package; import*; import*; import*; import com.meterware.httpunit.*; import org.xml.sax.*; /** * * Purpose: check all links on a web page and report ok links and * error links in separate files * Accepts command line input: path in htdocs, file[.html], [dateString] * Use zero for path if at top level * @author Heather Trumbower * @author Robert Kuhn * @version 1.3 * @date 12/03/03 */ class LinkCheck { public static void main(String[] args) { WebConversation wc = new WebConversation(); /* path / file pairs String localPath = new String("goldenPath/"); String file = new String("gbdDescriptions"); String file = new String("credits"); String file = new String("pubs"); String file = new String("stats"); String file = new String("releaseLog"); String file = new String("newsarch"); String file = new String("textBrowser"); */ // set parameters for naming file to check here and using as variable String machine = "genome"; String localPath = ""; String file = ""; String yymmmdd = "today"; if (args.length < 2) { System.out.println("\n Checks all links on a web page."); System.out.println(" Usage: [machine:]path_in_htdocs file[.html] [dateString]."); System.out.println(" Use zero for path if at htdocs level."); System.out.println(" dateString defaults to \"today\"."); System.out.println(" machine defaults to genome.\n"); System.exit(-1); } localPath = args[0] + "/"; // parse out machine name, if present if ( localPath.indexOf(":") > 0 ) { String[] machPath = localPath.split(":"); machine = machPath[0]; localPath = machPath[1]; } if (! machine.equals("genome") ) { machine = machine + ".cse"; } if (localPath.equals("0/")) { // System.out.println("got a zero as input: " + args[0]); localPath = ""; } file = args[1]; if (args.length == 3) { yymmmdd = args[2]; } // clean off extra "/" if present localPath = localPath.replaceAll("//", "/"); // replace / with . for output file name String outputPath = localPath.replaceAll("/", "."); // System.out.println("localPath: " + localPath + "\n"); // System.out.println("outputPath: " + outputPath + "\n"); // take this as command line arg or read from data file String baseURL = "http://" + machine + "" + localPath + file; String webPath = "http://" + machine + "" + localPath; if (! baseURL.endsWith("html")) { // System.out.println("no html ending"); baseURL = baseURL + ".html"; } else { // System.out.println("has html ending"); // Will take *.shtml // clean off html or shtml for output filename file = file.replaceAll(".shtml", ""); file = file.replaceAll(".html", ""); } WebRequest req = new GetMethodWebRequest(baseURL); try { // open files for good links and bad FileWriter fw1 = new FileWriter(outputPath + file + "." + yymmmdd); FileWriter fw2 = new FileWriter(outputPath + file + "." + yymmmdd + ".errors"); BufferedWriter bw1 = new BufferedWriter(fw1); BufferedWriter bw2 = new BufferedWriter(fw2); PrintWriter ok = new PrintWriter(bw1); PrintWriter err = new PrintWriter(bw2); int countskip = 0; int countok = 0; int counterr = 0; ok.println("Checking file: " + baseURL); // read from datafile WebResponse page = wc.getResponse(req); WebLink linkarray[] = page.getLinks(); for (int i=0; i < linkarray.length; i++) { // get the page each time in the loop page = wc.getCurrentPage(); // check the response code WebRequest detailreq = linkarray[i].getRequest(); URL myURL = detailreq.getURL(); String myProtocol = myURL.getProtocol(); // skip "mailto" and other protocols if (myProtocol.equals("http") | myProtocol.equals("https")) { int code = Robot.getResponseCode(wc, linkarray[i]); System.out.println("Link = " + linkarray[i].getText()); if (code == 200) { countok++; ok.println("\n----------------------------------"); ok.println("Link = " + linkarray[i].getText()); ok.println(" Response Code = " + code); ok.println("----------------------------------"); } else { counterr++; if (counterr == 1) { err.println("Checking file: " + baseURL); } /* err.println("localPath: " + localPath + "\n"); err.println("outputPath: " + outputPath + "\n"); err.println("myURL: " + myURL + "\n"); err.println("baseURL: " + baseURL + "\n"); */ err.println("\n----------------------------------"); err.println("Link = " + linkarray[i].getText()); err.println("URL = " + myURL); err.println(" Response Code = " + code); err.println("----------------------------------"); } } else { countskip++; ok.println("\n----------------------------------"); ok.println("Link = " + linkarray[i].getText()); ok.println("Skipping"); ok.println("----------------------------------"); } } System.out.println("---------------------------------"); int count = linkarray.length; ok.println("Count of links checked = " + count); ok.println("Count of ok links = " + countok); ok.println("Count of error links = " + counterr); ok.println("Count of skipped links = " + countskip); if (counterr > 0) { err.println("Count of links checked = " + count); err.println("Count of error links = " + counterr); } System.out.println("htdocs/" + outputPath + file); System.out.println("Count of error links = " + counterr + "\n"); ok.close(); err.close(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } catch (SAXException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } } }