/* File: dict.c * Author: Richard Durbin and Jean Thierry-Mieg (rd@sanger.ac.uk) * Copyright (C) J Thierry-Mieg and R Durbin, 1995 * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Acedb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of the ACEDB genome database package, written by * Richard Durbin (MRC LMB, UK) rd@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk, and * Jean Thierry-Mieg (CRBM du CNRS, France) mieg@kaa.cnrs-mop.fr * * Description: * Exported functions: * HISTORY: DICT library was rewritten nov 2002 to ensure that the char* returned by dictName are valid untill the whole dict is destroyed. i.e. they are never reallocated even if you keep adding names foreever and dictRemove was added * Last edited: Dec 4 14:50 2002 (mieg) * Created: Tue Jan 17 17:33:44 1995 (rd) *------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* $Id: dict.c,v 1.1 2006/03/08 10:06:04 mieg Exp $ */ #include "regular.h" /* every thing here is private */ static char *DICT_MAGIC = "dict-magic" ; typedef struct { unsigned curr ; int pos, free, max ; char *base ; } DVOC ; typedef struct dict_struct { BOOL caseSensitive ; /* default FALSE, public */ int dim ; /* dimension of the hash table, has to be a power of 2 */ int max ; /* 2 to the dict->dim */ int count ; /* number of active names in the dict */ int nVoc ; /* current dVoc */ int newPos ; /* moving index in the hash table */ char *magic ; Array table ; /* hash table */ Array keys ; /* ofsets in the set of vocs */ Array dVocs ; /* array of DVOC */ STORE_HANDLE handle ; } DICT_STRUCT ; #include "dict.h" typedef DICT _DICT ; /* The names are stored incrementally in large buffers, dVoc->buff, which are never reallocated, so that the pointers returned by dictName remain valid until the dict is destroyed. The key is as usual in acedb a composite 1 byte for the dVoc number 3 bytes for the offsett in dVoc->buff. In reality we divide by 8 the offset since we align the names on 64 bit boundaries. The table is a double hashing hash table, its dimension is a power of 2 so it is prime with the delta hash value which is always odd. In this way the orbit (first hash value modulo delta covers the whole table). The first 0 found during the travle indicates that the name is absent in the hash table. The first negative value indicates a spot than has been freed and can be reused, but does not stop the bouncing search . We retrieve a name by direct dereferencing. We recognize a name by hash search. */ #define DEBUG_MODE #ifndef DEBUG_MODE /* optimised mode */ /* these 2 private complex macros are useful to accelerate the hashing code */ /* whereas the public interface always checks the range of the parameters */ #define dictKey2Name(_dict,_k) ((arrp (_dict->dVocs, ((k >> 24) & 0x000000ff) - 1, DVOC))->base + ((0x00ffffff & (_k)) << 3)) #define dictIndex2Name(_dict_i) (dictKey2Name(_dict,arr(-dict->keys,_i,KEY))) #else /* debugging mode */ static const char *dictKey2Name (_DICT *dict, KEY k) { int nVoc = ((k >> 24) & 0x000000ff) - 1 ; int pos = (0x00ffffff & k) << 3 ; DVOC *dVoc ; if (nVoc < 0 || nVoc >= arrayMax (dict->dVocs)) messcrash ("uDictKey2Name bad nVoc = %d", nVoc) ; dVoc = arrp (dict->dVocs, nVoc, DVOC) ; if (pos >= dVoc->curr) messcrash ("uDictKey2Name bad pos = %d >= curr = %d", pos, dVoc->curr) ; return dVoc->base + pos ; } static const char *dictIndex2Name (_DICT *dict, int ii) { KEY key ; if (ii < 0 || ii >= arrayMax (dict->keys)) messcrash ("uDictIndex2Name") ; key = arr(dict->keys, ii, KEY) ; return dictKey2Name (dict, key) ; } #endif /* DEBUG_MODE */ /************* standard utility from Jean *************/ #define SIZEOFINT (8 * sizeof (int)) static int dictHash (const char *cp, int n, BOOL isDiff) { register int i ; register unsigned int j, x = 0 ; register int rotate = isDiff ? 21 : 13 ; register int leftover = SIZEOFINT - rotate ; while (*cp) x = freeupper (*cp++) ^ (( x >> leftover) | (x << rotate)) ; /* compress down to n bits */ for (j = x, i = n ; i < SIZEOFINT ; i += n) j ^= (x >> i) ; j &= (1 << n) - 1 ; if (isDiff) /* return odd number */ j |= 1 ; return j ; } /* dictHash */ /****************************************************************************/ static void dictReHash (_DICT *dict, int newDim) { int ii ; KEY *kp ; if (newDim <= dict->dim) return ; dict->dim = newDim ; dict->max = 1 << newDim ; /* remake the table */ arrayDestroy (dict->table) ; dict->table = arrayHandleCreate (dict->max, int, dict->handle) ; array (dict->table, dict->max-1, int) = 0 ; /* set arrayMax */ /* reinsert all the names */ for (ii = 1, kp = arrp(dict->keys, ii, KEY) ; ii < arrayMax(dict->keys) ; ii++, kp++) { dictFind (dict, dictKey2Name (dict, *kp), 0) ; /* will fail, but sets dict->newPos */ arr(dict->table, dict->newPos, int) = ii ; } } /* dictReHash */ /****************************************************************************/ static DVOC *dictAddVoc (_DICT *dict, int s) { DVOC *dVoc ; int n1 = 0 ; dVoc = arrayp (dict->dVocs, dict->nVoc, DVOC) ; if (dict->nVoc > 0) n1 = 2 * (dVoc - 1)->max ; if (n1 < 8 * s) n1 = 8 * s ; dVoc->base = (char *) halloc (n1, dict->handle) ; /* never realloc */ dVoc->curr = 0 ; dVoc->max = n1 ; dVoc->free = n1 ; dict->nVoc++ ; return dVoc ; } /* dictAddVoc */ void uDictDestroy (_DICT *dict) { if (dict && dict->magic == DICT_MAGIC) { /* we need 2 lines, because otherwise messfree sets (freed) dict->handle=0 */ STORE_HANDLE handle = dict->handle ; messfree (handle) ; } } /****************************************************************************/ _DICT *dictHandleCreate (int size, STORE_HANDLE handle) { STORE_HANDLE h = handleHandleCreate (handle) ; _DICT *dict = (_DICT*) halloc (sizeof (_DICT), h) ; dict->handle = h ; dict->magic = DICT_MAGIC ; dict->caseSensitive = FALSE ; dict->count = 0 ; for (dict->dim = 6, dict->max = 64 ; dict->max < size ; ++dict->dim, dict->max *= 2) ; dict->table = arrayHandleCreate (dict->max, int, dict->handle) ; array (dict->table, dict->max-1, int) = 0 ; /* set arrayMax */ dict->dVocs = arrayHandleCreate (8, DVOC, dict->handle) ; dictAddVoc (dict, 8 * dict->max) ; dict->keys = arrayHandleCreate (dict->dim/4, KEY, dict->handle) ; array (dict->keys, 0, KEY) = 0 ; /* reserved for empty table entry */ return dict ; } /* dictHandleCreate */ _DICT *dictCreate (int size) { return dictHandleCreate (size, 0) ; } /* dictCreate */ _DICT *dictCaseSensitiveHandleCreate (int size, STORE_HANDLE handle) { _DICT *dict = dictHandleCreate (size, handle) ; dict->caseSensitive = TRUE ; return dict ; } /* dictCaseSensitiveHandleCreate */ /****************************************************************************/ BOOL dictFind (_DICT *dict, const char *s, int *ip) { register int ii, h, dh = 0 ; int (*mystrcmp)(const char *, const char *) = dict->caseSensitive ? strcmp : strcasecmp ; if (!dict || !s || !*s) return FALSE ; dict->newPos = 0 ; /* will become first reusable spot */ h = dictHash (s, dict->dim, FALSE) ; while (TRUE) { ii = arr (dict->table, h, KEY) ; if (!ii) /* empty slot, s is unknown */ { if (ip) *ip = ii - 1 ; if (dict->newPos == 0) dict->newPos = h ; return FALSE ; } else if (ii < 0) /* freed stop */ { if (dict->newPos == 0) dict->newPos = h ; continue ; } else if (!mystrcmp (s, dictIndex2Name(dict,ii))) { if (ip) *ip = ii - 1 ; dict->newPos = h ; return TRUE ; } if (!dh) dh = dictHash (s, dict->dim, TRUE) ; h += dh ; if (h >= dict->max) h -= dict->max ; } } /* dictFind */ /****************************************************************************/ BOOL dictRemove (_DICT *dict, const char *s) { int ii = 0 ; if (!dict || !s || !dictFind (dict, s, &ii)) /* word unkown */ return FALSE ; ii++ ; arr (dict->keys, ii, KEY) = 0 ; /* will not be rehashed */ arr (dict->table, dict->newPos, int) = -ii ; /* will be reusable */ dict->count-- ; return TRUE ; } /* dictRemove */ /****************************************************************************/ /* always fills ip, returns TRUE if added, FALSE if known */ BOOL dictAdd (_DICT *dict, const char *s, int *ip) { int ii = 0, len ; DVOC *dVoc ; if (!dict || !s) return FALSE ; if (dictFind (dict, s, &ii)) /* word already known */ { if (ip) *ip = ii ; return FALSE ; } ii++ ; if (ii < 0) ii = -ii ; /* reuse */ else ii = arrayMax(dict->keys) ; array (dict->table, dict->newPos, int) = ii ; dVoc = arrp (dict->dVocs, dict->nVoc - 1, DVOC) ; len = strlen (s) ; if (len + 1 >= dVoc->free) dVoc = dictAddVoc (dict, len) ; array (dict->keys, ii, KEY) = (0xff000000 & ((dict->nVoc)<<24)) | (0x00ffffff & (dVoc->curr)>>3) ; strcpy (dVoc->base + dVoc->curr, s) ; len++ ; /* count the terminal zero */ while (len%8) len++ ; /* adjust on word boundary */ dVoc->curr += len ; dVoc->free -= len ; dict->count++ ; if (arrayMax(dict->keys) > 0.4 * dict->max) dictReHash (dict, dict->dim+1) ; if (ip) *ip = ii - 1 ; return TRUE ; } /* dictAdd */ /********************** utilities ***********************/ /* dictName returns a pointer that never gets reallocated */ const char *dictName (_DICT *dict, int ii) { KEY key ; if (ii < 0 || ii + 1 >= arrayMax(dict->keys)) { messcrash ("Call to dictName() out of bounds: %d not in [0,%d] ", ii, dictMax(dict) - 1) ; return "(Dict error, NULL NAME)" ; } key = arr (dict->keys, ii + 1, KEY) ; return dictKey2Name(dict, key) ; } /* dictName */ int dictCount (_DICT *dict) { return dict->count ; /* number of active names */ } /* dictMax */ int dictMax (_DICT *dict) /* max to be used if looping on all entries */ { return arrayMax(dict->keys) - 1 ; /* 0 == reserved pseudo key */ } /* dictMax */ /******************** end of file **********************/ /****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/