/* pfStruct - declaration of structures used by ParaFlow compiler */ #ifndef PFSTRUCT #define PFSTRUCT struct pfCompile; /* Represents compiler as a whole. */ struct pfModule; /* A single ParaFlow module. */ struct pfParse; /* A node in the parse tree */ struct pfBaseType; /* Information on a single type */ struct pfType; /* Type info, may be array of dir of ... of baseType */ struct pfScope; /* A name space for variables. */ struct pfVar; /* A single variable. */ struct pfToken; /* A tokenized string from a ParaFlow source file. */ struct pfBackEnd; /* Interface to code generator. */ struct backEndString; /* Back end string representation. */ struct ctar; /* This keeps track of function vars. */ struct hash; /* A hash table. */ struct dyString; /* Dynamically sized string */ #endif /* PFSTRUCT */