/*============================================================================= Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Joel de Guzman Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) =============================================================================*/ #include "expression.hpp" #include "error_handler.hpp" #include "annotation.hpp" #include namespace client { namespace parser { template expression::expression(error_handler& error_handler) : expression::base_type(expr) { qi::_1_type _1; qi::_2_type _2; qi::_3_type _3; qi::_4_type _4; qi::char_type char_; qi::uint_type uint_; qi::_val_type _val; qi::raw_type raw; qi::lexeme_type lexeme; qi::alpha_type alpha; qi::alnum_type alnum; using qi::on_error; using qi::on_success; using qi::fail; using boost::phoenix::function; typedef function > error_handler_function; typedef function > annotation_function; expr = additive_expr.alias() ; additive_expr = multiplicative_expr >> *( (char_('+') > multiplicative_expr) | (char_('-') > multiplicative_expr) ) ; multiplicative_expr = unary_expr >> *( (char_('*') > unary_expr) | (char_('/') > unary_expr) ) ; unary_expr = primary_expr | (char_('-') > primary_expr) | (char_('+') > primary_expr) ; primary_expr = uint_ | identifier | '(' > expr > ')' ; identifier = raw[lexeme[(alpha | '_') >> *(alnum | '_')]] ; // Debugging and error handling and reporting support. BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODES( (expr) (additive_expr) (multiplicative_expr) (unary_expr) (primary_expr) (identifier) ); // Error handling: on error in expr, call error_handler. on_error(expr, error_handler_function(error_handler)( "Error! Expecting ", _4, _3)); // Annotation: on success in primary_expr, call annotation. on_success(primary_expr, annotation_function(error_handler.iters)(_val, _1)); } }}