#!/usr/local/bin/perl -T ######### # Author: Magnus Manske (mm6@sanger.ac.uk) # Group: Team 112 # package settings ; require Exporter; use warnings ; use strict ; use AutoLoader qw(AUTOLOAD); our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw( $execpath $datapath $genome_file $webroot $docroot $htmlpath $tooltitle $reference_fa $cgi_path $annotation_file $snp_file $robots_flag $use_db_index_cutoff $uniqueness_file $use_mysql $mysql_server $mysql_port $mysql_user $mysql_password @mysql_dbs %lscolor $ls_max_lines $bam_ftp $reference_ftp $render_image_command $css_file $paranoia_mode ); # Tool title our $tooltitle = 'LookSeq' ; # The local file path to the CGI files our $execpath = "/home/xianggan/bin/"; # The local file path to the directory containing the data (alignment databases, reference sequence etc.) our $datapath = "/data/mus/bams/inbred/"; # The local file path to the HTML/JavaScript/i18n files our $htmlpath = "/data/www/mus/"; # The full URL of the directory containing the HTML/JavaScript/i18n files our $webroot = "http://mus.well.ox.ac.uk/mus/"; # The full URL of the directory containing the Perl files (this one, for example) our $cgi_path = 'http://mus.well.ox.ac.uk/mus/cgi'; # The file name of the reference sequence in FASTA format. The file must be in the $datapath directory our $genome_file = 'chr_all.fa' ; # The file name of the reference sequence in SAMTOOLS .fa/.fai format. Give the .fa file only our $reference_fa= 'chr_all.fa' ; # The file name of the uniqueness (like FASTA, but each "base" is a digit 0-9, with 0=unique and 9=uh-oh). The file must be in the $datapath directory our $uniqueness_file = '3D7_pm.fastu' ; # Internal index usage cutoff; leave unless you know what you're doing! our $use_db_index_cutoff = 25000 ; # The file name of the sequence annotation database. The file must be in the $datapath directory. # Leave undefined if no annotation is given. ###our $annotation_file = 'annotation.sqlite' ; # The file name of the known SNP database. The file must be in the $datapath directory # Leave undefined if no known SNP data is present. ###our $snp_file = "snps.sqlite" ; # MySQL settings, deactivated by default our $use_mysql = 0 ; our ( $mysql_server , $mysql_port , $mysql_user , $mysql_password , @mysql_dbs ) ; # Allows/disallows indexing of the page by robots (set to 'noindex' if you don't want the page to show up on Google et al) our $robots_flag = 'index, follow' ; # Don't use index for database query if region is larger than this $use_db_index_cutoff = 20000 ; # Colors our %lscolor ; $lscolor{'black'} = [ 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 ] ; $lscolor{'white'} = [ 0xFF , 0xFF , 0xFF ] ; $lscolor{'red'} = [ 0xFF , 0x00 , 0x00 ] ; $lscolor{'blue'} = [ 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xFF ] ; $lscolor{'ltblue'} = [ 0x44 , 0xB4 , 0xD5 ] ; $lscolor{'green'} = [ 0x00 , 0xFF , 0x00 ] ; $lscolor{'green2'} = [ 0x00 , 0x80 , 0x00 ] ; $lscolor{'ltgreen'} = [ 0x72 , 0xFE , 0x95 ] ; $lscolor{'yellow'} = [ 0xED , 0xEF , 0x85 ] ; $lscolor{'ltgrey'} = [ 0xDC , 0xDC , 0xDC ] ; $lscolor{'grey'} = [ 0xC8 , 0xC8 , 0xC8 ] ; $lscolor{'brown'} = [ 0xD2 , 0x69 , 0x1E ] ; # Inversion $lscolor{'cyan'} = [ 0x44 , 0xB4 , 0xD5 ] ; # Cigar $lscolor{'mapqual_zero'} = [0xff, 0x72, 0x00] ; # mapping quality zero # BAM FTP our $bam_ftp ; our $reference_ftp ; # BAM C++ render command, if available our $render_image_command ; # Stuff our $css_file ; # Upper SNP display limit for SAM format; set for max number of lines, e.g. 50000 our $ls_max_lines ; our $paranoia_mode = 0 ; 1 ;