Given a Filter or Device that provides access to a single character sequence, we can construct a second Filter or Device which provides access to contiguous subsequence of the the original sequence. This second Filter or Device is called a restriction of the original device. Restrictions are represented by instances of the class template restriction
. The function template resrict
is an object generator which returns an appropriate instance of resriction
when passed a Filter or Device and a pair of values indicating the endpoints of the restricted subsequence.
The mode of a resriction
is the same as that of the underlying component. A resriction
is Closable, Flushable, Localizable and OptimallyBuffered.
The function template slice
is available as an alias of restrict
, for platforms that treat restrict
as a keyword.
namespace boost { namespace iostreams { template<typename Component> class restriction { public: typedef typename char_type_of<Component>::type char_type; typedef implementation-defined mode; restriction( [const] Component& component, stream_offset off, stream_offset len = -1 ); // Filter or Device member functions }; template<typename Component> restriction<Component> restrict( [const] Component& component, stream_offset off, stream_offset len = -1 ); } } // End namespace boost::io
Component | - | A model of Filter or Device |
restriction( [const] Component& component, stream_offset off, stream_offset len = -1 );
Constructs an instance of restriction
based on the given component and offsets. The parameters have the following interpretation:
component | - | The Filter or Device to be restricted. If Component is a stream or stream buffer type, the function parameter is a non-const reference; otherwise it is a const reference. |
off | - | The offset of the beginning of the restricted character sequence. |
len | - | The length of the restricted character sequence. A value of -1 indicates that the end of the restricted sequence should be the same as that of the unrestricted sequence. |
template<typename Component> restriction<Component> restrict( [const] Component& component, stream_offset off, stream_offset len = -1 );
Component | - | A model of Filter or Device |
Constructs an instance of an appropriate specialization of restriction
based on the given component and offsets. The parameters have the following interpretation:
component | - | The Filter or Device to be restricted. If Component is a stream or stream buffer type, the function parameter is a non-const reference; otherwise it is a const reference. |
off | - | The offset of the beginning of the restricted character sequence. |
len | - | The length of the restricted character sequence. A value of -1 indicates that the end of the restricted sequence should be the same as that of the unrestricted sequence. |
Revised 02 Feb 2008
© Copyright 2008 CodeRage, LLC
© Copyright 2004-2007 Jonathan Turkanis
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at