/* growNet - Grow network of associaters and classifiers. */ #include "common.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "hash.h" #include "memalloc.h" #include "options.h" #include "dlist.h" #include "obscure.h" static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: compressG3,v 1.1 2004/11/13 23:39:58 kent Exp $"; void usage() /* Explain usage and exit. */ ---------------------------------------------------- /* growNet - Grow network of associaters and classifiers. */ '/' '*' 101 /* ' ' 'g' 102 * 103 g 'r' 'o' 104 gr 105 ro 'w' 'N' 106 ow 107 wN 'e' 't' 108 Ne 109 et ' ' '-' 110 t 111 - ' ' 'G' 112 - 113 G 105 'w' 114 Gro 115 row ' ' 'n' 116 w 117 n 109 'w' 118 net 119 etw 'o' 'r' 120 wo 121 or 'k' ' ' 122 rk 123 k 'o' 'f' 124 o 125 of ' ' 'a' 126 f 127 a 's' 's' 128 as 129 ss 'o' 'c' 130 so 131 oc 'i' 'a' 132 ci 133 ia 't' 'e' 134 at 135 te 'r' 's' 136 er 137 rs 127 'n' 138 s a 139 an 'd' ' ' 140 nd 141 d 'c' 'l' 142 c 143 cl 128 's' 144 las 145 ass 'i' 'f' 146 si 147 if 'i' 'e' 148 fi 149 ie 137 '.' 150 ers 151 rs. ' ' '*' 152 . 153 * '/' '$' 154 */ 155 /$ #include "common.h" '#' 'i' 156 $# 157 #i 'n' 'c' 158 in 159 nc 'l' 'u' 160 cl 161 lu 'd' 'e' 162 ud 163 de ' ' '"' 165 e 166 " 'c' 'o' 167 "c 168 co 'm' 'm' 169 om 170 mm 'o' 'n' 171 mo 172 on '.' 'h' 173 n. 174 .h '"' 156 175 h" 176 "$# #include "linefile.h" 158 160 177 $#in 178 incl 162 164 179 clud 180 ude '"' 'l' 181 d " 182 "l 158 'e' 183 lin 184 ine 148 'l' 185 efi 186 fil 'e' 174 187 le 188 e.h #include "hash.h" 176 178 189 .h"$# 190 "$#incl 180 '"' 191 include 192 ude " 'h' 128 193 "h 194 has 'h' '.' 195 ash 196 h. 175 177 197 .h" 198 h"$#in #include "memalloc.h" 179 165 199 $#includ 200 clude '"' 'm' 201 e " 202 "m 'e' 'm' 203 me 204 em 'a' 'l' 205 ma 206 al 'l' 'o' 207 ll 208 lo 'c' '.' 209 oc 210 c. 198 200 211 .h"$#in 212 h"$#include #include "options.h" '"' 'o' 213 clude " 214 "o 'p' 't' 215 op 216 pt 'i' 171 217 ti 218 ion 's' 211 219 ons 220 s.h"$#in 213 'd' 221 .h"$#include " 222 clude "d 'l' 'i' 223 di 224 li 's' 't' 225 is 226 st 221 'o' 227 t.h$#include " 228 .h$include "o 'b' 's' 229 ob 230 bs 'c' 'u' 231 sc 232 cu 'r' 188 233 ur 234 re.h '"' '$' 235 e.h" 236 "$ '$' 226 237 $$ 238 $st static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: compressG3,v 1.1 2004/11/13 23:39:58 kent Exp $"; 134 'i' 239 stat 240 ati 'c' 142 241 ic 242 c c 'h' 'a' 243 ch 244 ha 'r' 142 245 ar 246 r c 218 110 247 cons 248 onst 'r' 'c' 249 t r 250 rc 146 'd' 251 csi 252 sid '[' ']' 253 id[ 254 [] 166 '$' 257 = " 258 "$ 'I' 'd' 259 $i 260 Id ':' 102 261 d: 262 : g 115 (row) 108 (Ne) 263 grow 264 rowNe 't' '.' 265 Net 266 t. 'c' ',' 267 .c 268 c, 'v' ' ' 269 ,v 270 v '1' '.' 271 1 272 1. '5' ' ' 273 .5 274 5 '2' '0' 275 2 276 20 '0' '4' 277 00 278 04 '/' '1' 279 5/ 280 /1 '1' 280 281 11 282 1/1 '3' ' ' 283 /13 284 3 '0' '5' 285 0 286 05 ':' '3' 287 5: 288 :3 '1' ':' 289 31 290 1: '2' '5' 291 :2 292 25 ' ' 'k' 293 5 294 k 'e' 'n' 295 ke 296 en 110 'E' 297 nt 298 t E 'x' 'p' 299 Ex 300 xp ' ' '$' 301 p 302 $ '"' ';' 303 $" 304 "; void usage() 225 'v' 305 ;$$ 306 $$v 'o' 'i' 307 vo 308 oi 141 'u' 309 id 310 d u 's' 'a' 311 us 312 sa 'g' 'e' 313 ag 314 ge '(' ')' 315 e( 316 () /* Explain usage and exit. */ '$' 101 317 )$ 318 $/* ' ' 'E' 319 /* 320 E 300 xp 'l' 321 Exp 322 xpl 'a' 158 323 la 324 ain ' ' 'u' 325 in 326 u 312 314 327 usa 328 sage 139 141 329 ge an 330 and 'e' 'x' 331 d e 332 ex 'i' 266 (t.) 333 xi 334 it. 153 155 335 t. * 336 */$