G | A type that is a model of IncidenceGraph. |
g | An object of type G. |
e | An object of type boost::graph_traits<G>::edge_descriptor. |
u, v | Are objects of type boost::graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor. |
boost::graph_traits<G>::traversal_category This tag type must be convertible to incidence_graph_tag. |
boost::graph_traits<G>::out_edge_iteratorAn out-edge iterator for a vertex v provides access to the out-edges of the vertex. As such, the value type of an out-edge iterator is the edge descriptor type of its graph. An out-edge iterator must meet the requirements of MultiPassInputIterator. |
boost::graph_traits<G>::degree_size_typeThe unsigned integral type used for representing the number out-edges or incident edges of a vertex. |
source(e, g) | Returns the vertex descriptor for u of the edge (u,v) represented by e. Return type: vertex_descriptor |
target(e, g) | Returns the vertex descriptor for v of the edge (u,v) represented by e. Return type: vertex_descriptor |
out_edges(u, g) | Returns an iterator-range providing access to the out-edges (for
directed graphs) or incident edges (for undirected graphs) of vertex
u in graph g. The source vertex of an edge obtained
via an out edge iterator is guaranteed (for both directed and
undirected graphs) to be the vertex u used in the call to
out_edges(u, g) and the target vertex must be a vertex
adjacent to u.[1]
Return type: std::pair<out_edge_iterator, out_edge_iterator> |
out_degree(u, g) | Returns the number of out-edges (for directed graphs) or the
number of incident edges (for undirected graphs) of vertex u
in graph g. Return type: degree_size_type |
The source(), target(), and out_edges() functions must all be constant time. The out_degree() function must be linear in the number of out-edges.
template <class G> struct IncidenceGraphConcept { typedef typename boost::graph_traits<G>::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator; void constraints() { function_requires< GraphConcept<G> >(); function_requires< MultiPassInputIteratorConcept<out_edge_iterator> >(); p = out_edges(u, g); e = *p.first; u = source(e, g); v = target(e, g); } void const_constraints(const G& g) { p = out_edges(u, g); e = *p.first; u = source(e, g); v = target(e, g); } std::pair<out_edge_iterator, out_edge_iterator> p; typename boost::graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor u, v; typename boost::graph_traits<G>::edge_descriptor e; G g; };
Copyright © 2000-2001 |
Jeremy Siek,
Indiana University (jsiek@osl.iu.edu) Lie-Quan Lee, Indiana University (llee@cs.indiana.edu) Andrew Lumsdaine, Indiana University (lums@osl.iu.edu) |