Here are the reserved words in ParaFlow. Reserved words can't be used as variable, class, or function names. break - breaks out of a loop case - do one of a number of things depending on the value of an expression. Serves same purpose as C switch, but syntax is cleaner. catch - catch an error. See also try. Note use punt instead of throw to raise an error, but this is just a function, not a reserved word. class - definition of object type continue - skips to next iteration of loop else - execute following statement when if condition false or at end of case extends - specifies class heirarchy flow - data flow function definition for - loop - either for (el in collection) or for (;;) like C. if - execute following statement if condition is true in - used in para and foreach constructs. "foreach (el in collection)" into - defines output, used in invocation of para functions include - include a file nil - indicates a variable not associated with a string or object. of - connects collection type to element type para - parallelizable function definition and invocation polymorphic - indicates that a class method can be overridden return - exit from a function static - makes local variable persist between calls to a function. to - start of function definition. Links keys to values for dirs. try - surrounds a block of code that might encounter an error. while - loop as long as condition is true Some other words being considered to add to this list: enum C-style enumerated valeus. import Possibly use instead of 'into' private Denies use outside of defining module or class. readonly Write access denied even inside defining module/class. constant Write access denied even inside defining module/class. struct Perhaps for simple aggregates with no reference counting or methods. use Possibly use instead of 'into' writable Writable outside of defining module or class. Implies readable.