""" Interfaces for serializing Django objects. Usage:: from django.core import serializers json = serializers.serialize("json", some_queryset) objects = list(serializers.deserialize("json", json)) To add your own serializers, use the SERIALIZATION_MODULES setting:: SERIALIZATION_MODULES = { "csv" : "path.to.csv.serializer", "txt" : "path.to.txt.serializer", } """ from django.conf import settings from django.utils import importlib from django.utils import six from django.core.serializers.base import SerializerDoesNotExist # Built-in serializers BUILTIN_SERIALIZERS = { "xml" : "django.core.serializers.xml_serializer", "python" : "django.core.serializers.python", "json" : "django.core.serializers.json", "yaml" : "django.core.serializers.pyyaml", } _serializers = {} class BadSerializer(object): """ Stub serializer to hold exception raised during registration This allows the serializer registration to cache serializers and if there is an error raised in the process of creating a serializer it will be raised and passed along to the caller when the serializer is used. """ internal_use_only = False def __init__(self, exception): self.exception = exception def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise self.exception def register_serializer(format, serializer_module, serializers=None): """Register a new serializer. ``serializer_module`` should be the fully qualified module name for the serializer. If ``serializers`` is provided, the registration will be added to the provided dictionary. If ``serializers`` is not provided, the registration will be made directly into the global register of serializers. Adding serializers directly is not a thread-safe operation. """ if serializers is None and not _serializers: _load_serializers() try: module = importlib.import_module(serializer_module) except ImportError as exc: bad_serializer = BadSerializer(exc) module = type('BadSerializerModule', (object,), { 'Deserializer': bad_serializer, 'Serializer': bad_serializer, }) if serializers is None: _serializers[format] = module else: serializers[format] = module def unregister_serializer(format): "Unregister a given serializer. This is not a thread-safe operation." if not _serializers: _load_serializers() if format not in _serializers: raise SerializerDoesNotExist(format) del _serializers[format] def get_serializer(format): if not _serializers: _load_serializers() if format not in _serializers: raise SerializerDoesNotExist(format) return _serializers[format].Serializer def get_serializer_formats(): if not _serializers: _load_serializers() return list(_serializers) def get_public_serializer_formats(): if not _serializers: _load_serializers() return [k for k, v in six.iteritems(_serializers) if not v.Serializer.internal_use_only] def get_deserializer(format): if not _serializers: _load_serializers() if format not in _serializers: raise SerializerDoesNotExist(format) return _serializers[format].Deserializer def serialize(format, queryset, **options): """ Serialize a queryset (or any iterator that returns database objects) using a certain serializer. """ s = get_serializer(format)() s.serialize(queryset, **options) return s.getvalue() def deserialize(format, stream_or_string, **options): """ Deserialize a stream or a string. Returns an iterator that yields ``(obj, m2m_relation_dict)``, where ``obj`` is a instantiated -- but *unsaved* -- object, and ``m2m_relation_dict`` is a dictionary of ``{m2m_field_name : list_of_related_objects}``. """ d = get_deserializer(format) return d(stream_or_string, **options) def _load_serializers(): """ Register built-in and settings-defined serializers. This is done lazily so that user code has a chance to (e.g.) set up custom settings without needing to be careful of import order. """ global _serializers serializers = {} for format in BUILTIN_SERIALIZERS: register_serializer(format, BUILTIN_SERIALIZERS[format], serializers) if hasattr(settings, "SERIALIZATION_MODULES"): for format in settings.SERIALIZATION_MODULES: register_serializer(format, settings.SERIALIZATION_MODULES[format], serializers) _serializers = serializers