// Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Hartmut Kaiser // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #if !defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_QIEXPR_GENERATOR) #define BOOST_SPIRIT_QIEXPR_GENERATOR #include #include #include #include #include #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace traits { template void print_attribute(Out& out, utree const& val); }}} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace scheme { namespace qi { using boost::spirit::karma::grammar; using boost::spirit::karma::rule; using boost::spirit::karma::space_type; using boost::spirit::karma::symbols; using boost::spirit::utree; using boost::spirit::utree_type; using boost::spirit::scope; using boost::spirit::shallow; using boost::spirit::stored_function; using boost::spirit::function_base; using boost::spirit::binary_string; using boost::spirit::utf8_symbol; using boost::spirit::utf8_string; using boost::spirit::binary_range; using boost::spirit::utf8_symbol_range; using boost::spirit::utf8_string_range; using boost::spirit::nil_type; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace traits { template struct deref_spec : boost::spirit::result_of::terminal {}; } template inline typename traits::deref_spec::type deref_spec(Count const& count) { using boost::spirit::karma::repeat; return repeat(count); } typedef traits::deref_spec::type deref_tag_type; deref_tag_type const deref = deref_spec(1); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template struct qiexpr_generator : grammar { qiexpr_generator() : qiexpr_generator::base_type(start) { namespace phoenix = boost::phoenix; using boost::spirit::karma::eps; using boost::spirit::karma::ascii::string; using boost::spirit::karma::omit; using boost::spirit::karma::_r1; using boost::spirit::karma::strict; using boost::spirit::karma::eol; using boost::phoenix::ref; start = nil_ | rule_ ; grammar_ = nil_ | rule_ % eol ; rule_ = &symbol(ref("define")) << deref[rule_name] << '=' << deref[alternative] | alternative ; alternative = &symbol(ref("qi:|")) << '(' << strict[permutation % '|'] << ')' | permutation ; permutation = &symbol(ref("qi:^")) << '(' << strict[sequence % '^'] << ')' | sequence ; sequence = &symbol(ref("qi:>>")) << '(' << strict[term % ">>"] << ')' | term ; term = strict[ unary << '(' << deref[alternative] << ')' | primitive2 << '(' << literal << ',' << literal << ')' | primitive1 << '(' << literal << ')' | primitive0_rule | directive0 << '[' << deref[alternative] << ']' | alternative_rule ]; primitive0_rule = strict[deref[primitive0]]; alternative_rule = alternative; rule_name = strict[deref[any_symbol]]; any_symbol = string; symbol = string(_r1); literal = '"' << string << '"'; nil_ = eps; // fill the symbol tables with all known primitive parser names std::string name("qi:"); for (char const* const* p = primitives0; *p; ++p) primitive0.add(utf8_symbol(name + *p)); for (char const* const* p = primitives1; *p; ++p) primitive1.add(utf8_symbol(name + *p)); for (char const* const* p = primitives2; *p; ++p) primitive2.add(utf8_symbol(name + *p)); for (char const* const* p = unary_names; *p; ++p) unary.add(utf8_symbol(name + *p)); for (char const* const* p = directives0; *p; ++p) directive0.add(utf8_symbol(name + *p)); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(start); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(grammar_); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(rule_); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(rule_name); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(alternative); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(permutation); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(sequence); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(term); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(nil_); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(literal); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(symbol); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(any_symbol); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(primitive0_rule); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(alternative_rule); } typedef rule delimiting_rule_type; delimiting_rule_type start, alternative, permutation, sequence, term; delimiting_rule_type grammar_, rule_; delimiting_rule_type rule_name, primitive0_rule, alternative_rule; rule nil_; rule literal; rule symbol; rule any_symbol; symbols unary, directive0; symbols primitive0, primitive1, primitive2; }; }} #endif