TO DO: - Make other para actions use p-threads. - Make exceptions work with p-threads. - Make it so that flows with local inputs can't be called directly from a para block. - It turns out we need three levels of parallelizability for methods: 1) flow - no side effects even to members. 2) ?? - side effects on members only. 3) to - general side effects. What to name #2? I'm tempted to make it 1) flow 2) to - side effects on members only 3) clob - general side effects (clobbering time) Hmm. Actually I'm not so wild about that. How about 1) flow 2) para 3) to - ?Create 'serial' function - that is gauranteed only to be executed by one thread at a time. Can be called from a flow. - Implement lists. - Implementing trees. - Rework code generator so that a type is kept alongside the data on the expression stack. - ?Prevent memory leakage in expressions that don't get assigned to anything (including function calls). - Prevent memory leak when casting string or object to bit. TO CONSIDER: - Rip out reference counting. Put in "coalesce and copy on return" style memory management that makes heavy use of stack. ----------- DONE - Make para do actions use p-threads. - Defining exceptions, and implementing exception chaining. - Implement case statement. - Add 'loco' parameter types to flow functions. These reference local objects in the caller, so it's ok to return references to them. - Check that can call a function taking an object with a tuple and that it all works ok. [Nope, it doesn't...] Fixing this. - Add "new" keyword, and use it for dynamically creating things in calls to functions and assigns to objects of parent type. - ?Read-only and private variables. Make it so that is only legal way to make something with private or read-only var. - Allow paths in includes and imports. Make it so that the names are quoted. - Add "import module [as xxx] statement, and then let you use things from the module as xxx.callFunc(), xxx.useVar, xxx.type var1,var2. Etc. - Add word use analyser and xml parser to docs. - Make strings immutable. Implement a mutable dyString class. - Beefing up string class. - Adding htmlFetch library. - More file i/o. - Let people access keys as well as values in a for or para ... do. Syntax would be for (key:val in collection) print("$key $val"); - Allow variable substitutions in constant strings. Things like print("Hello $name, are you $(verb)ing now?"); - Way to call parent methods in an object. (An automatically declared parent variable to go with the automatically declared self variable.) - Test exceptions in classes. (Make sure they don't free up self!). - Exceptions. - Make it for (el in collection) rather than foreach (el in collection). Distinguish from for ( ;; ) by presence of 'in'? - Make it so don't need trailing ';' before a '}' - Adding named parameters. - optional init() method. - Do a sort function (need function pointer?) - Function pointers. - Interfaces. - implement para actions argmin and argmax. - implement dimensioning of multi-dimensional arrays as in: array[8] of array[8] of square checkerboard; - Implement 1 to 8 notation (here specifying numbers between 1 and 8, not including 8). - Implement ++ and maybe -- (as a statement, not an expression). - In para do, allow writing to element, which will be kept. As in array[8] of int a = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) para (i in a) do i = i*i print(a) > (1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64) - Implement array.append pseudo-method. - Eliminate need for type in constructs like (type element in collection) - Implement "para into" statement. Actually did this as para (el in collection) action. - Doing parallel checking for para and flow statements. - blessPara - Makes sure that there are no writes outside of local variables and i/o pameters, either direct or indirect. - blessFlow - Make sure there are no reads or writes outside of local variables and input/output parameters. -------work in 2005------- - Reconsider where reference counting is done. In particular what if instead of bumping the refcount when it goes on the expression stack, have system where strings and objects are created with a ref-count of zero, and assignment bumps the ref-count, and objects are de-ref-counted when they are removed from the stack (which for local variables occurs when they go out of scope). I played around with this for a couple of hours. It seemed to actually improve the code little if any, and since there were still a few bugs to fix with the reimplementation I backed out the change. - Changing it so that a pf_ is prepended to all global symbols created by paraFlow to avoid name conflicts with the C libraries. - Make it so don't need 'self' to reference class members and methods inside a method of same class. - Make single quotes mean literal ascii character values. - make tuple.pfh work right (variables not right). - Test default initializations across modules. - Make classes declared in another module work. - make pfh file include closing paren in : to fibonacci ( int iterations ) into ( long f; to factorial ( int n ) into ( float f; - Make testProg/broken/ work. - Working on multiple modules. - Getting raw keyboard input. - Rename f.print and f.scan to something else. read/write? readVar/writeVar? put/get? - Allow nil as a value for initializing and objects. - Allowing print to go to file. - Adding scan (to go with print). - Making print not die on circular links. - Allowing static variables inside of a function. - Adding default parameters to class initialization. - Adding default parameters to function calls. - Fix bug where this construct doesn't work: class keyVal { int key; string val; } keyVal kv = (1, "one"); kv.val.upper(); but string s = "hello"; s.upper() does work. - Implement += for strings and arrays. - Make array of var work. - Make sure that assigning a typed variable from a var variable does the right thing. - Get the quote to markers to work. - Make foreach where the collection is a member variable work. - Decided against letting assignments return a value, since the foreach var in funcCall() removes most of the need. - Make foreach result in funcCall work. - make L work in numerical constants, - Make it ok to have extra trailing comma in an initialization before a ). - Making virtual functions happen. - Yank out constant type optimization in pfType, particularly in coerceType routine. - Sort the _pf_base_info table before writing it. - Make it so that during runtime the typeId's of subparts of collected ID's are filled in. Currently they are often zero, which results in memory leakage when freeing arrays of objects. This might be best accomplished by some sort of transitive closure either when the compiler writes out the type table, or when the runtime reads it in. - Put command line arguments into an array of strings the user can access. Maybe commandLine[] or args[]? - Make foreach work on dirs. - Implementing dir objects. Consider another name. - Allow classes to be made without initialization. Perhaps () will create an instance that's filled with zero. - Implementing the rest of inheritance. - Making it so can allocate an array separate from initializing it. - Making it convenient to add library functions and classes. Put in some way to do file i/o. get to work on stuff like: (int x, int y) = unitCircle(3) Test against all easy and oneFile test cases. Add use of elements of array/tree/dir. Implement proper strings, and allow strings to be added together. Consider allowing strings to be added to number with the result being a string. Code generator: Get started. o - Make pptIndex work on arrays. o - Put in cleanup of objects. x - Inc ref count when put var on stack. x - Dec ref count when leave scope. x - Dec ref count of old value when var reassigned. o - Make array and structure assignments (as opposed to initializations) from tuples work. o - Make pptDot work on classes. o - put out code for methods. Type system: Integrate pfSingleTypes into type system. Write out subset of types that can be used during run time. Runtime system: o - Implement _pf_xxx_array_from_tuple. o - Change pfStack type to _pf_stack and otherwise restrict run-time name space to things that start _pf_. o - Put in cleanup of objects. o - Figure out alignment system that C is using in structures at during initialization phase, and then store this in the base type table. - Somehow allow both ((1,2),(3,4)) and (pt1, pt2) initializations in _pf_class_from_tuple. (Currently it does (pt1,pt2) which is safe in case where the underlying structure contains a self reference, as a linked-list node will. It used to do ((1,2),(3,4)) which was nicer in some senses. In other senses really want to even do ((1,2),pt2). Currently these are all flattened by the time pf_class_from_tuple gets to them. Perhaps resolve by passing a string describing this to _pf_class_from_tuple. It could be as so: ((1,2),(3,4)) -> ((xx)(xx)) (pt1,pt2) -> (xx) ((1,2),pt2) -> ((xx)x) (pt1,(1,2)) -> (x(xx)) I wonder if this raises deeper issues about printing though. Since reciprocal references are handy, need some way to break the print function out of loops. Need some method of expressing that a structure has already been seen. How about labeling each node in the induced parse tree : ((12)(34)) ABCD EFG that is each paren or number gets a label. Then when you're pointing back to some data already seen you put in the label instead of the value. A singly-linked list of 4 elements might look like so: (x(x(x(x0))) 1 2 3 4 ABCDEFGHI And a circular list of 4 as so: (x(x(x(xy))) 1 2 3 A ABCDEFGHI - Get (xx(xx)(xxx)) type tuple heirarchy definitions to work with arrays as well as classes. UCSC Vacation Days for Working on ParaFlow Feb 2, 2006 Feb 6, 2006 Feb 7, 2006 Feb 10, 2006 Feb 13, 2006 Feb 14, 2006 Feb 15, 2006 Feb 16, 2006 Feb 17, 2006 Feb 22, 2006 Feb 24, 2006 Feb 27, 2006 March 1, 2006 Empire of Debt.