package; import*; import*; import java.sql.*; import java.text.*; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Calendar; /** * Connect to where mod_log_sql is dumping Apache access logs. * Generate hourly report for previous day. */ public class ApacheReport { static String fileMonth; static DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00"); /** * Get the proper digit for the 0-based month variable * * @param month The month; becomes part of file name. * * @return The two-character version of the month. */ static String getMonth(int month) { if (month == 0) return "01"; if (month == 1) return "02"; if (month == 2) return "03"; if (month == 3) return "04"; if (month == 4) return "05"; if (month == 5) return "06"; if (month == 6) return "07"; if (month == 7) return "08"; if (month == 8) return "09"; if (month == 9) return "10"; if (month == 10) return "11"; return "12"; } /** * Get the month name in text for the 0-based month variable * * @param month The month; becomes part of file name. * * @return The text 3-char name of the month. */ static String getMonthText(int month) { if (month == 0) return "Jan"; if (month == 1) return "Feb"; if (month == 2) return "Mar"; if (month == 3) return "Apr"; if (month == 4) return "May"; if (month == 5) return "Jun"; if (month == 6) return "Jul"; if (month == 7) return "Aug"; if (month == 8) return "Sep"; if (month == 9) return "Oct"; if (month == 10) return "Nov"; return "Dec"; } /** * Open daily file for writing HTML output * * @param outpath The path; becomes part of file name. * @param year The year; becomes part of file name. * @param month The month; becomes part of file name. * @param day The day; becomes part of file name. * * @throws Exception. * @return The PrintWriter object for daily file report. */ static PrintWriter setDailyFile(String outpath, int year, int month, int day) throws Exception { DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat("#,#00"); String filename = outpath + year + "-" + getMonth(month) + "-" + df2.format(day) + ".html"; System.out.println("\nWriting daily report to \n" + filename + "\n"); String url = "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/"; if (outpath.startsWith(url)) { String urlpath = outpath.replaceFirst(url, ""); System.out.println("Try the URL directly: \n" + urlpath + year + "-" + getMonth(month) + "-" + df2.format(day) + ".html"); } FileWriter fout = new FileWriter(filename); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fout); return(pw); } /** * Name monthly file for yesterday for writing HTML output * and print the name of the file to standard out. * Create new file for next month if it is a new month. * * @param outpath The path; becomes part of file name. * @param year The year; becomes part of file name. * @param month The month; becomes part of file name. * * @throws Exception. * @return The name for monthly report file for yesterday. */ static String setMonthlyFile(String outpath, int year, int month) throws Exception { // for testing -- set the month to last month String yestMonth = getMonth(month); // make name of file for yesterday's data fileMonth = outpath + year + "-" + getMonth(month) + ".html"; Calendar calToday = Calendar.getInstance(); int nowMonth = calToday.get(Calendar.MONTH); int nowYear = calToday.get(Calendar.YEAR); String thisMonth = getMonth(nowMonth); if (!thisMonth.equals(yestMonth)) { System.out.println("\n========================================\n"); System.out.println("\n" + getMonthText(month) + " monthly report available at: \n" + fileMonth + "\n"); String url = "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/"; if (outpath.startsWith(url)) { String urlpath = outpath.replaceFirst(url, ""); System.out.println("Try the URL directly: \n" + urlpath + year + "-" + getMonth(month) + ".html"); } // start new month file when month changes String thisMonthFile = outpath + nowYear + "-" + thisMonth + ".html"; FileWriter fwNextMonth = new FileWriter(thisMonthFile); PrintWriter pwNextMonth = new PrintWriter(fwNextMonth); printHeader(pwNextMonth, nowYear, nowMonth, 0, "month"); printFooter(pwNextMonth); pwNextMonth.close(); // System.exit(-1); } return(fileMonth); } /** * Prints header for HTML output file * * @param pw A PrintWriter object. * @param year The year; becomes part of file name. * @param month The month; becomes part of file name. * @param day The day; becomes part of file name. * @param fileFlag Type of file -- daily or monthly. */ static void printHeader(PrintWriter pw, int year, int month, int day, String fileFlag) { pw.print("\n"); pw.print("\n"); if (fileFlag.equals("daily")) { pw.print("Daily Apache Report -- " + getMonthText(month) + " " + day + ", " + year + " \n"); } else { pw.print("Daily Apache Report -- " + getMonthText(month) + ", " + year + " \n"); } pw.print("\n"); pw.print("\n"); if (fileFlag.equals("daily")) { pw.print("

Daily Apache Report -- " + getMonthText(month) + " " + day + ", " + year + "

\n"); } else { pw.print("

Monthly Apache Report -- " + getMonthText(month) + ", " + year + "

\n"); } pw.print("\n"); pw.print("\n"); if (fileFlag.equals("daily")) { pw.print(""); } else { pw.print(""); } pw.print(""); pw.print(""); pw.print(""); pw.print("\n"); } /** * Prints footer for HTML output file * * @param pw A PrintWriter object */ static void printFooter(PrintWriter pw) { pw.print("
HourDayAccessesError 500Percent
"); pw.print(""); pw.print("\n"); } /** * Creates a Calendar object with YEAR/MONTH/DAY set 24 hours in the past * * @return a Calendar object with YEAR/MONTH/DAY set 24 hours in the past */ static Calendar getCalYesterday() { // first figure out what day it is Calendar calNow = Calendar.getInstance(); int dayNow = calNow.get(Calendar.DATE); int monthNow = calNow.get(Calendar.MONTH); int yearNow = calNow.get(Calendar.YEAR); // next figure out what time it is (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970) java.util.Date dateNow = calNow.getTime(); long millisecondsNow = dateNow.getTime(); // subtract 24 hours long millisecondsInDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; long millisecondsYesterday = millisecondsNow - millisecondsInDay; // construct Calendar java.util.Date dateYesterday = new Date(millisecondsYesterday); // System.out.println("millisecNow = " + millisecondsNow); // System.out.println("millisecYesterday = " + millisecondsYesterday); // System.out.println("dateYesterday: " + dateYesterday.toString() + "\n"); Calendar calYesterday = Calendar.getInstance(); calYesterday.setTime(dateYesterday); return(calYesterday); } /** * Writes a usage message to standard out. * */ static void usage() { System.out.println( "\nApacheReport - read logs from mod_log_sql\n" + "Generate reports.\n" + "usage:\n" + " java ApacheReport propertiesFile [-path=pathname] [-mode=verbose]\n" + "where properties files may contain sourceMachine, sourceDB, \nsourceTable, " + "targetMachine, errorCodes, minutes.\n" + "and where path defaults to /usr/local/apache/htdocs/qa/test-results/apache " + "\n(use \"local\" for local directory).\n" + "\n java ApacheReport default\n" + "This will use the default properties.\n" ); System.exit(-1); } /** * Writes Daily and Monthly usage reports of error 500s on the RoundRobin. * */ public static void main(String[] args) { String mode = ""; String outpath = "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/qa/test-results/apache/"; boolean debug = false; /* Process command-line properties, and load them into LogTarget object. */ if (args.length < 1 || args.length > 3) usage(); if (args.length == 2 || args.length == 3) { // set second argument String defineArg = "-path="; if (args[1].startsWith(defineArg)) { outpath = args[1].replaceFirst(defineArg, ""); if (outpath.equals("local")) { outpath = ""; } else { // allow trailing "/" or not in input outpath = outpath + "/"; outpath = outpath.replaceAll("//", "/"); } } defineArg = "-mode="; if (args[1].startsWith(defineArg)) { mode = args[1].replaceFirst(defineArg, ""); } } if (args.length == 3) { // set third argument String defineArg = "-path="; if (args[2].startsWith(defineArg)) { outpath = args[2].replaceFirst(defineArg, ""); if (outpath.equals("local")) { outpath = ""; } else { // allow trailing "/" or not in input outpath = outpath + "/"; outpath = outpath.replaceAll("//", "/"); } } defineArg = "-mode="; if (args[2].startsWith(defineArg)) { mode = args[2].replaceFirst(defineArg, ""); } } LogTarget target = new LogTarget(args[0]); // construct Calendar Calendar calYesterday = getCalYesterday(); int dayYesterday = calYesterday.get(Calendar.DATE); int monthYesterday = calYesterday.get(Calendar.MONTH); int yearYesterday = calYesterday.get(Calendar.YEAR); if (debug == true || mode.equals("verbose")) { System.out.print("\nGenerating report for year = " + yearYesterday + " month = " + monthYesterday); System.out.println(" day = " + dayYesterday); } // make sure CLASSPATH has been set for JDBC driver if (!QADBLibrary.checkDriver()) return; // set DB connection HGDBInfo dbinfo; try { dbinfo = new HGDBInfo(target.sourceMachine, target.sourceDB); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); return; } if (!dbinfo.validate()) return; String myurl = QADBLibrary.jdbcURL(dbinfo); try { Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(myurl); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); // all machines? boolean allMachines = false; String machine = target.targetMachine; if (machine.equals("all")) allMachines = true; // configure output file PrintWriter pw = setDailyFile(outpath, yearYesterday, monthYesterday, dayYesterday); printHeader(pw, yearYesterday, monthYesterday, dayYesterday, "daily"); // try to trap some output. // pw.close(); // that worked to trap header. // set percent output to two decimals // iterate through 24 hours int secondsInHour = 60 * 60; int totalAccess = 0; int totalError = 0; for (int reportHour = 0; reportHour <= 23; reportHour++) { // for (int reportHour = 0; reportHour <= 1; reportHour++) { pw.print("\n"); pw.print("" + reportHour + "\n"); calYesterday.set(yearYesterday, monthYesterday, dayYesterday, reportHour, 0, 0); java.util.Date reportDate = calYesterday.getTime(); long millisecondsReport = calYesterday.getTimeInMillis(); long secondsReportStart = millisecondsReport / 1000; long secondsReportEnd = secondsReportStart + secondsInHour; if (mode.equals("verbose")) { System.out.println("reportHour = " + reportHour); } if (debug == true) { System.out.println("reportHour = " + reportHour); System.out.println("millisecReport = " + millisecondsReport); System.out.println("secReportStart = " + secondsReportStart); System.out.println("secReportEnd = " + secondsReportEnd ); } // check for any rows within this hour String nullquery = "select count(*) as cnt from "; nullquery = nullquery + target.sourceTable + " "; nullquery = nullquery + "where time_stamp >= " + secondsReportStart + " "; nullquery = nullquery + "and time_stamp < " + secondsReportEnd; if (!allMachines) { nullquery = nullquery + " and machine_id = " + target.targetMachine; } ResultSet nullRS = stmt.executeQuery(nullquery);; int nullcnt = nullRS.getInt("cnt"); if (debug == true || mode.equals("verbose")) { System.out.println(nullquery); System.out.println("Count of rows with any status code = " + nullcnt); } pw.print("" + nullcnt + "\n"); totalAccess = totalAccess + nullcnt; // check for matching rows String testquery = "select count(*) as cnt from "; testquery = testquery + target.sourceTable + " "; testquery = testquery + "where status = " + target.errorCode + " "; testquery = testquery + "and time_stamp >= " + secondsReportStart + " "; testquery = testquery + "and time_stamp < " + secondsReportEnd; if (!allMachines) { testquery = testquery + " and machine_id = " + target.targetMachine; } ResultSet testRS = stmt.executeQuery(testquery);; int cnt = testRS.getInt("cnt"); if (debug == true || mode.equals("verbose")) { System.out.println(testquery); System.out.println("Count of matching rows = " + cnt + "\n"); } pw.print("" + cnt + "\n"); totalError = totalError + cnt; // need to convert numerator and denominator to float first? (yes) float percent; if (nullcnt == 0) { percent = 0; } else { percent = (float) cnt / (float) nullcnt * 100; } String printPercent = df.format(percent); pw.print("" + printPercent + "\n"); pw.print("\n"); } float totalPercent = (float) totalError / (float) totalAccess * 100; // print totals pw.print("\n"); pw.print("Totals\n"); pw.print("" + totalAccess + "\n"); pw.print("" + totalError + "\n"); String printTotPercent = df.format(totalPercent); pw.print("" + printTotPercent + "\n"); // System.out.println("totalAccess = " + totalAccess); // System.out.println("totalError = " + totalError ); // System.out.println("origPercent = " + totalPercent); // System.out.println("totalPercent= " + printTotPercent); pw.print("\n"); printFooter(pw); pw.close(); stmt.close(); conn.close(); // run monthly report fileMonth = setMonthlyFile(outpath, yearYesterday, monthYesterday); printMonthly(dayYesterday, totalAccess, totalError, printTotPercent); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Read monthly file and write HTML output * * @param dayYesterday Yesterday's date. * @param totalAccess Number of system accesses yesterday. * @param totalError Number of errors yesterday. * @param printTotPercent Formatted total percent. */ private static void printMonthly (int dayYesterday, int totalAccess, int totalError, String printTotPercent) throws Exception { File f = new File(fileMonth); FileReader frMonth = new FileReader(f); BufferedReader brMonth = new BufferedReader(frMonth); // get existing file and load into linklist, // filtering out the closing HTML tags. LinkedList ll = new LinkedList(); String checkEnd = ""; String nextLine = brMonth.readLine(); while (nextLine.indexOf(checkEnd) < 0) { ll.addLast(nextLine); nextLine = brMonth.readLine(); } brMonth.close(); // write new data on next line String row = tableRow(dayYesterday, totalAccess, totalError, printTotPercent); ll.addLast(row); FileWriter fwMonth = new FileWriter(fileMonth); PrintWriter pwMonth = new PrintWriter(fwMonth); // print LinkedList and tally totals for access and errors ListIterator iter = ll.listIterator(0); String outLine = ""; int accTot = 0; int errTot = 0; float pctTot = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { // keep existing line to compare String prevLine = outLine; outLine = + "\n"; // don't reprint line if run twice in same day or if is Total line if ( !(outLine.equals(prevLine) || outLine.matches("Total"))) { pwMonth.print(outLine); int [] tots = parseRow(outLine); accTot = accTot + tots[0]; errTot = errTot + tots[1]; // System.out.println("accTot = " + accTot); // System.out.println("errTot = " + errTot); } if (accTot == 0) { pctTot = 0; } else { pctTot = (float) errTot / (float) accTot * 100; } } // print Total row. String printPct = df.format(pctTot); // System.out.println("pctTot = " + pctTot); // System.out.println("printPct = " + printPct); String totLine = tableRow(0, accTot, errTot, printPct); totLine = totLine.replaceFirst("0", "Totals"); pwMonth.print(totLine); // print footer back. printFooter(pwMonth); pwMonth.close(); } /** * Parse out values from access row. * * @param outLine A row from Monthly Report table. * * @return Access and error values from row. */ private static int[] parseRow(String outLine) { int begTag = outLine.indexOf(""); String [] tdFrag = null; tdFrag = outLine.split(""); int acc = 0; int err = 0; // System.out.println("outLine = \n" + outLine); if ( begTag == -1 ) { // not a data row. } else { String [] accGrab = null; accGrab = tdFrag[2].split(""); String access = accGrab[0]; String [] errGrab = null; errGrab = tdFrag[3].split(""); String errors = errGrab[0]; acc = Integer.parseInt(access); err = Integer.parseInt(errors); } int [] outval = new int[2]; outval[0] = acc; outval[1] = err; return(outval); } /** * Writes HTML row for four-column table. * * @param index First column (day or hour). * @param access Number of system accesses yesterday. * @param error Number of errors yesterday. * @param totPercent Formatted total percent. * * @return HTML row for a table. */ private static String tableRow(int index, int access, int error, String totPercent) { String newDataLine; newDataLine = "" + index + " " + "" + access + " " + "" + error + " " + "" + totPercent + " "; return(newDataLine); } }