This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.13 from gsl-ref.texi. INFO-DIR-SECTION Software libraries START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * gsl-ref: (gsl-ref). GNU Scientific Library - Reference END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 The GSL Team. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant Sections being "GNU General Public License" and "Free Software Needs Free Documentation", the Front-Cover text being "A GNU Manual", and with the Back-Cover Text being (a) (see below). A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". (a) The Back-Cover Text is: "You have the freedom to copy and modify this GNU Manual."  File:, Node: Concept Index, Prev: Type Index, Up: Top Concept Index ************* [index] * Menu: * $, shell prompt: Conventions used in this manual. (line 6) * 2D histograms: Two dimensional histograms. (line 6) * 2D random direction vector: Spherical Vector Distributions. (line 14) * 3-j symbols: Coupling Coefficients. (line 6) * 3D random direction vector: Spherical Vector Distributions. (line 33) * 6-j symbols: Coupling Coefficients. (line 6) * 9-j symbols: Coupling Coefficients. (line 6) * acceleration of series: Series Acceleration. (line 6) * acosh: Elementary Functions. (line 33) * Adams method: Stepping Functions. (line 129) * Adaptive step-size control, differential equations: Adaptive Step-size Control. (line 6) * Ai(x): Airy Functions and Derivatives. (line 6) * Airy functions: Airy Functions and Derivatives. (line 6) * Akima splines: Interpolation Types. (line 36) * aliasing of arrays: Aliasing of arrays. (line 6) * alternative optimized functions: Alternative optimized functions. (line 6) * AMAX, Level-1 BLAS: Level 1 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 62) * Angular Mathieu Functions: Angular Mathieu Functions. (line 6) * angular reduction: Restriction Functions. (line 6) * ANSI C, use of: Using the library. (line 6) * Apell symbol, see Pochhammer symbol: Pochhammer Symbol. (line 9) * approximate comparison of floating point numbers: Approximate Comparison of Floating Point Numbers. (line 13) * arctangent integral: Arctangent Integral. (line 6) * argument of complex number: Properties of complex numbers. (line 7) * arithmetic exceptions: Setting up your IEEE environment. (line 6) * asinh: Elementary Functions. (line 37) * astronomical constants: Astronomy and Astrophysics. (line 6) * ASUM, Level-1 BLAS: Level 1 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 47) * atanh: Elementary Functions. (line 41) * atomic physics, constants: Atomic and Nuclear Physics. (line 6) * autoconf, using with GSL: Autoconf Macros. (line 6) * AXPY, Level-1 BLAS: Level 1 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 96) * B-spline wavelets: DWT Initialization. (line 31) * Bader and Deuflhard, Bulirsch-Stoer method.: Stepping Functions. (line 124) * balancing matrices: Balancing. (line 6) * Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS) <1>: GSL CBLAS Library. (line 6) * Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS): BLAS Support. (line 6) * basis splines, B-splines: Basis Splines. (line 6) * basis splines, derivatives: Evaluation of B-spline basis function derivatives. (line 6) * basis splines, evaluation: Evaluation of B-spline basis functions. (line 6) * basis splines, examples: Example programs for B-splines. (line 6) * basis splines, Greville abscissae: Obtaining Greville abscissae for B-spline basis functions. (line 6) * basis splines, initializing: Initializing the B-splines solver. (line 6) * basis splines, overview: Overview of B-splines. (line 6) * BDF method: Stepping Functions. (line 137) * Bernoulli trial, random variates: The Bernoulli Distribution. (line 8) * Bessel functions: Bessel Functions. (line 6) * Bessel Functions, Fractional Order: Regular Bessel Function - Fractional Order. (line 6) * best-fit parameters, covariance: Computing the covariance matrix of best fit parameters. (line 6) * Beta distribution: The Beta Distribution. (line 8) * Beta function: Beta Functions. (line 9) * Beta function, incomplete normalized: Incomplete Beta Function. (line 9) * BFGS algorithm, minimization: Multimin Algorithms with Derivatives. (line 37) * Bi(x): Airy Functions and Derivatives. (line 6) * bias, IEEE format: Representation of floating point numbers. (line 6) * bidiagonalization of real matrices: Bidiagonalization. (line 6) * binning data: Histograms. (line 6) * Binomial random variates: The Binomial Distribution. (line 9) * biorthogonal wavelets: DWT Initialization. (line 31) * bisection algorithm for finding roots: Root Bracketing Algorithms. (line 17) * Bivariate Gaussian distribution: The Bivariate Gaussian Distribution. (line 9) * BLAS: BLAS Support. (line 6) * BLAS, Low-level C interface: GSL CBLAS Library. (line 6) * blocks: Vectors and Matrices. (line 6) * bounds checking, extension to GCC: Accessing vector elements. (line 6) * breakpoints: Using gdb. (line 6) * Brent's method for finding minima: Minimization Algorithms. (line 32) * Brent's method for finding roots: Root Bracketing Algorithms. (line 50) * Broyden algorithm for multidimensional roots: Algorithms without Derivatives. (line 45) * BSD random number generator: Unix random number generators. (line 18) * bug-gsl mailing list: Reporting Bugs. (line 6) * bugs, how to report: Reporting Bugs. (line 6) * Bulirsch-Stoer method: Stepping Functions. (line 124) * C extensions, compatible use of: Using the library. (line 6) * C++, compatibility: Compatibility with C++. (line 6) * C99, inline keyword: Inline functions. (line 6) * Carlson forms of Elliptic integrals: Definition of Carlson Forms. (line 6) * Cash-Karp, Runge-Kutta method: Stepping Functions. (line 100) * Cauchy distribution: The Cauchy Distribution. (line 7) * Cauchy principal value, by numerical quadrature: QAWC adaptive integration for Cauchy principal values. (line 6) * CBLAS: BLAS Support. (line 6) * CBLAS, Low-level interface: GSL CBLAS Library. (line 6) * CDFs, cumulative distribution functions: Random Number Distributions. (line 6) * ce(q,x), Mathieu function: Angular Mathieu Functions. (line 6) * Chebyshev series: Chebyshev Approximations. (line 6) * checking combination for validity: Combination properties. (line 18) * checking multiset for validity: Multiset properties. (line 17) * checking permutation for validity: Permutation properties. (line 14) * Chi(x): Hyperbolic Integrals. (line 6) * Chi-squared distribution: The Chi-squared Distribution. (line 15) * Cholesky decomposition: Cholesky Decomposition. (line 6) * Ci(x): Trigonometric Integrals. (line 6) * Clausen functions: Clausen Functions. (line 6) * Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature: Integrands with weight functions. (line 6) * CMRG, combined multiple recursive random number generator: Random number generator algorithms. (line 97) * code reuse in applications: Code Reuse. (line 6) * combinations: Combinations. (line 6) * combinatorial factor C(m,n): Factorials. (line 42) * combinatorial optimization: Simulated Annealing. (line 6) * comparison functions, definition: Sorting objects. (line 16) * compatibility: Using the library. (line 6) * compiling programs, include paths: Compiling and Linking. (line 6) * compiling programs, library paths: Linking programs with the library. (line 6) * complementary incomplete Gamma function: Incomplete Gamma Functions. (line 23) * complete Fermi-Dirac integrals: Complete Fermi-Dirac Integrals. (line 6) * complex arithmetic: Complex arithmetic operators. (line 6) * complex cosine function, special functions: Trigonometric Functions for Complex Arguments. (line 13) * Complex Gamma function: Gamma Functions. (line 56) * complex hermitian matrix, eigensystem: Complex Hermitian Matrices. (line 9) * complex log sine function, special functions: Trigonometric Functions for Complex Arguments. (line 18) * complex numbers: Complex Numbers. (line 6) * complex sinc function, special functions: Circular Trigonometric Functions. (line 22) * complex sine function, special functions: Trigonometric Functions for Complex Arguments. (line 8) * confluent hypergeometric function: Laguerre Functions. (line 6) * confluent hypergeometric functions: Hypergeometric Functions. (line 6) * conical functions: Legendre Functions and Spherical Harmonics. (line 6) * Conjugate gradient algorithm, minimization: Multimin Algorithms with Derivatives. (line 12) * conjugate of complex number: Complex arithmetic operators. (line 55) * constant matrix: Initializing matrix elements. (line 6) * constants, fundamental: Fundamental Constants. (line 6) * constants, mathematical--defined as macros: Mathematical Constants. (line 6) * constants, physical: Physical Constants. (line 6) * constants, prefixes: Prefixes. (line 6) * contacting the GSL developers: Further Information. (line 6) * conventions, used in manual: Conventions used in this manual. (line 6) * convergence, accelerating a series: Series Acceleration. (line 6) * conversion of units: Physical Constants. (line 6) * cooling schedule: Simulated Annealing algorithm. (line 23) * COPY, Level-1 BLAS: Level 1 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 85) * correlation, of two datasets: Correlation. (line 6) * cosine function, special functions: Circular Trigonometric Functions. (line 12) * cosine of complex number: Complex Trigonometric Functions. (line 11) * cost function: Simulated Annealing. (line 6) * Coulomb wave functions: Coulomb Functions. (line 6) * coupling coefficients: Coupling Coefficients. (line 6) * covariance matrix, from linear regression: Linear regression. (line 9) * covariance matrix, linear fits: Fitting Overview. (line 21) * covariance matrix, nonlinear fits: Computing the covariance matrix of best fit parameters. (line 6) * covariance, of two datasets: Covariance. (line 6) * cquad, doubly-adaptive integration: CQUAD doubly-adaptive integration. (line 6) * CRAY random number generator, RANF: Other random number generators. (line 23) * cubic equation, solving: Cubic Equations. (line 6) * cubic splines: Interpolation Types. (line 20) * cumulative distribution functions (CDFs): Random Number Distributions. (line 6) * Cylindrical Bessel Functions: Regular Cylindrical Bessel Functions. (line 6) * Daubechies wavelets: DWT Initialization. (line 20) * Dawson function: Dawson Function. (line 6) * DAXPY, Level-1 BLAS: Level 1 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 96) * debugging numerical programs: Using gdb. (line 6) * Debye functions: Debye Functions. (line 6) * denormalized form, IEEE format: Representation of floating point numbers. (line 14) * deprecated functions: Deprecated Functions. (line 6) * derivatives, calculating numerically: Numerical Differentiation. (line 6) * determinant of a matrix, by LU decomposition: LU Decomposition. (line 83) * Deuflhard and Bader, Bulirsch-Stoer method.: Stepping Functions. (line 124) * DFTs, see FFT: Fast Fourier Transforms. (line 6) * diagonal, of a matrix: Creating row and column views. (line 62) * differential equations, initial value problems: Ordinary Differential Equations. (line 6) * differentiation of functions, numeric: Numerical Differentiation. (line 6) * digamma function: Psi (Digamma) Function. (line 6) * dilogarithm: Dilogarithm. (line 6) * direction vector, random 2D: Spherical Vector Distributions. (line 14) * direction vector, random 3D: Spherical Vector Distributions. (line 33) * direction vector, random N-dimensional: Spherical Vector Distributions. (line 42) * Dirichlet distribution: The Dirichlet Distribution. (line 8) * discontinuities, in ODE systems: Evolution. (line 77) * Discrete Fourier Transforms, see FFT: Fast Fourier Transforms. (line 6) * discrete Hankel transforms: Discrete Hankel Transforms. (line 6) * Discrete Newton algorithm for multidimensional roots: Algorithms without Derivatives. (line 26) * Discrete random numbers: General Discrete Distributions. (line 52) * Discrete random numbers, preprocessing: General Discrete Distributions. (line 52) * divided differences, polynomials: Divided Difference Representation of Polynomials. (line 6) * division by zero, IEEE exceptions: Setting up your IEEE environment. (line 6) * dollar sign $, shell prompt: Conventions used in this manual. (line 11) * DOT, Level-1 BLAS: Level 1 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 8) * double factorial: Factorials. (line 22) * double precision, IEEE format: Representation of floating point numbers. (line 40) * downloading GSL: Obtaining GSL. (line 6) * DWT initialization: DWT Initialization. (line 6) * DWT, mathematical definition: DWT Definitions. (line 6) * DWT, one dimensional: DWT in one dimension. (line 6) * DWT, see wavelet transforms: Wavelet Transforms. (line 6) * DWT, two dimensional: DWT in two dimension. (line 6) * e, defined as a macro: Mathematical Constants. (line 10) * E1(x), E2(x), Ei(x): Exponential Integral. (line 6) * eigenvalues and eigenvectors: Eigensystems. (line 6) * elementary functions: Mathematical Functions. (line 6) * elementary operations: Elementary Operations. (line 6) * elliptic functions (Jacobi): Elliptic Functions (Jacobi). (line 6) * elliptic integrals: Elliptic Integrals. (line 6) * energy function: Simulated Annealing. (line 6) * energy, units of: Thermal Energy and Power. (line 6) * erf(x): Error Functions. (line 6) * erfc(x): Error Functions. (line 6) * Erlang distribution: The Gamma Distribution. (line 16) * error codes: Error Codes. (line 13) * error codes, reserved: Error Codes. (line 6) * error function: Error Functions. (line 6) * Error handlers: Error Handlers. (line 6) * error handling: Error Handling. (line 6) * error handling macros: Using GSL error reporting in your own functions. (line 6) * Errors: Error Handling. (line 6) * estimated standard deviation: Statistics. (line 6) * estimated variance: Statistics. (line 6) * Eta Function: Eta Function. (line 6) * euclidean distance function, hypot: Elementary Functions. (line 23) * Euler's constant, defined as a macro: Mathematical Constants. (line 58) * evaluation of polynomials: Polynomial Evaluation. (line 6) * evaluation of polynomials, in divided difference form: Divided Difference Representation of Polynomials. (line 6) * examples, conventions used in: Conventions used in this manual. (line 6) * exceptions, C++: Compatibility with C++. (line 6) * exceptions, floating point: Handling floating point exceptions. (line 6) * exceptions, IEEE arithmetic: Setting up your IEEE environment. (line 6) * exchanging permutation elements: Accessing permutation elements. (line 18) * exp: Exponential Functions. (line 6) * expm1: Elementary Functions. (line 18) * exponent, IEEE format: Representation of floating point numbers. (line 6) * Exponential distribution: The Exponential Distribution. (line 8) * exponential function: Exponential Functions. (line 6) * exponential integrals: Exponential Integrals. (line 6) * Exponential power distribution: The Exponential Power Distribution. (line 8) * exponential, difference from 1 computed accurately: Elementary Functions. (line 18) * exponentiation of complex number: Elementary Complex Functions. (line 16) * extern inline: Inline functions. (line 6) * F-distribution: The F-distribution. (line 16) * factorial: Factorials. (line 6) * factorization of matrices: Linear Algebra. (line 6) * false position algorithm for finding roots: Root Bracketing Algorithms. (line 33) * Fast Fourier Transforms, see FFT: Fast Fourier Transforms. (line 6) * Fehlberg method, differential equations: Stepping Functions. (line 96) * Fermi-Dirac function: Fermi-Dirac Function. (line 6) * FFT: Fast Fourier Transforms. (line 6) * FFT mathematical definition: Mathematical Definitions. (line 6) * FFT of complex data, mixed-radix algorithm: Mixed-radix FFT routines for complex data. (line 6) * FFT of complex data, radix-2 algorithm: Radix-2 FFT routines for complex data. (line 6) * FFT of real data: Overview of real data FFTs. (line 6) * FFT of real data, mixed-radix algorithm: Mixed-radix FFT routines for real data. (line 6) * FFT of real data, radix-2 algorithm: Radix-2 FFT routines for real data. (line 6) * FFT, complex data: Overview of complex data FFTs. (line 6) * finding minima: One dimensional Minimization. (line 6) * finding roots: One dimensional Root-Finding. (line 6) * finding zeros: One dimensional Root-Finding. (line 6) * fits, multi-parameter linear: Multi-parameter fitting. (line 6) * fitting: Least-Squares Fitting. (line 6) * fitting, using Chebyshev polynomials: Chebyshev Approximations. (line 6) * Fj(x), Fermi-Dirac integral: Complete Fermi-Dirac Integrals. (line 6) * Fj(x,b), incomplete Fermi-Dirac integral: Incomplete Fermi-Dirac Integrals. (line 6) * flat distribution: The Flat (Uniform) Distribution. (line 8) * Fletcher-Reeves conjugate gradient algorithm, minimization: Multimin Algorithms with Derivatives. (line 12) * floating point exceptions: Handling floating point exceptions. (line 6) * floating point numbers, approximate comparison: Approximate Comparison of Floating Point Numbers. (line 13) * floating point registers: Examining floating point registers. (line 6) * force and energy, units of: Force and Energy. (line 6) * Fortran range checking, equivalent in gcc: Accessing vector elements. (line 6) * Four-tap Generalized Feedback Shift Register: Random number generator algorithms. (line 172) * Fourier integrals, numerical: QAWF adaptive integration for Fourier integrals. (line 6) * Fourier Transforms, see FFT: Fast Fourier Transforms. (line 6) * Fractional Order Bessel Functions: Regular Bessel Function - Fractional Order. (line 6) * free documentation: Free Software Needs Free Documentation. (line 6) * free software, explanation of: GSL is Free Software. (line 6) * frexp: Elementary Functions. (line 49) * functions, numerical differentiation: Numerical Differentiation. (line 6) * fundamental constants: Fundamental Constants. (line 6) * Gamma distribution: The Gamma Distribution. (line 9) * gamma functions: Gamma Functions. (line 6) * Gauss-Kronrod quadrature: Integrands without weight functions. (line 6) * Gaussian distribution: The Gaussian Distribution. (line 7) * Gaussian distribution, bivariate: The Bivariate Gaussian Distribution. (line 9) * Gaussian Tail distribution: The Gaussian Tail Distribution. (line 8) * gcc extensions, range-checking: Accessing vector elements. (line 6) * gcc warning options: GCC warning options for numerical programs. (line 6) * gdb: Using gdb. (line 6) * Gegenbauer functions: Gegenbauer Functions. (line 6) * GEMM, Level-3 BLAS: Level 3 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 22) * GEMV, Level-2 BLAS: Level 2 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 20) * general polynomial equations, solving: General Polynomial Equations. (line 6) * generalized eigensystems: Real Generalized Nonsymmetric Eigensystems. (line 6) * generalized hermitian definite eigensystems: Complex Generalized Hermitian-Definite Eigensystems. (line 6) * generalized symmetric eigensystems: Real Generalized Symmetric-Definite Eigensystems. (line 6) * Geometric random variates <1>: The Hypergeometric Distribution. (line 8) * Geometric random variates: The Geometric Distribution. (line 8) * GER, Level-2 BLAS: Level 2 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 104) * GERC, Level-2 BLAS: Level 2 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 113) * GERU, Level-2 BLAS: Level 2 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 104) * Givens Rotation, BLAS: Level 1 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 116) * Givens Rotation, Modified, BLAS: Level 1 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 135) * GNU General Public License: Introduction. (line 6) * golden section algorithm for finding minima: Minimization Algorithms. (line 14) * GSL_C99_INLINE: Inline functions. (line 6) * GSL_RNG_SEED: Random number generator initialization. (line 17) * gsl_sf_result: The gsl_sf_result struct. (line 6) * gsl_sf_result_e10: The gsl_sf_result struct. (line 6) * Gumbel distribution (Type 1): The Type-1 Gumbel Distribution. (line 8) * Gumbel distribution (Type 2): The Type-2 Gumbel Distribution. (line 8) * Haar wavelets: DWT Initialization. (line 26) * Hankel transforms, discrete: Discrete Hankel Transforms. (line 6) * HAVE_INLINE: Inline functions. (line 6) * hazard function, normal distribution: Probability functions. (line 19) * HBOOK: Ntuple References and Further Reading. (line 6) * header files, including: Compiling and Linking. (line 6) * heapsort: Sorting. (line 6) * HEMM, Level-3 BLAS: Level 3 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 56) * HEMV, Level-2 BLAS: Level 2 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 85) * HER, Level-2 BLAS: Level 2 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 131) * HER2, Level-2 BLAS: Level 2 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 158) * HER2K, Level-3 BLAS: Level 3 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 181) * HERK, Level-3 BLAS: Level 3 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 140) * hermitian matrix, complex, eigensystem: Complex Hermitian Matrices. (line 9) * Hessenberg decomposition: Hessenberg Decomposition of Real Matrices. (line 6) * Hessenberg triangular decomposition: Hessenberg-Triangular Decomposition of Real Matrices. (line 6) * histogram statistics: Histogram Statistics. (line 6) * histogram, from ntuple: Histogramming ntuple values. (line 35) * histograms: Histograms. (line 6) * histograms, random sampling from: The histogram probability distribution struct. (line 6) * Householder linear solver: Householder solver for linear systems. (line 6) * Householder matrix: Householder Transformations. (line 6) * Householder transformation: Householder Transformations. (line 6) * Hurwitz Zeta Function: Hurwitz Zeta Function. (line 6) * HYBRID algorithm, unscaled without derivatives: Algorithms without Derivatives. (line 22) * HYBRID algorithms for nonlinear systems: Algorithms using Derivatives. (line 13) * HYBRIDJ algorithm: Algorithms using Derivatives. (line 67) * HYBRIDS algorithm, scaled without derivatives: Algorithms without Derivatives. (line 14) * HYBRIDSJ algorithm: Algorithms using Derivatives. (line 14) * hydrogen atom: Coulomb Functions. (line 6) * hyperbolic cosine, inverse: Elementary Functions. (line 33) * hyperbolic functions, complex numbers: Complex Hyperbolic Functions. (line 6) * hyperbolic integrals: Hyperbolic Integrals. (line 6) * hyperbolic sine, inverse: Elementary Functions. (line 37) * hyperbolic space: Legendre Functions and Spherical Harmonics. (line 6) * hyperbolic tangent, inverse: Elementary Functions. (line 41) * hypergeometric functions: Hypergeometric Functions. (line 6) * hypergeometric random variates: The Hypergeometric Distribution. (line 6) * hypot: Elementary Functions. (line 23) * hypot function, special functions: Circular Trigonometric Functions. (line 17) * i(x), Bessel Functions: Regular Modified Spherical Bessel Functions. (line 6) * I(x), Bessel Functions: Regular Modified Cylindrical Bessel Functions. (line 6) * identity matrix: Initializing matrix elements. (line 6) * identity permutation: Permutation allocation. (line 20) * IEEE exceptions: Setting up your IEEE environment. (line 6) * IEEE floating point: IEEE floating-point arithmetic. (line 6) * IEEE format for floating point numbers: Representation of floating point numbers. (line 6) * IEEE infinity, defined as a macro: Infinities and Not-a-number. (line 6) * IEEE NaN, defined as a macro: Infinities and Not-a-number. (line 6) * illumination, units of: Light and Illumination. (line 6) * imperial units: Imperial Units. (line 6) * Implicit Euler method: Stepping Functions. (line 106) * Implicit Runge-Kutta method: Stepping Functions. (line 112) * importance sampling, VEGAS: VEGAS. (line 6) * including GSL header files: Compiling and Linking. (line 6) * incomplete Beta function, normalized: Incomplete Beta Function. (line 9) * incomplete Fermi-Dirac integral: Incomplete Fermi-Dirac Integrals. (line 6) * incomplete Gamma function: Incomplete Gamma Functions. (line 16) * indirect sorting: Sorting objects. (line 57) * indirect sorting, of vector elements: Sorting vectors. (line 31) * infinity, defined as a macro: Infinities and Not-a-number. (line 6) * infinity, IEEE format: Representation of floating point numbers. (line 27) * info-gsl mailing list: Obtaining GSL. (line 6) * initial value problems, differential equations: Ordinary Differential Equations. (line 6) * initializing matrices: Initializing matrix elements. (line 6) * initializing vectors: Initializing vector elements. (line 6) * inline functions: Inline functions. (line 6) * integer powers: Power Function. (line 6) * integrals, exponential: Exponential Integrals. (line 6) * integration, numerical (quadrature): Numerical Integration. (line 6) * interpolation: Interpolation. (line 6) * interpolation, using Chebyshev polynomials: Chebyshev Approximations. (line 6) * inverse complex trigonometric functions: Inverse Complex Trigonometric Functions. (line 6) * inverse cumulative distribution functions: Random Number Distributions. (line 6) * inverse hyperbolic cosine: Elementary Functions. (line 33) * inverse hyperbolic functions, complex numbers: Inverse Complex Hyperbolic Functions. (line 6) * inverse hyperbolic sine: Elementary Functions. (line 37) * inverse hyperbolic tangent: Elementary Functions. (line 41) * inverse of a matrix, by LU decomposition: LU Decomposition. (line 69) * inverting a permutation: Permutation functions. (line 11) * Irregular Cylindrical Bessel Functions: Irregular Cylindrical Bessel Functions. (line 6) * Irregular Modified Bessel Functions, Fractional Order: Irregular Modified Bessel Functions - Fractional Order. (line 6) * Irregular Modified Cylindrical Bessel Functions: Irregular Modified Cylindrical Bessel Functions. (line 6) * Irregular Modified Spherical Bessel Functions: Irregular Modified Spherical Bessel Functions. (line 6) * Irregular Spherical Bessel Functions: Irregular Spherical Bessel Functions. (line 6) * iterating through combinations: Combination functions. (line 7) * iterating through multisets: Multiset functions. (line 7) * iterating through permutations: Permutation functions. (line 15) * iterative refinement of solutions in linear systems: LU Decomposition. (line 57) * j(x), Bessel Functions: Regular Spherical Bessel Functions. (line 6) * J(x), Bessel Functions: Regular Cylindrical Bessel Functions. (line 6) * Jacobi elliptic functions: Elliptic Functions (Jacobi). (line 6) * Jacobi orthogonalization: Singular Value Decomposition. (line 58) * Jacobian matrix, fitting: Overview of Nonlinear Least-Squares Fitting. (line 34) * Jacobian matrix, ODEs: Defining the ODE System. (line 34) * Jacobian matrix, root finding: Overview of Multidimensional Root Finding. (line 42) * k(x), Bessel Functions: Irregular Modified Spherical Bessel Functions. (line 6) * K(x), Bessel Functions: Irregular Modified Cylindrical Bessel Functions. (line 6) * knots, basis splines: Constructing the knots vector. (line 6) * kurtosis: Higher moments (skewness and kurtosis). (line 6) * Laguerre functions: Laguerre Functions. (line 6) * Lambert function: Lambert W Functions. (line 6) * Landau distribution: The Landau Distribution. (line 8) * LAPACK: Eigenvalue and Eigenvector References. (line 18) * Laplace distribution: The Laplace Distribution. (line 7) * LD_LIBRARY_PATH: Shared Libraries. (line 6) * ldexp: Elementary Functions. (line 45) * leading dimension, matrices: Matrices. (line 6) * least squares fit: Least-Squares Fitting. (line 6) * least squares fitting, nonlinear: Nonlinear Least-Squares Fitting. (line 7) * least squares, covariance of best-fit parameters: Computing the covariance matrix of best fit parameters. (line 6) * Legendre forms of elliptic integrals: Definition of Legendre Forms. (line 6) * Legendre functions: Legendre Functions and Spherical Harmonics. (line 6) * Legendre polynomials: Legendre Functions and Spherical Harmonics. (line 6) * length, computed accurately using hypot: Elementary Functions. (line 23) * Levenberg-Marquardt algorithms: Minimization Algorithms using Derivatives. (line 12) * Levin u-transform: Series Acceleration. (line 6) * Levy distribution: The Levy alpha-Stable Distributions. (line 9) * Levy distribution, skew: The Levy skew alpha-Stable Distribution. (line 9) * libraries, linking with: Linking programs with the library. (line 6) * libraries, shared: Shared Libraries. (line 6) * license of GSL: Introduction. (line 6) * light, units of: Light and Illumination. (line 6) * linear algebra: Linear Algebra. (line 6) * linear algebra, BLAS: BLAS Support. (line 6) * linear interpolation: Interpolation Types. (line 9) * linear regression: Linear regression. (line 6) * linear systems, refinement of solutions: LU Decomposition. (line 57) * linear systems, solution of: LU Decomposition. (line 39) * linking with GSL libraries: Linking programs with the library. (line 6) * LMDER algorithm: Minimization Algorithms using Derivatives. (line 13) * log1p: Elementary Functions. (line 13) * logarithm and related functions: Logarithm and Related Functions. (line 6) * logarithm of Beta function: Beta Functions. (line 16) * logarithm of combinatorial factor C(m,n): Factorials. (line 48) * logarithm of complex number: Elementary Complex Functions. (line 29) * logarithm of cosh function, special functions: Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions. (line 12) * logarithm of double factorial: Factorials. (line 36) * logarithm of factorial: Factorials. (line 29) * logarithm of Gamma function: Gamma Functions. (line 24) * logarithm of Pochhammer symbol: Pochhammer Symbol. (line 18) * logarithm of sinh function, special functions: Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions. (line 8) * logarithm of the determinant of a matrix: LU Decomposition. (line 91) * logarithm, computed accurately near 1: Elementary Functions. (line 13) * Logarithmic random variates: The Logarithmic Distribution. (line 8) * Logistic distribution: The Logistic Distribution. (line 7) * Lognormal distribution: The Lognormal Distribution. (line 8) * long double: Long double. (line 6) * low discrepancy sequences: Quasi-Random Sequences. (line 6) * Low-level CBLAS: GSL CBLAS Library. (line 6) * LU decomposition: LU Decomposition. (line 6) * macros for mathematical constants: Mathematical Constants. (line 6) * magnitude of complex number: Properties of complex numbers. (line 11) * mailing list archives: Further Information. (line 6) * mailing list for GSL announcements: Obtaining GSL. (line 6) * mailing list, bug-gsl: Reporting Bugs. (line 6) * mantissa, IEEE format: Representation of floating point numbers. (line 6) * mass, units of: Mass and Weight. (line 6) * mathematical constants, defined as macros: Mathematical Constants. (line 6) * mathematical functions, elementary: Mathematical Functions. (line 6) * Mathieu Function Characteristic Values: Mathieu Function Characteristic Values. (line 6) * Mathieu functions: Mathieu Functions. (line 6) * matrices <1>: Matrices. (line 6) * matrices: Vectors and Matrices. (line 6) * matrices, initializing: Initializing matrix elements. (line 6) * matrices, range-checking: Accessing matrix elements. (line 6) * matrix determinant: LU Decomposition. (line 83) * matrix diagonal: Creating row and column views. (line 62) * matrix factorization: Linear Algebra. (line 6) * matrix inverse: LU Decomposition. (line 69) * matrix square root, Cholesky decomposition: Cholesky Decomposition. (line 6) * matrix subdiagonal: Creating row and column views. (line 74) * matrix superdiagonal: Creating row and column views. (line 86) * matrix, constant: Initializing matrix elements. (line 6) * matrix, identity: Initializing matrix elements. (line 6) * matrix, operations: BLAS Support. (line 6) * matrix, zero: Initializing matrix elements. (line 6) * max: Statistics. (line 6) * maximal phase, Daubechies wavelets: DWT Initialization. (line 20) * maximization, see minimization: One dimensional Minimization. (line 6) * maximum of two numbers: Maximum and Minimum functions. (line 11) * maximum value, from histogram: Histogram Statistics. (line 6) * mean: Statistics. (line 6) * mean value, from histogram: Histogram Statistics. (line 24) * Mills' ratio, inverse: Probability functions. (line 19) * min: Statistics. (line 6) * minimization, BFGS algorithm: Multimin Algorithms with Derivatives. (line 37) * minimization, caveats: Minimization Caveats. (line 6) * minimization, conjugate gradient algorithm: Multimin Algorithms with Derivatives. (line 12) * minimization, multidimensional: Multidimensional Minimization. (line 6) * minimization, one-dimensional: One dimensional Minimization. (line 6) * minimization, overview: Minimization Overview. (line 6) * minimization, Polak-Ribiere algorithm: Multimin Algorithms with Derivatives. (line 29) * minimization, providing a function to minimize: Providing the function to minimize. (line 6) * minimization, simplex algorithm: Multimin Algorithms without Derivatives. (line 11) * minimization, steepest descent algorithm: Multimin Algorithms with Derivatives. (line 57) * minimization, stopping parameters: Minimization Stopping Parameters. (line 6) * minimum finding, Brent's method: Minimization Algorithms. (line 32) * minimum finding, golden section algorithm: Minimization Algorithms. (line 14) * minimum of two numbers: Maximum and Minimum functions. (line 15) * minimum value, from histogram: Histogram Statistics. (line 6) * MINPACK, minimization algorithms <1>: Minimization Algorithms using Derivatives. (line 13) * MINPACK, minimization algorithms: Algorithms using Derivatives. (line 14) * MISCFUN: Special Functions References and Further Reading. (line 11) * MISER monte carlo integration: MISER. (line 6) * Mixed-radix FFT, complex data: Mixed-radix FFT routines for complex data. (line 6) * Mixed-radix FFT, real data: Mixed-radix FFT routines for real data. (line 6) * Modified Bessel Functions, Fractional Order: Regular Modified Bessel Functions - Fractional Order. (line 6) * Modified Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature: Integrands with weight functions. (line 6) * Modified Cylindrical Bessel Functions: Regular Modified Cylindrical Bessel Functions. (line 6) * Modified Givens Rotation, BLAS: Level 1 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 135) * Modified Newton's method for nonlinear systems: Algorithms using Derivatives. (line 92) * Modified Spherical Bessel Functions: Regular Modified Spherical Bessel Functions. (line 6) * Monte Carlo integration: Monte Carlo Integration. (line 6) * MRG, multiple recursive random number generator: Random number generator algorithms. (line 119) * MT19937 random number generator: Random number generator algorithms. (line 20) * multi-parameter regression: Multi-parameter fitting. (line 6) * multidimensional integration: Monte Carlo Integration. (line 6) * multidimensional root finding, Broyden algorithm: Algorithms without Derivatives. (line 45) * multidimensional root finding, overview: Overview of Multidimensional Root Finding. (line 6) * multidimensional root finding, providing a function to solve: Providing the multidimensional system of equations to solve. (line 6) * Multimin, caveats: Multimin Caveats. (line 6) * Multinomial distribution: The Multinomial Distribution. (line 8) * multiplication: Elementary Operations. (line 6) * multisets: Multisets. (line 6) * multistep methods, ODEs: Stepping Functions. (line 129) * N-dimensional random direction vector: Spherical Vector Distributions. (line 42) * NaN, defined as a macro: Infinities and Not-a-number. (line 6) * nautical units: Speed and Nautical Units. (line 6) * Negative Binomial distribution, random variates: The Negative Binomial Distribution. (line 8) * Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm for minimization: Multimin Algorithms without Derivatives. (line 11) * Newton algorithm, discrete: Algorithms without Derivatives. (line 26) * Newton algorithm, globally convergent: Algorithms using Derivatives. (line 92) * Newton's method for finding roots: Root Finding Algorithms using Derivatives. (line 16) * Newton's method for systems of nonlinear equations: Algorithms using Derivatives. (line 73) * Niederreiter sequence: Quasi-Random Sequences. (line 6) * NIST Statistical Reference Datasets: Fitting References and Further Reading. (line 16) * non-normalized incomplete Gamma function: Incomplete Gamma Functions. (line 9) * nonlinear equation, solutions of: One dimensional Root-Finding. (line 6) * nonlinear fitting, stopping parameters: Search Stopping Parameters for Minimization Algorithms. (line 6) * nonlinear functions, minimization: One dimensional Minimization. (line 6) * nonlinear least squares fitting: Nonlinear Least-Squares Fitting. (line 7) * nonlinear least squares fitting, overview: Overview of Nonlinear Least-Squares Fitting. (line 6) * nonlinear systems of equations, solution of: Multidimensional Root-Finding. (line 6) * nonsymmetric matrix, real, eigensystem: Real Nonsymmetric Matrices. (line 6) * Nordsieck form: Stepping Functions. (line 129) * normalized form, IEEE format: Representation of floating point numbers. (line 14) * normalized incomplete Beta function: Incomplete Beta Function. (line 9) * Not-a-number, defined as a macro: Infinities and Not-a-number. (line 6) * NRM2, Level-1 BLAS: Level 1 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 36) * ntuples: N-tuples. (line 6) * nuclear physics, constants: Atomic and Nuclear Physics. (line 6) * numerical constants, defined as macros: Mathematical Constants. (line 6) * numerical derivatives: Numerical Differentiation. (line 6) * numerical integration (quadrature): Numerical Integration. (line 6) * obtaining GSL: Obtaining GSL. (line 6) * ODEs, initial value problems: Ordinary Differential Equations. (line 6) * optimization, combinatorial: Simulated Annealing. (line 6) * optimization, see minimization: One dimensional Minimization. (line 6) * optimized functions, alternatives: Alternative optimized functions. (line 6) * ordering, matrix elements: Matrices. (line 6) * ordinary differential equations, initial value problem: Ordinary Differential Equations. (line 6) * oscillatory functions, numerical integration of: QAWO adaptive integration for oscillatory functions. (line 6) * overflow, IEEE exceptions: Setting up your IEEE environment. (line 6) * Pareto distribution: The Pareto Distribution. (line 8) * PAW: Ntuple References and Further Reading. (line 6) * permutations: Permutations. (line 6) * physical constants: Physical Constants. (line 6) * physical dimension, matrices: Matrices. (line 6) * pi, defined as a macro: Mathematical Constants. (line 28) * plain Monte Carlo: PLAIN Monte Carlo. (line 6) * Pochhammer symbol: Pochhammer Symbol. (line 9) * Poisson random numbers: The Poisson Distribution. (line 8) * Polak-Ribiere algorithm, minimization: Multimin Algorithms with Derivatives. (line 29) * polar form of complex numbers: Representation of complex numbers. (line 6) * polar to rectangular conversion: Conversion Functions. (line 6) * polygamma functions: Psi (Digamma) Function. (line 6) * polynomial evaluation: Polynomial Evaluation. (line 6) * polynomial interpolation: Interpolation Types. (line 13) * polynomials, roots of: Polynomials. (line 6) * power function: Power Function. (line 6) * power of complex number: Elementary Complex Functions. (line 16) * power, units of: Thermal Energy and Power. (line 6) * precision, IEEE arithmetic: Setting up your IEEE environment. (line 6) * predictor-corrector method, ODEs: Stepping Functions. (line 129) * prefixes: Prefixes. (line 6) * pressure, units of: Pressure. (line 6) * Prince-Dormand, Runge-Kutta method: Stepping Functions. (line 103) * printers units: Printers Units. (line 6) * probability distribution, from histogram: The histogram probability distribution struct. (line 6) * probability distributions, from histograms: Resampling from histograms. (line 6) * projection of ntuples: Histogramming ntuple values. (line 35) * psi function: Psi (Digamma) Function. (line 6) * QAG quadrature algorithm: QAG adaptive integration. (line 6) * QAGI quadrature algorithm: QAGI adaptive integration on infinite intervals. (line 6) * QAGP quadrature algorithm: QAGP adaptive integration with known singular points. (line 6) * QAGS quadrature algorithm: QAGS adaptive integration with singularities. (line 6) * QAWC quadrature algorithm: QAWC adaptive integration for Cauchy principal values. (line 6) * QAWF quadrature algorithm: QAWF adaptive integration for Fourier integrals. (line 6) * QAWO quadrature algorithm: QAWO adaptive integration for oscillatory functions. (line 6) * QAWS quadrature algorithm: QAWS adaptive integration for singular functions. (line 6) * QNG quadrature algorithm: QNG non-adaptive Gauss-Kronrod integration. (line 6) * QR decomposition: QR Decomposition. (line 6) * QR decomposition with column pivoting: QR Decomposition with Column Pivoting. (line 6) * QUADPACK: Numerical Integration. (line 6) * quadratic equation, solving: Quadratic Equations. (line 6) * quadrature: Numerical Integration. (line 6) * quantile functions: Random Number Distributions. (line 6) * quasi-random sequences: Quasi-Random Sequences. (line 6) * R250 shift-register random number generator: Other random number generators. (line 60) * Racah coefficients: Coupling Coefficients. (line 6) * Radial Mathieu Functions: Radial Mathieu Functions. (line 6) * radioactivity, units of: Radioactivity. (line 6) * Radix-2 FFT for real data: Radix-2 FFT routines for real data. (line 6) * Radix-2 FFT, complex data: Radix-2 FFT routines for complex data. (line 6) * rand, BSD random number generator: Unix random number generators. (line 17) * rand48 random number generator: Unix random number generators. (line 58) * random number distributions: Random Number Distributions. (line 6) * random number generators: Random Number Generation. (line 6) * random sampling from histograms: The histogram probability distribution struct. (line 6) * RANDU random number generator: Other random number generators. (line 105) * RANF random number generator: Other random number generators. (line 23) * range: Statistics. (line 6) * range-checking for matrices: Accessing matrix elements. (line 6) * range-checking for vectors: Accessing vector elements. (line 6) * RANLUX random number generator: Random number generator algorithms. (line 71) * RANLXD random number generator: Random number generator algorithms. (line 65) * RANLXS random number generator: Random number generator algorithms. (line 47) * RANMAR random number generator: Other random number generators. (line 54) * Rayleigh distribution: The Rayleigh Distribution. (line 7) * Rayleigh Tail distribution: The Rayleigh Tail Distribution. (line 8) * real nonsymmetric matrix, eigensystem: Real Nonsymmetric Matrices. (line 6) * real symmetric matrix, eigensystem: Real Symmetric Matrices. (line 6) * Reciprocal Gamma function: Gamma Functions. (line 51) * rectangular to polar conversion: Conversion Functions. (line 6) * recursive stratified sampling, MISER: MISER. (line 6) * reduction of angular variables: Restriction Functions. (line 6) * refinement of solutions in linear systems: LU Decomposition. (line 57) * regression, least squares: Least-Squares Fitting. (line 6) * Regular Bessel Functions, Fractional Order: Regular Bessel Function - Fractional Order. (line 6) * Regular Bessel Functions, Zeros of: Zeros of Regular Bessel Functions. (line 6) * Regular Cylindrical Bessel Functions: Regular Cylindrical Bessel Functions. (line 6) * Regular Modified Bessel Functions, Fractional Order: Regular Modified Bessel Functions - Fractional Order. (line 6) * Regular Modified Cylindrical Bessel Functions: Regular Modified Cylindrical Bessel Functions. (line 6) * Regular Modified Spherical Bessel Functions: Regular Modified Spherical Bessel Functions. (line 6) * Regular Spherical Bessel Functions: Regular Spherical Bessel Functions. (line 6) * Regulated Gamma function: Gamma Functions. (line 42) * relative Pochhammer symbol: Pochhammer Symbol. (line 31) * reporting bugs in GSL: Reporting Bugs. (line 6) * representations of complex numbers: Representation of complex numbers. (line 6) * resampling from histograms: Resampling from histograms. (line 6) * residual, in nonlinear systems of equations <1>: Search Stopping Parameters for Minimization Algorithms. (line 30) * residual, in nonlinear systems of equations: Search Stopping Parameters for the multidimensional solver. (line 31) * reversing a permutation: Permutation functions. (line 7) * Riemann Zeta Function: Riemann Zeta Function. (line 6) * RK2, Runge-Kutta method: Stepping Functions. (line 88) * RK4, Runge-Kutta method: Stepping Functions. (line 91) * RKF45, Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method: Stepping Functions. (line 96) * root finding: One dimensional Root-Finding. (line 6) * root finding, bisection algorithm: Root Bracketing Algorithms. (line 17) * root finding, Brent's method: Root Bracketing Algorithms. (line 50) * root finding, caveats: Root Finding Caveats. (line 6) * root finding, false position algorithm: Root Bracketing Algorithms. (line 33) * root finding, initial guess: Search Bounds and Guesses. (line 6) * root finding, Newton's method: Root Finding Algorithms using Derivatives. (line 16) * root finding, overview: Root Finding Overview. (line 6) * root finding, providing a function to solve: Providing the function to solve. (line 6) * root finding, search bounds: Search Bounds and Guesses. (line 6) * root finding, secant method: Root Finding Algorithms using Derivatives. (line 30) * root finding, Steffenson's method: Root Finding Algorithms using Derivatives. (line 61) * root finding, stopping parameters <1>: Search Stopping Parameters for the multidimensional solver. (line 6) * root finding, stopping parameters: Search Stopping Parameters. (line 6) * roots: One dimensional Root-Finding. (line 6) * ROTG, Level-1 BLAS: Level 1 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 116) * rounding mode: Setting up your IEEE environment. (line 6) * Runge-Kutta Cash-Karp method: Stepping Functions. (line 100) * Runge-Kutta methods, ordinary differential equations: Stepping Functions. (line 88) * Runge-Kutta Prince-Dormand method: Stepping Functions. (line 103) * safe comparison of floating point numbers: Approximate Comparison of Floating Point Numbers. (line 13) * safeguarded step-length algorithm: Minimization Algorithms. (line 48) * sampling from histograms <1>: The histogram probability distribution struct. (line 6) * sampling from histograms: Resampling from histograms. (line 6) * SAXPY, Level-1 BLAS: Level 1 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 96) * SCAL, Level-1 BLAS: Level 1 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 109) * schedule, cooling: Simulated Annealing algorithm. (line 23) * se(q,x), Mathieu function: Angular Mathieu Functions. (line 6) * secant method for finding roots: Root Finding Algorithms using Derivatives. (line 30) * selection function, ntuples: Histogramming ntuple values. (line 13) * series, acceleration: Series Acceleration. (line 6) * shared libraries: Shared Libraries. (line 6) * shell prompt: Conventions used in this manual. (line 6) * Shi(x): Hyperbolic Integrals. (line 6) * shift-register random number generator: Other random number generators. (line 60) * Si(x): Trigonometric Integrals. (line 6) * sign bit, IEEE format: Representation of floating point numbers. (line 6) * sign of the determinant of a matrix: LU Decomposition. (line 99) * simplex algorithm, minimization: Multimin Algorithms without Derivatives. (line 11) * simulated annealing: Simulated Annealing. (line 6) * sin, of complex number: Complex Trigonometric Functions. (line 7) * sine function, special functions: Circular Trigonometric Functions. (line 8) * single precision, IEEE format: Representation of floating point numbers. (line 31) * singular functions, numerical integration of: QAWS adaptive integration for singular functions. (line 6) * singular points, specifying positions in quadrature: QAGP adaptive integration with known singular points. (line 6) * singular value decomposition: Singular Value Decomposition. (line 6) * Skew Levy distribution: The Levy skew alpha-Stable Distribution. (line 9) * skewness: Higher moments (skewness and kurtosis). (line 6) * slope, see numerical derivative: Numerical Differentiation. (line 6) * Sobol sequence: Quasi-Random Sequences. (line 6) * solution of linear system by Householder transformations: Householder solver for linear systems. (line 6) * solution of linear systems, Ax=b: Linear Algebra. (line 6) * solving a nonlinear equation: One dimensional Root-Finding. (line 6) * solving nonlinear systems of equations: Multidimensional Root-Finding. (line 6) * sorting: Sorting. (line 6) * sorting eigenvalues and eigenvectors: Sorting Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. (line 6) * sorting vector elements: Sorting vectors. (line 23) * source code, reuse in applications: Code Reuse. (line 6) * special functions: Special Functions. (line 6) * Spherical Bessel Functions: Regular Spherical Bessel Functions. (line 6) * spherical harmonics: Legendre Functions and Spherical Harmonics. (line 6) * spherical random variates, 2D: Spherical Vector Distributions. (line 14) * spherical random variates, 3D: Spherical Vector Distributions. (line 33) * spherical random variates, N-dimensional: Spherical Vector Distributions. (line 42) * spline: Interpolation. (line 6) * splines, basis: Basis Splines. (line 6) * square root of a matrix, Cholesky decomposition: Cholesky Decomposition. (line 6) * square root of complex number: Elementary Complex Functions. (line 7) * standard deviation: Statistics. (line 6) * standard deviation, from histogram: Histogram Statistics. (line 30) * standards conformance, ANSI C: Using the library. (line 6) * Statistical Reference Datasets (StRD): Fitting References and Further Reading. (line 16) * statistics: Statistics. (line 6) * statistics, from histogram: Histogram Statistics. (line 6) * steepest descent algorithm, minimization: Multimin Algorithms with Derivatives. (line 57) * Steffenson's method for finding roots: Root Finding Algorithms using Derivatives. (line 61) * stratified sampling in Monte Carlo integration: Monte Carlo Integration. (line 6) * stride, of vector index: Vectors. (line 6) * Student t-distribution: The t-distribution. (line 15) * subdiagonal, of a matrix: Creating row and column views. (line 74) * summation, acceleration: Series Acceleration. (line 6) * superdiagonal, matrix: Creating row and column views. (line 86) * SVD: Singular Value Decomposition. (line 6) * SWAP, Level-1 BLAS: Level 1 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 76) * swapping permutation elements: Accessing permutation elements. (line 18) * SYMM, Level-3 BLAS: Level 3 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 41) * symmetric matrix, real, eigensystem: Real Symmetric Matrices. (line 6) * SYMV, Level-2 BLAS: Level 2 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 71) * synchrotron functions: Synchrotron Functions. (line 6) * SYR, Level-2 BLAS: Level 2 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 120) * SYR2, Level-2 BLAS: Level 2 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 144) * SYR2K, Level-3 BLAS: Level 3 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 164) * SYRK, Level-3 BLAS: Level 3 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 126) * systems of equations, nonlinear: Multidimensional Root-Finding. (line 6) * t-distribution: The t-distribution. (line 15) * t-test: Statistics. (line 6) * tangent of complex number: Complex Trigonometric Functions. (line 15) * Tausworthe random number generator: Random number generator algorithms. (line 137) * Taylor coefficients, computation of: Factorials. (line 54) * testing combination for validity: Combination properties. (line 18) * testing multiset for validity: Multiset properties. (line 17) * testing permutation for validity: Permutation properties. (line 14) * thermal energy, units of: Thermal Energy and Power. (line 6) * time units: Measurement of Time. (line 6) * trailing dimension, matrices: Matrices. (line 6) * transformation, Householder: Householder Transformations. (line 6) * transforms, Hankel: Discrete Hankel Transforms. (line 6) * transforms, wavelet: Wavelet Transforms. (line 6) * transport functions: Transport Functions. (line 6) * traveling salesman problem: Traveling Salesman Problem. (line 6) * tridiagonal decomposition <1>: Tridiagonal Decomposition of Hermitian Matrices. (line 6) * tridiagonal decomposition: Tridiagonal Decomposition of Real Symmetric Matrices. (line 6) * tridiagonal systems: Tridiagonal Systems. (line 6) * trigonometric functions: Trigonometric Functions. (line 6) * trigonometric functions of complex numbers: Complex Trigonometric Functions. (line 6) * trigonometric integrals: Trigonometric Integrals. (line 6) * TRMM, Level-3 BLAS: Level 3 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 78) * TRMV, Level-2 BLAS: Level 2 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 36) * TRSM, Level-3 BLAS: Level 3 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 102) * TRSV, Level-2 BLAS: Level 2 GSL BLAS Interface. (line 57) * TSP: Traveling Salesman Problem. (line 6) * TT800 random number generator: Other random number generators. (line 75) * two dimensional Gaussian distribution: The Bivariate Gaussian Distribution. (line 9) * two dimensional histograms: Two dimensional histograms. (line 6) * two-sided exponential distribution: The Laplace Distribution. (line 7) * Type 1 Gumbel distribution, random variates: The Type-1 Gumbel Distribution. (line 8) * Type 2 Gumbel distribution: The Type-2 Gumbel Distribution. (line 8) * u-transform for series: Series Acceleration. (line 6) * underflow, IEEE exceptions: Setting up your IEEE environment. (line 6) * uniform distribution: The Flat (Uniform) Distribution. (line 8) * units, conversion of: Physical Constants. (line 6) * units, imperial: Imperial Units. (line 6) * Unix random number generators, rand: Unix random number generators. (line 17) * Unix random number generators, rand48: Unix random number generators. (line 17) * unnormalized incomplete Gamma function: Incomplete Gamma Functions. (line 9) * unweighted linear fits: Least-Squares Fitting. (line 6) * usage, compiling application programs: Using the library. (line 6) * value function, ntuples: Histogramming ntuple values. (line 24) * Van der Pol oscillator, example: ODE Example programs. (line 6) * variance: Statistics. (line 6) * variance, from histogram: Histogram Statistics. (line 30) * variance-covariance matrix, linear fits: Fitting Overview. (line 47) * VAX random number generator: Other random number generators. (line 87) * vector, operations: BLAS Support. (line 6) * vector, sorting elements of: Sorting vectors. (line 23) * vectors <1>: Vectors. (line 6) * vectors: Vectors and Matrices. (line 6) * vectors, initializing: Initializing vector elements. (line 6) * vectors, range-checking: Accessing vector elements. (line 6) * VEGAS Monte Carlo integration: VEGAS. (line 6) * viscosity, units of: Viscosity. (line 6) * volume units: Volume Area and Length. (line 6) * W function: Lambert W Functions. (line 6) * warning options: GCC warning options for numerical programs. (line 6) * warranty (none): No Warranty. (line 6) * wavelet transforms: Wavelet Transforms. (line 6) * website, developer information: Further Information. (line 6) * Weibull distribution: The Weibull Distribution. (line 8) * weight, units of: Mass and Weight. (line 6) * weighted linear fits: Least-Squares Fitting. (line 6) * Wigner coefficients: Coupling Coefficients. (line 6) * y(x), Bessel Functions: Irregular Spherical Bessel Functions. (line 6) * Y(x), Bessel Functions: Irregular Cylindrical Bessel Functions. (line 6) * zero finding: One dimensional Root-Finding. (line 6) * zero matrix: Initializing matrix elements. (line 6) * zero, IEEE format: Representation of floating point numbers. (line 27) * Zeros of Regular Bessel Functions: Zeros of Regular Bessel Functions. (line 6) * Zeta functions: Zeta Functions. (line 6) * Ziggurat method: The Gaussian Distribution. (line 29)