/* gnuMac - Stuff concerned especially with code generation for * the Gnu Mac pentium assembler . */ #ifndef GNUMAC_H #define GNUMAC_H #ifndef ISX_H #include "isx.h" #endif #ifndef ASMCODER_H #include "asmCoder.h" #endif void gnuMacModulePreamble(FILE *f); /* Print out various incantations needed at start of every * source file for working on Mac OS X on Pentiums, or at * least on my mini. Also print initialized vars. */ void gnuMacModulePostscript(FILE *f); /* Print out various incantations needed at end of every * source file for working on Mac OS X on Pentiums, or at * least on my mini. Also print uninitialized vars. */ void gnuMacMainStart(FILE *f); /* Declare main function start. */ void gnuMacMainEnd(FILE *f); /* Declare main function end. */ void gnuMacModuleVars(struct dlList *iList, FILE *f); /* Print out info on module level variables. */ void gnuMacFunkyThunky(FILE *f); /* Do that call to the funky get thunk thingie * that Mac does to make the code more relocatable * at the expense of burning the ebx register and * adding overhead to every single d*ng subroutine * almost! */ struct asmCoder *gnuMacPentiumAsmCoder(); /* Get coder for pentium running on mac. */ #endif /* GNUMAC_H */