package; import*; import java.util.*; /** * Keeps chromosome information. * */ public class ChromLibrary { /** * Gets the smallest chromosome for the assembly. * * @param chroms The list of chromosomes in the assembly. * @param debug Run debugger if true. Prints to command line. * * @return The smallest chromsome for the assembly. */ public static ChromInfo getSmallestChrom(ArrayList chroms, boolean debug) { // set start at 100 million and no chromname ChromInfo smallest = new ChromInfo("placeholder", 100000000); // iterate through chroms looking for smaller chroms Iterator chromIter = chroms.iterator(); while (chromIter.hasNext()) { ChromInfo ci = (ChromInfo); if (debug) { System.out.println("size = " + ci.size); } if (ci.size < smallest.size) { smallest = ci; } } return (smallest); } }