/* blatz server main routine. */ #include "common.h" #include "options.h" #include "errabort.h" #include "memalloc.h" #include "dnautil.h" #include "dnaseq.h" #include "chain.h" #include "obscure.h" #include "fa.h" #include "dnaLoad.h" #include "log.h" #include "net.h" #include "portable.h" #include "bzp.h" #include "blatz.h" #include int port = bzpDefaultPort; int cpuCount = 2; char *host = "localhost"; unsigned char subnet[4] = {255,255,255,255}; void usage() /* Explain usage and exit. */ { struct bzp *bzp = bzpDefault(); printf("blatzServer version %d - Set up in-memory server for\n", bzpVersion()); printf("cross-species DNA alignments\n"); printf("usage:\n"); printf(" blatzServer start file(s)\n"); printf("Starts up server. Files are either fasta files, nib files, 2bit files\n"); printf("or text files containing the names of the above files one per line.\n"); printf("It's important that the sequence be repeat masked with repeats in\n"); printf("lower case.\n"); printf("Options: (defaults are shown for numerical parameters)\n"); bzpServerOptionsHelp(bzp); bzpClientOptionsHelp(bzp); printf(" -debug Writes diagnostic output to console and no daemon fork\n"); printf(" -subnet= Restrict access to subnet\n"); printf(" -port=%d Use specified TCP/IP port\n", bzpDefaultPort); printf(" -host=%s Query specified host\n", host); printf(" -cpu=%d Use specified number of CPUs (processes)\n", cpuCount); printf("Other uses:\n"); printf(" blatzServer stop\n"); printf(" this terminates server\n"); printf(" blatzServer status\n"); printf(" this prints status info including version\n"); noWarnAbort(); } static struct optionSpec options[] = { BZP_SERVER_OPTIONS BZP_CLIENT_OPTIONS {"debug", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"subnet", OPTION_STRING}, {"host", OPTION_STRING}, {"port", OPTION_INT}, {"cpu", OPTION_INT}, {NULL, 0}, }; int goodQueryCount = 0; int badQueryCount = 0; int crashCount = 0; int cpusUsed = 0; void truncatedQuery(int where) /* Log truncated message and bump counter. */ { errAbort("truncated query %d", where); } void queryResponse(int sd, struct bzp *bzp, struct blatzIndex *indexList) /* Respond to query message - read options and dna from socket, * and do alignment. */ { struct bzp lbzp = *bzp; struct dnaSeq *seq = NULL; char buf[256], *line, *word; char *out = NULL, *mafT = NULL, *mafQ = NULL; /* First get options - overriding what got set at startup. */ for (;;) { if ((line = netGetString(sd, buf)) == NULL) { truncatedQuery(1); return; } word = nextWord(&line); line = skipLeadingSpaces(line); if (sameString(word, "seq")) break; else if (sameString(word, "rna")) lbzp.rna = TRUE; else if (sameString(word, "minScore")) lbzp.minScore = atoi(line); else if (sameString(word, "minGapless")) lbzp.minGapless = atoi(line); else if (sameString(word, "multiHits")) lbzp.multiHits = atoi(line); else if (sameString(word, "minChain")) lbzp.minChain = atoi(line); else if (sameString(word, "maxExtend")) lbzp.maxExtend = atoi(line); else if (sameString(word, "maxBandGap")) lbzp.maxBandGap = atoi(line); else if (sameString(word, "minExpand")) lbzp.minExpand = atoi(line); else if (sameString(word, "expandWindow")) lbzp.expandWindow = atoi(line); else if (sameString(word, "out")) lbzp.out = out = cloneString(line); else if (sameString(word, "mafQ")) lbzp.mafQ = mafQ = cloneString(line); else if (sameString(word, "mafT")) lbzp.mafT = mafT = cloneString(line); } /* Get DNA into seq*/ { char *name = netGetString(sd, buf); char *dna; if (name == NULL) { truncatedQuery(2); return; } dna = netGetHugeString(sd); if (dna == NULL) { truncatedQuery(3); return; } AllocVar(seq); seq->dna = dna; seq->size = strlen(dna); seq->name = cloneString(name); bzpTime("Received %d bases in %s", seq->size, seq->name); if (lbzp.rna) maskTailPolyA(seq->dna, seq->size); } /* Create alignments into chainList and write results. */ { FILE *f = netFileFromSocket(sd); struct chain *chainList = blatzAlign(&lbzp, indexList, seq); blatzWriteChains(&lbzp, &chainList, seq, 0, seq->size, seq->size, indexList, f); bzpTime("sent result - %d chains", slCount(chainList)); carefulClose(&f); } dnaSeqFree(&seq); freez(&out); freez(&mafQ); freez(&mafT); } long long basesInIndexList(struct blatzIndex *indexList) /* Return number of bases in index list. */ { long long total = 0; struct blatzIndex *index; for (index = indexList; index != NULL; index = index->next) total += index->target->size; return total; } void statusResponse(int sd, struct bzp *bzp, struct blatzIndex *indexList) /* Respond to status message. */ { FILE *f = netFileFromSocket(sd); fprintf(f, "version: %d\n", bzpVersion()); fprintf(f, "indexed sequences: %d\n", slCount(indexList)); fprintf(f, "bases indexed: %lld\n", basesInIndexList(indexList)); fprintf(f, "weight: %d\n", bzp->weight); fprintf(f, "rna: %s\n", trueFalseString(bzp->rna)); fprintf(f, "minScore: %d\n", bzp->minScore); fprintf(f, "minGapless: %d\n", bzp->minGapless); fprintf(f, "multiHits: %d\n", bzp->multiHits); fprintf(f, "minChain: %d\n", bzp->minChain); fprintf(f, "maxExtend: %d\n", bzp->maxExtend); fprintf(f, "maxBandGap: %d\n", bzp->maxBandGap); fprintf(f, "minExpand: %d\n", bzp->minExpand); fprintf(f, "expandWindow: %d\n", bzp->expandWindow); fprintf(f, "out: %s\n", bzp->out); fprintf(f, "good queries: %d\n", goodQueryCount); fprintf(f, "bad queries: %d\n", badQueryCount); fprintf(f, "crashes: %d\n", crashCount); fprintf(f, "cpus used: %d\n", cpusUsed); carefulClose(&f); } void serviceLoop(int acceptor, struct bzp *bzp, struct blatzIndex *indexList) /* Wait for requests on acceptor socket. */ { for (;;) { int sd; char buf[256]; char *command; /* Wait for previous processes */ { int options = 0; int w, status; for (;;) { if (cpusUsed < cpuCount) options = WNOHANG; w = waitpid(-1, &status, options); if (w > 0) { --cpusUsed; if (!WIFEXITED(status)) ++crashCount; else if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) ++badQueryCount; else ++goodQueryCount; } else break; } } sd = netAcceptFrom(acceptor, subnet); bzpTime("Since last query"); command = netGetString(sd, buf); if (command != NULL) { verbose(2, "servicing %s\n", command); if (sameString(command, "stop")) break; else { int pid; ++cpusUsed; pid = mustFork(); if (pid == 0) { if (command != NULL) { if (sameString(command, "status")) statusResponse(sd, bzp, indexList); else if (sameString(command, "query")) queryResponse(sd, bzp, indexList); } exit(0); } } } close(sd); } } void serverStart(char *files[], int fileCount) /* Load DNA. Build up indexes, set up listing port, and fall into * accept loop. */ { struct blatzIndex *indexList = NULL; int i; int acceptor; struct bzp *bzp = bzpDefault(); /* Daemonize self. */ bzpSetOptions(bzp); /* Load up all sequences. */ for (i=0; iweight, bzp->unmask); indexList = slCat(indexList, oneList); dnaLoadClose(&dl); } bzpTime("Loaded and indexed %d sequences", slCount(indexList)); verbose(1, "Ready for queries\n"); /* Turn self into proper daemon. */ logDaemonize("blatzServer"); acceptor = netAcceptingSocket(port, 100); serviceLoop(acceptor, bzp, indexList); } void serverStop() /* Send stop message to server. */ { int sd = netMustConnect(host, port); netSendString(sd, "stop"); } void serverStatus() /* Send status message to server and print result. */ { int sd = netMustConnect(host, port); FILE *f; netSendString(sd, "status"); f = netFileFromSocket(sd); copyOpenFile(f, stdout); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Process command line. */ { char *command; bzpTime(NULL); dnaUtilOpen(); setMaxAlloc(2LL*1024LL*1024LL*1024LL); optionInit(&argc, argv, options); port = optionInt("port", port); host = optionVal("host", host); netParseSubnet(optionVal("subnet", NULL), subnet); cpuCount = optionInt("cpu", cpuCount); if (argc < 2) usage(); command = argv[1]; if (sameWord(command, "start")) { if (argc < 3) usage(); serverStart(argv+2, argc-2); } else if (sameWord(command, "stop")) { serverStop(); } else if (sameWord(command, "status")) { serverStatus(); } else usage(); return 0; }