from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import models def check_test_runner(): """ Checks if the user has *not* overridden the ``TEST_RUNNER`` setting & warns them about the default behavior changes. If the user has overridden that setting, we presume they know what they're doing & avoid generating a message. """ from django.conf import settings new_default = 'django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner' test_runner_setting = getattr(settings, 'TEST_RUNNER', new_default) if test_runner_setting == new_default: message = [ "Django 1.6 introduced a new default test runner ('%s')" % new_default, "You should ensure your tests are all running & behaving as expected. See", "", "for more information.", ] return ' '.join(message) def check_boolean_field_default_value(): """ Checks if there are any BooleanFields without a default value, & warns the user that the default has changed from False to Null. """ fields = [] for cls in models.get_models(): opts = cls._meta for f in opts.local_fields: if isinstance(f, models.BooleanField) and not f.has_default(): fields.append( '%s.%s: "%s"' % (opts.app_label, opts.object_name, ) if fields: fieldnames = ", ".join(fields) message = [ "You have not set a default value for one or more BooleanFields:", "%s." % fieldnames, "In Django 1.6 the default value of BooleanField was changed from", "False to Null when Field.default isn't defined. See", "" "for more information." ] return ' '.join(message) def run_checks(): """ Required by the ``check`` management command, this returns a list of messages from all the relevant check functions for this version of Django. """ checks = [ check_test_runner(), check_boolean_field_default_value(), ] # Filter out the ``None`` or empty strings. return [output for output in checks if output]