;; Quail package `chinese-qj' -*- coding:chinese-iso-8bit-unix; byte-compile-disable-print-circle:t; -*- ;; Generated by the command `titdic-convert' ;; Date: Wed Feb 2 16:25:54 2011 ;; Original TIT dictionary file: QJ.tit ;;; Comment: ;; Byte-compile this file again after any modification. ;;; Start of the header of original TIT dictionary. ;; # HANZI input table for cxterm ;; # To be used by cxterm, convert me to .cit format first ;; # .cit version 2 ;; ENCODE: GB ;; AUTOSELECT: YES ;; PROMPT: 汉字输入∷全角∷ ;; # ;; COMMENT Copyright 1991 by Yongguang Zhang. (ygz@cs.purdue.edu) ;; COMMENT Permission to use/modify/copy for any purpose is hereby granted. ;; COMMENT Absolutely no warranties. ;; # define keys ;; VALIDINPUTKEY: \040!"\043$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMN ;; VALIDINPUTKEY: OPQRSTUVWXYZ[\134]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ ;; # the following line must not be removed ;; BEGINDICTIONARY ;;; End of the header of original TIT dictionary. ;;; Code: (require 'quail) (quail-define-package "chinese-qj" "Chinese-GB" "全G" t "汉字输入∷全角∷ Copyright 1991 by Yongguang Zhang. (ygz@cs.purdue.edu) Permission to use/modify/copy for any purpose is hereby granted. Absolutely no warranties. " '(("\C-?" . quail-delete-last-char) ("." . quail-next-translation) (">" . quail-next-translation) ("," . quail-prev-translation) ("<" . quail-prev-translation)) nil nil nil nil) (quail-define-rules (" " " ") ("!" "!") ("\"" """) ("#" "#") ("$" "¥") ("%" "%") ("&" "&") ("'" "'") ("(" "(") (")" ")") ("*" "*") ("+" "+") ("," ",") ("-" "-") ("." ".") ("/" "/") ("0" "0") ("1" "1") ("2" "2") ("3" "3") ("4" "4") ("5" "5") ("6" "6") ("7" "7") ("8" "8") ("9" "9") (":" ":") (";" ";") ("<" "<") ("=" "=") (">" ">") ("?" "?") ("@" "@") ("A" "A") ("B" "B") ("C" "C") ("D" "D") ("E" "E") ("F" "F") ("G" "G") ("H" "H") ("I" "I") ("J" "J") ("K" "K") ("L" "L") ("M" "M") ("N" "N") ("O" "O") ("P" "P") ("Q" "Q") ("R" "R") ("S" "S") ("T" "T") ("U" "U") ("V" "V") ("W" "W") ("X" "X") ("Y" "Y") ("Z" "Z") ("[" "[") ("\\" "\") ("]" "]") ("^" "^") ("_" "_") ("`" "`") ("a" "a") ("b" "b") ("c" "c") ("d" "d") ("e" "e") ("f" "f") ("g" "g") ("h" "h") ("i" "i") ("j" "j") ("k" "k") ("l" "l") ("m" "m") ("n" "n") ("o" "o") ("p" "p") ("q" "q") ("r" "r") ("s" "s") ("t" "t") ("u" "u") ("v" "v") ("w" "w") ("x" "x") ("y" "y") ("z" "z") ("{" "{") ("|" "|") ("}" "}") ("~" " ̄") )