class point { int x,y; } class twoPoint { point a,b; } class pt2 { float x,y; } class pt3 { float x,y; int z; } class composite { string name; pt2 twoDee; pt3 threeDee; } pt2 a2 = (1,2), b2 = (3,4), c2 = (5,6); pt3 a3 = (1,2,3), b3 = (4,5,6), c3 = (7,8,9); composite allRef = ("allRef", a2, a3); composite leftRef = ("leftRef", b2, (10,11,12)); composite rightRef = ("rightRef", (10,11), b3); composite noRef = ("noRef", (20,21), (20,21,22)); prin("allRef: "); print(allRef); prin("leftRef: "); print(leftRef); prin("rightRef: "); print(rightRef); prin("noRef: "); print(noRef); twoPoint p2 = ((1,2),(3,4)); print(p2); array of point ptArray = ((1,2),(3,4),(5,6)); print(ptArray); array of array of string stringArray = (("hi", "bye"),("This", "is", "a", "test")); print(stringArray); point p12 = (1,2); point p23 = (2,3); array of point ptArray2 = (p12,p23); print(ptArray2); array of string names = ("Jack", "Mary", "Martha", "Joe"); print(names);