package; import*; import*; import java.sql.*; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; /** * Connect to where mod_log_sql is dumping Apache access logs. * Check for new rows within the last number of minutes. */ public class ApacheMonitor { static void usage() { System.out.println( "\nApacheMonitor - read logs from mod_log_sql\n" + "Check for new rows within the last number of minutes.\n" + "usage:\n" + " java ApacheMonitor propertiesFile [verbose]\n" + "where properties files may contain sourceMachine, sourceDB, sourceTable, " + "targetMachine, errorCodes, minutes.\n" + " java ApacheMonitor default\n" + "This will use the default properties\n" + "Verbose will report even if no errors found\n" ); System.exit(-1); } public static void main(String[] args) { boolean debug = false; int debugTime = 1087840000; // works 06-21-04 11:30 String mode = ""; /* Process command line properties, and load them into machine and table. */ if (args.length < 1 || args.length > 2) usage(); if (args.length == 2) { mode = args[1]; } LogTarget target = new LogTarget(args[0]); // make sure CLASSPATH has been set for JDBC driver if (!QADBLibrary.checkDriver()) return; // set DB connection HGDBInfo dbinfo; try { dbinfo = new HGDBInfo(target.sourceMachine, target.sourceDB); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); return; } if (!dbinfo.validate()) return; String myurl = QADBLibrary.jdbcURL(dbinfo); try { Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(myurl); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); // all machines? boolean allMachines = false; String machine = target.targetMachine; if (machine.equals("all")) allMachines = true; // get mysql time, set time delta String timequery = "SELECT unix_timestamp(now()) AS secondsNow"; ResultSet timeRS = stmt.executeQuery(timequery);; int secondsNow = timeRS.getInt("secondsNow"); int secondsDelta = target.minutes * 60; int timeDelta = secondsNow - secondsDelta; if (debug == true) { System.out.println("got past timestamp query"); } // check for any rows within time delta String nullquery = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM "; nullquery = nullquery + target.sourceTable + " "; nullquery = nullquery + "WHERE time_stamp > " + timeDelta; if (!allMachines) { nullquery = nullquery + " AND machine_id = " + target.targetMachine; } if (debug == true) { System.out.println(nullquery); System.out.println("setting new nullquery"); nullquery = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM " + target.sourceTable + " WHERE time_stamp > " + debugTime; System.out.println(nullquery); } ResultSet nullRS = stmt.executeQuery(nullquery); if (debug == true) { System.out.println("created nullquery ResultSet object"); }; int nullcnt = nullRS.getInt("cnt"); if (debug == true) { System.out.println("got past first COUNT query"); } // check for matching rows String testquery = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM "; testquery = testquery + target.sourceTable + " "; testquery = testquery + "WHERE status = " + target.errorCode + " "; testquery = testquery + "AND time_stamp > " + timeDelta; if (debug == true) { System.out.println("got past second COUNT query"); System.out.println("setting testquery to debugTime"); testquery = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM " + target.sourceTable + "WHERE status = 500 AND time_stamp > " + debugTime; } if (!allMachines) { testquery = testquery + " and machine_id = " + target.targetMachine; } ResultSet testRS = stmt.executeQuery(testquery);; int cnt = testRS.getInt("cnt"); // set to print only if errors detected or if verbose mode if (cnt != 0 || mode.equals("verbose")) { System.out.println(nullquery); System.out.println("Count of rows with any status code = " + nullcnt); System.out.println(testquery); System.out.println("Count of matching rows = " + cnt); } // if nothing found, we're done if (cnt == 0) System.exit(0); // get all matching rows String listquery = "SELECT machine_id, referer, remote_host, " + "request_uri, time_stamp FROM "; listquery = listquery + target.sourceTable + " "; listquery = listquery + "WHERE status = " + target.errorCode + " "; listquery = listquery + "AND time_stamp > " + timeDelta; if (!allMachines) { listquery = listquery + " AND machine_id = " + target.targetMachine; } if (debug == true) { listquery = "SELECT machine_id, referer, remote_host," + " request_uri, time_stamp FROM " + target.sourceTable + " WHERE status = " + target.errorCode + " AND time_stamp > " + debugTime; } // set variables for formatting output into columns int i = 0; int refererSize = 0; int remHostSize = 0; // get results of query ResultSet listRS = stmt.executeQuery(listquery); listRS.last(); int arraySize = listRS.getRow(); listRS.beforeFirst(); String remHost[] = new String[arraySize]; String refUser[] = new String[arraySize]; while ( { String request_uri = listRS.getString("request_uri"); String referer = listRS.getString("referer"); String remote_host = listRS.getString("remote_host"); String machine_id = listRS.getString("machine_id"); int time_stamp = listRS.getInt("time_stamp"); int deltaSeconds = secondsNow - time_stamp; int deltaMinutes = deltaSeconds / 60; System.out.print("Status " + target.errorCode + " from " + request_uri + " on "); System.out.println(machine_id + "; " + deltaMinutes + " minutes ago"); // store details and set size variables to longest string each time remHost[i] = remote_host; refUser[i] = referer; if (remote_host.length() > remHostSize) { remHostSize = remote_host.length(); } if (referer.length() > refererSize) { refererSize = referer.length(); } i++; } // compute sizes and print header for details output String rem = "remote_host"; String separator = "-----------"; int remHostDiff = remHostSize - rem.length(); for (int j = 0; j < remHostDiff; j++) { rem = rem + " "; separator = separator+ "-"; } separator = separator + "-|-"; for (int j = 0; j < refererSize; j++) { separator = separator + "-"; } separator = separator + "-|"; System.out.println(" \n" + rem + " | referer"); System.out.println(separator); // print details of error for (int j = 0; j < remHost.length; j++) { int remPrintSpaces = remHostSize - remHost[j].length(); for (int k = 0; k < remPrintSpaces; k++) { remHost[j] = remHost[j] + " "; } System.out.println(remHost[j] + " | " + refUser[j] + " |"); } System.out.println(separator); stmt.close(); conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // markd's suggestion to change this: // System.err.println(e.getMessage()); throw new Error(e); } } }