/* growNet - Grow network of associaters and classifiers. */ #include "common.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "hash.h" #include "memalloc.h" #include "options.h" #include "dlist.h" #include "obscure.h" static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: compressBin2,v 1.1 2004/11/13 23:39:58 kent Exp $"; void usage() /* Explain usage and exit. */ ---------------------------------------------------- /* growNet - Grow network of associaters and classifiers. */ '/' '*' 101 /* ' ' 'g' 102 g 'r' 'o' 103 ro 'w' 'N' 104 wN 'e' 't' 105 et ' ' '-' 106 - ' ' 'G' 107 G 103 'w' 108 row ' ' 'n' 109 n 105 'w' 10A etw 'o' 'r' 10B or 'k' ' ' 10C k 'o' 'f' 10D of ' ' 'a' 10E a 's' 's' 10F ss 'o' 'c' 110 oc 'i' 'a' 111 ia 't' 'e' 112 te 'r' 's' 113 rs 10E 'n' 114 an 'd' ' ' 115 d 'c' 'l' 116 cl 'a' 's' 117 as 's' 'i' 118 si 'f' 'i' 119 fi 'e' 'r' 11A er 's' '.' 120 s. ' ' '*' 121 * '/' '$' 122 /$ #include "common.h" '#' 'i' 123 $i 'n' 'c' 124 nc 'l' 'u' 125 lu 'd' 'e' 126 de ' ' '"' 127 " 'c' 'o' 128 co 'm' 'm' 129 mm 'o' 'n' 12A on '.' 'h' 12B .h '"' '$' 12C "$ #include "linefile.h" 123 124 12D #inc 125 126 12E lude 127 'l' 12F "l 'i' 'n' 130 in 'e' 'f' 131 ef 'i' 'l' 132 il 'e' '.' 133 e. 'h' '"' 134 h" #include "hash.h" '$' '#' 135 $# 130 116 136 incl 'u' 'd' 137 ud 'e' ' ' 138 e '"' 'h' 139 "h 117 'h' 13A ash 12B 12C 13B .h"$ #include "memalloc.h" 12D 12E 13C #include 127 'm' 13D "m 'e' 'm' 13E em 'a' 'l' 13F al 'l' 'o' 140 lo 'c' '.' 141 c. 134 135 142 h"$# #include "options.h" 136 137 143 includ 138 '"' 144 e " 'o' 'p' 145 op 't' 'i' 146 ti 128 120 147 ons. 142 143 148 h"$#includ #include "dlist.h" 144 'd' 149 e "d 'l' 'i' 14A li 's' 't' 14B st 13B 13C 14C .h"$#include #include "obscure.h" 127 'o' 14D "o 'b' 's' 14E bs 'c' 'u' 14F cu 'r' 'e' 150 re 13B '$' 151 .h"$$ static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: compressBin2,v 1.1 2004/11/13 23:39:58 kent Exp $"; 14B 'a' 152 sta 146 'c' 153 tic ' ' 'c' 154 c 'h' 'a' 155 ha 'r' ' ' 156 r 154 128 157 con 14B ' ' 158 st 'r' 'c' 159 rc 118 'd' 15A sid '[' ']' 15B [] ' ' '=' 15C = 127 '$' 15D "$ 'I' 'd' 15E Id ':' ' ' 15F : 'g' 'r' 160 gr 'o' 'w' 161 ow 'N' 'e' 162 Ne 't' '.' 163 t. 'c' ',' 165 c, 'v' ' ' 166 v ' ' '1' 167 1 '.' '5' 168 .5 ' ' '2' 169 2 '0' '0' 16A 00 '4' '/' 16B 4/ '1' '1' 16C 11 '/' '1' 16D /1 '3' ' ' 16E 3 '0' '5' 16F 05 ':' '3' 170 :3 '1' ':' 171 1: '2' '5' 172 25 ' ' 'k' 173 k 'e' 'n' 174 en 't' ' ' 175 t 'E' 'x' 176 Ex 'p' ' ' 177 p '$' '"' 178 $" ';' '$' 179 ;$ void usage() '$' 'v' 180 $v 'o' 'i' 181 oi 115 'u' 182 d u 's' 'a' 183 sa 'g' 'e' 184 ge '(' ')' 185 () /* Explain usage and exit. */ '$' '/' 186 $/ '*' ' ' 187 * 176 'p' 188 Exp 'l' 'a' 187 la 130 ' ' 188 in 'u' 's' 189 us 'a' 'g' 190 ag 138 'a' 191 e a 'n' 'd' 192 nd 'e' 'x' 193 ex 'i' 't' 194 it '.' ' ' 195 . '*' '/' 196 */