LN |EXP | |ABS |IDIV|MOD | |----+----+----+----+----+----| |SIN |COS |TAN |SQRT|y^x |1/x | |----+----+----+----+----+----| | ENTER |+/- |EEX |UNDO| <- | |-----+---+-+--+--+-+---++----| | INV | 7 | 8 | 9 | / | |-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| | HYP | 4 | 5 | 6 | * | |-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| |EXEC | 1 | 2 | 3 | - | |-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| | OFF | 0 | . | PI | + | |-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ This is the menu that appears the first time you start Keypad mode. It will show up in a vertical window on the right side of your screen. Above this menu is the traditional Calc stack display. On a 24-line screen you will be able to see the top three stack entries. The ten digit keys, decimal point, and key are used for entering numbers in the obvious way. begins entry of an exponent in scientific notation. Just as with regular Calc, the number is pushed onto the stack as soon as you press or any other function key. The <+/-> key corresponds to normal Calc's `n' key. During numeric entry it changes the sign of the number or of the exponent. At other times it changes the sign of the number on the top of the stack. The and keys modify other keys. As well as having the effects described elsewhere in this manual, Keypad mode defines several other "inverse" operations. These are described below and in the following sections. The key finishes the current numeric entry, or otherwise duplicates the top entry on the stack. The key undoes the most recent Calc operation. `INV UNDO' is the "redo" command, and `HYP UNDO' is "last arguments" (`M-'). The <<-> key acts as a "backspace" during numeric entry. At other times it removes the top stack entry. `INV <-' clears the entire stack. `HYP <-' takes an integer from the stack, then removes that many additional stack elements. The key prompts you to enter any keystroke sequence that would normally work in Calc mode. This can include a numeric prefix if you wish. It is also possible simply to switch into the Calc window and type commands in it; there is nothing "magic" about this window when Keypad mode is active. The other keys in this display perform their obvious calculator functions. rounds the top-of-stack by temporarily reducing the precision by 2 digits. converts an integer or fraction on the top of the stack to floating-point. The and keys combined with several of these keys give you access to some common functions even if the appropriate menu is not displayed. Obviously you don't need to learn these keys unless you find yourself wasting time switching among the menus. `INV +/-' is the same as <1/x>. `INV +' is the same as . `INV -' is the same as . `INV *' is the same as . `INV /' is the same as (the `x'th root of `y'). `HYP/INV 1' are the same as / `INV SIN'. `HYP/INV 2' are the same as / `INV COS'. `HYP/INV 3' are the same as / `INV TAN'. `INV/HYP 4' are the same as / `HYP LN'. `INV/HYP 5' are the same as / `HYP EXP'. `INV 6' is the same as . `INV 7' is the same as (`calc-round'). `INV 8' is the same as . `INV 9' is the same as (`calc-float'). `INV 0' is the same as . `INV .' is the same as . `INV ENTER' is the same as . `HYP ENTER' is the same as . `INV HYP ENTER' is the same as . `HYP +/-' packs the top two stack entries as an error form. `HYP EEX' packs the top two stack entries as a modulo form. `INV EEX' creates an interval form; this removes an integer which is one of 0 `[]', 1 `[)', 2 `(]' or 3 `()', followed by the two limits of the interval. The `OFF' key turns Calc off; typing `C-x * k' or `C-x * *' again has the same effect. This is analogous to typing `q' or hitting `C-x * c' again in the normal calculator. If Calc is running standalone (the `full-calc-keypad' command appeared in the command line that started Emacs), then `OFF' is replaced with `EXIT'; clicking on this actually exits Emacs itself.  File: calc, Node: Keypad Functions Menu, Next: Keypad Binary Menu, Prev: Keypad Main Menu, Up: Keypad Mode 17.2 Functions Menu =================== |----+----+----+----+----+----2 |IGAM|BETA|IBET|ERF |BESJ|BESY| |----+----+----+----+----+----| |IMAG|CONJ| RE |ATN2|RAND|RAGN| |----+----+----+----+----+----| |GCD |FACT|DFCT|BNOM|PERM|NXTP| |----+----+----+----+----+----| This menu provides various operations from the `f' and `k' prefix keys. multiplies the number on the stack by the imaginary number `i = (0, 1)'. extracts the real part a complex number. `INV RE' extracts the imaginary part. takes a number from the top of the stack and computes a random number greater than or equal to zero but less than that number. (*Note Random Numbers::.) is the "random again" command; it computes another random number using the same limit as last time. computes the LCM (least common multiple) function. is the gamma function. `gamma(x) = (x-1)!'. is the number-of-permutations function, which is on the `H k c' key in normal Calc. finds the next prime after a number. `INV NXTP' finds the previous prime.  File: calc, Node: Keypad Binary Menu, Next: Keypad Vectors Menu, Prev: Keypad Functions Menu, Up: Keypad Mode 17.3 Binary Menu ================ |----+----+----+----+----+----3 |AND | OR |XOR |NOT |LSH |RSH | |----+----+----+----+----+----| |DEC |HEX |OCT |BIN |WSIZ|ARSH| |----+----+----+----+----+----| | A | B | C | D | E | F | |----+----+----+----+----+----| The keys in this menu perform operations on binary integers. Note that both logical and arithmetic right-shifts are provided. rotates one bit to the left. The "difference" function (normally on `b d') is on . The "clip" function (normally on `b c') is on . The , , , and keys select the current radix for display and entry of numbers: Decimal, hexadecimal, octal, or binary. The six letter keys through are used for entering hexadecimal numbers. The key displays the current word size for binary operations and allows you to enter a new word size. You can respond to the prompt using either the keyboard or the digits and from the keypad. The initial word size is 32 bits.  File: calc, Node: Keypad Vectors Menu, Next: Keypad Modes Menu, Prev: Keypad Binary Menu, Up: Keypad Mode 17.4 Vectors Menu ================= |----+----+----+----+----+----4 |SUM |PROD|MAX |MAP*|MAP^|MAP$| |----+----+----+----+----+----| |MINV|MDET|MTRN|IDNT|CRSS|"x" | |----+----+----+----+----+----| |PACK|UNPK|INDX|BLD |LEN |... | |----+----+----+----+----+----| The keys in this menu operate on vectors and matrices. removes an integer N from the top of the stack; the next N stack elements are removed and packed into a vector, which is replaced onto the stack. Thus the sequence `1 ENTER 3 ENTER 5 ENTER 3 PACK' enters the vector `[1, 3, 5]' onto the stack. To enter a matrix, build each row on the stack as a vector, then use a final to collect the rows into a matrix. unpacks the vector on the stack, pushing each of its components separately. removes an integer N, then builds a vector of integers from 1 to N. `INV INDX' takes three numbers from the stack: The vector size N, the starting number, and the increment. `BLD' takes an integer N and any value X and builds a vector of N copies of X. removes an integer N, then builds an N-by-N identity matrix. replaces a vector by its length, an integer. <...> turns on or off "abbreviated" display mode for large vectors. , , , and are the matrix inverse, determinant, and transpose, and vector cross product. replaces a vector by the sum of its elements. It is equivalent to `u +' in normal Calc (*note Statistical Operations::). computes the product of the elements of a vector, and computes the maximum of all the elements of a vector. computes the alternating sum of the first element minus the second, plus the third, minus the fourth, and so on. computes the minimum of the vector elements. computes the mean of the vector elements. computes the sample standard deviation. computes the median. multiplies two vectors elementwise. It is equivalent to the `V M *' command. computes powers elementwise. The arguments must be vectors of equal length, or one must be a vector and the other must be a plain number. For example, `2 MAP^' squares all the elements of a vector. maps the formula on the top of the stack across the vector in the second-to-top position. If the formula contains several variables, Calc takes that many vectors starting at the second-to-top position and matches them to the variables in alphabetical order. The result is a vector of the same size as the input vectors, whose elements are the formula evaluated with the variables set to the various sets of numbers in those vectors. For example, you could simulate using with the formula `x^y'. The `"x"' key pushes the variable name `x' onto the stack. To build the formula `x^2 + 6', you would use the key sequence `"x" 2 y^x 6 +'. This formula would then be suitable for use with the key described above. With , , or and , the `"x"' key pushes the variable names `y', `z', and `t', respectively.  File: calc, Node: Keypad Modes Menu, Prev: Keypad Vectors Menu, Up: Keypad Mode 17.5 Modes Menu =============== |----+----+----+----+----+----5 |FLT |FIX |SCI |ENG |GRP | | |----+----+----+----+----+----| |RAD |DEG |FRAC|POLR|SYMB|PREC| |----+----+----+----+----+----| |SWAP|RLL3|RLL4|OVER|STO |RCL | |----+----+----+----+----+----| The keys in this menu manipulate modes, variables, and the stack. The , , , and keys select floating-point, fixed-point, scientific, or engineering notation. displays two digits after the decimal by default; the others display full precision. With the prefix, these keys pop a number-of-digits argument from the stack. The key turns grouping of digits with commas on or off. `INV GRP' enables grouping to the right of the decimal point as well as to the left. The and keys switch between radians and degrees for trigonometric functions. The key turns Fraction mode on or off. This affects whether commands like `/' with integer arguments produce fractional or floating-point results. The key turns Polar mode on or off, determining whether polar or rectangular complex numbers are used by default. The key turns Symbolic mode on or off, in which operations that would produce inexact floating-point results are left unevaluated as algebraic formulas. The key selects the current precision. Answer with the keyboard or with the keypad digit and keys. The key exchanges the top two stack elements. The key rotates the top three stack elements upwards. The key rotates the top four stack elements upwards. The key duplicates the second-to-top stack element. The and keys are analogous to `s t' and `s r' in regular Calc. *Note Store and Recall::. Click the or key, then one of the ten digits. (Named variables are not available in Keypad mode.) You can also use, for example, `STO + 3' to add to register 3.  File: calc, Node: Embedded Mode, Next: Programming, Prev: Keypad Mode, Up: Top 18 Embedded Mode **************** Embedded mode in Calc provides an alternative to copying numbers and formulas back and forth between editing buffers and the Calc stack. In Embedded mode, your editing buffer becomes temporarily linked to the stack and this copying is taken care of automatically. * Menu: * Basic Embedded Mode:: * More About Embedded Mode:: * Assignments in Embedded Mode:: * Mode Settings in Embedded Mode:: * Customizing Embedded Mode::  File: calc, Node: Basic Embedded Mode, Next: More About Embedded Mode, Prev: Embedded Mode, Up: Embedded Mode 18.1 Basic Embedded Mode ======================== To enter Embedded mode, position the Emacs point (cursor) on a formula in any buffer and press `C-x * e' (`calc-embedded'). Note that `C-x * e' is not to be used in the Calc stack buffer like most Calc commands, but rather in regular editing buffers that are visiting your own files. Calc will try to guess an appropriate language based on the major mode of the editing buffer. (*Note Language Modes::.) If the current buffer is in `latex-mode', for example, Calc will set its language to LaTeX. Similarly, Calc will use TeX language for `tex-mode', `plain-tex-mode' and `context-mode', C language for `c-mode' and `c++-mode', FORTRAN language for `fortran-mode' and `f90-mode', Pascal for `pascal-mode', and eqn for `nroff-mode' (*note Customizing Calc::). These can be overridden with Calc's mode changing commands (*note Mode Settings in Embedded Mode::). If no suitable language is available, Calc will continue with its current language. Calc normally scans backward and forward in the buffer for the nearest opening and closing "formula delimiters". The simplest delimiters are blank lines. Other delimiters that Embedded mode understands are: 1. The TeX and LaTeX math delimiters `$ $', `$$ $$', `\[ \]', and `\( \)'; 2. Lines beginning with `\begin' and `\end' (except matrix delimiters); 3. Lines beginning with `@' (Texinfo delimiters). 4. Lines beginning with `.EQ' and `.EN' ("eqn" delimiters); 5. Lines containing a single `%' or `.\"' symbol and nothing else. *Note Customizing Embedded Mode::, to see how to make Calc recognize your own favorite delimiters. Delimiters like `$ $' can appear on their own separate lines or in-line with the formula. If you give a positive or negative numeric prefix argument, Calc instead uses the current point as one end of the formula, and includes that many lines forward or backward (respectively, including the current line). Explicit delimiters are not necessary in this case. With a prefix argument of zero, Calc uses the current region (delimited by point and mark) instead of formula delimiters. With a prefix argument of `C-u' only, Calc uses the current line as the formula. The `C-x * w' (`calc-embedded-word') command will start Embedded mode on the current "word"; in this case Calc will scan for the first non-numeric character (i.e., the first character that is not a digit, sign, decimal point, or upper- or lower-case `e') forward and backward to delimit the formula. When you enable Embedded mode for a formula, Calc reads the text between the delimiters and tries to interpret it as a Calc formula. Calc can generally identify TeX formulas and Big-style formulas even if the language mode is wrong. If Calc can't make sense of the formula, it beeps and refuses to enter Embedded mode. But if the current language is wrong, Calc can sometimes parse the formula successfully (but incorrectly); for example, the C expression `atan(a[1])' can be parsed in Normal language mode, but the `atan' won't correspond to the built-in `arctan' function, and the `a[1]' will be interpreted as `a' times the vector `[1]'! If you press `C-x * e' or `C-x * w' to activate an embedded formula which is blank, say with the cursor on the space between the two delimiters `$ $', Calc will immediately prompt for an algebraic entry. Only one formula in one buffer can be enabled at a time. If you move to another area of the current buffer and give Calc commands, Calc turns Embedded mode off for the old formula and then tries to restart Embedded mode at the new position. Other buffers are not affected by Embedded mode. When Embedded mode begins, Calc pushes the current formula onto the stack. No Calc stack window is created; however, Calc copies the top-of-stack position into the original buffer at all times. You can create a Calc window by hand with `C-x * o' if you find you need to see the entire stack. For example, typing `C-x * e' while somewhere in the formula `n>2' in the following line enables Embedded mode on that inequality: We define $F_n = F_(n-1)+F_(n-2)$ for all $n>2$. The formula `n>2' will be pushed onto the Calc stack, and the top of stack will be copied back into the editing buffer. This means that spaces will appear around the `>' symbol to match Calc's usual display style: We define $F_n = F_(n-1)+F_(n-2)$ for all $n > 2$. No spaces have appeared around the `+' sign because it's in a different formula, one which we have not yet touched with Embedded mode. Now that Embedded mode is enabled, keys you type in this buffer are interpreted as Calc commands. At this point we might use the "commute" command `j C' to reverse the inequality. This is a selection-based command for which we first need to move the cursor onto the operator (`>' in this case) that needs to be commuted. We define $F_n = F_(n-1)+F_(n-2)$ for all $2 < n$. The `C-x * o' command is a useful way to open a Calc window without actually selecting that window. Giving this command verifies that `2 < n' is also on the Calc stack. Typing `17 ' would produce: We define $F_n = F_(n-1)+F_(n-2)$ for all $17$. with `2 < n' and `17' on the stack; typing at this point will exchange the two stack values and restore `2 < n' to the embedded formula. Even though you can't normally see the stack in Embedded mode, it is still there and it still operates in the same way. But, as with old-fashioned RPN calculators, you can only see the value at the top of the stack at any given time (unless you use `C-x * o'). Typing `C-x * e' again turns Embedded mode off. The Calc window reveals that the formula `2 < n' is automatically removed from the stack, but the `17' is not. Entering Embedded mode always pushes one thing onto the stack, and leaving Embedded mode always removes one thing. Anything else that happens on the stack is entirely your business as far as Embedded mode is concerned. If you press `C-x * e' in the wrong place by accident, it is possible that Calc will be able to parse the nearby text as a formula and will mangle that text in an attempt to redisplay it "properly" in the current language mode. If this happens, press `C-x * e' again to exit Embedded mode, then give the regular Emacs "undo" command (`C-_' or `C-x u') to put the text back the way it was before Calc edited it. Note that Calc's own Undo command (typed before you turn Embedded mode back off) will not do you any good, because as far as Calc is concerned you haven't done anything with this formula yet.  File: calc, Node: More About Embedded Mode, Next: Assignments in Embedded Mode, Prev: Basic Embedded Mode, Up: Embedded Mode 18.2 More About Embedded Mode ============================= When Embedded mode "activates" a formula, i.e., when it examines the formula for the first time since the buffer was created or loaded, Calc tries to sense the language in which the formula was written. If the formula contains any LaTeX-like `\' sequences, it is parsed (i.e., read) in LaTeX mode. If the formula appears to be written in multi-line Big mode, it is parsed in Big mode. Otherwise, it is parsed according to the current language mode. Note that Calc does not change the current language mode according the formula it reads in. Even though it can read a LaTeX formula when not in LaTeX mode, it will immediately rewrite this formula using whatever language mode is in effect. Calc's parser is unable to read certain kinds of formulas. For example, with `v ]' (`calc-matrix-brackets') you can specify matrix display styles which the parser is unable to recognize as matrices. The `d p' (`calc-show-plain') command turns on a mode in which a "plain" version of a formula is placed in front of the fully-formatted version. When Calc reads a formula that has such a plain version in front, it reads the plain version and ignores the formatted version. Plain formulas are preceded and followed by `%%%' signs by default. This notation has the advantage that the `%' character begins a comment in TeX and LaTeX, so if your formula is embedded in a TeX or LaTeX document its plain version will be invisible in the final printed copy. Certain major modes have different delimiters to ensure that the "plain" version will be in a comment for those modes, also. See *note Customizing Embedded Mode:: to see how to change the "plain" formula delimiters. There are several notations which Calc's parser for "big" formatted formulas can't yet recognize. In particular, it can't read the large symbols for `sum', `prod', and `integ', and it can't handle `=>' with the righthand argument omitted. Also, Calc won't recognize special formats you have defined with the `Z C' command (*note User-Defined Compositions::). In these cases it is important to use "plain" mode to make sure Calc will be able to read your formula later. Another example where "plain" mode is important is if you have specified a float mode with few digits of precision. Normally any digits that are computed but not displayed will simply be lost when you save and re-load your embedded buffer, but "plain" mode allows you to make sure that the complete number is present in the file as well as the rounded-down number. Embedded buffers remember active formulas for as long as they exist in Emacs memory. Suppose you have an embedded formula which is `pi' to the normal 12 decimal places, and then type `C-u 5 d n' to display only five decimal places. If you then type `d n', all 12 places reappear because the full number is still there on the Calc stack. More surprisingly, even if you exit Embedded mode and later re-enter it for that formula, typing `d n' will restore all 12 places because each buffer remembers all its active formulas. However, if you save the buffer in a file and reload it in a new Emacs session, all non-displayed digits will have been lost unless you used "plain" mode. In some applications of Embedded mode, you will want to have a sequence of copies of a formula that show its evolution as you work on it. For example, you might want to have a sequence like this in your file (elaborating here on the example from the "Getting Started" chapter): The derivative of ln(ln(x)) is (the derivative of ln(ln(x))) whose value at x = 2 is (the value) and at x = 3 is (the value) The `C-x * d' (`calc-embedded-duplicate') command is a handy way to make sequences like this. If you type `C-x * d', the formula under the cursor (which may or may not have Embedded mode enabled for it at the time) is copied immediately below and Embedded mode is then enabled for that copy. For this example, you would start with just The derivative of ln(ln(x)) and press `C-x * d' with the cursor on this formula. The result is The derivative of ln(ln(x)) ln(ln(x)) with the second copy of the formula enabled in Embedded mode. You can now press `a d x ' to take the derivative, and `C-x * d C-x * d' to make two more copies of the derivative. To complete the computations, type `3 s l x ' to evaluate the last formula, then move up to the second-to-last formula and type `2 s l x '. Finally, you would want to press `C-x * e' to exit Embedded mode, then go up and insert the necessary text in between the various formulas and numbers. The `C-x * f' (`calc-embedded-new-formula') command creates a new embedded formula at the current point. It inserts some default delimiters, which are usually just blank lines, and then does an algebraic entry to get the formula (which is then enabled for Embedded mode). This is just shorthand for typing the delimiters yourself, positioning the cursor between the new delimiters, and pressing `C-x * e'. The key sequence `C-x * '' is equivalent to `C-x * f'. The `C-x * n' (`calc-embedded-next') and `C-x * p' (`calc-embedded-previous') commands move the cursor to the next or previous active embedded formula in the buffer. They can take positive or negative prefix arguments to move by several formulas. Note that these commands do not actually examine the text of the buffer looking for formulas; they only see formulas which have previously been activated in Embedded mode. In fact, `C-x * n' and `C-x * p' are a useful way to tell which embedded formulas are currently active. Also, note that these commands do not enable Embedded mode on the next or previous formula, they just move the cursor. The `C-x * `' (`calc-embedded-edit') command edits the embedded formula at the current point as if by ``' (`calc-edit'). Embedded mode does not have to be enabled for this to work. Press `C-c C-c' to finish the edit, or `C-x k' to cancel.  File: calc, Node: Assignments in Embedded Mode, Next: Mode Settings in Embedded Mode, Prev: More About Embedded Mode, Up: Embedded Mode 18.3 Assignments in Embedded Mode ================================= The `:=' (assignment) and `=>' ("evaluates-to") operators are especially useful in Embedded mode. They allow you to make a definition in one formula, then refer to that definition in other formulas embedded in the same buffer. An embedded formula which is an assignment to a variable, as in foo := 5 records `5' as the stored value of `foo' for the purposes of Embedded mode operations in the current buffer. It does _not_ actually store `5' as the "global" value of `foo', however. Regular Calc operations, and Embedded formulas in other buffers, will not see this assignment. One way to use this assigned value is simply to create an Embedded formula elsewhere that refers to `foo', and to press `=' in that formula. However, this permanently replaces the `foo' in the formula with its current value. More interesting is to use `=>' elsewhere: foo + 7 => 12 *Note Evaluates-To Operator::, for a general discussion of `=>'. If you move back and change the assignment to `foo', any `=>' formulas which refer to it are automatically updated. foo := 17 foo + 7 => 24 The obvious question then is, _how_ can one easily change the assignment to `foo'? If you simply select the formula in Embedded mode and type 17, the assignment itself will be replaced by the 17. The effect on the other formula will be that the variable `foo' becomes unassigned: 17 foo + 7 => foo + 7 The right thing to do is first to use a selection command (`j 2' will do the trick) to select the righthand side of the assignment. Then, `17 ' will swap the 17 into place (*note Selecting Subformulas::, to see how this works). The `C-x * j' (`calc-embedded-select') command provides an easy way to operate on assignments. It is just like `C-x * e', except that if the enabled formula is an assignment, it uses `j 2' to select the righthand side. If the enabled formula is an evaluates-to, it uses `j 1' to select the lefthand side. A formula can also be a combination of both: bar := foo + 3 => 20 in which case `C-x * j' will select the middle part (`foo + 3'). The formula is automatically deselected when you leave Embedded mode. Another way to change the assignment to `foo' would simply be to edit the number using regular Emacs editing rather than Embedded mode. Then, we have to find a way to get Embedded mode to notice the change. The `C-x * u' (`calc-embedded-update-formula') command is a convenient way to do this. foo := 6 foo + 7 => 13 Pressing `C-x * u' is much like pressing `C-x * e = C-x * e', that is, temporarily enabling Embedded mode for the formula under the cursor and then evaluating it with `='. But `C-x * u' does not actually use `C-x * e', and in fact another formula somewhere else can be enabled in Embedded mode while you use `C-x * u' and that formula will not be disturbed. With a numeric prefix argument, `C-x * u' updates all active `=>' formulas in the buffer. Formulas which have not yet been activated in Embedded mode, and formulas which do not have `=>' as their top-level operator, are not affected by this. (This is useful only if you have used `m C'; see below.) With a plain `C-u' prefix, `C-u C-x * u' updates only in the region between mark and point rather than in the whole buffer. `C-x * u' is also a handy way to activate a formula, such as an `=>' formula that has freshly been typed in or loaded from a file. The `C-x * a' (`calc-embedded-activate') command scans through the current buffer and activates all embedded formulas that contain `:=' or `=>' symbols. This does not mean that Embedded mode is actually turned on, but only that the formulas' positions are registered with Embedded mode so that the `=>' values can be properly updated as assignments are changed. It is a good idea to type `C-x * a' right after loading a file that uses embedded `=>' operators. Emacs includes a nifty "buffer-local variables" feature that you can use to do this automatically. The idea is to place near the end of your file a few lines that look like this: --- Local Variables: --- --- eval:(calc-embedded-activate) --- --- End: --- where the leading and trailing `---' can be replaced by any suitable strings (which must be the same on all three lines) or omitted altogether; in a TeX or LaTeX file, `%' would be a good leading string and no trailing string would be necessary. In a C program, `/*' and `*/' would be good leading and trailing strings. When Emacs loads a file into memory, it checks for a Local Variables section like this one at the end of the file. If it finds this section, it does the specified things (in this case, running `C-x * a' automatically) before editing of the file begins. The Local Variables section must be within 3000 characters of the end of the file for Emacs to find it, and it must be in the last page of the file if the file has any page separators. *Note Local Variables in Files: (emacs)File Variables. Note that `C-x * a' does not update the formulas it finds. To do this, type, say, `M-1 C-x * u' after `C-x * a'. Generally this should not be a problem, though, because the formulas will have been up-to-date already when the file was saved. Normally, `C-x * a' activates all the formulas it finds, but any previous active formulas remain active as well. With a positive numeric prefix argument, `C-x * a' first deactivates all current active formulas, then actives the ones it finds in its scan of the buffer. With a negative prefix argument, `C-x * a' simply deactivates all formulas. Embedded mode has two symbols, `Active' and `~Active', which it puts next to the major mode name in a buffer's mode line. It puts `Active' if it has reason to believe that all formulas in the buffer are active, because you have typed `C-x * a' and Calc has not since had to deactivate any formulas (which can happen if Calc goes to update an `=>' formula somewhere because a variable changed, and finds that the formula is no longer there due to some kind of editing outside of Embedded mode). Calc puts `~Active' in the mode line if some, but probably not all, formulas in the buffer are active. This happens if you activate a few formulas one at a time but never use `C-x * a', or if you used `C-x * a' but then Calc had to deactivate a formula because it lost track of it. If neither of these symbols appears in the mode line, no embedded formulas are active in the buffer (e.g., before Embedded mode has been used, or after a `M-- C-x * a'). Embedded formulas can refer to assignments both before and after them in the buffer. If there are several assignments to a variable, the nearest preceding assignment is used if there is one, otherwise the following assignment is used. x => 1 x := 1 x => 1 x := 2 x => 2 As well as simple variables, you can also assign to subscript expressions of the form `VAR_NUMBER' (as in `x_0'), or `VAR_VAR' (as in `x_max'). Assignments to other kinds of objects can be represented by Calc, but the automatic linkage between assignments and references works only for plain variables and these two kinds of subscript expressions. If there are no assignments to a given variable, the global stored value for the variable is used (*note Storing Variables::), or, if no value is stored, the variable is left in symbolic form. Note that global stored values will be lost when the file is saved and loaded in a later Emacs session, unless you have used the `s p' (`calc-permanent-variable') command to save them; *note Operations on Variables::. The `m C' (`calc-auto-recompute') command turns automatic recomputation of `=>' forms on and off. If you turn automatic recomputation off, you will have to use `C-x * u' to update these formulas manually after an assignment has been changed. If you plan to change several assignments at once, it may be more efficient to type `m C', change all the assignments, then use `M-1 C-x * u' to update the entire buffer afterwards. The `m C' command also controls `=>' formulas on the stack; *note Evaluates-To Operator::. When you turn automatic recomputation back on, the stack will be updated but the Embedded buffer will not; you must use `C-x * u' to update the buffer by hand.  File: calc, Node: Mode Settings in Embedded Mode, Next: Customizing Embedded Mode, Prev: Assignments in Embedded Mode, Up: Embedded Mode 18.4 Mode Settings in Embedded Mode =================================== The mode settings can be changed while Calc is in embedded mode, but by default they will revert to their original values when embedded mode is ended. However, the modes saved when the mode-recording mode is `Save' (see below) and the modes in effect when the `m e' (`calc-embedded-preserve-modes') command is given will be preserved when embedded mode is ended. Embedded mode has a rather complicated mechanism for handling mode settings in Embedded formulas. It is possible to put annotations in the file that specify mode settings either global to the entire file or local to a particular formula or formulas. In the latter case, different modes can be specified for use when a formula is the enabled Embedded mode formula. When you give any mode-setting command, like `m f' (for Fraction mode) or `d s' (for scientific notation), Embedded mode adds a line like the following one to the file just before the opening delimiter of the formula. % [calc-mode: fractions: t] % [calc-mode: float-format: (sci 0)] When Calc interprets an embedded formula, it scans the text before the formula for mode-setting annotations like these and sets the Calc buffer to match these modes. Modes not explicitly described in the file are not changed. Calc scans all the way to the top of the file, or up to a line of the form % [calc-defaults] which you can insert at strategic places in the file if this backward scan is getting too slow, or just to provide a barrier between one "zone" of mode settings and another. If the file contains several annotations for the same mode, the closest one before the formula is used. Annotations after the formula are never used (except for global annotations, described below). The scan does not look for the leading `% ', only for the square brackets and the text they enclose. In fact, the leading characters are different for different major modes. You can edit the mode annotations to a style that works better in context if you wish. *Note Customizing Embedded Mode::, to see how to change the style that Calc uses when it generates the annotations. You can write mode annotations into the file yourself if you know the syntax; the easiest way to find the syntax for a given mode is to let Calc write the annotation for it once and see what it does. If you give a mode-changing command for a mode that already has a suitable annotation just above the current formula, Calc will modify that annotation rather than generating a new, conflicting one. Mode annotations have three parts, separated by colons. (Spaces after the colons are optional.) The first identifies the kind of mode setting, the second is a name for the mode itself, and the third is the value in the form of a Lisp symbol, number, or list. Annotations with unrecognizable text in the first or second parts are ignored. The third part is not checked to make sure the value is of a valid type or range; if you write an annotation by hand, be sure to give a proper value or results will be unpredictable. Mode-setting annotations are case-sensitive. While Embedded mode is enabled, the word `Local' appears in the mode line. This is to show that mode setting commands generate annotations that are "local" to the current formula or set of formulas. The `m R' (`calc-mode-record-mode') command causes Calc to generate different kinds of annotations. Pressing `m R' repeatedly cycles through the possible modes. `LocEdit' and `LocPerm' modes generate annotations that look like this, respectively: % [calc-edit-mode: float-format: (sci 0)] % [calc-perm-mode: float-format: (sci 5)] The first kind of annotation will be used only while a formula is enabled in Embedded mode. The second kind will be used only when the formula is _not_ enabled. (Whether the formula is "active" or not, i.e., whether Calc has seen this formula yet, is not relevant here.) `Global' mode generates an annotation like this at the end of the file: % [calc-global-mode: fractions t] Global mode annotations affect all formulas throughout the file, and may appear anywhere in the file. This allows you to tuck your mode annotations somewhere out of the way, say, on a new page of the file, as long as those mode settings are suitable for all formulas in the file. Enabling a formula with `C-x * e' causes a fresh scan for local mode annotations; you will have to use this after adding annotations above a formula by hand to get the formula to notice them. Updating a formula with `C-x * u' will also re-scan the local modes, but global modes are only re-scanned by `C-x * a'. Another way that modes can get out of date is if you add a local mode annotation to a formula that has another formula after it. In this example, we have used the `d s' command while the first of the two embedded formulas is active. But the second formula has not changed its style to match, even though by the rules of reading annotations the `(sci 0)' applies to it, too. % [calc-mode: float-format: (sci 0)] 1.23e2 456. We would have to go down to the other formula and press `C-x * u' on it in order to get it to notice the new annotation. Two more mode-recording modes selectable by `m R' are available which are also available outside of Embedded mode. (*note General Mode Commands::.) They are `Save', in which mode settings are recorded permanently in your Calc init file (the file given by the variable `calc-settings-file', typically `~/.calc.el') rather than by annotating the current document, and no-recording mode (where there is no symbol like `Save' or `Local' in the mode line), in which mode-changing commands do not leave any annotations at all. When Embedded mode is not enabled, mode-recording modes except for `Save' have no effect.  File: calc, Node: Customizing Embedded Mode, Prev: Mode Settings in Embedded Mode, Up: Embedded Mode 18.5 Customizing Embedded Mode ============================== You can modify Embedded mode's behavior by setting various Lisp variables described here. These variables are customizable (*note Customizing Calc::), or you can use `M-x set-variable' or `M-x edit-options' to adjust a variable on the fly. (Another possibility would be to use a file-local variable annotation at the end of the file; *note Local Variables in Files: (emacs)File Variables.) Many of the variables given mentioned here can be set to depend on the major mode of the editing buffer (*note Customizing Calc::). The `calc-embedded-open-formula' variable holds a regular expression for the opening delimiter of a formula. *Note Regular Expression Search: (emacs)Regexp Search, to see how regular expressions work. Basically, a regular expression is a pattern that Calc can search for. A regular expression that considers blank lines, `$', and `$$' to be opening delimiters is `"\\`\\|^\n\\|\\$\\$?"'. Just in case the meaning of this regular expression is not completely plain, let's go through it in detail. The surrounding `" "' marks quote the text between them as a Lisp string. If you left them off, `set-variable' or `edit-options' would try to read the regular expression as a Lisp program. The most obvious property of this regular expression is that it contains indecently many backslashes. There are actually two levels of backslash usage going on here. First, when Lisp reads a quoted string, all pairs of characters beginning with a backslash are interpreted as special characters. Here, `\n' changes to a new-line character, and `\\' changes to a single backslash. So the actual regular expression seen by Calc is `\`\|^ (newline) \|\$\$?'. Regular expressions also consider pairs beginning with backslash to have special meanings. Sometimes the backslash is used to quote a character that otherwise would have a special meaning in a regular expression, like `$', which normally means "end-of-line," or `?', which means that the preceding item is optional. So `\$\$?' matches either one or two dollar signs. The other codes in this regular expression are `^', which matches "beginning-of-line," `\|', which means "or," and `\`', which matches "beginning-of-buffer." So the whole pattern means that a formula begins at the beginning of the buffer, or on a newline that occurs at the beginning of a line (i.e., a blank line), or at one or two dollar signs. The default value of `calc-embedded-open-formula' looks just like this example, with several more alternatives added on to recognize various other common kinds of delimiters. By the way, the reason to use `^\n' rather than `^$' or `\n\n', which also would appear to match blank lines, is that the former expression actually "consumes" only one newline character as _part of_ the delimiter, whereas the latter expressions consume zero or two newlines, respectively. The former choice gives the most natural behavior when Calc must operate on a whole formula including its delimiters. See the Emacs manual for complete details on regular expressions. But just for your convenience, here is a list of all characters which must be quoted with backslash (like `\$') to avoid some special interpretation: `. * + ? [ ] ^ $ \'. (Note the backslash in this list; for example, to match `\[' you must use `"\\\\\\["'. An exercise for the reader is to account for each of these six backslashes!) The `calc-embedded-close-formula' variable holds a regular expression for the closing delimiter of a formula. A closing regular expression to match the above example would be `"\\'\\|\n$\\|\\$\\$?"'. This is almost the same as the other one, except it now uses `\'' ("end-of-buffer") and `\n$' (newline occurring at end of line, yet another way of describing a blank line that is more appropriate for this case). The `calc-embedded-word-regexp' variable holds a regular expression used to define an expression to look for (a "word") when you type `C-x * w' to enable Embedded mode. The `calc-embedded-open-plain' variable is a string which begins a "plain" formula written in front of the formatted formula when `d p' mode is turned on. Note that this is an actual string, not a regular expression, because Calc must be able to write this string into a buffer as well as to recognize it. The default string is `"%%% "' (note the trailing space), but may be different for certain major modes. The `calc-embedded-close-plain' variable is a string which ends a "plain" formula. The default is `" %%%\n"', but may be different for different major modes. Without the trailing newline here, the first line of a Big mode formula that followed might be shifted over with respect to the other lines. The `calc-embedded-open-new-formula' variable is a string which is inserted at the front of a new formula when you type `C-x * f'. Its default value is `"\n\n"'. If this string begins with a newline character and the `C-x * f' is typed at the beginning of a line, `C-x * f' will skip this first newline to avoid introducing unnecessary blank lines in the file. The `calc-embedded-close-new-formula' variable is the corresponding string which is inserted at the end of a new formula. Its default value is also `"\n\n"'. The final newline is omitted by `C-x * f' if typed at the end of a line. (It follows that if `C-x * f' is typed on a blank line, both a leading opening newline and a trailing closing newline are omitted.) The `calc-embedded-announce-formula' variable is a regular expression which is sure to be followed by an embedded formula. The `C-x * a' command searches for this pattern as well as for `=>' and `:=' operators. Note that `C-x * a' will not activate just anything surrounded by formula delimiters; after all, blank lines are considered formula delimiters by default! But if your language includes a delimiter which can only occur actually in front of a formula, you can take advantage of it here. The default pattern is `"%Embed\n\\(% .*\n\\)*"', but may be different for different major modes. This pattern will check for `%Embed' followed by any number of lines beginning with `%' and a space. This last is important to make Calc consider mode annotations part of the pattern, so that the formula's opening delimiter really is sure to follow the pattern. The `calc-embedded-open-mode' variable is a string (not a regular expression) which should precede a mode annotation. Calc never scans for this string; Calc always looks for the annotation itself. But this is the string that is inserted before the opening bracket when Calc adds an annotation on its own. The default is `"% "', but may be different for different major modes. The `calc-embedded-close-mode' variable is a string which follows a mode annotation written by Calc. Its default value is simply a newline, `"\n"', but may be different for different major modes. If you change this, it is a good idea still to end with a newline so that mode annotations will appear on lines by themselves.  File: calc, Node: Programming, Next: Copying, Prev: Embedded Mode, Up: Top 19 Programming ************** There are several ways to "program" the Emacs Calculator, depending on the nature of the problem you need to solve. 1. "Keyboard macros" allow you to record a sequence of keystrokes and play them back at a later time. This is just the standard Emacs keyboard macro mechanism, dressed up with a few more features such as loops and conditionals. 2. "Algebraic definitions" allow you to use any formula to define a new function. This function can then be used in algebraic formulas or as an interactive command. 3. "Rewrite rules" are discussed in the section on algebra commands. *Note Rewrite Rules::. If you put your rewrite rules in the variable `EvalRules', they will be applied automatically to all Calc results in just the same way as an internal "rule" is applied to evaluate `sqrt(9)' to 3 and so on. *Note Automatic Rewrites::. 4. "Lisp" is the programming language that Calc (and most of Emacs) is written in. If the above techniques aren't powerful enough, you can write Lisp functions to do anything that built-in Calc commands can do. Lisp code is also somewhat faster than keyboard macros or rewrite rules. Programming features are available through the `z' and `Z' prefix keys. New commands that you define are two-key sequences beginning with `z'. Commands for managing these definitions use the shift-`Z' prefix. (The `Z T' (`calc-timing') command is described elsewhere; *note Troubleshooting Commands::. The `Z C' (`calc-user-define-composition') command is also described elsewhere; *note User-Defined Compositions::.) * Menu: * Creating User Keys:: * Keyboard Macros:: * Invocation Macros:: * Algebraic Definitions:: * Lisp Definitions::  File: calc, Node: Creating User Keys, Next: Keyboard Macros, Prev: Programming, Up: Programming 19.1 Creating User Keys ======================= Any Calculator command may be bound to a key using the `Z D' (`calc-user-define') command. Actually, it is bound to a two-key sequence beginning with the lower-case `z' prefix. The `Z D' command first prompts for the key to define. For example, press `Z D a' to define the new key sequence `z a'. You are then prompted for the name of the Calculator command that this key should run. For example, the `calc-sincos' command is not normally available on a key. Typing `Z D s sincos ' programs the `z s' key sequence to run `calc-sincos'. This definition will remain in effect for the rest of this Emacs session, or until you redefine `z s' to be something else. You can actually bind any Emacs command to a `z' key sequence by backspacing over the `calc-' when you are prompted for the command name. As with any other prefix key, you can type `z ?' to see a list of all the two-key sequences you have defined that start with `z'. Initially, no `z' sequences (except `z ?' itself) are defined. User keys are typically letters, but may in fact be any key. (-keys are not permitted, nor are a terminal's special function keys which generate multi-character sequences when pressed.) You can define different commands on the shifted and unshifted versions of a letter if you wish. The `Z U' (`calc-user-undefine') command unbinds a user key. For example, the key sequence `Z U s' will undefine the `sincos' key we defined above. The `Z P' (`calc-user-define-permanent') command makes a key binding permanent so that it will remain in effect even in future Emacs sessions. (It does this by adding a suitable bit of Lisp code into your Calc init file; that is, the file given by the variable `calc-settings-file', typically `~/.calc.el'.) For example, `Z P s' would register our `sincos' command permanently. If you later wish to unregister this command you must edit your Calc init file by hand. (*Note General Mode Commands::, for a way to tell Calc to use a different file for the Calc init file.) The `Z P' command also saves the user definition, if any, for the command bound to the key. After `Z F' and `Z C', a given user key could invoke a command, which in turn calls an algebraic function, which might have one or more special display formats. A single `Z P' command will save all of these definitions. To save an algebraic function, type `'' (the apostrophe) when prompted for a key, and type the function name. To save a command without its key binding, type `M-x' and enter a function name. (The `calc-' prefix will automatically be inserted for you.) (If the command you give implies a function, the function will be saved, and if the function has any display formats, those will be saved, but not the other way around: Saving a function will not save any commands or key bindings associated with the function.) The `Z E' (`calc-user-define-edit') command edits the definition of a user key. This works for keys that have been defined by either keyboard macros or formulas; further details are contained in the relevant following sections.  File: calc, Node: Keyboard Macros, Next: Invocation Macros, Prev: Creating User Keys, Up: Programming 19.2 Programming with Keyboard Macros ===================================== The easiest way to "program" the Emacs Calculator is to use standard keyboard macros. Press `C-x (' to begin recording a macro. From this point on, keystrokes you type will be saved away as well as performing their usual functions. Press `C-x )' to end recording. Press shift-`X' (or the standard Emacs key sequence `C-x e') to execute your keyboard macro by replaying the recorded keystrokes. *Note Keyboard Macros: (emacs)Keyboard Macros, for further information. When you use `X' to invoke a keyboard macro, the entire macro is treated as a single command by the undo and trail features. The stack display buffer is not updated during macro execution, but is instead fixed up once the macro completes. Thus, commands defined with keyboard macros are convenient and efficient. The `C-x e' command, on the other hand, invokes the keyboard macro with no special treatment: Each command in the macro will record its own undo information and trail entry, and update the stack buffer accordingly. If your macro uses features outside of Calc's control to operate on the contents of the Calc stack buffer, or if it includes Undo, Redo, or last-arguments commands, you must use `C-x e' to make sure the buffer and undo list are up-to-date at all times. You could also consider using `K' (`calc-keep-args') instead of `M-' (`calc-last-args'). Calc extends the standard Emacs keyboard macros in several ways. Keyboard macros can be used to create user-defined commands. Keyboard macros can include conditional and iteration structures, somewhat analogous to those provided by a traditional programmable calculator. * Menu: * Naming Keyboard Macros:: * Conditionals in Macros:: * Loops in Macros:: * Local Values in Macros:: * Queries in Macros::  File: calc, Node: Naming Keyboard Macros, Next: Conditionals in Macros, Prev: Keyboard Macros, Up: Keyboard Macros 19.2.1 Naming Keyboard Macros ----------------------------- Once you have defined a keyboard macro, you can bind it to a `z' key sequence with the `Z K' (`calc-user-define-kbd-macro') command. This command prompts first for a key, then for a command name. For example, if you type `C-x ( n n C-x )' you will define a keyboard macro which negates the top two numbers on the stack ( swaps the top two stack elements). Now you can type `Z K n ' to define this keyboard macro onto the `z n' key sequence. The default command name (if you answer the second prompt with just the key as in this example) will be something like `calc-User-n'. The keyboard macro will now be available as both `z n' and `M-x calc-User-n'. You can backspace and enter a more descriptive command name if you wish. Macros defined by `Z K' act like single commands; they are executed in the same way as by the `X' key. If you wish to define the macro as a standard no-frills Emacs macro (to be executed as if by `C-x e'), give a negative prefix argument to `Z K'. Once you have bound your keyboard macro to a key, you can use `Z P' to register it permanently with Emacs. *Note Creating User Keys::. The `Z E' (`calc-user-define-edit') command on a key that has been defined by a keyboard macro tries to use the `edmacro' package edit the macro. Type `C-c C-c' to finish editing and update the definition stored on the key, or, to cancel the edit, kill the buffer with `C-x k'. The special characters `RET', `LFD', `TAB', `SPC', `DEL', and `NUL' must be entered as these three character sequences, written in all uppercase, as must the prefixes `C-' and `M-'. Spaces and line breaks are ignored. Other characters are copied verbatim into the keyboard macro. Basically, the notation is the same as is used in all of this manual's examples, except that the manual takes some liberties with spaces: When we say `' [1 2 3] ', we take it for granted that it is clear we really mean `' [1 2 3] '. The `C-x * m' (`read-kbd-macro') command reads an Emacs "region" of spelled-out keystrokes and defines it as the current keyboard macro. It is a convenient way to define a keyboard macro that has been stored in a file, or to define a macro without executing it at the same time.  File: calc, Node: Conditionals in Macros, Next: Loops in Macros, Prev: Naming Keyboard Macros, Up: Keyboard Macros 19.2.2 Conditionals in Keyboard Macros -------------------------------------- The `Z [' (`calc-kbd-if') and `Z ]' (`calc-kbd-end-if') commands allow you to put simple tests in a keyboard macro. When Calc sees the `Z [', it pops an object from the stack and, if the object is a non-zero value, continues executing keystrokes. But if the object is zero, or if it is not provably nonzero, Calc skips ahead to the matching `Z ]' keystroke. *Note Logical Operations::, for a set of commands for performing tests which conveniently produce 1 for true and 0 for false. For example, ` 0 a < Z [ n Z ]' implements an absolute-value function in the form of a keyboard macro. This macro duplicates the number on the top of the stack, pushes zero and compares using `a <' (`calc-less-than'), then, if the number was less than zero, executes `n' (`calc-change-sign'). Otherwise, the change-sign command is skipped. To program this macro, type `C-x (', type the above sequence of keystrokes, then type `C-x )'. Note that the keystrokes will be executed while you are making the definition as well as when you later re-execute the macro by typing `X'. Thus you should make sure a suitable number is on the stack before defining the macro so that you don't get a stack-underflow error during the definition process. Conditionals can be nested arbitrarily. However, there should be exactly one `Z ]' for each `Z [' in a keyboard macro. The `Z :' (`calc-kbd-else') command allows you to choose between two keystroke sequences. The general format is `COND Z [ THEN-PART Z : ELSE-PART Z ]'. If COND is true (i.e., if the top of stack contains a non-zero number after COND has been executed), the THEN-PART will be executed and the ELSE-PART will be skipped. Otherwise, the THEN-PART will be skipped and the ELSE-PART will be executed. The `Z |' (`calc-kbd-else-if') command allows you to choose between any number of alternatives. For example, `COND1 Z [ PART1 Z : COND2 Z | PART2 Z : PART3 Z ]' will execute PART1 if COND1 is true, otherwise it will execute PART2 if COND2 is true, otherwise it will execute PART3. More precisely, `Z [' pops a number and conditionally skips to the next matching `Z :' or `Z ]' key. `Z ]' has no effect when actually executed. `Z :' skips to the next matching `Z ]'. `Z |' pops a number and conditionally skips to the next matching `Z :' or `Z ]'; thus, `Z [' and `Z |' are functionally equivalent except that `Z [' participates in nesting but `Z |' does not. Calc's conditional and looping constructs work by scanning the keyboard macro for occurrences of character sequences like `Z:' and `Z]'. One side-effect of this is that if you use these constructs you must be careful that these character pairs do not occur by accident in other parts of the macros. Since Calc rarely uses shift-`Z' for any purpose except as a prefix character, this is not likely to be a problem. Another side-effect is that it will not work to define your own custom key bindings for these commands. Only the standard shift-`Z' bindings will work correctly. If Calc gets stuck while skipping characters during the definition of a macro, type `Z C-g' to cancel the definition. (Typing plain `C-g' actually adds a `C-g' keystroke to the macro.)  File: calc, Node: Loops in Macros, Next: Local Values in Macros, Prev: Conditionals in Macros, Up: Keyboard Macros 19.2.3 Loops in Keyboard Macros ------------------------------- The `Z <' (`calc-kbd-repeat') and `Z >' (`calc-kbd-end-repeat') commands pop a number from the stack, which must be an integer, then repeat the keystrokes between the brackets the specified number of times. If the integer is zero or negative, the body is skipped altogether. For example, `1 Z < 2 * Z >' computes two to a nonnegative integer power. First, we push 1 on the stack and then swap the integer argument back to the top. The `Z <' pops that argument leaving the 1 back on top of the stack. Then, we repeat a multiply-by-two step however many times. Once again, the keyboard macro is executed as it is being entered. In this case it is especially important to set up reasonable initial conditions before making the definition: Suppose the integer 1000 just happened to be sitting on the stack before we typed the above definition! Another approach is to enter a harmless dummy definition for the macro, then go back and edit in the real one with a `Z E' command. Yet another approach is to type the macro as written-out keystroke names in a buffer, then use `C-x * m' (`read-kbd-macro') to read the macro. The `Z /' (`calc-kbd-break') command allows you to break out of a keyboard macro loop prematurely. It pops an object from the stack; if that object is true (a non-zero number), control jumps out of the innermost enclosing `Z <' ... `Z >' loop and continues after the `Z >'. If the object is false, the `Z /' has no effect. Thus `COND Z /' is similar to `if (COND) break;' in the C language. The `Z (' (`calc-kbd-for') and `Z )' (`calc-kbd-end-for') commands are similar to `Z <' and `Z >', except that they make the value of the counter available inside the loop. The general layout is `INIT FINAL Z ( BODY STEP Z )'. The `Z (' command pops initial and final values from the stack. It then creates a temporary internal counter and initializes it with the value INIT. The `Z (' command then repeatedly pushes the counter value onto the stack and executes BODY and STEP, adding STEP to the counter each time until the loop finishes. By default, the loop finishes when the counter becomes greater than (or less than) FINAL, assuming INITIAL is less than (greater than) FINAL. If INITIAL is equal to FINAL, the body executes exactly once. The body of the loop always executes at least once. For example, `0 1 10 Z ( 2 ^ + 1 Z )' computes the sum of the squares of the integers from 1 to 10, in steps of 1. If you give a numeric prefix argument of 1 to `Z (', the loop is forced to use upward-counting conventions. In this case, if INITIAL is greater than FINAL the body will not be executed at all. Note that STEP may still be negative in this loop; the prefix argument merely constrains the loop-finished test. Likewise, a prefix argument of -1 forces downward-counting conventions. The `Z {' (`calc-kbd-loop') and `Z }' (`calc-kbd-end-loop') commands are similar to `Z <' and `Z >', except that they do not pop a count from the stack--they effectively create an infinite loop. Every `Z {' ... `Z }' loop ought to include at least one `Z /' to make sure the loop doesn't run forever. (If any error message occurs which causes Emacs to beep, the keyboard macro will also be halted; this is a standard feature of Emacs. You can also generally press `C-g' to halt a running keyboard macro, although not all versions of Unix support this feature.) The conditional and looping constructs are not actually tied to keyboard macros, but they are most often used in that context. For example, the keystrokes `10 Z < 23 Z >' push ten copies of 23 onto the stack. This can be typed "live" just as easily as in a macro definition. *Note Conditionals in Macros::, for some additional notes about conditional and looping commands.  File: calc, Node: Local Values in Macros, Next: Queries in Macros, Prev: Loops in Macros, Up: Keyboard Macros 19.2.4 Local Values in Macros ----------------------------- Keyboard macros sometimes want to operate under known conditions without affecting surrounding conditions. For example, a keyboard macro may wish to turn on Fraction mode, or set a particular precision, independent of the user's normal setting for those modes. Macros also sometimes need to use local variables. Assignments to local variables inside the macro should not affect any variables outside the macro. The `Z `' (`calc-kbd-push') and `Z '' (`calc-kbd-pop') commands give you both of these capabilities. When you type `Z `' (with a backquote or accent grave character), the values of various mode settings are saved away. The ten "quick" variables `q0' through `q9' are also saved. When you type `Z '' (with an apostrophe), these values are restored. Pairs of `Z `' and `Z '' commands may be nested. If a keyboard macro halts due to an error in between a `Z `' and a `Z '', the saved values will be restored correctly even though the macro never reaches the `Z '' command. Thus you can use `Z `' and `Z '' without having to worry about what happens in exceptional conditions. If you type `Z `' "live" (not in a keyboard macro), Calc puts you into a "recursive edit." You can tell you are in a recursive edit because there will be extra square brackets in the mode line, as in `[(Calculator)]'. These brackets will go away when you type the matching `Z '' command. The modes and quick variables will be saved and restored in just the same way as if actual keyboard macros were involved. The modes saved by `Z `' and `Z '' are the current precision and binary word size, the angular mode (Deg, Rad, or HMS), the simplification mode, Algebraic mode, Symbolic mode, Infinite mode, Matrix or Scalar mode, Fraction mode, and the current complex mode (Polar or Rectangular). The ten "quick" variables' values (or lack thereof) are also saved. Most mode-setting commands act as toggles, but with a numeric prefix they force the mode either on (positive prefix) or off (negative or zero prefix). Since you don't know what the environment might be when you invoke your macro, it's best to use prefix arguments for all mode-setting commands inside the macro. In fact, `C-u Z `' is like `Z `' except that it sets the modes listed above to their default values. As usual, the matching `Z '' will restore the modes to their settings from before the `C-u Z `'. Also, `Z `' with a negative prefix argument resets the algebraic mode to its default (off) but leaves the other modes the same as they were outside the construct. The contents of the stack and trail, values of non-quick variables, and other settings such as the language mode and the various display modes, are _not_ affected by `Z `' and `Z ''.  File: calc, Node: Queries in Macros, Prev: Local Values in Macros, Up: Keyboard Macros 19.2.5 Queries in Keyboard Macros --------------------------------- The `Z #' (`calc-kbd-query') command prompts for an algebraic entry which takes its input from the keyboard, even during macro execution. All the normal conventions of algebraic input, including the use of `$' characters, are supported. The prompt message itself is taken from the top of the stack, and so must be entered (as a string) before the `Z #' command. (Recall, as a string it can be entered by pressing the `"' key and will appear as a vector when it is put on the stack. The prompt message is only put on the stack to provide a prompt for the `Z #' command; it will not play any role in any subsequent calculations.) This command allows your keyboard macros to accept numbers or formulas as interactive input. As an example, `2 "Power: " Z # 3 ^' will prompt for input with "Power: " in the minibuffer, then return 2 to the provided power. (The response to the prompt that's given, 3 in this example, will not be part of the macro.) *Note Keyboard Macro Query: (emacs)Keyboard Macro Query, for a description of `C-x q' (`kbd-macro-query'), the standard Emacs way to accept keyboard input during a keyboard macro. In particular, you can use `C-x q' to enter a recursive edit, which allows the user to perform any Calculator operations interactively before pressing `C-M-c' to return control to the keyboard macro.  File: calc, Node: Invocation Macros, Next: Algebraic Definitions, Prev: Keyboard Macros, Up: Programming 19.3 Invocation Macros ====================== Calc provides one special keyboard macro, called up by `C-x * z' (`calc-user-invocation'), that is intended to allow you to define your own special way of starting Calc. To define this "invocation macro," create the macro in the usual way with `C-x (' and `C-x )', then type `Z I' (`calc-user-define-invocation'). There is only one invocation macro, so you don't need to type any additional letters after `Z I'. From now on, you can type `C-x * z' at any time to execute your invocation macro. For example, suppose you find yourself often grabbing rectangles of numbers into Calc and multiplying their columns. You can do this by typing `C-x * r' to grab, and `V R : *' to multiply columns. To make this into an invocation macro, just type `C-x ( C-x * r V R : * C-x )', then `Z I'. Then, to multiply a rectangle of data, just mark the data in its buffer in the usual way and type `C-x * z'. Invocation macros are treated like regular Emacs keyboard macros; all the special features described above for `Z K'-style macros do not apply. `C-x * z' is just like `C-x e', except that it uses the macro that was last stored by `Z I'. (In fact, the macro does not even have to have anything to do with Calc!) The `m m' command saves the last invocation macro defined by `Z I' along with all the other Calc mode settings. *Note General Mode Commands::.  File: calc, Node: Algebraic Definitions, Next: Lisp Definitions, Prev: Invocation Macros, Up: Programming 19.4 Programming with Formulas ============================== Another way to create a new Calculator command uses algebraic formulas. The `Z F' (`calc-user-define-formula') command stores the formula at the top of the stack as the definition for a key. This command prompts for five things: The key, the command name, the function name, the argument list, and the behavior of the command when given non-numeric arguments. For example, suppose we type `' a+2b ' to push the formula `a + 2*b' onto the stack. We now type `Z F m' to define this formula on the `z m' key sequence. The next prompt is for a command name, beginning with `calc-', which should be the long (`M-x') form for the new command. If you simply press , a default name like `calc-User-m' will be constructed. In our example, suppose we enter `spam ' to define the new command as `calc-spam'. If you want to give the formula a long-style name only, you can press or when asked which single key to use. For example `Z F spam ' defines the new command as `M-x calc-spam', with no keyboard equivalent. The third prompt is for an algebraic function name. The default is to use the same name as the command name but without the `calc-' prefix. (If this is of the form `User-m', the hyphen is removed so it won't be taken for a minus sign in algebraic formulas.) This is the name you will use if you want to enter your new function in an algebraic formula. Suppose we enter `yow '. Then the new function can be invoked by pushing two numbers on the stack and typing `z m' or `x spam', or by entering the algebraic formula `yow(x,y)'. The fourth prompt is for the function's argument list. This is used to associate values on the stack with the variables that appear in the formula. The default is a list of all variables which appear in the formula, sorted into alphabetical order. In our case, the default would be `(a b)'. This means that, when the user types `z m', the Calculator will remove two numbers from the stack, substitute these numbers for `a' and `b' (respectively) in the formula, then simplify the formula and push the result on the stack. In other words, `10 100 z m' would replace the 10 and 100 on the stack with the number 210, which is `a + 2 b' with `a=10' and `b=100'. Likewise, the formula `yow(10, 100)' will be evaluated by substituting `a=10' and `b=100' in the definition. You can rearrange the order of the names before pressing to control which stack positions go to which variables in the formula. If you remove a variable from the argument list, that variable will be left in symbolic form by the command. Thus using an argument list of `(b)' for our function would cause `10 z m' to replace the 10 on the stack with the formula `a + 20'. If we had used an argument list of `(b a)', the result with inputs 10 and 100 would have been 120. You can also put a nameless function on the stack instead of just a formula, as in `'. *Note Specifying Operators::. In this example, the command will be defined by the formula `a + 2 b' using the argument list `(a b)'. The final prompt is a y-or-n question concerning what to do if symbolic arguments are given to your function. If you answer `y', then executing `z m' (using the original argument list `(a b)') with arguments `10' and `x' will leave the function in symbolic form, i.e., `yow(10,x)'. On the other hand, if you answer `n', then the formula will always be expanded, even for non-constant arguments: `10 + 2 x'. If you never plan to feed algebraic formulas to your new function, it doesn't matter how you answer this question. If you answered `y' to this question you can still cause a function call to be expanded by typing `a "' (`calc-expand-formula'). Also, Calc will expand the function if necessary when you take a derivative or integral or solve an equation involving the function. Once you have defined a formula on a key, you can retrieve this formula with the `Z G' (`calc-user-define-get-defn') command. Press a key, and this command pushes the formula that was used to define that key onto the stack. Actually, it pushes a nameless function that specifies both the argument list and the defining formula. You will get an error message if the key is undefined, or if the key was not defined by a `Z F' command. The `Z E' (`calc-user-define-edit') command on a key that has been defined by a formula uses a variant of the `calc-edit' command to edit the defining formula. Press `C-c C-c' to finish editing and store the new formula back in the definition, or kill the buffer with `C-x k' to cancel the edit. (The argument list and other properties of the definition are unchanged; to adjust the argument list, you can use `Z G' to grab the function onto the stack, edit with ``', and then re-execute the `Z F' command.) As usual, the `Z P' command records your definition permanently. In this case it will permanently record all three of the relevant definitions: the key, the command, and the function. You may find it useful to turn off the default simplifications with `m O' (`calc-no-simplify-mode') when entering a formula to be used as a function definition. For example, the formula `deriv(a^2,v)' which might be used to define a new function `dsqr(a,v)' will be "simplified" to 0 immediately upon entry since `deriv' considers `a' to be constant with respect to `v'. Turning off default simplifications cures this problem: The definition will be stored in symbolic form without ever activating the `deriv' function. Press `m D' to turn the default simplifications back on afterwards.  File: calc, Node: Lisp Definitions, Prev: Algebraic Definitions, Up: Programming 19.5 Programming with Lisp ========================== The Calculator can be programmed quite extensively in Lisp. All you do is write a normal Lisp function definition, but with `defmath' in place of `defun'. This has the same form as `defun', but it automagically replaces calls to standard Lisp functions like `+' and `zerop' with calls to the corresponding functions in Calc's own library. Thus you can write natural-looking Lisp code which operates on all of the standard Calculator data types. You can then use `Z D' if you wish to bind your new command to a `z'-prefix key sequence. The `Z E' command will not edit a Lisp-based definition. Emacs Lisp is described in the GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual. This section assumes a familiarity with Lisp programming concepts; if you do not know Lisp, you may find keyboard macros or rewrite rules to be an easier way to program the Calculator. This section first discusses ways to write commands, functions, or small programs to be executed inside of Calc. Then it discusses how your own separate programs are able to call Calc from the outside. Finally, there is a list of internal Calc functions and data structures for the true Lisp enthusiast. * Menu: * Defining Functions:: * Defining Simple Commands:: * Defining Stack Commands:: * Argument Qualifiers:: * Example Definitions:: * Calling Calc from Your Programs:: * Internals::  File: calc, Node: Defining Functions, Next: Defining Simple Commands, Prev: Lisp Definitions, Up: Lisp Definitions 19.5.1 Defining New Functions ----------------------------- The `defmath' function (actually a Lisp macro) is like `defun' except that code in the body of the definition can make use of the full range of Calculator data types. The prefix `calcFunc-' is added to the specified name to get the actual Lisp function name. As a simple example, (defmath myfact (n) (if (> n 0) (* n (myfact (1- n))) 1)) This actually expands to the code, (defun calcFunc-myfact (n) (if (math-posp n) (math-mul n (calcFunc-myfact (math-add n -1))) 1)) This function can be used in algebraic expressions, e.g., `myfact(5)'. The `myfact' function as it is defined above has the bug that an expression `myfact(a+b)' will be simplified to 1 because the formula `a+b' is not considered to be `posp'. A robust factorial function would be written along the following lines: (defmath myfact (n) (if (> n 0) (* n (myfact (1- n))) (if (= n 0) 1 nil))) ; this could be simplified as: (and (= n 0) 1) If a function returns `nil', it is left unsimplified by the Calculator (except that its arguments will be simplified). Thus, `myfact(a+1+2)' will be simplified to `myfact(a+3)' but no further. Beware that every time the Calculator reexamines this formula it will attempt to resimplify it, so your function ought to detect the returning-`nil' case as efficiently as possible. The following standard Lisp functions are treated by `defmath': `+', `-', `*', `/', `%', `^' or `expt', `=', `<', `>', `<=', `>=', `/=', `1+', `1-', `logand', `logior', `logxor', `logandc2', `lognot'. Also, `~=' is an abbreviation for `math-nearly-equal', which is useful in implementing Taylor series. For other functions FUNC, if a function by the name `calcFunc-FUNC' exists it is used, otherwise if a function by the name `math-FUNC' exists it is used, otherwise if FUNC itself is defined as a function it is used, otherwise `calcFunc-FUNC' is used on the assumption that this is a to-be-defined math function. Also, if the function name is quoted as in `('integerp a)' the function name is always used exactly as written (but not quoted). Variable names have `var-' prepended to them unless they appear in the function's argument list or in an enclosing `let', `let*', `for', or `foreach' form, or their names already contain a `-' character. Thus a reference to `foo' is the same as a reference to `var-foo'. A few other Lisp extensions are available in `defmath' definitions: * The `elt' function accepts any number of index variables. Note that Calc vectors are stored as Lisp lists whose first element is the symbol `vec'; thus, `(elt v 2)' yields the second element of vector `v', and `(elt m i j)' yields one element of a Calc matrix. * The `setq' function has been extended to act like the Common Lisp `setf' function. (The name `setf' is recognized as a synonym of `setq'.) Specifically, the first argument of `setq' can be an `nth', `elt', `car', or `cdr' form, in which case the effect is to store into the specified element of a list. Thus, `(setq (elt m i j) x)' stores `x' into one element of a matrix. * A `for' looping construct is available. For example, `(for ((i 0 10)) body)' executes `body' once for each binding of `i' from zero to 10. This is like a `let' form in that `i' is temporarily bound to the loop count without disturbing its value outside the `for' construct. Nested loops, as in `(for ((i 0 10) (j 0 (1- i) 2)) body)', are also available. For each value of `i' from zero to 10, `j' counts from 0 to `i-1' in steps of two. Note that `for' has the same general outline as `let*', except that each element of the header is a list of three or four things, not just two. * The `foreach' construct loops over elements of a list. For example, `(foreach ((x (cdr v))) body)' executes `body' with `x' bound to each element of Calc vector `v' in turn. The purpose of `cdr' here is to skip over the initial `vec' symbol in the vector. * The `break' function breaks out of the innermost enclosing `while', `for', or `foreach' loop. If given a value, as in `(break x)', this value is returned by the loop. (Lisp loops otherwise always return `nil'.) * The `return' function prematurely returns from the enclosing function. For example, `(return (+ x y))' returns `x+y' as the value of a function. You can use `return' anywhere inside the body of the function. Non-integer numbers (and extremely large integers) cannot be included directly into a `defmath' definition. This is because the Lisp reader will fail to parse them long before `defmath' ever gets control. Instead, use the notation, `:"3.1415"'. In fact, any algebraic formula can go between the quotes. For example, (defmath sqexp (x) ; sqexp(x) == sqrt(exp(x)) == exp(x*0.5) (and (numberp x) (exp :"x * 0.5"))) expands to (defun calcFunc-sqexp (x) (and (math-numberp x) (calcFunc-exp (math-mul x '(float 5 -1))))) Note the use of `numberp' as a guard to ensure that the argument is a number first, returning `nil' if not. The exponential function could itself have been included in the expression, if we had preferred: `:"exp(x * 0.5)"'. As another example, the multiplication-and-recursion step of `myfact' could have been written :"n * myfact(n-1)" A good place to put your `defmath' commands is your Calc init file (the file given by `calc-settings-file', typically `~/.calc.el'), which will not be loaded until Calc starts. If a file named `.emacs' exists in your home directory, Emacs reads and executes the Lisp forms in this file as it starts up. While it may seem reasonable to put your favorite `defmath' commands there, this has the unfortunate side-effect that parts of the Calculator must be loaded in to process the `defmath' commands whether or not you will actually use the Calculator! If you want to put the `defmath' commands there (for example, if you redefine `calc-settings-file' to be `.emacs'), a better effect can be had by writing (put 'calc-define 'thing '(progn (defmath ... ) (defmath ... ) )) The `put' function adds a "property" to a symbol. Each Lisp symbol has a list of properties associated with it. Here we add a property with a name of `thing' and a `(progn ...)' form as its value. When Calc starts up, and at the start of every Calc command, the property list for the symbol `calc-define' is checked and the values of any properties found are evaluated as Lisp forms. The properties are removed as they are evaluated. The property names (like `thing') are not used; you should choose something like the name of your project so as not to conflict with other properties. The net effect is that you can put the above code in your `.emacs' file and it will not be executed until Calc is loaded. Or, you can put that same code in another file which you load by hand either before or after Calc itself is loaded. The properties of `calc-define' are evaluated in the same order that they were added. They can assume that the Calc modules `calc.el', `calc-ext.el', and `calc-macs.el' have been fully loaded, and that the `*Calculator*' buffer will be the current buffer. If your `calc-define' property only defines algebraic functions, you can be sure that it will have been evaluated before Calc tries to call your function, even if the file defining the property is loaded after Calc is loaded. But if the property defines commands or key sequences, it may not be evaluated soon enough. (Suppose it defines the new command `tweak-calc'; the user can load your file, then type `M-x tweak-calc' before Calc has had chance to do anything.) To protect against this situation, you can put (run-hooks 'calc-check-defines) at the end of your file. The `calc-check-defines' function is what looks for and evaluates properties on `calc-define'; `run-hooks' has the advantage that it is quietly ignored if `calc-check-defines' is not yet defined because Calc has not yet been loaded. Examples of things that ought to be enclosed in a `calc-define' property are `defmath' calls, `define-key' calls that modify the Calc key map, and any calls that redefine things defined inside Calc. Ordinary `defun's need not be enclosed with `calc-define'.  File: calc, Node: Defining Simple Commands, Next: Defining Stack Commands, Prev: Defining Functions, Up: Lisp Definitions 19.5.2 Defining New Simple Commands ----------------------------------- If a `defmath' form contains an `interactive' clause, it defines a Calculator command. Actually such a `defmath' results in _two_ function definitions: One, a `calcFunc-' function as was just described, with the `interactive' clause removed. Two, a `calc-' function with a suitable `interactive' clause and some sort of wrapper to make the command work in the Calc environment. In the simple case, the `interactive' clause has the same form as for normal Emacs Lisp commands: (defmath increase-precision (delta) "Increase precision by DELTA." ; This is the "documentation string" (interactive "p") ; Register this as a M-x-able command (setq calc-internal-prec (+ calc-internal-prec delta))) This expands to the pair of definitions, (defun calc-increase-precision (delta) "Increase precision by DELTA." (interactive "p") (calc-wrapper (setq calc-internal-prec (math-add calc-internal-prec delta)))) (defun calcFunc-increase-precision (delta) "Increase precision by DELTA." (setq calc-internal-prec (math-add calc-internal-prec delta))) where in this case the latter function would never really be used! Note that since the Calculator stores small integers as plain Lisp integers, the `math-add' function will work just as well as the native `+' even when the intent is to operate on native Lisp integers. The `calc-wrapper' call invokes a macro which surrounds the body of the function with code that looks roughly like this: (let ((calc-command-flags nil)) (unwind-protect (save-current-buffer (calc-select-buffer) _body of function_ _renumber stack_ _clear_ Working _message_) _realign cursor and window_ _clear Inverse, Hyperbolic, and Keep Args flags_ _update Emacs mode line_)) The `calc-select-buffer' function selects the `*Calculator*' buffer if necessary, say, because the command was invoked from inside the `*Calc Trail*' window. You can call, for example, `(calc-set-command-flag 'no-align)' to set the above-mentioned command flags. Calc routines recognize the following command flags: `renum-stack' Stack line numbers `1:', `2:', and so on must be renumbered after this command completes. This is set by routines like `calc-push'. `clear-message' Calc should call `(message "")' if this command completes normally (to clear a "Working..." message out of the echo area). `no-align' Do not move the cursor back to the `.' top-of-stack marker. `position-point' Use the variables `calc-position-point-line' and `calc-position-point-column' to position the cursor after this command finishes. `keep-flags' Do not clear `calc-inverse-flag', `calc-hyperbolic-flag', and `calc-keep-args-flag' at the end of this command. `do-edit' Switch to buffer `*Calc Edit*' after this command. `hold-trail' Do not move trail pointer to end of trail when something is recorded there. Calc reserves a special prefix key, shift-`Y', for user-written extensions to Calc. There are no built-in commands that work with this prefix key; you must call `define-key' from Lisp (probably from inside a `calc-define' property) to add to it. Initially only `Y ?' is defined; it takes help messages from a list of strings (initially `nil') in the variable `calc-Y-help-msgs'. All other undefined keys except for `Y' are reserved for use by future versions of Calc. If you are writing a Calc enhancement which you expect to give to others, it is best to minimize the number of `Y'-key sequences you use. In fact, if you have more than one key sequence you should consider defining three-key sequences with a `Y', then a key that stands for your package, then a third key for the particular command within your package. Users may wish to install several Calc enhancements, and it is possible that several enhancements will choose to use the same key. In the example below, a variable `inc-prec-base-key' has been defined to contain the key that identifies the `inc-prec' package. Its value is initially `"P"', but a user can change this variable if necessary without having to modify the file. Here is a complete file, `inc-prec.el', which makes a `Y P I' command that increases the precision, and a `Y P D' command that decreases the precision. ;;; Increase and decrease Calc precision. Dave Gillespie, 5/31/91. ;; (Include copyright or copyleft stuff here.) (defvar inc-prec-base-key "P" "Base key for inc-prec.el commands.") (put 'calc-define 'inc-prec '(progn (define-key calc-mode-map (format "Y%sI" inc-prec-base-key) 'increase-precision) (define-key calc-mode-map (format "Y%sD" inc-prec-base-key) 'decrease-precision) (setq calc-Y-help-msgs (cons (format "%s + Inc-prec, Dec-prec" inc-prec-base-key) calc-Y-help-msgs)) (defmath increase-precision (delta) "Increase precision by DELTA." (interactive "p") (setq calc-internal-prec (+ calc-internal-prec delta))) (defmath decrease-precision (delta) "Decrease precision by DELTA." (interactive "p") (setq calc-internal-prec (- calc-internal-prec delta))) )) ; end of calc-define property (run-hooks 'calc-check-defines)  File: calc, Node: Defining Stack Commands, Next: Argument Qualifiers, Prev: Defining Simple Commands, Up: Lisp Definitions 19.5.3 Defining New Stack-Based Commands ---------------------------------------- To define a new computational command which takes and/or leaves arguments on the stack, a special form of `interactive' clause is used. (interactive NUM TAG) where NUM is an integer, and TAG is a string. The effect is to pop NUM values off the stack, resimplify them by calling `calc-normalize', and hand them to your function according to the function's argument list. Your function may include `&optional' and `&rest' parameters, so long as calling the function with NUM parameters is valid. Your function must return either a number or a formula in a form acceptable to Calc, or a list of such numbers or formulas. These value(s) are pushed onto the stack when the function completes. They are also recorded in the Calc Trail buffer on a line beginning with TAG, a string of (normally) four characters or less. If you omit TAG or use `nil' as a tag, the result is not recorded in the trail. As an example, the definition (defmath myfact (n) "Compute the factorial of the integer at the top of the stack." (interactive 1 "fact") (if (> n 0) (* n (myfact (1- n))) (and (= n 0) 1))) is a version of the factorial function shown previously which can be used as a command as well as an algebraic function. It expands to (defun calc-myfact () "Compute the factorial of the integer at the top of the stack." (interactive) (calc-slow-wrapper (calc-enter-result 1 "fact" (cons 'calcFunc-myfact (calc-top-list-n 1))))) (defun calcFunc-myfact (n) "Compute the factorial of the integer at the top of the stack." (if (math-posp n) (math-mul n (calcFunc-myfact (math-add n -1))) (and (math-zerop n) 1))) The `calc-slow-wrapper' function is a version of `calc-wrapper' that automatically puts up a `Working...' message before the computation begins. (This message can be turned off by the user with an `m w' (`calc-working') command.) The `calc-top-list-n' function returns a list of the specified number of values from the top of the stack. It resimplifies each value by calling `calc-normalize'. If its argument is zero it returns an empty list. It does not actually remove these values from the stack. The `calc-enter-result' function takes an integer NUM and string TAG as described above, plus a third argument which is either a Calculator data object or a list of such objects. These objects are resimplified and pushed onto the stack after popping the specified number of values from the stack. If TAG is non-`nil', the values being pushed are also recorded in the trail. Note that if `calcFunc-myfact' returns `nil' this represents "leave the function in symbolic form." To return an actual empty list, in the sense that `calc-enter-result' will push zero elements back onto the stack, you should return the special value `'(nil)', a list containing the single symbol `nil'. The `interactive' declaration can actually contain a limited Emacs-style code string as well which comes just before NUM and TAG. Currently the only Emacs code supported is `"p"', as in (defmath foo (a b &optional c) (interactive "p" 2 "foo") BODY) In this example, the command `calc-foo' will evaluate the expression `foo(a,b)' if executed with no argument, or `foo(a,b,n)' if executed with a numeric prefix argument of `n'. The other code string allowed is `"m"' (unrelated to the usual `"m"' code as used with `defun'). It uses the numeric prefix argument as the number of objects to remove from the stack and pass to the function. In this case, the integer NUM serves as a default number of arguments to be used when no prefix is supplied.  File: calc, Node: Argument Qualifiers, Next: Example Definitions, Prev: Defining Stack Commands, Up: Lisp Definitions 19.5.4 Argument Qualifiers -------------------------- Anywhere a parameter name can appear in the parameter list you can also use an "argument qualifier". Thus the general form of a definition is: (defmath NAME (PARAM PARAM... &optional PARAM PARAM... &rest PARAM) BODY) where each PARAM is either a symbol or a list of the form (QUAL PARAM) The following qualifiers are recognized: `complete' The argument must not be an incomplete vector, interval, or complex number. (This is rarely needed since the Calculator itself will never call your function with an incomplete argument. But there is nothing stopping your own Lisp code from calling your function with an incomplete argument.) `integer' The argument must be an integer. If it is an integer-valued float it will be accepted but converted to integer form. Non-integers and formulas are rejected. `natnum' Like `integer', but the argument must be non-negative. `fixnum' Like `integer', but the argument must fit into a native Lisp integer, which on most systems means less than 2^23 in absolute value. The argument is converted into Lisp-integer form if necessary. `float' The argument is converted to floating-point format if it is a number or vector. If it is a formula it is left alone. (The argument is never actually rejected by this qualifier.) `PRED' The argument must satisfy predicate PRED, which is one of the standard Calculator predicates. *Note Predicates::. `not-PRED' The argument must _not_ satisfy predicate PRED. For example, (defmath foo (a (constp (not-matrixp b)) &optional (float c) &rest (integer d)) BODY) expands to (defun calcFunc-foo (a b &optional c &rest d) (and (math-matrixp b) (math-reject-arg b 'not-matrixp)) (or (math-constp b) (math-reject-arg b 'constp)) (and c (setq c (math-check-float c))) (setq d (mapcar 'math-check-integer d)) BODY) which performs the necessary checks and conversions before executing the body of the function.  File: calc, Node: Example Definitions, Next: Calling Calc from Your Programs, Prev: Argument Qualifiers, Up: Lisp Definitions 19.5.5 Example Definitions -------------------------- This section includes some Lisp programming examples on a larger scale. These programs make use of some of the Calculator's internal functions; *note Internals::. * Menu: * Bit Counting Example:: * Sine Example::  File: calc, Node: Bit Counting Example, Next: Sine Example, Prev: Example Definitions, Up: Example Definitions Bit-Counting ..................... Calc does not include a built-in function for counting the number of "one" bits in a binary integer. It's easy to invent one using `b u' to convert the integer to a set, and `V #' to count the elements of that set; let's write a function that counts the bits without having to create an intermediate set. (defmath bcount ((natnum n)) (interactive 1 "bcnt") (let ((count 0)) (while (> n 0) (if (oddp n) (setq count (1+ count))) (setq n (lsh n -1))) count)) When this is expanded by `defmath', it will become the following Emacs Lisp function: (defun calcFunc-bcount (n) (setq n (math-check-natnum n)) (let ((count 0)) (while (math-posp n) (if (math-oddp n) (setq count (math-add count 1))) (setq n (calcFunc-lsh n -1))) count)) If the input numbers are large, this function involves a fair amount of arithmetic. A binary right shift is essentially a division by two; recall that Calc stores integers in decimal form so bit shifts must involve actual division. To gain a bit more efficiency, we could divide the integer into N-bit chunks, each of which can be handled quickly because they fit into Lisp integers. It turns out that Calc's arithmetic routines are especially fast when dividing by an integer less than 1000, so we can set N = 9 bits and use repeated division by 512: (defmath bcount ((natnum n)) (interactive 1 "bcnt") (let ((count 0)) (while (not (fixnump n)) (let ((qr (idivmod n 512))) (setq count (+ count (bcount-fixnum (cdr qr))) n (car qr)))) (+ count (bcount-fixnum n)))) (defun bcount-fixnum (n) (let ((count 0)) (while (> n 0) (setq count (+ count (logand n 1)) n (lsh n -1))) count)) Note that the second function uses `defun', not `defmath'. Because this function deals only with native Lisp integers ("fixnums"), it can use the actual Emacs `+' and related functions rather than the slower but more general Calc equivalents which `defmath' uses. The `idivmod' function does an integer division, returning both the quotient and the remainder at once. Again, note that while it might seem that `(logand n 511)' and `(lsh n -9)' are more efficient ways to split off the bottom nine bits of `n', actually they are less efficient because each operation is really a division by 512 in disguise; `idivmod' allows us to do the same thing with a single division by 512.  File: calc, Node: Sine Example, Prev: Bit Counting Example, Up: Example Definitions The Sine Function .......................... A somewhat limited sine function could be defined as follows, using the well-known Taylor series expansion for `sin(x)': (defmath mysin ((float (anglep x))) (interactive 1 "mysn") (setq x (to-radians x)) ; Convert from current angular mode. (let ((sum x) ; Initial term of Taylor expansion of sin. newsum (nfact 1) ; "nfact" equals "n" factorial at all times. (xnegsqr :"-(x^2)")) ; "xnegsqr" equals -x^2. (for ((n 3 100 2)) ; Upper limit of 100 is a good precaution. (working "mysin" sum) ; Display "Working" message, if enabled. (setq nfact (* nfact (1- n) n) x (* x xnegsqr) newsum (+ sum (/ x nfact))) (if (~= newsum sum) ; If newsum is "nearly equal to" sum, (break)) ; then we are done. (setq sum newsum)) sum)) The actual `sin' function in Calc works by first reducing the problem to a sine or cosine of a nonnegative number less than `pi/4'. This ensures that the Taylor series will converge quickly. Also, the calculation is carried out with two extra digits of precision to guard against cumulative round-off in `sum'. Finally, complex arguments are allowed and handled by a separate algorithm. (defmath mysin ((float (scalarp x))) (interactive 1 "mysn") (setq x (to-radians x)) ; Convert from current angular mode. (with-extra-prec 2 ; Evaluate with extra precision. (cond ((complexp x) (mysin-complex x)) ((< x 0) (- (mysin-raw (- x))) ; Always call mysin-raw with x >= 0. (t (mysin-raw x)))))) (defmath mysin-raw (x) (cond ((>= x 7) (mysin-raw (% x (two-pi)))) ; Now x < 7. ((> x (pi-over-2)) (- (mysin-raw (- x (pi))))) ; Now -pi/2 <= x <= pi/2. ((> x (pi-over-4)) (mycos-raw (- x (pi-over-2)))) ; Now -pi/2 <= x <= pi/4. ((< x (- (pi-over-4))) (- (mycos-raw (+ x (pi-over-2))))) ; Now -pi/4 <= x <= pi/4, (t (mysin-series x)))) ; so the series will be efficient. where `mysin-complex' is an appropriate function to handle complex numbers, `mysin-series' is the routine to compute the sine Taylor series as before, and `mycos-raw' is a function analogous to `mysin-raw' for cosines. The strategy is to ensure that `x' is nonnegative before calling `mysin-raw'. This function then recursively reduces its argument to a suitable range, namely, plus-or-minus `pi/4'. Note that each test, and particularly the first comparison against 7, is designed so that small roundoff errors cannot produce an infinite loop. (Suppose we compared with `(two-pi)' instead; if due to roundoff problems the modulo operator ever returned `(two-pi)' exactly, an infinite recursion could result!) We use modulo only for arguments that will clearly get reduced, knowing that the next rule will catch any reductions that this rule misses. If a program is being written for general use, it is important to code it carefully as shown in this second example. For quick-and-dirty programs, when you know that your own use of the sine function will never encounter a large argument, a simpler program like the first one shown is fine.  File: calc, Node: Calling Calc from Your Programs, Next: Internals, Prev: Example Definitions, Up: Lisp Definitions 19.5.6 Calling Calc from Your Lisp Programs ------------------------------------------- A later section (*note Internals::) gives a full description of Calc's internal Lisp functions. It's not hard to call Calc from inside your programs, but the number of these functions can be daunting. So Calc provides one special "programmer-friendly" function called `calc-eval' that can be made to do just about everything you need. It's not as fast as the low-level Calc functions, but it's much simpler to use! It may seem that `calc-eval' itself has a daunting number of options, but they all stem from one simple operation. In its simplest manifestation, `(calc-eval "1+2")' parses the string `"1+2"' as if it were a Calc algebraic entry and returns the result formatted as a string: `"3"'. Since `calc-eval' is on the list of recommended `autoload' functions, you don't need to make any special preparations to load Calc before calling `calc-eval' the first time. Calc will be loaded and initialized for you. All the Calc modes that are currently in effect will be used when evaluating the expression and formatting the result. Additional Arguments to `calc-eval' ............................................ If the input string parses to a list of expressions, Calc returns the results separated by `", "'. You can specify a different separator by giving a second string argument to `calc-eval': `(calc-eval "1+2,3+4" ";")' returns `"3;7"'. The "separator" can also be any of several Lisp symbols which request other behaviors from `calc-eval'. These are discussed one by one below. You can give additional arguments to be substituted for `$', `$$', and so on in the main expression. For example, `(calc-eval "$/$$" nil "7" "1+1")' evaluates the expression `"7/(1+1)"' to yield the result `"3.5"' (assuming Fraction mode is not in effect). Note the `nil' used as a placeholder for the item-separator argument. Error Handling ....................... If `calc-eval' encounters an error, it returns a list containing the character position of the error, plus a suitable message as a string. Note that `1 / 0' is _not_ an error by Calc's standards; it simply returns the string `"1 / 0"' which is the division left in symbolic form. But `(calc-eval "1/")' will return the list `(2 "Expected a number")'. If you bind the variable `calc-eval-error' to `t' using a `let' form surrounding the call to `calc-eval', errors instead call the Emacs `error' function which aborts to the Emacs command loop with a beep and an error message. If you bind this variable to the symbol `string', error messages are returned as strings instead of lists. The character position is ignored. As a courtesy to other Lisp code which may be using Calc, be sure to bind `calc-eval-error' using `let' rather than changing it permanently with `setq'. Numbers Only ..................... Sometimes it is preferable to treat `1 / 0' as an error rather than returning a symbolic result. If you pass the symbol `num' as the second argument to `calc-eval', results that are not constants are treated as errors. The error message reported is the first `calc-why' message if there is one, or otherwise "Number expected." A result is "constant" if it is a number, vector, or other object that does not include variables or function calls. If it is a vector, the components must themselves be constants. Default Modes ...................... If the first argument to `calc-eval' is a list whose first element is a formula string, then `calc-eval' sets all the various Calc modes to their default values while the formula is evaluated and formatted. For example, the precision is set to 12 digits, digit grouping is turned off, and the Normal language mode is used. This same principle applies to the other options discussed below. If the first argument would normally be X, then it can also be the list `(X)' to use the default mode settings. If there are other elements in the list, they are taken as variable-name/value pairs which override the default mode settings. Look at the documentation at the front of the `calc.el' file to find the names of the Lisp variables for the various modes. The mode settings are restored to their original values when `calc-eval' is done. For example, `(calc-eval '("$+$$" calc-internal-prec 8) 'num a b)' computes the sum of two numbers, requiring a numeric result, and using default mode settings except that the precision is 8 instead of the default of 12. It's usually best to use this form of `calc-eval' unless your program actually considers the interaction with Calc's mode settings to be a feature. This will avoid all sorts of potential "gotchas"; consider what happens with `(calc-eval "sqrt(2)" 'num)' when the user has left Calc in Symbolic mode or No-Simplify mode. As another example, `(equal (calc-eval '("$<$$") nil a b) "1")' checks if the number in string `a' is less than the one in string `b'. Without using a list, the integer 1 might come out in a variety of formats which would be hard to test for conveniently: `"1"', `"8#1"', `"00001"'. (But see "Predicates" mode, below.) Raw Numbers .................... Normally all input and output for `calc-eval' is done with strings. You can do arithmetic with, say, `(calc-eval "$+$$" nil a b)' in place of `(+ a b)', but this is very inefficient since the numbers must be converted to and from string format as they are passed from one `calc-eval' to the next. If the separator is the symbol `raw', the result will be returned as a raw Calc data structure rather than a string. You can read about how these objects look in the following sections, but usually you can treat them as "black box" objects with no important internal structure. There is also a `rawnum' symbol, which is a combination of `raw' (returning a raw Calc object) and `num' (signaling an error if that object is not a constant). You can pass a raw Calc object to `calc-eval' in place of a string, either as the formula itself or as one of the `$' arguments. Thus `(calc-eval "$+$$" 'raw a b)' is an addition function that operates on raw Calc objects. Of course in this case it would be easier to call the low-level `math-add' function in Calc, if you can remember its name. In particular, note that a plain Lisp integer is acceptable to Calc as a raw object. (All Lisp integers are accepted on input, but integers of more than six decimal digits are converted to "big-integer" form for output. *Note Data Type Formats::.) When it comes time to display the object, just use `(calc-eval a)' to format it as a string. It is an error if the input expression evaluates to a list of values. The separator symbol `list' is like `raw' except that it returns a list of one or more raw Calc objects. Note that a Lisp string is not a valid Calc object, nor is a list containing a string. Thus you can still safely distinguish all the various kinds of error returns discussed above. Predicates ................... If the separator symbol is `pred', the result of the formula is treated as a true/false value; `calc-eval' returns `t' or `nil', respectively. A value is considered "true" if it is a non-zero number, or false if it is zero or if it is not a number. For example, `(calc-eval "$<$$" 'pred a b)' tests whether one value is less than another. As usual, it is also possible for `calc-eval' to return one of the error indicators described above. Lisp will interpret such an indicator as "true" if you don't check for it explicitly. If you wish to have an error register as "false", use something like `(eq (calc-eval ...) t)'. Variable Values ........................ Variables in the formula passed to `calc-eval' are not normally replaced by their values. If you wish this, you can use the `evalv' function (*note Algebraic Manipulation::). For example, if 4 is stored in Calc variable `a' (i.e., in Lisp variable `var-a'), then `(calc-eval "a+pi")' will return the formula `"a + pi"', but `(calc-eval "evalv(a+pi)")' will return `"7.14159265359"'. To store in a Calc variable, just use `setq' to store in the corresponding Lisp variable. (This is obtained by prepending `var-' to the Calc variable name.) Calc routines will understand either string or raw form values stored in variables, although raw data objects are much more efficient. For example, to increment the Calc variable `a': (setq var-a (calc-eval "evalv(a+1)" 'raw)) Stack Access ..................... If the separator symbol is `push', the formula argument is evaluated (with possible `$' expansions, as usual). The result is pushed onto the Calc stack. The return value is `nil' (unless there is an error from evaluating the formula, in which case the return value depends on `calc-eval-error' in the usual way). If the separator symbol is `pop', the first argument to `calc-eval' must be an integer instead of a string. That many values are popped from the stack and thrown away. A negative argument deletes the entry at that stack level. The return value is the number of elements remaining in the stack after popping; `(calc-eval 0 'pop)' is a good way to measure the size of the stack. If the separator symbol is `top', the first argument to `calc-eval' must again be an integer. The value at that stack level is formatted as a string and returned. Thus `(calc-eval 1 'top)' returns the top-of-stack value. If the integer is out of range, `nil' is returned. The separator symbol `rawtop' is just like `top' except that the stack entry is returned as a raw Calc object instead of as a string. In all of these cases the first argument can be made a list in order to force the default mode settings, as described above. Thus `(calc-eval '(2 calc-number-radix 16) 'top)' returns the second-to-top stack entry, formatted as a string using the default instead of current display modes, except that the radix is hexadecimal instead of decimal. It is, of course, polite to put the Calc stack back the way you found it when you are done, unless the user of your program is actually expecting it to affect the stack. Note that you do not actually have to switch into the `*Calculator*' buffer in order to use `calc-eval'; it temporarily switches into the stack buffer if necessary. Keyboard Macros ........................ If the separator symbol is `macro', the first argument must be a string of characters which Calc can execute as a sequence of keystrokes. This switches into the Calc buffer for the duration of the macro. For example, `(calc-eval "vx5\rVR+" 'macro)' pushes the vector `[1,2,3,4,5]' on the stack and then replaces it with the sum of those numbers. Note that `\r' is the Lisp notation for the carriage-return, , character. If your keyboard macro wishes to pop the stack, `\C-d' is safer than `\177' (the character) because some installations may have switched the meanings of and `C-h'. Calc always interprets `C-d' as a synonym for "pop-stack" regardless of key mapping. If you provide a third argument to `calc-eval', evaluation of the keyboard macro will leave a record in the Trail using that argument as a tag string. Normally the Trail is unaffected. The return value in this case is always `nil'. Lisp Evaluation ......................... Finally, if the separator symbol is `eval', then the Lisp `eval' function is called on the first argument, which must be a Lisp expression rather than a Calc formula. Remember to quote the expression so that it is not evaluated until inside `calc-eval'. The difference from plain `eval' is that `calc-eval' switches to the Calc buffer before evaluating the expression. For example, `(calc-eval '(setq calc-internal-prec 17) 'eval)' will correctly affect the buffer-local Calc precision variable. An alternative would be `(calc-eval '(calc-precision 17) 'eval)'. This is evaluating a call to the function that is normally invoked by the `p' key, giving it 17 as its "numeric prefix argument." Note that this function will leave a message in the echo area as a side effect. Also, all Calc functions switch to the Calc buffer automatically if not invoked from there, so the above call is also equivalent to `(calc-precision 17)' by itself. In all cases, Calc uses `save-excursion' to switch back to your original buffer when it is done. As usual the first argument can be a list that begins with a Lisp expression to use default instead of current mode settings. The result of `calc-eval' in this usage is just the result returned by the evaluated Lisp expression. Example ................. Here is a sample Emacs command that uses `calc-eval'. Suppose you have a document with lots of references to temperatures on the Fahrenheit scale, say "98.6 F", and you wish to convert these references to Centigrade. The following command does this conversion. Place the Emacs cursor right after the letter "F" and invoke the command to change "98.6 F" to "37 C". Or, if the temperature is already in Centigrade form, the command changes it back to Fahrenheit. (defun convert-temp () (interactive) (save-excursion (re-search-backward "[^-.0-9]\\([-.0-9]+\\) *\\([FC]\\)") (let* ((top1 (match-beginning 1)) (bot1 (match-end 1)) (number (buffer-substring top1 bot1)) (top2 (match-beginning 2)) (bot2 (match-end 2)) (type (buffer-substring top2 bot2))) (if (equal type "F") (setq type "C" number (calc-eval "($ - 32)*5/9" nil number)) (setq type "F" number (calc-eval "$*9/5 + 32" nil number))) (goto-char top2) (delete-region top2 bot2) (insert-before-markers type) (goto-char top1) (delete-region top1 bot1) (if (string-match "\\.$" number) ; change "37." to "37" (setq number (substring number 0 -1))) (insert number)))) Note the use of `insert-before-markers' when changing between "F" and "C", so that the character winds up before the cursor instead of after it.  File: calc, Node: Internals, Prev: Calling Calc from Your Programs, Up: Lisp Definitions 19.5.7 Calculator Internals --------------------------- This section describes the Lisp functions defined by the Calculator that may be of use to user-written Calculator programs (as described in the rest of this chapter). These functions are shown by their names as they conventionally appear in `defmath'. Their full Lisp names are generally gotten by prepending `calcFunc-' or `math-' to their apparent names. (Names that begin with `calc-' are already in their full Lisp form.) You can use the actual full names instead if you prefer them, or if you are calling these functions from regular Lisp. The functions described here are scattered throughout the various Calc component files. Note that `calc.el' includes `autoload's for only a few component files; when Calc wants to call an advanced function it calls `(calc-extensions)' first; this function autoloads `calc-ext.el', which in turn autoloads all the functions in the remaining component files. Because `defmath' itself uses the extensions, user-written code generally always executes with the extensions already loaded, so normally you can use any Calc function and be confident that it will be autoloaded for you when necessary. If you are doing something special, check carefully to make sure each function you are using is from `calc.el' or its components, and call `(calc-extensions)' before using any function based in `calc-ext.el' if you can't prove this file will already be loaded. * Menu: * Data Type Formats:: * Interactive Lisp Functions:: * Stack Lisp Functions:: * Predicates:: * Computational Lisp Functions:: * Vector Lisp Functions:: * Symbolic Lisp Functions:: * Formatting Lisp Functions:: * Hooks::  File: calc, Node: Data Type Formats, Next: Interactive Lisp Functions, Prev: Internals, Up: Internals Data Type Formats .......................... Integers are stored in either of two ways, depending on their magnitude. Integers less than one million in absolute value are stored as standard Lisp integers. This is the only storage format for Calc data objects which is not a Lisp list. Large integers are stored as lists of the form `(bigpos D0 D1 D2 ...)' for positive integers 1000000 or more, or `(bigneg D0 D1 D2 ...)' for negative integers -1000000 or less. Each D is a base-1000 "digit," a Lisp integer from 0 to 999. The least significant digit is D0; the last digit, DN, which is always nonzero, is the most significant digit. For example, the integer -12345678 is stored as `(bigneg 678 345 12)'. The distinction between small and large integers is entirely hidden from the user. In `defmath' definitions, the Lisp predicate `integerp' returns true for either kind of integer, and in general both big and small integers are accepted anywhere the word "integer" is used in this manual. If the distinction must be made, native Lisp integers are called "fixnums" and large integers are called "bignums". Fractions are stored as a list of the form, `(frac N D)' where N is an integer (big or small) numerator, D is an integer denominator greater than one, and N and D are relatively prime. Note that fractions where D is one are automatically converted to plain integers by all math routines; fractions where D is negative are normalized by negating the numerator and denominator. Floating-point numbers are stored in the form, `(float MANT EXP)', where MANT (the "mantissa") is an integer less than `10^P' in absolute value (P represents the current precision), and EXP (the "exponent") is a fixnum. The value of the float is `MANT * 10^EXP'. For example, the number -3.14 is stored as `(float -314 -2) = -314*10^-2'. Other constraints are that the number 0.0 is always stored as `(float 0 0)', and, except for the 0.0 case, the rightmost base-10 digit of MANT is always nonzero. (If the rightmost digit is zero, the number is rearranged by dividing MANT by ten and incrementing EXP.) Rectangular complex numbers are stored in the form `(cplx RE IM)', where RE and IM are each real numbers, either integers, fractions, or floats. The value is `RE + IMi'. The IM part is nonzero; complex numbers with zero imaginary components are converted to real numbers automatically. Polar complex numbers are stored in the form `(polar R THETA)', where R is a positive real value and THETA is a real value or HMS form representing an angle. This angle is usually normalized to lie in the interval `(-180 .. 180)' degrees, or `(-pi .. pi)' radians, according to the current angular mode. If the angle is 0 the value is converted to a real number automatically. (If the angle is 180 degrees, the value is usually also converted to a negative real number.) Hours-minutes-seconds forms are stored as `(hms H M S)', where H is an integer or an integer-valued float (i.e., a float with `EXP >= 0'), M is an integer or integer-valued float in the range `[0 .. 60)', and S is any real number in the range `[0 .. 60)'. Date forms are stored as `(date N)', where N is a real number that counts days since midnight on the morning of January 1, 1 AD. If N is an integer, this is a pure date form. If N is a fraction or float, this is a date/time form. Modulo forms are stored as `(mod N M)', where M is a positive real number or HMS form, and N is a real number or HMS form in the range `[0 .. M)'. Error forms are stored as `(sdev X SIGMA)', where X is the mean value and SIGMA is the standard deviation. Each component is either a number, an HMS form, or a symbolic object (a variable or function call). If SIGMA is zero, the value is converted to a plain real number. If SIGMA is negative or complex, it is automatically normalized to be a positive real. Interval forms are stored as `(intv MASK LO HI)', where MASK is one of the integers 0, 1, 2, or 3, and LO and HI are real numbers, HMS forms, or symbolic objects. The MASK is a binary integer where 1 represents the fact that the interval is closed on the high end, and 2 represents the fact that it is closed on the low end. (Thus 3 represents a fully closed interval.) The interval `(intv 3 X X)' is converted to the plain number X; intervals `(intv MASK X X)' for any other MASK represent empty intervals. If HI is less than LO, the interval is converted to a standard empty interval by replacing HI with LO. Vectors are stored as `(vec V1 V2 ...)', where V1 is the first element of the vector, V2 is the second, and so on. An empty vector is stored as `(vec)'. A matrix is simply a vector where all V's are themselves vectors of equal lengths. Note that Calc vectors are unrelated to the Emacs Lisp "vector" type, which is generally unused by Calc data structures. Variables are stored as `(var NAME SYM)', where NAME is a Lisp symbol whose print name is used as the visible name of the variable, and SYM is a Lisp symbol in which the variable's value is actually stored. Thus, `(var pi var-pi)' represents the special constant `pi'. Almost always, the form is `(var V var-V)'. If the variable name was entered with `#' signs (which are converted to hyphens internally), the form is `(var U V)', where U is a symbol whose name contains `#' characters, and V is a symbol that contains `-' characters instead. The value of a variable is the Calc object stored in its SYM symbol's value cell. If the symbol's value cell is void or if it contains `nil', the variable has no value. Special constants have the form `(special-const VALUE)' stored in their value cell, where VALUE is a formula which is evaluated when the constant's value is requested. Variables which represent units are not stored in any special way; they are units only because their names appear in the units table. If the value cell contains a string, it is parsed to get the variable's value when the variable is used. A Lisp list with any other symbol as the first element is a function call. The symbols `+', `-', `*', `/', `%', `^', and `|' represent special binary operators; these lists are always of the form `(OP LHS RHS)' where LHS is the sub-formula on the lefthand side and RHS is the sub-formula on the right. The symbol `neg' represents unary negation; this list is always of the form `(neg ARG)'. Any other symbol FUNC represents a function that would be displayed in function-call notation; the symbol FUNC is in general always of the form `calcFunc-NAME'. The function cell of the symbol FUNC should contain a Lisp function for evaluating a call to FUNC. This function is passed the remaining elements of the list (themselves already evaluated) as arguments; such functions should return `nil' or call `reject-arg' to signify that they should be left in symbolic form, or they should return a Calc object which represents their value, or a list of such objects if they wish to return multiple values. (The latter case is allowed only for functions which are the outer-level call in an expression whose value is about to be pushed on the stack; this feature is considered obsolete and is not used by any built-in Calc functions.)